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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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all political parties did everything possible to prevent its implementation. brexit was only nominal, that's what they called it because it's worse now. i would say that the situation for those people who wanted brexit is worse now than it was before the vote. that the people who wanted it didn't get anything, how can people use the word democracy to describe your country, no way, so my fundamental problems are with the fact that we definitely don't have democracy, i wonder when democracy went away, i wonder how long it has been continued, your guess, i really, god, in the moments when i'm most overwhelmed by thoughts of conspiracy theories, i think that... something began to happen throughout
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the west after the second world war, definitely the middle, during the war and after the war, i think, the movement, i don't know if it started then, but i think it went into overdrive, in our country, after 9/11, and i'm not a muslim and i'm not going to become one, i don't agree with islam, but we were told again and again, everyone who told me those around seemed to agree...
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what's wrong with these people? you know, these people, i won't name names, these people who came in poor and come out with pockets full of money from lobbying and insider trading and so on. they have more money than croesus, they are still there in their insanity. what, what motivates them? what motivates these people? obviously money is part of it, i'm just late to this realization. you know, we all
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have blind spots, this is definitely one of mine, i just didn't see the extent of the corruption, because i couldn't imagine, i would never say something for money that i don't believe in, never, it would never even occur to me, and i grew up different, the idea that people said things that they knew, were lying for the sake of money, shocked me, it took me decades to understand what was happening, people said, oh, it's all money, and i... said nonsense, we just have different views, ideologies, worldviews, no, in in many ways it was just about money, and i just didn’t realize how much money is needed multi-multi-millionaire, well i agree, i 've never been like that, absolutely right, first of all, getting out of debt, i think it's a huge blessing, and if you can get out of debt, you're not controlled, that's inherent freedom, and debt - this is slavery, we love debt in the usa, our society is the basis.
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there is no rational explanation for transgenderism, they are just sterilizing children, there is no justification for this, they are doing this to kill people, like the us government, i hate to say this as an american patriot, but it is long time is the power to kill. i also think, through the lens of time, this can be recognized as arrogance, this is the belief that you are god. that you have more power than
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any man, that you actually have more foresight, wisdom, strength, and this is the oldest trap, that is the story, people... convince themselves that they are more than people, that is how you destroy yourself in the society you lead. neil oliver, thank you for the interview, thank you, tucker carlson, on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7, invest. with sber it’s simple: receive three sber shares as a gift when you open your first deposit brokerage account , the best interest rate in the sberbank online application, oh, it’s already started, our money will fly away too,
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from people. only until july 7 hvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to auto products on avito. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. if we want to know about the main trends, then we turn to gerald celente. if nastradamus were alive today, he would not have kept up with him. about 15 years ago, presenter. cnn, nbc and fox news presented our interlocutor today in exactly this way on their broadcasts. since then, gerald celente in his assessment the reality of the united states has only become more precise and merciless, the latter frightening
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the american information mainstream. when federal american broadcasts stopped calling, celente became its own television. this is his path, years later he will go, and also, who started out as a political consultant to celente, publishes a magazine called trends. the headquarters is in this ancient mansion in kingston, in the hudson valley, the town where the first constitution of the state of new york was written, like the fruit of that departing america, the founding fathers, roaring in the twenties, the great depression of the baby boom, to whose generation he himself belongs. but what does the future hold for the us? distant and not very distant, this is what our conversation with him is about. gerald,
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gerald, thank you very much for the opportunity of this interview, we have known each other for more than 10 years and it is always a great pleasure for me to communicate with you. i can say that over the years i have been amazed at the accuracy of your assessments of trends in american politics and the financial sector. tell us about the trends 5 months before the us election and would you say you are upset or worried? these trends. i am saddened by the trends on the cover of the new issue of our trens magazine, which was published 2 days before the debate, it says: presidential reality show. the great debate, donald duck and goofy, are two cartoon characters. people don't want either candidate. look, this is a recent poll from june 14, a record number of americans reject both biden and trump. number of americans. who have an unfavorable view of the republican candidate, the democratic candidate at the highest level in 30 years,
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that's what the research says, they call this is an election, we call it a presidential reality show, a debate between goofy and donald duck, two characters from comics and cartoons, one character has gone completely crazy and everyone around them can see it, and the other is only worried about himself, how am i, how i, what will happen to me, this is not democracy.
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what are these elections all about? what are the most important topics for ordinary americans: the economy, illegal immigration, and what else? what is the main thing? in ninety-two, when clinton was elected, there was a phrase, it's the economy, fool, this issue is still number one, i call the americans plantation workers in a slave country, and not only the americans, but all of europe too, these pigs have literally taken over everything. there were private shops, host goods, groceries, pharmacies, now these are all retail chains that own
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literally everything, politicians have sold this country, they say they are donating to the election campaign, only idiots and imbeciles will believe this, because these are actually bribes and kickbacks, politicians were bought to take everything for themselves, those who run this show need voices are nothing else, so they will talk about immigration, about the economy, about what worries...
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take george bush, his father was president, andy cuomo, former governor of new york, his dad was a big shot in canada, all this club, and they need to choose the best member of this club, although i personally can't stand any of them. i haven’t gone to the polls since the late
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eighties, because i don’t vote for the lesser of two evils, but now it’s really... if biden goes to the polls and wins, everything will remain as it is now, if trump wins, then we will have the divided states of america, many people hate him, so the country will split again, however, it is already split, what will it be, a civil war? no, no, there will be no civil war, there will just be
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more hatred, and the country will continue to see that it is already losing strength in front of the whole world. the middle class is dying out, figures show it's already 11% smaller than in the seventies, the rich are getting richer, ordinary people can't afford to buy homes, sales are falling everywhere, again, big business continues to take over everything around, when i was little, a bank could not operate outside of its state, bank of america, for example, worked only in california, this changed in ninety-six under clinton, who abolished these restrictions and gave a free hand.
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2 days before the conflict began in ukraine, we predicted the outbreak of the third world war and said that we need peace. the third world war has already begun, to declare it officially, some kind of attack under a false flag or something is enough similar.
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and peace, and yet, as soon as he assumed the presidency, he increased his military presence in afghanistan and demanded the overthrow of libyan president gaddafi, and then syrian president assad. and the war in yemen, antony blinken, who is now posing as secretary of state, was sent to saudi arabia when it was bombing the houthis in yemen to provide intelligence to the saudis and act as a strategic ally. saudi fighter jets are being refueled in the us. which destroyed about 400,000 residents of yemen. and this happens all the time. this is not neocons, this is the mentality of evil people. when all other methods fail, they drag you into war. remember what started after the great depression, the world war. franklin roosevelt then seized all japanese assets in america. why did he do this? today historians
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tell us that these dirty japanese had the audacity to invade french indo-china. the japanese went to french indo-china. why the hell did the french forget in cambodia, laos and vietnam. ah, you say that the japanese robbed and killed, and what did the french do? and why should i, an american, care about this? and then they say these dirty japanese occupied cameron air force base, which was only 800 miles from the americans, who were then based in the philippines in singapore. what the hell are the americans doing to the british? these are not our countries, all this happened in july forty-one, the attack on pearl harbor was december, the usa, the netherlands and britain blocked 3/4 of japanese exports and deprived them. their 88% imported oil, someone else asks why the japanese attacked pearl harbor, that's enough, i'm saying all this to mean that there will be some kind of attack under a false
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flag, which will start the third world war, because when all other methods are exhausted, the war begins. do you want more evidence, how about the bursting of the dot-com bubble, we also predicted this, in the fall of ninety-nine we said that the market would collapse in the second quarter of two thousand. then the nazdak exchange lost more than 70%, the money simply washed away. america plunged into recession. george bush, the guy who portrayed the president, they hated him. and then september 11th happens. suddenly, the rules of the game change, and 90% of americans already support bush's attack on afghanistan. they support a little guy with a brain the size of a pea. i assure you, they will find a way to make it happen. what is your forecast for ukraine and do you think trump
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can change anything here if he wins the election? i'd say trump has more power to change things than anyone else, but then again, look who trump being president, he chose as his associates. these were pure neocons. the mad dog metis then became the minister of defense and so on. trump says he will resolve the crisis, but he also threatened to bomb moscow, promised to publish materials on the kennedy assassination, but then suddenly changed his mind. in general, they are all under control, including trump, they are not free, it is a big club that is completely controlled. are there still healthy forces within the united states, i mean the anti-war movement, ordinary people, capable do they change anything? yes, do you believe it? absolutely, one of our founding fathers, samuel adams, once said that to win it is not a majority that is needed, but an angry minority willing
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to work tirelessly and ignite the fire of freedom in the hearts of the people, but a peaceful movement here will not achieve anything without money, that is how it works here , and billionaires do not yet spend a cent on peace, not a cent, nothing, but they can easily give 20, 50, 100 million dollars to a politician for elections. in 2019 i was in hong kong. under the desks, preparing for a nuclear explosion, in
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in high school, when we no longer fit under our desks, we were forced to rest our hands on the wall like this, and were told that we couldn’t look at the flash, and if i saw this flash, then in the next moment i would die, and hide under the desks, as if it could have saved someone, they started teaching us to hate russians immediately after the second world war. but then john kennedy gave a magnificent speech in 1963 to the graduates of an american university. his entire speech then was dedicated to peace. he said that we should not hate people from the soviet union said that they suffered much more losses than we did in world war ii. he talked about how more than 20 million died, lost their homes, factories, and land. kennedy assured that the soviet people were very highly developed culturally and technologically and said that... he
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ended his speech by saying that america would never fight again, it was june. a few months later, kennedy is assassinated, and 8 months later, the next president, lyndon johnson, drags america into the vietnam war. the same thing can happen to trump if he tries. of course they will kill anyone, see the photo over there, that's john coneley, the former governor of texas who was wounded during the kennedy assassination. he wanted to meet me in '89, after i had written a book about political trends in the united states, about the likelihood of a third party candidate, someone like rosa perot, winning. conoley told me then: "you wrote a good book, but you have no idea what's really going on." and ordinary americans don’t understand either. because if they understood there would be a revolution in the country. we are facing a new cold war. is there a way out? do you need peace?
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in the name of peace, we will die in war. thank you very much for this interview. this was america, all the best to you.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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i tell everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you can’t compare to the originality of your questions, and that in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is it, our product,
6:00 pm
topic of the week: short-range intermediate-range missile , a serious step, very, in my opinion, very dangerous, putin warned in advance and let’s reveal the secret, where was this shot taken, which has been discussed by the entire internet in big politics for many years, we apparently we show you more than others, it’s incredible, but it’s a fact: moscow, the kremlin, putin, we watch on sunday at 22:00. let's return to the information picture: russian troops occupied two more settlements, the ministry of defense reported this. a division of the center group took control of the settlement of novaleksandrovka, and a division of the southern group took control of the settlement of spornaya.


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