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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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with us, at the height of the swimming season , a real resort can be in the capital, when it’s hot in moscow, for example, just as now it’s not necessary to go to a pond, in several points of the capital as part of the summer festival in moscow, such pools were installed, you can cool off whenever you want, there are many such points in the city; the addresses are also on the website; the water temperature is always comfortable. wow, how warm! well, my daughter sent me a link where she found it, i don’t know, but if it weren’t for the swimming pools, you would have gone somewhere to a pond or would walk along the street, the festival of times and epochs, although it has already passed, but the immersion in the past on the capital's streets continues, the vintage supermarket on chistoprudny boulevard will be open all summer, real antiques, vintage dishes,
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and this is a potefon from the leningrad potefon factory made in 1936 in full so to speak, in its original state of preservation, that’s how it reached the present day almost 90 years later, and so it sounds, there are elements of rust, but i didn’t specifically restore it much, that is, it bears the patina of time, that is, as soon as he got there, that’s how he is, and i’m putting it on here to entertain the people, i’m putting it on so that they people can hear real old music, the way it sounded once upon a time. you
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still maintain its performance, but you just need to disassemble it , lubricate it periodically, wash it off from the old lubricant that has become rusty, and with a new one, it will work as a part, and for muscovites to remember this summer for a long time, it is not at all necessary to leave the city, and guests of the capital will definitely want to extend their trip around streets of moscow, not only attractions, but also activity at every turn. points of attraction. more than 600 playgrounds in all districts and districts: playgrounds, parks, embankments, sports spaces, activity every day, and the summer in moscow will end in the fall, when the capital will celebrate city day. polaris appliances with discounts up to 70% and confectionery products. front with discounts up to
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45% on the yandex market. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one single payment and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and let's not forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. try more this summer. free delivery artful point yandex food. on avito khvatamba. discounts for people from people until july 7th. millions of russians choose the warmth and comfort with rehau windows, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out it’s possible at 20, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can open a deposit in different ones at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with an interest rate of 20%, financial services , financial market from the moscow exchange, dear passengers of the store. just
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fasten your seat belts, a journey into the world of chips awaits you, welcome to the smoky, bright beijing, okonnotom thai, unforgettably spicy mexican, new flavors of chips in a magnet, fly into the summer, fly into a magnet, what will your summer be like, with huge discounts, summer will be delicious, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, a set of kitchen knives from the japanese brand for 1,599 rubles. things faded after washing, i use them. gel caress, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color, things are like new in three times longer, new, no, i wash it with affection, we don’t know exactly what is behind your request, for training or the water has been turned off, for flowers, or to cool off, to the dacha, oh, or to sleep, yandex maps will suggest places, build routes, whatever you think, our senior loved ones... dedicated to a pensioner, convenient
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loans, excellent deposits, branches and online, special conditions, especially. relationship, vacation is coming, we’re getting ready, and savito you will move to a new level of savings, thanks to a wide selection of new and like-new car products, assemble your car without extra spending on avito, go to the sportmaster application, open the media section and read news about sports and style, the delicious calendar returns to a tasty point, we give one hundred percent cashback every friday. payment with alfabank cards. for the first time on screens, welcome. on avita, on avita. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba on so many things, from smartphones to sneakers. on avito. oh,
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if only my dream would come true. your life has come to be. start a wonderful life with a subscription to berp prime, get more cashback for purchases, as well as access to movies and music, are more profitable in savings with prime, we have. sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then folk, we love traditions, honor our history, value
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family, strong relationships, admire how... the country is blooming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition , it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than what exactly digital helps, you are incomparable. original in your questions: what about production, raw materials and exports in general? what is it, our product, hello, this is circaviman
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russia 24, i’m alena berezovskaya, today we are talking with the secretary of the synadal commission on bioethics about...
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it was originally named in soviet times in honor of the soviet pilot osipenko, we will get very far, very far away, and just to stop this hysteria, someone should say stop, i really hope that this word stop will be said, no good will come of you if you live on uritsky street, because uritsky is a red executioner dot, one of the streets is named after... an activist who personally signed
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the drowning, several sisters of mercy in the sea of ​​​​azov, this activist is really connected with berdyansk, but connected in exactly the same way, well, like a russian woman , a well-known figure in the crimean, red movement, she is a rose of a fellow countrywoman, such a pretty lady, such a professorial check, she even dealt so bloodily with the remnants of the former guards movement in crimea that she was called the bloody rose, she tormented and tormented so much those who did not have time to leave, sail with ships abroad, that this name became a cursed name, so if we return the cursed one...
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well, the president also spoke about this more than once or twice : the ideology of modern russia is saving people, saving people. ideology does not appear out of nowhere; ideology is something that is born as a huge response of a great people to the events happening to them. the ideology of the war of 1812 was an ideology. ideology of the soviet union after the great patriotic war was an ideology:
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we will cope with everything, it was not formulated like that, but it was quite obviously like this: the ideology of the soviet union of the seventies and eighties, we will not allow ourselves to be defeated. now, of course, some new ideology is growing, how exactly it will be formulated is still very early to say, but... you have already said that you often visit the zone of a special military operation, communicate
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with military personnel, i also worked there for 2 years and periodically i also visit these places and notice that it is becoming more and more military personnel who use the faces of saints on their chevrons, mainly this is the face of the savior, salvation is man-made, there are the faces of the blessed virgin mary and other saints, can we say that today’s event is also a struggle for our spiritual values, the fact... that we defend the faith, for me there is no doubt, i was honored to travel with the image... of the holy noble prince alexander nevsky and my personal patron, of course, the patron of the russian army, along the entire line of military contact in the zaporozhye region, this many hundreds of kilometers away, and so i took this image, what we see, the god-believing prince alexander gathers people, people ask for
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baptism, people partake of the holy mysteries of christ, i have not seen. indistinguishably, my most vivid impression of the north military district zone as a peaceful and civilian person is that i arrived at a checkpoint located right on the very first line, then there were trenches, when i brought this icon, the guys laid a carpet in the mud in order for the priest... to stand on the carpet, and not stand on the dirt, it would be easy for me to stand in the dirt, but this respect is not to me, this is respect for him, for alexander nevsky, gentleman, and nothing can change this, at the june forum in st. petersburg they presented a new humanoid robot with artificial intelligence, this robot, it already
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imitates human walking and even avoids obstacles, it’s clear that ...
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limiters in the operation of a robot, these are the people, specialists with whom i, for example, deal, they say: the only limiter on the activity of a robot is the ability to turn it off from the socket. when you and i type a request on the internet, well, whatever, we teach a neural network, we teach artificial intelligence, we ask questions to which it receives answers, choosing from... available ones and learns, it is continuously learning, we agree that it will learn without ethical restrictions, in our house, each of us in our house has a simple limitation, they are called traffic jams, if the voltage in the electrical network is higher than usual,
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the traffic jams are knocked out, we say, the traffic jams are knocked out, where the artificial intelligence has these traffic jams, we don’t know yet, we still don’t know. i’ll probably have to live with this, yes, just recently in in moscow, at a round table, they were just discussing how many professions will change, and many, and some will disappear altogether with the development of non-networks, that’s what concerns the church and religion in general, and how the life of priests and parishioners will change, you thought about this, we have such an institute , as an inter-council presence, an inter-council presence, this is a body that is a consultative body. to discuss the most important issues of our social existence, and there is a commission of the inter-council presence that deals with topics, including artificial intelligence, and the topic of artificial intelligence is in the discussion of this commission, one of the central ones, some of the christian churches,
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for example, the catholics have already formulated their position on artificial intelligence, what exactly are the dangers and advantages of artificial intelligence, and then formulate, well, here’s the biometrics, now you’re approaching the carriage. the conductor will take a photo of you and the artificial intelligence will process it and you will go into the carriage, this is for us, for me personally this, for example, is not close, it suits me if i
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i’ll just show my passport, but there are more serious applications of artificial intelligence, and we are faced with the fact that these manifestations are very often dangerous for people, but it’s enough to just say, and this also applies to the conflict on the territory of ukraine, and what...
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is doing this in an official position, that the most serious topics for us are, firstly, the artificial intelligence you mentioned and its uncontrolled development, and secondly, and this is of course very alarming and should be alarming, this is interference in the genome person. that is, attempts, for one or another declared reason, to interfere through genetic editing methods in
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the structure of our genome, in our dna design, that is, for example, we want to formulate that we will have a blue-eyed baby, and it must be a boy, and he should be independent of the possibility of contracting aids, for starters , like this. then some other constructed qualities, interference in the human genome, human cloning, obtaining chimeras, that is, wedging elements of the human genome into the genome of an animal or vice versa, this is how it seems to me, now there is a red line, the phrase is so blurry, it is used from left to right, it is prohibited... things, thank god, somewhere they still understand this, well, for example, human cloning is prohibited at the level , un resolution, as soon as this reaches
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the level of humanity, it will bring us unimaginable damage, and it must be prohibited. i propose to discuss international news, more than 75% of swiss residents voted in a referendum for euthanasia, that is, in the laws the country will retain the opportunity to help those who want to commit suicide; it is known that there is even so-called suicide tourism for those who want to commit suicide. some roman catholic theologians have said a ban on euthanasia would do more harm than good. it will allegedly encourage secret forms of this practice. please remind us of the position of the russian orthodox church, and what do you think is the reason for this logic of the vatican? well, first of all, let's start with the fact that this is incorrect. judgment, the vatican does not think so, the vatican consistently takes an active anti-euthanasia position, and just as
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the russian orthodox church takes it, we have a document called the basis of the social concept of the russian orthodox church, in which a special section twelfth is devoted to issues of bioethics, in this section there is a separate chapter on euthanasia , ah... our position with the vatican is no different in this regard, thank god, why is switzerland why is it suicidal switzerland is a classic country of euthanasia tourism, people go there to die, it was all there a long time ago organized, legalized a long time ago, what’s the point? but the word euthanasia means , as it were, a good death, so you begin to suffer, and you don’t want to suffer, you... will be helped to die without pain, that’s the idea, but not to mention the fact that there can be a huge number of excesses, euthanasia - it's always a cry of despair. nobody
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loves you.
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it turns out on its own, who is your friend, who is your enemy, who supports russia, who is against it, everything fell into place, and it’s very, very good when we hear this theatrical word masks are torn off, we think this is only in the operetta theater, this is on the streets, this is everywhere, this is everyday, masks are torn off, this is very important.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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a daring and unexpected operation for the enemy was carried out by assault units of the veterans detachment, which is part of the russian... group of troops center. the attack aircraft occupied a fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces using an underground tunnel. details of the operation, which took place on the eastern outskirts of the village of kirov, were told in ministry of defense. preparations for the sortie began with the military clearing a tunnel more than 3 km long along the seversky donets canal. after this, the assault groups went underground to the rear of the enemy’s fortified stronghold. this came as a complete
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surprise to the ukrainian armed forces. taking advantage.


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