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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

7:30 pm
lead the communists, fighter, fighter, what a fighter, i was tried 300 times, interrogated, a criminal case was fabricated, but i could have been arrested, i could have been arrested after the shooting of parliament. i have a question for you: do you have a clear picture of your future? do such thoughts scare you? you can just close your eyes, but you know what the outcome will be. open your eyes to your future. start with a long-term savings program in the npf-future. navito khwatamba, discounts to people from people until july 7th. magnet!
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7:32 pm
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opening your first brokerage account, deposit the best interest in the sberbank online application. we knew that this would happen; cnn television cameras were ordered and placed at the best points 3 days before the execution.
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they would have simply killed him if it had come to that, since it didn’t. it stood, it ’s even hard for me to remember this, so this is the minimum that was done, i think that we need to go further until the national elections, when there is a popular choice, then the people will choose, this hall was.
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party in power, this is necessary to preserve prestige of russian statehood, shakhrai party of regions, yevlinsky party of liberal democrats, this means that now there is a very complex process going on, zhirinovsky is noisy, you see they are noisy, bribed, these are traitors, they are afraid of exposure, nothing, nothing, there is no place for everyone else, then one of americans, i know well, who conducted the process here, says, well, this is impossible, they fought for 7 months,
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in politics he is quite tough, it’s not like he’s like a sugar marmalade at home, in politics he’s a hammer, but gennady’s core andreevich, of course, he is present absolutely everywhere, i was probably 11 years old, so my mother and i, in my opinion, came to the state duma, i saw gennady andreevich sitting
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with his party members, and it seemed to me that it would be cool to greet them , i mean, i yelled so joyfully, hello grandpa there, he looked at me very menacingly... his eyes flashed then, he took it, looked away, said: “leonid, here i’m gennady andreevich, and at home i’m, of course, a grandfather, after all, gennady andreevich at home, he is much softer and nicer, ivan, yes, help, yes, leave it here, well, i can do it with the dragon, no, i’m better off with the hunter, yes, look, i can add a cold one, some have a republic, some have a hole.” well, i’ve already grown up, marigolds, look, they’ve embroidered, says moscow, moscow makeup for 8 hours, my mother
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admired me very much, at one time she and my grandfather flew somewhere, i was just born, the stewardes comes up, and the grandfather says the following phrase, here i am at 45 already... the grandfather there all the stewardes fainted from admiration , 45 years of being a grandfather - it was some kind of transcendental happiness, these are my youngest grandchildren, i have them eight, seven men and masha, here ivan, gleb and seva always gather us together with great pleasure, now we will plant another beautiful flower garden, you see what a gorgeous hive, but it’s quiet. here is news, there is a titmouse hatching new offspring, i have been hatching for the fourth year now, i have hatched 30 chicks, this is an oryol deer, this is a red tent where i sell newspapers, in principle, and this is our eight-degree gazebo, here we hold the headquarters of the election
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campaign, when i was about 6-7 years old, we constantly went to snigiri, this is meka votchina, gennady andreevich, many people still know about this, post-post period 13. i remember i tormented him so much with questions about why cats see better, and where are the aliens actually, what’s wrong with the stars, and so on. and so on, so my grandfather was not always well-rested, and it seems to me that the party members on monday thought, yeah, he was probably sitting, writing a party report, but it turns out that his grandson just recently tormented him with his questions, to choose from, here we are with whom, bread, with you, let's have another red one, well done, you, you know, proletarian taste, this is socialist competition, this is not bourgeois, this is free labor, let's lose another one... we played billiards, by the way, he taught me for a very long time, but i always wanted to play as cool
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as my grandfather, because my grandfather , i remember, i beat , it seems to me, almost everyone then, at least our landscape looks more harmoniously impressive, but considering that they were the first to reach the finish line, it’s a draw, and of course, gennady andrevich can do that himself, yes, here we are tightening up , we have a good... team, we have 12 points, how to achieve resolution, that’s all, and then how he looks at himself, with his own eyes, how wonderfully he smiles, and you adore him, i’m behind the bigaevka, now there will be a hook, glotova, my wife is from there, i’m walking along this road didn't leave. i saw it for the first time at our school, we had a ten-year-old, eighth grade, nadya came, i taught at school,
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feelings came flooding back then, well, in principle, yes, i’m very pleased that she accepted the rules that exist among those who i have to work for days, it’s usually hard for my wife they accept, i have... my domostroy 12d zyuganov, it includes the soul, and the thought, and the children, this is necessarily a road, but it must lead to the temple to the light. thank you, thank you, thank you, lord, great summer, god bless you, i can’t
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imagine a person without faith, without love, without justice, for me people without faith are tumbleweeds, but my faith is more complex and serious concepts, but many will say, believing communism is nonsense, no, no nonsense, i studied all religious treatises, i studied the bible, studied the koran, studied... the torah phovodgita fundamentals of hinduism. i put the sermon on the mount of jesus christ, his children's commandments and next morally build communism, one by one. the point of the soviet government was to try to build a just kingdom of heaven on earth.
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then the betrayal will declare that it is illegal, and at night the phone rings, i pick it up, i knew all the commanders who were here, and he says, we are already sitting in your duma with ammunition, with dogs, here with the order to shoot to kill, take measures. it will be worse than it was in ninety-three, there were three decrees, introduction of a state of emergency, dispersal
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of the duma and 400 people, starting with me, should be arrested, i raised everyone who influenced yeltsen, and the yelts were told: “this cannot be done, this is war, he broke out, tore up these three decrees, let’s go, 2 hours before the start of the duma, the dog troops were withdrawn, i want to once again confirm the invitation to boris nikolaevich.” no need, gennady andrevich, well, probably the most important fight you had with yeltsin was in 1996, who won then, well, lawlessness won then,
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they don’t bring oyniks back from the graveyard. how fierce she was hatred, how many vile lies, fakes there were, and of course, these monstrous newspapers selling in millions of copies, god forbid, when grandma marfa found this newspaper, of course she was terribly hurt, she says, gena, how can they write that this is it, well, it’s impossible, and then he said, he says: mom, i forbid you to read any newspapers now.
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"it was really possible to push north and south, they pushed me, it was possible to organize an instant fight to lose the country, probably every person has the barrier from which he must understand, i
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understood perfectly." brightly and dramatically, but we certainly only thought about this, and we appreciated gennady andreevich’s decision not to succumb to these provocative calls, this, well, in general, was another confirmation confirmation of his quality as a very responsible statesman, and the fact that in those years gennady andreevich, having an undeniable
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advantage after the first round of elections , refused to use unconstitutional methods to continue his political life. activity, this evokes great respect, as much as i didn’t want to, but i overstepped myself and called zyugan, so they listen with their ears. this cannot be, he then , speaking on television, said that he made the call, stepping over himself, i want to answer him that i, too, stepped over myself many times, show me where your place is, if you look at the hall, i’m with the left bias, well , right, logical, the advantage is this place,
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you know, what, what, all the opponents are in full view, yeah, you can see their faces, you can see. vote, you can see the reaction, if you raise your voice a little from here, it’s good to hear volodya, you can comment, you can without a microphone, you can, no, from here, from here i don’t need a microphone, dear colleagues, let’s be more attentive, in order to oppose each other, we must first learn listen, i’ve been working in the state duma for as long as i’ve known him, you’re opponents, that’s right, opponents, political, political opponents, and that’s... normal, he can, without offending , identify some problem that ’s worth paying attention to, but somewhere he will be just like...
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often this debate was very sharp, tea, whose, who drank tea, drank zyuganov, replace it, let him replace it, you took away my factory, the factory where my factory is, so it was interesting to watch, not only the discussion, but then, when without smiling, we could already talk to each other, tea, i’ll check everything.
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the creation of a great state, because there is a state, there is a people, freedom, gennady andrevich, hello, please tell me, when you become the president of russia, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's start from here, let's go, let's go,
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let's go, ahead, and jokes and slaps helped me, an anecdote inspires, and slaps move everyone forward. without a sense of imura, no way, no shatinovsky forest here , a man went to the market, looks at an elephant, sells what he says, don’t be overjoyed, a log is carried around, settings help, the garden waters the children, gives rides, everyone is happy, well, i bought it in a month, he meets that he’s so angry, gloomy, well , to hell with your elephant, everything trampled down the fences, collapsed the neighbor's, scared the shit out of everyone. he says, man, with such a mood you will never sell an elephant, so we must sell our elephant, today in a good mood,
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we welcome you to the solemn assembly dedicated to. he has survived both as a politician, and as a personality, and as a sincere person, eras move past him, an era disappears, but he remains.
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time has changed, however, not without gennai andreevich, not without him.
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let me convey my greetings to the general secretary of the communist party of russia zyuganov. we congratulate him and celebrate with him from here from urubvay. we hand over the parties and a huge greeting to its main leader zyuganov. i convey my big greetings to the russian communist party and raise my fist up. well? let's go, i'm here, on mine too, when gennady andreevich and i were still missing something in moscow?
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let's translate it from clerical to understandable, it's not
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so scary. if there is an instruction, the assault force carried out a daring and unexpected operation for the enemy. after that, the assault groups went underground to the rear of the enemy’s fortified stronghold, this came as a complete
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surprise to the ukrainian armed forces.


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