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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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the problems are much broader, we have the problem of public debt and servicing public debt, our public debt is the lowest in the world, there is 14%, but it is generally incomparable, the development potential of our country at the expense of public debt, which does not frighten economists, it is large, but even this is not a problem, the problem is that we serve it based on the current discount rate in the same volumes as this year last year.
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yes, i would like to ask, we will be in debt to pay that kind of money for such a service, i lend myself through banks, then i pay these banks interest for what i loaned to myself, yes, and this citizen, who in 1995, after graduating from university, came to work at the central bank and rose to the top, it was he who came up with such a scheme or smart people before him, well, this reminds me of something, the pyramid of the nineties, it ’s starting to remind me of something, i started with what, what is... today the need to create
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something new, we you and i live in such a situation, when there is a war with nato, they are in course, no, we are trying to adapt, i can’t really react to your remark, you don’t have to, you are an official husband, yes, but i will continue the thought, another problem that also stems from today’s policy of the central bank, financial and economic block is the ruble exchange rate, listen, the moscow exchange was closed, by the way, there is another separate question, that for example there is about 90%. over 100 thousand dollars came from and was sent abroad through the moscow exchange, okay, this is a separate topic, there for individual institutes studying this information, i’m talking about something else, now we have an over-the-counter formation of the ruble exchange rate, well , listen, there’s a jump of 2-3 rubles a day, but this is where it’s possible, if it’s a constitutional duty of the central bank, so i read somewhere that they they are collecting information, well , the needs of exporters, importers, it looks
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beautiful, even scientific, they found out how much is needed, calculated how much there is, here’s the course, listen, what kind of situation are we living in, what kind of market, how is the svo, 21. sanctions, well maybe we will at least think that this mechanism for forming the ruble exchange rate has examples when it is necessary not to study, to collect applications from exporters-importers, to gather the exporters-importers themselves, members of the government and not only, all interested participants.
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the central bank governor said capital flight is a choice for a stable currency. well, listen, if we treat our own ruble this way, then we will always have an outflow of capital, maybe we will deal with our own currency, when i say that if we use this kind of mechanism to form the ruble exchange rate at least by a year or two, which suits everyone more or less, because what suits us is not the figure itself, but the stability of this figure, the understanding that i can plan my own activities and thereby set lower costs and pass them on to the consumer, so i want to talk about something else , that i am afraid that this kind of action, citing the fact that this is a reaction outside the exchange sector of the economy, will lead to the fact that there will again be a sharp jump in the exchange rate, as we already had, after which the central bank will say, well , accordingly, the following that inflation, with
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you are raising the central bank discount rate again, and i am really very afraid that this could happen and i would like to say in advance that this is not allowed. should not be allowed under any circumstances, let’s go to the central bank - this is our sect of dollar fans, well, what else, well, the temple is in a good place, they go there, howl at the moon demanding the dollar exchange rate there, as it once was pelevin described it, that is , no, it doesn’t exist, well, it was for oil, but the essence does not change when the financial bloc said that we - 54% are already trading currencies in yuan, well you know, this is exactly what caused me concern, because the ease. the transition from the dollar to the yuan, that is , dedollarization with yuanization, suggests that in fact they do not see the need for another model at all, because they have a complete lack of faith in the ruble and the russian economy, and how can we do without it, but we are with you we can’t even imagine what russia’s sovereignty is then, because before
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the government they don’t even understand what you ’re talking about, the government today faces two colossal tasks, the first is to form a mechanism and tools for interstate settlements, and this cannot be done without... an understanding that the ruble must be based on the ruble, we cannot, just imagine in brix, they are going to propose, but a new currency system, they say, here we are russia is proposing a mechanism and that they will gather their brix colleagues and say: you know, now we will finance the economies of china, india and russia with the new currency, which means it’s possible to come here, because there is no overheating, it’s possible to come here, but we have overheating, that is, how do they even plan, how is it even what can one put into one’s head, no, well, they’re right, what is india’s annual growth rate, i think? like china has about 6-7%, she has 8-10, china has 5-7 and we with our overheating, but here we come running 5%, again our president is 5%, and the central bank says that you have overheating . , this is overheating, he says, you don’t understand, overheating, we need a second
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definition of overheating, they don’t give it, well , overheating, yes, we already talked about it once, we just talk about it a lot, it’s good that the central bank has phenomenal psychological power. there are already roads that in fact, well, already have something to be proud of, so this is what i came across, there are facts, there are proposals for a development program, which is naturally related to the fact that as soon as a road appears, well, traffic there immediately increases, because tourist road transport and so on, and most importantly the economy,
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all regions are connected with each other, well, what’s there to tell quite obvious things, the ministry of finance says there is no money, listen, well, there is no money, this is a phrase that can be uttered in a country that does not have any resources neither... projects, the impossibility of implementing these projects, we have everything, only there is no money, but how come there is none, if in fact there is an understanding of the money supply, today the government would just give the opportunity to fill our economy with the money supply to raise our economy, projects that have already been implemented today, we are forced to mothball partly due to the fact that there is supposedly no money, and i want to say that the monetary policy of the central bank in the fight against inflation has led to the fact that today the central bank is actually the reason this inflation, i'm not even talking about the fact that, well , we mentioned it, that the dollar exchange rate is, well, the main activity, in fact, the main goal of the central bank's activities according to the constitution, so in conclusion, i would like to say that we are able, and we must do the following, we must not just expect, but in the shortest possible time bring
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the central bank rate into line with the realities, and the realities are such that industry and the country’s economy in general are waiting for a discount rate of 5 dashes 7%, and not 57%. at least so, secondly, we must end up with excess exports, we must tax, perhaps, not all benefits, but part of the profits of the banking sector.
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country, they easily pump money, what is the dollar backed by? nothing at all , when we heard conversations, oh it’s overheated, oh this, oh, that, no, 16 trillion in 3 years, despite the fact that they have a debt, yes, it’s off the charts, they tell us, but you don’t understand, yes, you need to clamp down, you need this, you need that, maybe someone doesn’t know something, well, contact the minister of justice, he will very accurately tell you very deeply about about what’s happening, yes, here’s one phrase of yours,
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alexander mikhailovich, about roads, it hooked me, i’m a little about the road, which means, well , i was now, driving from lugansk towards svatovo, before it would have been hours, firstly , tooth-crushing, about five hours, now it flew by in less than 2 hours, the roads are amazing, fantastic, just the main thing than the crimean bridge, we built it in a year, well, can you imagine, this is the road that leads to china, western china, now let’s think about it, during this time we say china, china, china, there is the dprk, vietnam, and we infrastructure there. they didn’t build and we saw, so vladimirevich went to the dprk, we saw that the roads, and what
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prevents us from developing with them, of course they are expensive, but why not build things, we need bridges, we need railways, we need roads roads, of course, i understand this, but i will return to politics, you were right when you showed this picture, you appreciated some of our leaders, we have heroes, here you are every week i thank you for this. i really respect you, choose the time, go there - it’s closer to military operations, talk to people, with heroes and not with heroes, with future heroes, war, and there are heroes of labor, of course, they, they are here, well, gennady andreevich is one of them, congratulations, yesterday we sat for 2 hours, 2 and a half even, gennady andreevich, i and alexander andreevich parokhanov, clarity of mind here. here prokhanov sat and told me, lenya, what all these 30 years have been like, i know this, i
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know that, but through his prism, clearly, clearly, then he stood up and said, russian, talking about gennady andrevich, who was spat upon, i i i’m not saying because he’s my eldest comrade, i know that you are also good to him, it’s just that you and i saw how these people were spat on for 30 years, who said this is what we have now come to. on another thought, but there are other heroes, i recently met my neighbor, he lives there not so far from me, who quickly snuck away somewhere, he was somewhere abroad in croatia or somewhere else, suddenly appeared back, i say, what is this all of a sudden, well, i work there with one of the gazprom structures, so you, like you , haven’t been here for 2 years, why am i saying this, he says: i was very secretive, why am i
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saying this, those who ran away, left, deceived, deceived, for example, returned, but the thought of citizenship immediately arose in me, remember i told you about what we spent a long, long time for ukrainians, for donetsk-lugansk, they could not obtain russian citizenship until they surrendered theirs, but then they surrendered their certificate, then only russian, and then we... did so that they allowed it, did it, well, by the way, for a long time - all this bureaucracy acted, then they created this for the whole world, this opportunity, there an argentine, for example, can get a russian, but i thought: yesterday, or maybe everything is the other way around again, go back to the fact that there should be only one citizenship, many states do this, here is one citizenship and live here, why what am i afraid, why i said this, i understand that this is more of a rhetorical question, i’m afraid that tomorrow it will be a little better, they will all run here,
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they will run here, to do the same things again, not at all there, to trade somewhere, somewhere... if something happens or then you need to make a deposit, you won’t be able to do it because the constitution prohibits deprivation of citizenship, that is, it is necessary to amend the constitution, because when you talk about two citizenships, the question of depriving them of russian citizenship, they still cannot refuse, because we do not have this procedure, for newcomers we do, but you who ran away for those who were born, you better do something else, here alexander ivanovich bastryki, in my opinion, spoke very incorrectly to the state duma, i think this is unacceptable.
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the advice is safe, of course he doesn't want to kicking mishustin or medvedev, or especially the president, so he decided, it’s ugly, i didn’t like it, in fact, we passed the law last week, we passed it ourselves in the duma, you know about this, but he violated security in this area, you immediately get into the registry straight out, now without a trial,
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by the way, without a trial it used to be, before through the court, now without a trial, can you stop giving out? russian citizenship, citizenship, for people who came here to work and for members of their families, maybe, although there was, of course it is necessary, it is possible to create, of course, a complex of issues, there for an engineer, you can create, you can create a separate agency, two separate agencies, one deals with migration issues, for example, russians, the second deals with issues of labor migration. well, of course, how many times have we removed this from the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of internal affairs cannot deal with this and should not, this is not their function, well, we proposed, not only the president said everything about it, of course, he he to you, of course, he he raised, conditionally assimilation, absorption, as in some countries, now it’s unclear, i’m now i don’t even want to waste time on this, we have a state program for the resettlement of compatriots,
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that’s right, how many non -compatriots have moved in during this time, so i’m asking. how many russians do you have there, non-russians, such and such, there are no statistics, no statistics, but in any case , it is impossible for a statesman to behave like that, it is impossible, i, for example, would never allow myself, despite the fact that i’m in the opposition to quote, it’s generally indecent, it seems to me, it seems to me, it’s not like that, not in such primitive pictures, to me it seems that biden’s entourage realized that he... was no longer capable of running for president, they arranged for his participation in these debates on purpose, to bury him, in order to bury him, why did i have such an idea, because well, it was hard not to see, we we here you have many times, well, a year probably shows, he will stumble, then he will say the wrong thing, well, why, it was possible, but what did they do?
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first of all, they legitimized trump, he is not a criminal, since you are next to him at the debate, he could refuse. and then i ask myself, this is what they they accepted, including for ukraine, for nato, for weapons, for permission to bomb all sorts of things,
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which means they can supply these planes anywhere, he accepted this biden, this biden, no other, and a small family accepted, and they tell us all the time about some institutions that they have created in america in europe, without these institutions, and whatever happens to the president... these institutions work, so if this is an institute and his wife, his sister, some friend of his there is one there of the same age, yes, that means what kind of people are they? institutions, and uh, these are the decisions i ’m talking about, i understand correctly that you don’t believe in family values, i believe in good family values, but still, this is a state, since you were elected, you have to do what - by the way, by the way, are you laughing, am i not? i recently spoke with one deputy head of the presidential administration , i told him, here you are sitting, i say, i am the deputy head of the presidential administration, you are sitting in the former building of
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the cpsu central committee, you are sitting, moreover, in the former department on foreign policy, without whose decision even gromyk would not do anything at all, by the way, this is how a twenty-five-story building is now being managed in the prc. because our state apparatus also needs to tighten up, tighten up, we just now remembered a respected person with you, with respect, but everyone needs to tighten up, we all have to be in very tough conditions , understand where family prices are, now we wanted everyone to be what - twisted, twisted, that they twist everyone. threw there in this in this system, i’m just saying that in this sense we have room to move, when i told you, you just criticized nepotism after that we came out on 25
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floors of chinese biden’s latest decisions , including his decisions, to bomb with these, that means the device is equipped with missiles that they supply, and here we are... you and i were talking about these drones, which we’ve only been talking about for the last week, we talked about how we just need to shoot it down, just shoot it down, it doesn’t even matter, there some pirate shot him down while he drone, until he became a pilot, right, you understand, yes, but they started talking about it, they said, as soon as belousov gave the task to the general staff, they started moving, we’re not even now anymore, of course, everything is not simple there, not so, i’m not simplistic, because these are neutral waters, it is necessary... the usa, not only made
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the decision in such a state, but also forced europe to do it, but it didn’t make a single decision and didn’t force it, it didn’t can force, he forced there when he was still obama’s vice president, now all these the decision is made by completely different people, the problem is that they will change biden, congress, the senate will not change,
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so you listen, and you think, that means they are watching, listening, they are not blocking us, and then what kind of people are you talking about, right here there i am criticized, some people are nervous, how come,
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i want to remind you, you know, remember, sodom and gomorrah, well, the lord destroyed these two cities, for what? because their sins were such that even ten righteous people were not found, so after abraham’s conversation with the lord, this decision was made. not only that, we also remember that the angels brought lott and his family out of there. have you read the comments that are now being left on the other side for the death of our children? just for a second. you want to contact.
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15 years, simply because he headed the russian service, there are thousands of them, yes, but we exchange these people, we get them out, but this is not the audience you are addressing, they are sitting, they are political prisoners, they do not need to be convinced of anything , they need to be saved, and we are talking about a cheerful everyman who, from the age of fourteen, enjoyed, in particular what happened in odessa, the tragedy, zugrez, they enjoyed it, everything was normal for them, everything was chocolate. and life is much tougher.
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