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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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truction: a daring and unexpected operation for the enemy was carried out by assault units of the veterans detachment, which... is part of the russian group of troops center. the attack aircraft occupied a fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces using an underground tunnel. the details of the operation, which took place on the eastern outskirts of the village of kirov, were reported by the ministry of defense. preparations for the sortie began with the military clearing a tunnel more than 3 km long along the seversky danets canal. after this, the assault groups went underground to the rear of the fortified stronghold. enemy point. this came as a complete surprise to the ukrainian armed forces. taking advantage.
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with the intervention of the enemy, the attack aircraft developed success and captured a strong point. some ukrainian soldiers surrendered, while others escaped. giving up positions. the ministry of defense said that when occupying enemy strongholds, other tactics are often used. assault groups actively use motorized vehicles. thus, the attack aircraft operated in the ugledar direction, in particular during the liberation of the village of staromaiskaya. motorcycles atvs used not only for carrying out. operations, but also for the supply of ammunition and food. the ministry of defense said that rapid movements reduce the time of attack, minimize the risk of attack by drones and facilitate breakthroughs of enemy defenses. motorcycle groups are also used as a distraction maneuver. we are moving forward, we are fulfilling the tasks assigned to the senior boss, confidently thinking things through. by performing maneuvers, maneuvers,
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deceiving the enemy, only in this way will we defeat him, which is what we are doing and will do, we come up with something, we think of something, we use something new, the last moment - we trained this assault group on motorcycles, respectively, the personnel, performing a distracting maneuver with a combat duo on motorcycles, the personnel... in the amount of eight people rode up on the maximum possible speed to the opornik, they rolled away and half of their personnel were simply on the run. in addition, russian troops occupied two more settlements, the center division of the group took control of the settlement of novoaleksandrovka, and the southern division grouping settlement spornaya. these
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active actions liberated the settlement of spornaya of the donetsk people's republic, improved the situation along the front line, and also defeated manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, thirtieth, ninety-third mechanized, fifty-sixth motorized infantry, forty-sixth airmobile, 79th air assault and 144 infantry brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of settlements vasyukovka, kalinino, chasov-yar, kurdyumovka, elizavetovka, katerynovka and...
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passages, there are anti-aircraft mines with magnetic target sensors, radio fuses, with the help of the machine you can clear some roads, that is, go through , but for this purpose the machine has a special jammer, the commander of a tank unit of the central military district talks about his actions and shares with us key episodes of his combat work .
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level as he is, and the weapons are the same as he has, in terms of armor, the same as he has, he is the fastest, the enemy does not have time to work on him, they are working on him, a tank the t-80 bv returns to its home base to replenish its ammunition, which was used up in just 15 minutes; this group of combat vehicles of the southern group of forces is sent into battle again. "alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, eduard ribacon, ivan bundin, news, donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line of combat contact. the sentence was passed on two spies in the lugansk people's republic.
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residents of the region passed on information to the ukrainian special services about the movement of a unit of the russian army. agents kyiv security forces were detained by fsb officers. svyatoslav dolgochev will tell you why the convict committed a crime. in this footage, the detention of spy evgeniy zazharsky. fsb officers handcuff the criminal in a few seconds. you are detained on suspicion of espionage. the investigation has established that evgeniy has been working for the ukrainian special services since 2022, through messengers and social networks transmitted data about the movements and locations of our fighters. when the special military operation began, my son left for the month of april. territory of ukraine, he met with the sbu and said that it was necessary to transmit information about the location of the russian military, information was transmitted where the positions of the russian military were, where they prepared food, where the russian equipment was located. another footage
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of the spy being detained. alina sytnik was recruited by enemy intelligence services. we had a negative attitude towards the russians and informed the chatbots where the russian military was stationed, at that moment i understood that a missile could fly there, and civilians could die. they are recognized guilty under article 276 of the criminal code of the russian federation, espionage. the court agreed with the position of the state prosecutor and sentenced sytnik from ozharsky to 11 years in prison, to be served in correctional facilities. general and strict regime colonies. the spies did not care about the deaths of civilians. now they say that they realized their mistake and repent, but the apology did not save them from criminal liability. the outcome of such crimes is always the same. imprisonment. svyatoslav dolgachev, ekaterina tehmanovich, vesti lugansk. in chernovidskaya
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region of ukraine, border guards shot and killed a man of mobilization age who was unsuccessfully trying to cross the romanian border. another one was wounded. ukrainians report this. mass media. two evaders were discovered by border guards on the border with romania. one of them sprayed tear gas, the second attacked the military with a machete. i note that this is the first known case of an attack by draft dodgers on border guards. evgenia petrukhina will tell you more about the progress of mobilization in ukraine. this is definitely a game on goal days. alone for now they tie their shoelaces, others are literally pulled from the stands by four policemen at once.
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they even liked to walk in heels, they learned to blend in with the crowd of ukrainian women, to give out less and less, but many guys can, except for stubble, only now the tech workers are already detaining women, the situation is on the border with poland, this is how the shopping center is looking for the so-called cheaters through wives and mothers, they say, where is your husband and son hiding from mobilization, some manage to, as they say, jump between. wagons ukrainian metro, just to be out of reach of the shopping center. such acrobatic stunts can now be performed by ukrainian part-time students. from july 1, they lose the right to a deferment from mobilization. those who work at enterprises of the ukrainian
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ministry of defense may also be left without armor. well, those who were previously in the status of limited time are now absolutely healthy and must appear at the tsk. maybe that’s why the boys are running in droves. in transcarpathia they detained me right away. 17 people, the minibus was 200 m from hungary, an organized escape from square, for which these men paid from three to 12 thousand dollars, a million rubles, but those involved in such... transportation apparently ended up in collusion with the border guards, in general, they handed over their fellow countrymen to the tsk. i know everything, they beat me. i know that the stench caused you injuries. they wring their hands and leave no chance, even if a potential soldier, after such mobilization, has a concussion or a broken arm, they will give him a machine gun. but is such a mobilized person effective for the armed forces, he will only offer his fellow soldiers captivity russian army to surrender. ukrmobilization has arrived. before the construction sites, that’s how the military commissar is in a hurry, but potential soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine hid in the corners, find them first, and
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this man just went for a walk with his dog and ttsashniks. probably, at that moment he especially regretted that he had not bought some kind of bulldog, which could have been a worthy response to the brutal methods of the kiev regime. evgenia petrukhina, natalya uvarova. news. turnout in the first round of parliamentary elections in france has already increased. turnout in the first round of presidential elections 2 years ago, the french newspaper figoro reports. let me remind you that today in the fifth republic they are voting for candidates for a seat in the lower house of parliament. the voter had to cast his vote for one of three opposing coalitions, the left party, the new popular front - the centrist alliance of emmanuel macron and the right-wing national association of marine lepin. with details, our european correspondent, regina sebastianova. edit fields will appear after eight.
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eligible voters in france were already at the polling stations, this is 20% more, than in 2022, today everyone expects record turnout in this election, and this can do it. the results are quite unexpected, at least this is what experts say, it is generally accepted that high turnout still plays into the hands of the current government, however, as many experts note, emmanuel macron, by calling these elections on june 9, that is, after the pan-european elections, may counted on a negative vote, that is , that they would vote for him, not wanting to allow other parties to power, but the higher the turnout, experts now say, the greater the possibility that in the second round again...
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we must try to avoid the worst, namely a right-wing populist government, which will not be liberal and not
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republican. in general, to date , the elections are proceeding quite calmly, except for the situation that in nice one of the polling stations opened later due to a fight involving the chairman of the electoral commission. in lyon, just in case , 200 police officers were dispatched to ensure law and order, this is more than is usually found in the city disposal. the head of the french interior ministry said that he does not rule it out. and for europe as a whole, all european countries are holding their breath, for example, in belgium they believe
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that emmanuel macron has every chance to go down in history as the president who allowed his right-wing government, experts write about this today, for example, on the pages of the morgan, with let me remind you that the latest poll shows that the right-wing national front may emerge victorious today due to the first round of elections with 37%, the second may be the left bloc, which is predicted to receive about 27%. ekronists, then they are currently predicted to be about 20%. it is known that the president of the republic has already scheduled a meeting with his ministers at the elysee palace for tomorrow. regina sevastyanova, eva fedotova, ekaterina shamaeva, european bureau of vgtrk. on
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avita khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7th. magnet - the price is what you need.
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our money will also fly away, yours is safe here in any of 185 countries, the same conditions for roaming with beeline in almost all countries of the world. beeline is the safest operator. what will your summer be like? with increased cashback, summer will be active. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, play today children's clothing with cashback up to 60%. a home that is warm and cozy is always filled with happiness. millions of russians chose to look out the windows of rikau. this have not happened before. russian cold, 150 g, unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try. real ice cream russian cold. great, incredible taste.
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bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. teboil diamond - the engine purrs from. an ordinary walk around moscow will definitely turn into an exciting journey, and even if you haven’t visited the website, where
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all the details of the summer festival in moscow are described in detail, everyone is welcome to go outside.
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saber, but maybe a hat to get into character? take, oh, maybe this will happen, well, wait,
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almost, props made using ancient technologies from different states and eras, pistols, life -size spears, arrows, musketeers stood in rows, the first row fired. blank cartridges, tips not spicy, so adults and children were allowed, that is, we came in for an hour, in the end it was all over, now it’s high time for us to have lunch, by chance we suddenly moved in and found out what ’s so wonderful here, tell me honestly, did the children get involved or did you, no, well, first i , of course, and the children were impressed, the first one, a shot somewhere in the distance.
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eras are not only weapons, crafts, cuisine, but also architecture, here we see how ancient log cabins are built, and here medieval castles were quickly erected. times and eras are only a small part of the overall festival summer in moscow, everyone is out on the streets, and those who didn’t attend them will be able to watch and take part in other large-scale events. the program is scheduled for 3 months in advance, and in order not to miss exciting events, you can go to the website, just one click on the computer or smartphone screen, all the information with time and
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place, you don’t have to get into a car, bus or metro, join the summer in moscow you can do it close to home. all over the city you can see information stands like this, a festival in the summer in moscow, everything on street, point the qr code, we get all the information about the events within the festival, very conveniently. in july , the gastronomic festival taste of russia awaits us; in august, after a five-year break , the moscow capella festival of live singing returns. moscow will once again become one big stage for vocal groups from different countries. and of course, this is a festival of urban landscape design, gardens and flowers, which this year literally covered the entire city, in particular here, in the center, on revolution square, a real lounge area with artificial ponds in which they live. fabulous koi carp. let's go back to the ring, where the fight is non-contact, and the opponents only touch each other when they shake hands,
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rock, paper, scissors is gaining popularity. this year there is a competition with a decent prize fund. the winner will receive a million rubles. the results will be announced in the fall. rock, scissors or paper. you are ready? are you ready? let's fight. 1:0 to two wins we move on from the match 1:1 equalized tension passions are heating up oh you i lost everything we lost thank you come on stay with you next opponent the creative power of moscow is concentrated on nikitsky boulevard vernissage artket art nearby a large-scale exhibition of paintings and crafts will last until the fall. yes, winter, for example, yes, they want to see summer, all year round, so they hang a wall for themselves, at least in the summer with a piece of summer, all year round, well, just
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participants of the vernissage, here is a lesson from collage artist yana zo, the topic is emotions during a thunderstorm, the guys do an excellent job with the tasks, some use ready-made pictures, others uses, for example, plasticine has already switched from the collage technique to the assemblage technique, and i try to use it to complement something in shape, color, to help if anyone has any questions, i think that everything goes through
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as vividly as possible, fun and... extraordinary. participation in both the exhibition and the master classes is free; there are hundreds of people willing to show their work. therefore , you cannot see the same exhibitions here; the artists change. we attract people from the regions, but the fact is that in our association there are 22 galleries that are not located only in the city center, but in residential areas, therefore. it is extremely important for us to find a way to every person, to every citizen, to every muscovite. the close attention of the summer organizers in moscow to scooters is simply impossible to ignore the city residents' passion for this transport. there are skate parks, and to help amateurs skate safely, there are centers where professionals teach. the school's scooter coach pavel maksimenko teaches not only elegance when
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driving. but also technical maintenance, and for thrill-seekers pavel and the team they will teach complex tricks and how to perform them without getting injured, the excitement is huge, several shifts, work for the whole day, that is , here the guys glide, here we have a railing in the verge, that’s where the guys fly, then there are immediately the guys pick up a high speed, after that they leave, fly to the skate park, do some somersaults there, something else, turn around, immediately at high speed, move to do something in this area when... it started ride, we didn’t have that, the school smokat, and if there was one, then paid and no one wanted it, and the guys, if they came to the skatepark, they watched some videos there on the internet, now a child can come, six years old and so on , ask the coach what and how, so we will help him, put on a scooter, we’ll tell you where to start, how best to build your progress on a scooter, and he will progress with us; at the height of the swimming season, a real resort can be
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in the capital. when it’s hot in moscow, for example, as now it’s not necessary to go to a reservoir, in several points of the capital at once, within during the summer festival in moscow, these pools were installed, you can cool off at any time, there are many such points in the city, the addressee also on the website always has a comfortable water temperature. wow, how warm, my daughter sent me a link where she knew, she knew, i don’t know, what if it’s not a swimming pool. would you go somewhere to a pond or walk along the street? you would go to pity. although the festival of times and eras has already passed, the immersion in the past on the capital’s streets continues. the vintage supermarket on chistoprudny boulevard will remain open summer. real antiques, old dishes, coins, pelevod, old soviet ones.


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