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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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and the benefits of the acquirers have already appeared, the governor of michigan grecin whitmer, who is considered one of biden’s possible replacements in the race, it turns out that a couple of weeks ago the secret sent an advance team to washington, hinting at the machinations of barack obama, who in the last couple of days has become in the public field somehow suspiciously loyal to biden, whom he always disliked. bad debate nights happen, believe me, i know, but this election is.
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i think gredchen whitmer has a good chance in michigan, and i think so does the governor. pennsylvania. i think the governor in general, governors are the last politicians in this country that really care about governing to deal with a lot of constituents and know how to talk to their constituents. the most famous of the replacement governors is californian gavin newsom, who looks very hollywood, like an american president from a blockbuster about the apocalypse. for now, the truth is pretending. that he doesn't pretend to be a superhero, i'll never turn to him with his back, he is, of course, talking about biden, but if time chooses them, then they will have to come face to face with trump, here the chances of each of biden’s reserves are so-so, on points, they all lose to the republican en masse, kharis has 45 against 48, 44 on newsom has 47, and governor whitmer, like michelle obama, is in the red the last time they measured it.
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actually, i don't believe it because he's doing better in the polls than any of the democrats. this election is a choice between strength and weakness, competence and incompetence, war or not war. you know, they love wars, they love killing people, it's amazing. but you know that i am the only president in many decades who has not started a single war. trump promised that russia, china and the dprk will not be enemies of the united states if...
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members of the cabinet of ministers look into their hearts. you see, you've been reporting all day about the panic that has arisen in the democratic party. i would panic too if i were a democrat today and this was our candidate. i think they understand that they have a serious problem. it is not some abstract, selected amendments that should look into the hearts, but
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amendments clearly outlined by the norms of the majority, including the vice president, that is, kamaluharis, who in this case will have to replace biden. the right-to-left correction was used in cases when american presidents underwent a medical examination, the last time, by the way, was biden himself, when he had a colonoscopy, but to be forced out of power with the help of it, this has never happened before, however, in america, which recognizes himself with difficulty, now everything is as for the first time. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and denis lisitsin, reporting for the week from new york. this week the name of the new nato secretary general became known. jens stoltenberg will be replaced by former dutch prime minister mark rutte in october. americans like rutte. last year, the netherlands, together with denmark, led a european coalition to train ukrainian
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pilots for f-16 fighters. and the netherlands plans to supply the fighters themselves from their reserves to ukraine in the second half of the year. in the manual. if at the head of european diplomacy, just about turns out to be a person on the russian federal wanted list. however, it is precisely this goal - preventing any contacts with moscow - that brussels is pursuing by nominating estonian prime minister kajo kallos to the post of high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. for her, moving from stalin to
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brussels is, of course, a sharp career take-off, the fulfillment of a cherished desire that all leaders of the baltic countries openly cherish; she will justify trust with no less zeal than she tried to earn it. u...
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now the prodigal brothers will apparently have to vote with orbán’s fidesz when the personnel issue goes to the european parliament for final approval. hungary is the second country whose leadership was not impressed by the proposed list of candidates. the past 5 years have been arguably the worst five years in eu history. in the elections to the european parliament, people showed that they want changes in brussels, but the way things look now, the same ruling coalition will remain in power. i don't feel any joy about it. what 's happening now. showed weak results. europe needs
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better leadership. it was clear in advance that there would be no agreement with orban. and brussels was in a hurry to close several sensitive issues at the june summit, because from july 1, the eu presidency will pass to hungary for six months. the very first question is the theft of russian money, that is , the transfer of reinvestment income to the european peace fund, from which the eu finances the war in ukraine.
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escape from kiev, will appear for the day again in europe. his scene was broadcast communication with viktor orban, who depicted something similar to an explosion and energetically chopped the air with his hand, as if advising him not to demand too much in the next six months and to move according to plan. and nodded as if he agreed, he was probably lying, as always. however, the broken clock shows the correct time twice a day, so he still told the truth once. we must develop and prepare this settlement plan and put it on the table within a few months. we have little time because we have many wounded dead. to be continued: zelensky and his western curator ermak are preparing another supposedly peaceful conference, like the one for two weeks...
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for as long as it takes, we want to act quickly, we want to be specific. specifically, in the event of military aggression, brussels undertakes to hold consultations with kiev on this matter within 24 hours, nothing that goes beyond the standard framework, just another dud. europe really needs one thing: a commitment from ukraine to continue the war. europe will give money for weapons, but he will at least try. fonderline hoped to secure approval at the summit. loans of $50 billion, secured by russian assets, which
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the g7 have already agreed upon for kiev. she was unable to immediately push european leaders to take this step . the idea of ​​spending 500 billion euros over 10 years to expand the european military-industrial complex was also met without much enthusiasm. with this money, fonderin wants to fund his project to introduce the post of european commissioner for defense, with an official attached to it. the issue that was finally closed at the summit is another package of anti-russian sanctions, the fourteenth has begun,
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it includes a ban on the re-export of russian liquefied gas through european ports and another 116 organizations and individuals, the artek children's camp, ural airlines, the public foundation of akhmat kadyrov, ramzan's mother kadyrova, three-time olympic champion maria kiseleva, singer polina gagarina, singer shaman, history was developed during the week. admitted searches and other investigative actions in relation to businessman illegal. the german publication bneli news writes that the charges against usmanov were not tested in cologne, by the largest prosecutor's office in germany, which simply refused to open a case due to the lack of corpus delicti. thus, frankfurt prosecutors themselves may find themselves under criminal charges for prosecuting someone who is obviously
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innocent. at the same time, it is difficult to deny that sanctions really create. the truth is that many citizens do not agree that we support ukraine and do not agree that we have imposed sanctions against russia, this was again reflected in the election results, but in my opinion, there is no alternative to change this now. scholz clearly had a bad week, a bad interview, a bad performance, he cut himself while shaving a patch over his entire chin. scholz sees no alternative, and this suggests that he
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has finally accepted the role of a loser, the weakest chancellor in history. he no longer demands the immediate delivery of taurus missiles to ukraine; he seems to doubt that more weapons are the way to go. 71% of germans say they no longer they want to help ukraine, that is, they want to maintain support at the current level or reduce it. discussions are heating up about arms supplies. i always said that we should have
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done more at the very beginning, but now there is no point in looking back 2 and a half years ago. we must look forward and... we must see that we are opening up the possibility that at some point this conflict will be ended. the dynamics of public mood are clear, and the cdu is beginning to gradually distance itself from the most rabid part politicum demanding an increase in the supply of weapons and equipment to the armed forces of ukraine. this is an unpopular idea, especially in the east of the country, in brandenburg, saxony, thuringia, where in september they will have to be elected to local parliaments, it seems that the alternative for germany will be the number one party there.
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good, what is it about, about cheap gas prices, the good old days, which were not very zero borrowing on the foreign market, a stable trade surplus and a welfare state that is now going under the knife to fill the military treasury. if it's not then it’s unclear what good times can be, but one thing seems certain. a return to them is not expected in germany, and therefore in europe too, despite the fact that it will be more difficult than usual to approve the new leadership of the eu in the elected european parliament, this should not be considered some kind of unsolvable task for funders, who can be persuaded, who you can’t, they’ll buy it, it’s more interesting how it will work later, those who compare today’s european union with the late
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ussr are probably still right, when at first glance nothing changes , but in fact it does... on thursday on at a government meeting, an important decision was made that concerns new russian regions; citizens of the zaporozhye and kherson regions who ensure the implementation of the tasks of the northern military district will be granted the status of combat veterans, such as in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. the president emphasized that people who defend russia with arms in their hands should be on equal terms. the government provides constant support to all of them. in addition to military personnel and volunteers, we must not forget about the civilian personnel of the armed forces, doctors, military correspondents, employees of various structures who helped improve
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life in new regions, especially the situation in the zaporozhye and kherson regions was not just developing, the legal regime there was changing, which required adjustments to the current regulations, so the government decided to grant the status of a combat veteran. so who made it to the second round of the iranian presidential election, and what does this mean for russia? 110 years ago, gavrilo princip shot and killed
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the archduke of austria-hungary, franz ferdind. about how the first world war began in the balkans, daria grigorova. the legendary regiment of akhmat kadyrov is 20 years old, our sergei zenin met with ramzan kadyrov. thank you, the sber loyalty program has been updated, pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes. restaurants and others and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% from partners,
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in france today, during the early parliamentary elections, a fatal event for president emmanuel macron, his party suffered
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a crushing defeat in the elections to the european parliament. capitals understood everything correctly, just in case the owners of a store in the center of the french case covered their windows with plywood all evening, after the announcement of the results in the city they are afraid of riots that could be caused by supporters of the left... parties, if the right gains, according to their logic, too many, judging by the first data , that's exactly how it is. 33% receives national unification, but large there will be no holiday in the ranks yet. the head of the party, jordan bardela, remained in paris, and his headquarters were mainly journalists. marine lepen at her vocini enan bumon, where she voted in the morning. she has a wider list of guests, about 500 people, and she is one of the first among representatives of all political blocs to give a speech.
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