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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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with figures of only 7%. so how do you manage not to stop the engine of trade when others try to put spokes in the wheels? now we will tell you. next is our first story. this is one of the oldest enterprises in the yaroslavl region. 140 years ago a steam factory appeared in rostov, now a coffee-processing plant. against the backdrop of all sorts of unfriendly restrictions, his products turned out better than ever; by the way, you’ll find out how they produce where they deliver them.
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when new management came to the plant 14 years ago, he, to put it mildly, got it so bad inheritance, destroyed workshops, in the tenth year more than 3 billion rubles have already been invested here, namely in constant modernization, buying new ones, well, this is constant work, now i think that probably next year it will already be done. the figure will approach 4 billion. the roasting oven - the heart of the enterprise had to be restored literally bit by bit. this machine has a loading capacity of 500 kg and the price is approximately a million euros for each, if taken in the same configuration. therefore, in 2022, we began to modernize them, it took we have 2 years for everything, we have completely assembled the stove. we also wrote the software ourselves. mechanical construction. the workshop has solved
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the problem with spare parts, we are already creating machines completely from scratch, we design them ourselves, we assemble them ourselves, we grind them ourselves, the raw materials are natural, coffee, chicory, rose hips, foreign and russian, receiving extracts, we produce a wide range of products from all kinds of drinks to groceries, porridge and soups. well, somewhere around 350-400 sky is probably how much we hold. we are represented in everyone. regions of russia, we stand in all federal networks, there are direct contracts with absolutely all networks, they are represented almost everywhere. by the way, foreign competitors who have changed their name are in no hurry to leave the market, so the support of the russian manufacturer is important. in the yaroslavl region, such a project was introduced several years ago, so that on the shelves of all federal stores, what is produced in the yaroslavl region is marked with the “produced” sign.
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a workshop for natural plant extracts will be ready to open, which will double the plant’s capacity and staff will increase, by the way, about social issues, they actively help veterans of the great patriotic war, soldiers of the northern military district and their families. over the course of 2 years, we sent 500 tons of humanitarian cargo. and these are the remains of the enemy drone of baba ega. the soldiers handed over the trophy. for each throne knocked down, we are ready to pay 500,000 rubles. shot down. two birds just a couple
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of weeks ago we handed over money, certificates to the guys, well, they are increasing trade with friendly countries, exports to cis countries, serious plans for china, there is some kind of support in terms of exports, of course, and the russian export center constantly provides support, they do a good thing, they help to participate in exhibitions in other countries. free participation in exhibitions. abroad is only one of many measures to support the russian export center. there are business missions, training, certification, patenting, analytics, and reimbursement . the most popular types of cost compensation for exporters relate to transportation, because logistics, as we all know, plays a significant role in the cost of delivery she. has now become a rather expensive
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element of the exporter’s customer journey, there are also very popular programs for compensation of costs for certification, so last year, 70 billion. by going to this platform , no matter what stage of the life cycle you are in as an exporter, you can find the services that you will be useful, necessary and interesting. and there is no need to take all the services there, choose what you really need, and the most important thing is that most of our services are free. it turns out that in the background aggressive sanctions, in response, support for russian companies, including exporters, is growing,
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and they, in turn, do not shed tears for closed markets, they are finding new ones. our next story from the astrakhan region is about this. this astrakhan business is definitely for the patient. not only does sturgeon breeding require conditions as close as possible to natural ones, but also, for example, the female russian sturgeon first produces caviar after 10 years, and the caspian beluga generally after 18-20. now you will find out all the details of this difficult matter. more than 20 years ago, the history of the company began as an experiment: a small production, which was aimed at preserving the lives
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of ositrov, developed into a large large company. the flowing waters of the old lock are vibrant with fish life and there are good conditions for breeding. to date. our company has two huge plots, we occupy an area of ​​2 hectares, we have more than 350 tons of fish, this is both a commercial area and a broodstock, we have the status of a breeding plant, we work with vnero, that is, as a genetic foundation of the russian federation, that is, not everything is for the sake of caviar for the table, it is sold for breeding to other aquaculture companies, and sturgeons are also released into the wild to be restored.
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his wife stayed, he said that a fish weighing a hundredweight yields on average up to 19 kg of caviar. the company is growing, in addition to cages, ponds, swimming pools will soon be operational, there is assistance from the state, subsidies for the breeding plant for the modernization of equipment. there is also a regional subsidy for aquaculture feed, so we produce good we provide quality feed here in the austrian region. consumers of feed, black caviar, by the way, is not only eaten, it is, for example, used in anti-aging cosmetics, customers throughout russia and the cis go a lot for export, and previously to the states, to japan, even to australia, now logistics is changing, they are becoming more and
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more interested the united arab emirates, india, china are planning to please africa with the astrakhan product; in general, we are constantly working with the participation of export products. we visit exhibitions, i want to say that i want to tell you a huge thank you, and in general, this is a great help for enterprises like us to go to major exhibitions, because the cost of the exhibition is quite high, already in the modern reality of sanctions, new factories are even appearing, which, in addition to their own market, immediately look at friendly ones, there is an example in mordovia. 1.0 tons of meat products per month, these are all kinds of snacks, how much does this new plant in mordovia produce, where the most modern equipment, including russian, is installed. let's see how it works
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edible production. the president of russia opened the plant via video link; vladimir putin was told that meat snacks are an alternative.
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the company currently accounts for 16% of production, with plans for 30% this year. the mixed snike market in russia is at the stage of demand formation, which will increase by approximately 30% per year. this dynamic is comparable to the foreign market. the complex is part of a group of companies with 11 enterprises. the holding unites itself with enterprises for crop production, production of compound feed, breeding and fattening of pigs, and meat processing. the holding has already invested
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more than 50 billion rubles in the economy of the republic, this includes new jobs, in particular there will be 800 of them here. in terms of personnel selection, we cooperate with souzas, technical schools, and carry out active work with schoolchildren. we currently have a need for about 500 in mordovia, mostly people in working professions, so we are now paying close attention to secondary specialized educational institutions. who are trained in different areas, there are welders, metalworkers, and different, different areas. this is the first. second, of course, we we work with our communities taking into account salaries, and we have a fairly high increase in wages in industrial enterprises, we are trying to bring back those who once left. and they work outside their specialty, they work in the security system, which is also not bad, but i would like them to return to their specialty. we have developed short-term but effective courses for returning to a specialty. we are actively participating in the program of the ministry of education and professionalism, attracting funds from
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businesses, and this is significantly federal funds, more than 100 million for one project, which allows you to completely re-equip the open source software. personnel are very much needed, especially since soon there will be another production facility literally next door. in the city of ruzaevka in mordovia , a new plant is being built that will produce wet food for animals. now this product is basically. imported, the situation must be decisively corrected. since the company already produces dry food, after the launch of this plant, the total volume of food production for our little brothers will be 100,000 tons, which will allow it to occupy 15% of the russian market and not only russian, there is export experience. the products of our property management company are in great demand all over the world, in countries such as vietnam and armenia. belarus, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, abkhazia. according to
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data for 23, our companies shipped about 800 tons for export. this year , the taalina group of companies plans to increase export volumes, begin supplies to china, and also launch the export of vegetable oils; the russian export center actively supports us in this. last year , trade between russia and china set a record. there is a lot behind these numbers. they saw exports as an important part of their development, they were able to rebuild, there was support, and the growth in demand in the domestic market certainly had an impact. china has already hosted two festivals, fairs made in russia; dozens of russian companies are promoting their products with the support. our festivals fairs. which we believe have proven themselves to be very effective, we already have agreements with
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the chinese side to promote them in different provinces during this year, this is such a set of very diverse measures to attracting attention to russian products, which is important, through the correct search for each of the brands that participate in this marketing. in settlements with countries it is close to 40%. by 2030, non-soya and non-energy exports should grow by 2/3; according to the ministry of industry and trade, in the first quarter of this year they added more than 5% to $37 billion. and during the president’s visit to vietnam, the russian export center estimated the potential for supplies to this country at $408 million.
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what about the middle east? cows on suitcases and waiting in saudi arabia in oman. the fact is that on this astrakhan farm they learned how to raise cattle so well that they became an export product. what’s so special about these cows, we’ll tell you now. cows are suspiciously studying the copter of the kazakh white-headed breed. ibrahim has been breeding just such cows for more than 10 years. a hardy breed of livestock today that can withstand everything in the spring
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, this midge can withstand heat, frost, agricultural work and...
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this is a development, because live goods turned out to be very even for export, cows are supplied to azerbaijan, georgia, iraq. and now saudi arabia and oman are asking for 10,000 heads. here too you can count on help. over the past year, rets supported a record number of companies - 24. volume growth by 23%. there are more transactions abroad. by the way, training is also a measure of support that is in great demand. yes, one of the very important problems that exporters now face is the shortage of personnel. and therefore. we systematically and with the help of our export school with the help of the partnership that we have established with rsp with ministry of education with key universities, we are expanding training programs through partnerships with rsp, we are getting help from employers in subsequent employment,
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without which it is still impossible to build new supply chains without transport? this came with testing from the fields, that is, you have not produced trailers like this before, we have not produced them, this is a potato trailer for the largest. potato farming in the tyumen region, this company from tyumen develops and produces everything for moving goods from point a to point b, be it whether wood, gravel or machinery, the departure of foreign competitors is only beneficial. recently , much more opportunities have opened up for us, that is, german manufacturers have left the market,
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that is, this is an onboard semi-trailer that is completely localized in russia. exceeds supply, recently they began to produce twice as many products, 480 units are produced per year, a thousand are planned, including due to new models. over the past 3 years, we have invested about 400 million in equipment at the plant, as of last year this was there are 100 million of us. that is, we have already gone all the way from manual labor through mechanization, automation, and finally we have already reached robotization at some stages. company. plans to develop exports, there are deliveries to kazakhstan, belarus, even to iraq, and in general, now is a good time for business to grow due to its supply market to new foreign ones. the transport theme is also supported by a story from mordovia.
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the car manufacturing plant can boast of complete localization, they have mastered new alloys, innovative bogies, three sites, more 100 certified cars in a line, these 100 cars can transport up to 2.0 different cargoes, the cargo varies from simple coal, crushed stone, sand to...
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container dumping 3 million then.
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new terminals are appearing all over the country, this one, for example, in the leningrad region, in the port of service for mineral fertilizers. fertilizer from here, where we... you know, the sales market is quite large, the main consumers today are brazil, america, canada, india, capacity up to 8 million tons per year, in the future 14, assistance automation and a diverse storage system for 500,000 tons, spine warehouses, dome warehouses, we are now in the indoor crypto warehouse number two, in terms of capacity. it will be about 180,000 tons, in each dome, how much, about 21,000 tons will be placed in each dome, and there are eight such domes, according to the plan, the terminal will be put into operation
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next year, new infrastructure, new opportunities for manufacturers, if in general, for example, since trade between russia and the european union has fallen to its lowest level since 2000, other friendly countries have something to offer. the growth of trade turnover is an indicator that logistics is developing. according to the logic of the challenges of our time. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a deep fake, change your voice. hadversion. we
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will expose all fakes. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there’s more to come. more
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achievements, fall in love with the country more exhibition russia, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website,
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daring and unexpected. for the enemy , the operation was carried out by assault units of the veterans detachment, which is part of the russian group of troops center. the attack aircraft occupied a fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces using an underground tunnel. details of the operation that took place on the eastern outskirts settlement of kireva was reported to the ministry of defense. preparations for the sortie began with the military clearing a tunnel more than 3 km long along the seversky danets canal. after this, the assault groups went underground to the rear of the fortified stronghold against.


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