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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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the center took control of the settlement of novaleksandrovka, and the division of the southern group took control of the settlement of spornoe. as a result of active operations, a unit of the southern group of troops liberated the settlement of spornaya of the donetsk people 's republic, improved the situation along the front line, and also defeated manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, thirtieth, ninety-third mechanized, fifty-sixth motorized infantry, forty-sixth airmobile, seventy-ninth. and air assault and 144 infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of vasyukovka, kalinino, chasov yar, kurdyumovka, elizavetovka, katerynivka and kurakhova of the donetsk people's republic. the attack of the assault group of the 214th battalion of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled; the enemy lost up to 450 military personnel, two tanks, three armored combat vehicles and four cars. the verdict was passed on two spies in the lugansk people's republic, residents of the region.
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transmitted information about the movements of russian army units to the ukrainian special services. agents of the kiev security forces were detained by fsb officers. svyatoslav dolgachev will tell you, why did the convicts commit the crime? this footage shows the arrest of spy yevgeny zazharsky. fsb officers handcuff the criminal in a few seconds. the investigation established that evgeniy had been working for the ukrainian special services since 2022.
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criminal code of the russian federation : espionage. the court agreed with the position of the state prosecutor and sentenced sytnik from ozharsky to 11 years in prison to be served in general and strict regime correctional colonies. the spies did not care about the deaths of civilians. now they say they realized they repent of their mistake, but an apology did not save them from criminal liability. the outcome of such crimes is always the same. imprisonment. svyatoslav dolgachev, ekaterina tehmanovich, vesti lugansk. passengers of the varkutanov train of russia. which derailed in
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koma, delivered to the final point of the route, was brought on vacation by a reserve train, the federal passenger company reported. the accident occurred last wednesday: three people were killed and dozens were injured. with details zinaida kurbatova. 4 hours 10 minutes in the morning, on an evacuation train arrived at the novorossiysk railway station, bringing passengers from the ill-fated train that crashed on the evening of june 26 near inta, a town in the komi republic. the embankment was damaged, the driver braked urgently, now people remember what they had to endure, they didn’t feel anything like that, the only thing that was applied was emergency braking, i understood that the crane had probably been torn off, so then later i came running the guy is all dirty, he lost his daughter, he says they haven’t seen him, no, they haven’t we saw, and, accordingly, the conductors are already there, the guys, they need help, the northerners are used to
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working in difficult conditions, they know how to remain calm, absolutely all the men from the train began to help the others evacuate, put tires on the victims, and many did it professionally, no panic, no looting , they got out and i sent this family into the carriages, which remained intact and it helped the others already, well, along with everyone there, because they came running from all the carriages . guides are taught how to behave in in case of an accident. mikhail amelchenko, before he began working as a guide, was a professional rescuer. in the first minutes after the crash, he began organizing evacuation work, giving tasks to men who were ready to help, but did not know what exactly to do. some passengers were in hard-to-reach places; we had to use physical force to open the jammed doors and pull them out. there was one.
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our carriage was in a moving state, that is , there was a long distance from the emergency exit to the ground, ropes were needed, i gave the task one passenger - to run for laundry, quickly tie ropes out of them, showed how to do it... it was established that three people were killed, injured, and this is about 50 people, they were taken to the inta hospital, seven passengers are in serious condition, they were brought to moscow a fourteen-year-old girl with multiple fractures, she is in the home for urgent pediatric trauma surgery, she will be provided with everything she needs. equipment and apparatus fell in a mountainous
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area. no one was hurt; the company's computer system went down after that. they promised to fix the defects. early elections to the lower house of parliament are being held in france. according to the azberkom of the fifth republic, by noon the turnout exceeded. 25%. the main struggle is taking place between three political blocs, each of which enjoys significant support from citizens. according to the latest opinion polls, the far-right national rally party retains leadership, with 37% of respondents supporting it. next comes the alliance of the left, and the presidential coalition together can count on about 20% of the vote. first the election result is due to be announced at 8:00 pm local time.
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event to protect gay people . they even called elton john for this, but the presence of the star hardly helped. compared to the singer, biden still looked confused. in hampton , the president faced an even more difficult task - raising funds for the election campaign. the american leader was greeted by an airplane with the inscription "bidan". this is a play on words that can be translated as biden is finished. it was his wife who had to cheer the president up. it was from her the decision, according to nbc sources, depends on biden's continued participation in the race. i think biden's circle will say the following: everyone loses their first debate, it happened with reagan, with obama, everything will be fine, but it's safe to say that the democrats believe that the problem is more significant. the first politician from the democratic party
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who calls on biden to resign will immediately end his career. in the eyes of his fellow party members , he may be right, but if you look out the door first, the first pitch hits you. however. there are also party sponsors, who, according to the new york times, are looking for a way to remove biden from the list of candidates against his will, while at the same time they are trying to reach jill biden so that she can persuade her husband not to run. now democrats must be honest with the american people about who really runs the country, who is at the head of the united states of america. i doubt anyone who watched the debate still believes it was biden because it is. clearly not. joe biden himself, according to bloomberg, is curtailing his planned does not intend to go any further and is even aimed at winning. however, immediately, according to the transcript of his speech at a fundraising event, he confused france with italy, and later stated that his son died in iraq, although in reality
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he died of illness in the united states. meanwhile, donald trump is resting on his laurels. the former president even complained that his opponent's disastrous performance overshadowed his success in the debate. the reaction of undecided voters, if you believe it. swing states don't like trump as a person, but they think he ready to become president. they like joe biden personally, but in their opinion, he will not cope with this position in the next 4 years. joe biden's failure threatens not only his political career, but also the prospects of his fellow party members in congress. the wall street journal reports this, noting that some democrats are already trying. distance yourself from the president. the shock wave from the shocks after the debate reached europe, as the new york times writes, biden's unsuccessful performance emboldened emmanuel macron's opponents. the democratic press is especially concerned that right-wing forces in france may challenge nato to undermine western efforts in
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the capital of the republic of dagestan is gradually returning to its usual rhythm. in makhachkala , shops and cafes are open, public transport is available, and local residents go about their everyday business. but it is too early to say that a week after the tragedy the pain from the experience has already subsided. for all dagestanis, these deaths that our guys suffered while protecting civilians, that day, this is a very big test for us, for me personally, as for his fellow countryman, for his friend, and so on, and a lot of things can be done talk about khabib, that he exists very courageous, worthy. people in the city and at the entrances to it , security measures have been strengthened, cars are checked,
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reinforced police squads are on duty, flowers lie on the streets where fierce battles with terrorists recently took place, they are brought by citizens, in memory of the officers who, at the cost of their lives , repelled the attack of bandits . people reacted to everything, including, as they say, condemning this, these incidents that took place on june 23. of course, people will condemn it, because civilians also suffered there, not only law enforcement officers, but also civilians residents suffered. ale golbats huseynov lost a close friend. police sergeant, habib. was on duty, saving civilians, but died himself. this happened on mirzabekov street. traces of those events still remain at the site. this minibus, behind which khabib was hiding, and he got in from here, fired back, from that door they opened the door for him, and the local residents said: “come in, we’ll cover you,” and so on, but he
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chose, as they say, courage above just honor, the honor of law enforcement officers , that’s where he fired back, that’s here. the minibus was damaged, and he ran to the other side where he died. he was 24 years old; for his professional feat, sergeant aliyev was awarded the order of courage. other police officers were also presented with high state awards, 16 of them, including khabib, posthumously. in dagestan they are sure that they all deserve the title of heroes. assalamu alaikum. sapala. and you still don’t believe it, but in makhachkala, with a population of less than millions of people, many know each other, are friends or are related to each other, so here it is almost impossible to find a family who is one way or another otherwise this disaster would not have affected us. ali aliyev and omarkhan magomedov buried their childhood friend, with whom they grew up in the same yard. the sultan died
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under such circumstances. a call came in. slowly the sultan and his partner reacted and left, but when closer to the scene of the incident, so to speak, the terrorists opened fire on the sultan’s pps javayuu car, the first bullet hit him in the head, isa sarkhatov knew the deceased sultan jurulaev for 20 years, at first they played together as boys , later we went to the same school, his character was very... responsible, a good guy, he always came to the rescue, never refused any knowledge to someone, never offended the weak, he was always distinguished by his gentle character, his kindness, june 23 became a black day for mirkhan abdurashidov, he remembers his second cousin, police lieutenant, traffic police regiment inspector,
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magomed magomedov, he was 32 years old, on this day this whole story began just 200 meters from us, the first to die - on this day - it was they, partner died on the spot, my brother, well, i tried for a while somehow resist all this, but unfortunately it so happened that my brother died, as eyewitnesses say, clashes between police and militants began... right here, in the area of ​​the road ring. to the scene of the tragedy, someone brought a bouquet of white flowers, tied with a thin black ribbon. the very first shots were taken from this tower. they started shooting from there. law enforcement officers were standing
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here. at that moment, a car was driving by, seven of them, and they started shooting right in the back. the employees immediately ran to hide in the car, the footage from this camera was good, from this camera you can see everything, how they hid behind the cars, then the terrorists began to run away from here, and one employee ran to the other side and was shot there, a civilian ran away from there, yes, they came here and started shooting over there they had already killed there, according to the official chronicle, events developed rapidly, the terrorists moved up merzabekov street. this is the former ardzhinkidze, so you can see signs with the old name. another serious battle broke out in the area of ​​these houses. guys, i don't know what's going on here, but something very scary, please try not to come to mirzabekova street, something terrible is happening here, you hear shots, my son and i see burning cars, it’s very scary, and the living
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abieva had just returned home that day, closed the door the door, put the bags near... i heard shots, 17:32 it all started, literally, if i had stayed for 5-10 minutes, as they say, only the almighty knows what happened to me, i would have directly found myself under bullets , i went into the house, five minutes passed and it all started, recalls that the sounds of shooting were very loud, a little later it became clear why, the battle was taking place literally a few meters away... i went to the window in the next room and saw clouds of black smoke pouring out, of course it was very scary, we immediately closed everything windows and doors, my son and i were hiding in this room and lay down. on the floor, at some point azhiy realized that she had not locked the street gate; leaving it open in the current situation was dangerous, and the woman, plucking up courage, decided to go out into the yard. i tell my son now
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i’ll wait until it’s calm, i’ll go, he says: mom, no, i say, no, on the contrary, we need to close it, they can run into the yard, because we’re right next to it. at the moment of calm, i bent down and ran to the gate, closed it, but , as they say, i couldn’t resist, i looked into the gap, we have such a gap, so... previously there were old-type gates for mail and i saw how there is a fierce firefight, and something is burning, how long it lasted, she cannot say for sure, after some time the sounds became muffled and further away, and the city finally quieted down around midnight, i only went out onto ozhey street in the morning, what i saw was simply amazing, well, how can i say, it struck me to the core . the whole mirzabekov street looked like a battlefield, it was just like military action, spent shell casings. here are the traces
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of the bullets that hit our house, you see, one, two, three, three bullets hit the house, one of them broke our electrical cable, so we were without light for almost a day. somewhere here stood a black one like this the same black priora, but with glass broken from a shot, i later found out that this was the car in which, it was a stolen car, in which the terrorists, criminals, first moved to the streets of mirzabekov, where it all started, here they were stopped near our house, by the way, the neighbor has an old gate, this is a trace, a trace from a coolie. you can take it off, these are all traces of poly, an elderly woman, but fortunately her daughter took her that day, she was not at home, all the main events took place here, there
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are no traces visible there, the car was burning there, the patrol service of the pps, it was burning here, and here was chiari of one of the neighbors, i don’t know exactly whose, the fire spread, too, burnt to the ground, both cars are here, you see, the windows of... the copper are broken, everything here is generally terrible, here everything happened here, so the main one, one might say, the epicenter, was in this place, as you can see. ojei says she was saved by the police, who gave a powerful rebuff to the militants, driving them away from the residential area, and it was a miracle that she managed to return home before the fighting began. i think that i... the almighty saved me and my loved ones from misfortune, of course i was lucky. the tipakovs, a large orthodox family, live next door. his wife elena regularly visits
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the assumption cathedral of makhachkala. june 23 was the great orthodox holiday of trinity, and the woman was in the temple just at the moment when it was attacked by terrorists. yes, please note that the entire door is in field holes. they climbed up, climbed over the fence, there, well , the whole fence goes along the perimeter, so they climbed in from that side, they didn’t come in from here. so now from the street the main
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door leading to the temple looks like, at the very last moment, before the arrival of the terrorists, priest sergei abasov managed to close it, as well as other entrances and exits from the inside, this allowed the parishioners to gain time for them to take cover. there were 19 people, four children of father sergius, including de... the room was of course very small, we had no water, the children were small too, it was very stuffy when the shooting stopped, we somehow opened the doors so that at least some air could flow in a little bit, because it’s very stuffy it was, the day was also hot, well, all this time we were in this room... i took the first fight at the entrance. every time i came to the security guard mikhail,
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the church memorial is dedicated to him, i met him, he was a very pleasant person, i never saw him in a bad mood and what can characterize him, the children loved him very much, the children when they found out that mikhail died they just cried, at the funeral service, at the funeral there were a lot of children, parishioners, well , he was just a bright man, a few days ago mikhail was buried in the courtyard of the church. here it is grave, not far from the place where he heroically died. traces of destruction are still visible everywhere here: terrorists burned cars, shot at the walls and windows of the cathedral, several drains on the outside were pierced by bullets so that the icons inside were damaged. yes, there we have traces of bullets, a house temple, the honor of ignatius brinchaninov, there
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was inside in the center, not his. they set fire, well , they scattered the icons, threw them, everything is visible with some kind of malice, they turned them over, well, but directly into the temple itself, where elena and other parishioners were hiding, the militants, fortunately they weren’t able to penetrate, well, then the security forces arrived, then a special operation began, an assault, well, after the assault, they let me in , as if we had started together with them. to work out what to do next, well, first they let the people out when they were already convinced that there was no one here, and then we went with them further to the rest of the premises. at the time of the terrorist attack on the assumption cathedral, father pavel was on the way to kizlyar, but upon learning about what was happening, he urgently returned back to makhachkala. and he priest sergei abasov, who saved his parishioners on june 23, had previously survived militant attacks on their churches in different years. how
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do you evaluate this, this is an inhumane act, you know, people who are probably lost, who in fact have no relation, probably, to traditional islam and probably no religion at all, what they are taught there, what ideology they use is unknown. the tragedy occurred not only in makhachkala, around the same time terrorists staged pogroms in derbent, which is located 100 a few kilometers from the capital of dagestan, militants attacked the local synagogue and the orthodox church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary, the rector, archpriest, nikolai kotelnik, died, from here they were, and these bandits were rising, with a machine gun, so
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he came in when he came here. as mother valentina says that at that moment mother valentina was already standing here with father nikolai, they were standing here, she began to walk away from here, he had already sent her here, she was walking away, and he then, when she had reached here, walking away like that, well , and he already sent immediately he shot at this moment at nikolai’s father, hit here from here and here where the cheekbone flew out, there is a bullet that ricocheted here, already pierced the wall, here it is from his beard. parts are these fragments, which he immediately fell here, fell, and mother, he then pointed the machine gun right at her, she began to scream, as if in panic, and god have mercy, and at that moment for some reason he didn’t shoot , i don’t know, he headed here in this direction, little mother valentina immediately closed it, there’s a chocolate here, here she is, she’s this chocolate she immediately locked herself there in the room, he was already here, what he was doing, she no longer saw, she
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didn’t, but also... after which, when it became quiet here, but she already, when he left, she opened the door, saw him lying, and there was already a flame here, everything was burning, he ran in to see that he didn’t start looking for the flames, so that he could also put it out with something, then he started to put out the flames with his hands, i can already see that further, he had flames in everything and it was all on fire , here when i came in, of course it wasn’t burning, but there was such blackness, but here they cleaned it up a little, here there was a lamp, so they doused it with this lamp, that’s what the oil was. and they set it on fire, but when i walked in it was no longer burning, hallelujah, hallelujah, at the farewell ceremony for father nikolai there were hundreds of people, not only local residents who knew and loved their priest well, many came from makhachkala and others...


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