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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. units of the center group took control of the settlement of novoaleksandrovka, and a unit of the southern group took control of the settlement of spornoe. a unit of the southern group of troops, as a result of active actions, liberated the settlement of spornaya of the donetsk people's republic, improved the situation along the front line, and also defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty -fourth, twenty-eighth, and thirtieth.
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ninety-third mechanized, fifty the sixth motorized infantry, forty-sixth airmobile, seventy-ninth air assault and 144th infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of vasyukovka, kalinino, chasov-yar, kurdyumovka, elizavetovka, katerynivka and kurakhovo, donetsk people's republic. the attack of the assault group of the 214th obfor vssu battalion was repelled, the enemy lost up to 450 military personnel, two tanks, three armored combat vehicles and... a car. in the chernivtsi region of ukraine, border guards shot and killed a man of mobilization age who was fighting to cross the romanian border. another one was wounded. ukrainian media reported this. the two evaders were detected by border guards at the border with romania. one of them sprayed tear gas, the second attacked the military with a machete. i note that this is the first known case of an attack by draft dodgers on border guards. evgenia petrukhina will tell you more about the progress of mobilization in ukraine. that's for sure. a one-goal game, while some
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are tying their shoelaces, others are literally being pulled from the stands by four policemen at once. ucromobilization is now in stadiums, right from football field in a trench, so the independent team will soon only have oksana left, and that ’s not a fact, here again there is talk about mobilizing women, we won’t win this war, we won’t survive this war without women. there are very few of us in the country, there are a lot of russians, there are very few ukrainians, and men are half of the ukrainians, but of this half, a third are children , a third are pensioners, there are fewer and fewer of us, and many of the boys even liked to walk in heels, they learned to blend in with a crowd of ukrainian women, the only thing that can give it away is the stubble, only now the women are already in the tec school they are detained, the situation on the border with poland, they did not explain to us what they did not explain, in this way, they are looking for the so-called
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hijackers through their wives and mothers, they say, where is your husband, son, hiding from mobilization? some manage, as they say, to jump between the cars of the ukrainian metro, just to find themselves out of reach of the shopping center. such acrobatic stunts can now be performed by ukrainian part-time students. from july 1, they lose the right to a deferment from mobilization. those who work at enterprises may also be left without a reservation. ukrainian ministry of defense. well, those who were previously in the status of limited time are now absolutely healthy and must appear at the tsk. maybe that’s why the boys are fleeing in droves; in transcarpathia, 17 people were detained at once. the minibus was 200 meters from hungary, an organized escape from square, for which these men paid from 3 to 12 thousand dollars, a million rubles. but those involved in such transportation apparently ended up in collusion with the border guards. in general, they handed over their fellow countrymen to tsk. know how the stinks
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hurt you, i know how the stinks hurt you injuries, they wring their hands and don’t leave a chance, even if a potential soldier after such mobilization has a concussion or a broken arm, they will issue an automatic rifle, but is such a mobilized one effective for the armed forces of ukraine, he will only offer his fellow soldiers to surrender to the russian army, ukrainian mobilization has reached and to construction sites, this is how the military commissar is in a hurry, but potential soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine hid in the corners, they were first on...
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the parliament of the fifth republic of the ministry of internal affairs is celebrating a record turnout, more than a quarter of voters have already voted. as shown study, every tenth frenchman took time off to participate in the elections. our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, will talk about the balance of power. from the moment emmanuel macron announced the dissolution of the national assembly on june 9 and called for new parliamentary elections, the main question remains whether the right will be able to achieve an absolute or qualified majority. at least the last ones before. with the election polls showing they could get from a majority to a qualified most media outlets call these results shocking. today , voting stations will be open, as you said, until 6:00 pm in the main part of the regions in some regions until 8:00 pm
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local time, that is, 21:00 moscow time, immediately after this the first results can be published, one one of the main issues is turnout, now the ministry of internal affairs is at least predicting a record...turnout, according to official data, 2.5 million more or four times more polling stations will work today compared to the situation 2 years ago, when the french elected a national assembly of the now dissolved composition, and the main intrigue of the day is, of course, the national unification, as was said, with the symbol of the young face of twenty-eight-year-old jordan bardela, experts and the latest polls predict up to 37% of the french vote, lev and... will also bypass the current government, polls predict 28% for them, and only 21% of the french vote for emmanuel macron's supporters in the first round of elections polls predict that this could lead to a completely unpredictable situation in france's foreign and domestic policy,
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experts say. this will not continue for long; it seems to me that a certain reaction will follow in french society. however, the impact on the eu will be strong. mrs. marina lepen. not an enemy of moscow, our participation in the ukrainian conflict will have an impact on relations with russia. this will also affect the development of the european union, because she is not a fan of european integration. dissolution of the national assembly after the european elections in early june, which emmanuel macron took, some experts call it a shocking, humiliating step on the part of the french president. others say that he had been thinking about this for quite a long time, because without an absolute majority in parliament, he could do everything with great difficulty. lead your own policy, remember at least the fact that the french president had to carry out the sensational pension reform without a vote in parliament, and for changes on the issue of immigration turn to the right for support, which many again believe however, humiliating for the current government, macron has been considering this possibility
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for a long time, experts say, and the elapsed time between the dissolution of parliament and the present day was spent in disputes about the fact that there is no need to vote for either the right or the left, at least this position.. . macronists adhered to this, not promoting their own unpopular program, but saying that they should vote against, but it was precisely the growth of support for the left, not the right, that could play a cruel joke in this sense, because then voting against will not work, the left turned out to be too divided, however, having learned about the appointment of the day of the next elections, they were still able to nominate single candidates in each district, after all, according to experts, the rights are the main problem for emmanuel macron and...
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strong thus, there is a wing, most likely there will also be a fairly high probability that there will not be a ruling majority in france, and this creates some uncertainty. emmanuel macron has already announced that he will not resign, no matter how these elections have ended, and it is known that he has already scheduled a meeting of his ministers at the elysee palace for monday. regina sevastyanova, eva fedotova, ekaterina shamaeva and artem krosulin, european bureau. investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. for the first time on
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people around me talk about direct democracy as the solution to our problems, or often about the swiss model, about solving all issues through a referendum. watching this for the last 4 years, i started to worry because if there was a referendum on wearing...
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the royal population with certain views that have developed over a thousand years and it works, they vote twice a year and all that, the cantons have a strong independent power, very weak central. government, they are changing the population of the west and especially europe like this so quickly that you wonder what it is? you know, there are people who are called british, spanish, french, portuguese, belgian or the people of liechtenstein, no matter, in these countries there are
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population groups, indigenous peoples with a certain national character, language and common history. all this is being erased by mass immigration, deliberately, it is against the will of the population of these countries, and it is clearly related to political power. am i missing something, this is just my view from 300 miles away. no, without any doubt, i think similar things are happening here, they are destroying the united states, but it is more difficult for americans to resist this, because there is practically no indigenous people of ours.
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coalesce into what may become a sense of community in your city, then it expands into a national identity and becomes problematic. i am absolutely convinced that there is a strong centralization of power, it is true that there is an anonymous, faceless clique of people whose names and faces we do not know. they centralize power. for the first time technology allows us to do this globally, people have tried to do this in the past, many have tried to be totalitarian in the past, but they never had enough technology and scale to control the whole world, there is enough now, and i think this is what we
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are rapidly moving towards, they want, they want so that every person turns away from his parents. and from their family, in the same way they want to cut people off from their national roots, the sense of belonging to a place, the feeling of being british or french, because once you take away people, their roots, and this process is also aimed at making people ashamed of their history, the history of their family or their country, i noticed the past should only be ashamed of that...
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the west has done terrible things to the countries of the middle east and other countries in africa , their population is deprived of its roots, and also begins to move, all the victims in this process, everyone and people in large numbers end up where... they are strangers from the point of view of ethnic cultural heritage, but this is also not their fault, they too pawns on board, and of course, as a result, the indigenous people feel threatened by the newcomers and are also angry at them, although we should unite
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to ask who did this. calm down, let's understand exactly how this happened, how... why, who brought you here? this is important because you believe lies so readily. i agree, but are you having this kind of dialogue in scotland? this is very difficult, because, of course, any disagreement, any step in this direction is met with the same predictable tool, you are simply called, i have long been classified as anti-sem. for one reason or another, why i got all the white supremacist labels, you said i was a conspiracy theorist, it's... it's almost like a counting sign. i agree, it is so. if you are not being maligned, then you are not contributing. if all they can do
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is call you an anti-semite, a white oppressor, then you think i must be on the right track, because it's the same old set of inconvenient, blunt tools that are needed to silence anyone asking important, relevant questions. but we don't let's give them answers. because the answers will expose us, there are even more villains, let's just reject them, the way it still works in scotland in britain, well i think a lot of people now take it as a badge of honor, to be, you know, i was a defender of putin, i was accused of this , i was anything but because i said, moving on to all these stories, in the third act jamie dore was used. expression, when i invited him to my show last week, everyone was invited to join in the ukrainian story in the third act, you know, in this play hundreds of hundreds more pages before you
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get to the russian tanks crossing the ukrainian border, you come to the cinema late, the last war has been going on for 8 years, exactly, exactly, and now it’s israel and gaza, everyone is convinced that it all started on october 7 , isn't it, oh, no, no, no, no, so it's obvious, it's obvious things as we shine the spotlight on places, stories and backgrounds that the real troublemakers don't want to deal with, hence the blocking, the censorship , labeling, persecuting people like, you know, they they can call them whatever they want, how long did it take you to stop reacting to their attacks? around that time, because i was getting involved in this, or it seemed to me that i was getting involved during the covid quarantine, vaccines for
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children, everything else, but then, as i said, as soon as i picked up this thread, everything began, a big tapestry began unfold, the next episode was ukraine, suddenly people who were some kind of shaky coalition, i suppose... back to their previous state, listening to propaganda, but as soon as ukraine began, they returned sticking to the official line, accepting the official version, and i guess that's when they started accusing me of defending putin. back then, i was already a tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorist, an anti-vaccine psychopath. now i am
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putin's defender. i've seen how it works, and as a scout, i can pin another badge on my shirt for defending putin. and now i really don't care. because if you don't have some kind of label attached to you, then you... you're not in the debate, so what is it, what are we looking at, who is coming up with these ideas, these theses, what is the point of all this? i don't want to be a conspiracy nut, but the level of coordination suggests that there is some organization above all of this that controls everything, no less, it feels like it's getting harder and harder to ignore.
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a small group owns everything, castles, everything, and the rest are much lower on the insect level, treated accordingly, that's what we come back to. indeed, this was how it was until the 19th century, this is how everyone lived everywhere. relatively small in the context of the history of human civilization, a group of people, a tiny group of lucky people. for a moment in history, a couple of hundred years, a different way of life was available, a freedom of opportunity. yes, and enough
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generations took it for granted, but now it's all collapsed. there is a misconception that this is the natural order of things, that this is how society works, just one look at the rest of the world at the moment will sober you up, not to mention history. thousand years history will show that the possibility of such a life, which some of us could live for a very short period of time, is so unlikely, but we got it. too many people took things for granted, one after another. now those who want to return us to feudalism have seen an opportunity and are working on it, the population of the entire west takes it for granted,
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responding with tolerance, politeness with their heads down in exchange for safety and convenience, but i'm not saying it's too late , you know, i don't want to be completely negative here, i think it's still possible that enough people have woken up and are still waking up, and i would say, can i ask one question: are you arguing, and you're probably right, that some form of feudalism is the natural state? radical hierarchical societies are quite natural. yes, yes, of course, people are enslaved. you know, slavery is a natural state. certainly. you know, it was a reality for very many, for a large part of everyone who has ever lived, of course, throughout stories. but i think, you know, when
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trump was elected here in 2016. and britain voted for brexit. after that we got covid. and god knows what else. conservative trudy harrison said maybe she wasn't the only one, but she was the person who said those two things shouldn't have happened, they weren't in the script. someone let their guard down and allowed a figure like donald trump to be elected in america. the british voted by a small margin to leave the eu. trudy said everything that happened since then was continuous punishment, yes, to put the population of these countries in their place. so, everything that happened, including the disappearance of your southern border, was all a panicked response by a small group of people, two very.
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significant democratic events did not go according to script, it was the voice of the people, now it is being suppressed everywhere around the world, truckers are rioting, farmers are protesting throughout europe, all these phenomena are incorrectly classified by the authorities as far-right, extremist, the same labels, but in both cases people didn't get what they deserved voted, trump was not allowed to rule the country, they were not allowed. very effectively, he failed to build the wall he promised, he was hounded and spied on from day one, and i don't think you got brexit, you voted for brexit, right? of course, i think between 52 and 48% voted to leave the european union, and as soon as the ink was dry on that decision, everyone in power in the establishment, in the civil service, in all political
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parties. did everything possible to prevent its execution. brexit was only nominal, that’s what they called it because it’s worse now. i would say that the situation for those people who wanted brexit is worse now than it was before the vote. and brexit was so emasculated, the concept itself was so hollowed out, that the people who... wanted it, got nothing, how can people use the word democracy to describe your country, no way, so my fundamental problems are related to the fact that we have definitely no democracy, i wonder when democracy left, i wonder how long it lasted, yours guess, i really, god, in the moments when i'm most overwhelmed with thoughts of conspiracy theories, i think that something has begun
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to happen throughout the west. after world war ii.


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