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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable. everything is not so scary, if there are instructions, please, well, can i still go back to the debate, and a few numbers, the first number, level, i think the worst thing is when he says, he was called to a debate, but why it is he who
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legitimizes the criminal. the numbers are very simple: biden's disapproval level is 56%. these are all the numbers that i will talk about now, this is realclear politics, who knows, this is an aggregator that collects all polls together and gives an average figure around the hospital. 65% believe that the country is going in the wrong direction, also a very important story, but according to... sociology a very important moment did not happen, that is, now they say there is a disaster there, everything there has fallen, collapsed, according to sociology there has been no drop in biden’s rating, they had a gap of one and a half to 2% with trump, it remained approximately the same, well, it’s 2 and a half, that is , it’s still a statistical error, and if you look at the breakdown of states, now there are about a dozen of these swing states there. and there, for the most part, trump is still there
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is in the lead, but these are gaps there, roughly speaking, 2%, 1.5%, that is, these are gaps that can be overcome, while 47 million americans watched the debates, now they say, well, like, this is not enough, we have , like, 250 million voters there, only 47 million watched, but if you look at the turnout, the last elections had a 156 million turnout, well, that is, every third voter watched the debate, plus, well , that is, less than super. in any case, but those who didn’t watch it, they at least watched a lot for the political event, yes, but those cuts, of course, cuts, they’re just those the footage that we watched - at the beginning, and from the point of view of what influenced what, the bookmakers' odds changed , experts' assessment, that is, now expert estimates are 54% for trump's victory, 20 for biden's victory, but the most interesting thing is when.. people
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bet their money, by the way, in 2016, despite the fact that all sociologists predicted hillary clinton’s victory, there were more bets on trump’s victory, and so now the odds that bookmakers give are, well, the odds, roughly speaking, are you. gave a dollar, how much will you get if the victory of their candidate, was 1.9 for trump, became 1.6. if he wins, you will get, so to speak, your bet, before the debate there were five for biden, now there are three, here there was a sharp drop, and an interesting point, the governor of california - that means there were nine, now there are six, also a drop, and for trump , yes, no, no, no, why did trump, trump had 1, 1.9, became 1.6, that is, this is an increase, well, roughly speaking, an increase in his chances, yes, an increase.
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biden's increased from three to five then yes from three to five yes thanks for correcting that governor of california gavin newson, but this is now the most discussed figure, and there were 26 if he won for 1 dollar, and now they are already giving eight, well, that is, it’s like a topic, that is , he thinks that they will replace him, yes, but in what’s the problem, since last fall, the entire circle of trump, no, not trump, biden, not the family that leonid spoke about, indeed this article in axius, which was published describing...
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at the suggestion of colleagues from the communist party of the russian federation about analogies with our ninety-sixth year with the yeltsin-zyuganov company, the technology is as follows: first, minimization of the candidate in the company, accordingly, various authoritative people speak for him, the same barack obama, who now has quite good ratings, the second technology company , god forbid, in fact, they are already leading it against trump, but you can toughen it up, so to speak, and technology number... we had general lebed, who gathered the protesters and, accordingly , in the second round gave these votes to yeltsin, well, they don’t have a second round, but there is robert kennedy, who is now, according to different so to speak, according to different polls from 7 to 9 % it has
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votes, and most likely does not receive a single elector, but since there are 10 states, accordingly, well, as i would do as a political strategist, there are states where kennedy is more in favor... takes from biden, there are states where he takes more from trump, but accordingly it is necessary in those states where he takes more from trump to pump in the technology, there are so-called superpacks, and accordingly, somehow grab it, another option, no, still needs to be finalized from those states where he takes more biden should remove him from the election, no, which is quite possible, because technologically they have already introduced this, they have already demolished it in several states, if the first, second, third option does not work, then it is possible. through mail and so-called early voting, it should be noted that the trump team sees this risk, they have now begun
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to legitimize it, like yes, you can vote early, yes you can vote by mail, they work a lot with the surveillance program, but what other options could there be , after all , persuade biden not to run, because he could just give a person a ride at the congress, who passed through prairie, for whom 14 million americans voted, well, this is a practically impossible story against his will, but somehow somehow psychologically he can be broken and persuaded, but what’s the problem? further, any other candidate is weaker than biden, gavin newsom, i looked at all the polls that are out there today, biden, so to speak, he is about... biden versus trump gives the best numbers, there are gaps trump newus is somewhere there 15 -20, well, the best ones there give him 3%, and if we take the swing states, then there are quite big gaps almost everywhere, why? because newson is
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such a very radical left candidate, plus he is remembered for his work as mayor of san francisco, that the homeless people there trashed it all, i remember. back in 1916, i was struck by the contrast of how san francisco changed there in just a couple of years, now they say it’s even worse there, and this happened precisely under newsam as mayor.
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which will be accepted, after all, for democrats it has such an existential
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character, insofar as, let’s let's remember the 2008 elections, it was possible to nominate anyone there, it is clear that the republicans are losing by definition, someone just needs to come from the party to support the image of the party, we must pay tribute to the russophobe, and of course the late senator john mccain, who we hated, but he and the vice president are now not against someone biden and something else, now the main thing is trump, this is the
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person who can defeat trump, any of the listed, realistically speaking, any, well, in principle, before it would have been any , not now anyone, those who are democrats, because there will be no one to overcome, obviously, trump will either be imprisoned or killed, when, if, if this happens, but last time we talked about this in the sixteenth year, i didn’t say that he would be killed , in the sixteenth year they thought that they would win in the twentieth year, but...
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who supposedly, so to speak, vanstein either raped or did not rape in 2005, but she was one of the accusers, now this topic does not play, and moreover, if take, besides kamala, emmy klobuchar and michelle obama, these are all over 60, that is, 60 more, everyone else is 52 years old, but that’s all, everyone is preparing for 28, basically.
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russia, this is exactly what the soviet marshal is offering, well, as russian propaganda, and solovyov personally, it’s not our marshal, no, no, what am i, i’m such a modest presenter, i came to stand here, yes, as for trump,
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here an interesting point, the fact is that it is quite possible that he will be allowed to leave. for the elections, but the level of falsification that they are preparing and what they are preparing after, so to speak, processing the idea a new impeachment, he already had two, two attempts at impeachment, that is, he should be elected immediately and immediately impeached, but for me, for example, trump is the person who can really lead, so i admit, we understand that trump is this is definitely the third world war, no, wait a second, wait a second, of course, trump will come and this. and they were, are and will be treated poorly, we are not the main indicator here, but an indicator of how american society actually treats itself and
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its power, that’s actually the arrival of trump.
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terrible, well, like a tragedy, well, he really, in fact, he has drive, he doesn’t have enough strength, i think that drive, yes, where does he have drive, well, the one that he has. guys, i
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know i'm not young, let's state the obvious, i don't walk as easily as i used to, i don't speak as smoothly as i used to, i don't debate as well as i used to, i know what i really know, i know how tell the truth, and he starts yelling, and he’s not convincing.
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first, there was a conversation between our minister of defense and his american counterpart, i think that this the question was one of the main ones, after which the minister of defense gives instructions, and publicly, gives instructions to the general staff to formulate a proposal on how to quickly respond to the threats that have recently arisen, this is naturally in the wake of the terrorist attack in sevastopol. a few words about what this rq4 is, a drone, a high-altitude jet drone
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black global hawk, this is a really serious device, it has very good characteristics, its operating ceiling is 17-18 km, it can stay in the air for up to 30 hours, sometimes works in conjunction with... paired with a p8 reconnaissance aircraft, the possidon with which control is carried out is equipped with a synthetic aperture radar, which allows you to take radar images of the area with a resolution of 1 m, by the way, it is not a cheap thing, it costs 218 million dollars, all of them are american, with six years ago, the americans have a total of 35 of them, they planned to have 100, but it didn’t work out, because the program has grown in
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cost as always, they, so to speak, stopped their production, in a day they can carry out an object filming over an area of ​​13,800 km, transfer to operators. about 2 thousand pictures with a resolution of 0.3 m, that is, a very serious device that can be made, so let’s talk about what can be done right after a little advertising, we have. sometimes with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our
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history, we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming... the country is ahead, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, let's look. russian channels - all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. we look, look in the application or on the website.
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the current situation, well, last week it won’t be possible to fly overflights in a week, although there was no official confirmation, but supposedly ours - 31 mik-31 is the only aircraft that can have a 20-20 km ceiling there and flew over these drones, showed its suspension to the americans and after that, so to speak, the global hawk quickly, quickly, without even gardening, went directly to its base in italy, so the only way to shoot it down is to neutralize it with missiles.
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because, taking into account the heights and speeds of approaching it, you can, so to speak, approach it at the distance of a cannon shot, but the pilot will only have a few seconds to aim for defeat, so this is not the method, that is, only missiles, we have missiles, we have we have the s-400 complex, it reaches 30-50 km in altitude, 400 in range, a quite effective means for... the implementation of these aircraft, what is the danger, that over the black sea over neutral waters, uh, the route of civil aircraft is still operating, airplanes of civil airlines are flying, that is , missile launches, they are always uh fraught, fraught, yes, moreover, the americans can
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escalate and... air-to-air missiles? no, there are air-to-air missiles, but still there, uh, i say again, the most reliable means is still - no, well, nevertheless, well, you can, you can hit air-to-air missiles, but that’s necessary, but what is the speed of this colossus? well, he has speed, so to speak, i think he has reactive, reactive a jet drone, its speed is there, more than a thousand kilometers. that is , they are comparable to a moment, yes, they are comparable to a moment, yes, that is, stood up, intellectual seizure, banged, annoyance, but for this, what needs to be done for this, of course, to declare a no-fly zone, this is not very, not very good, because declaring a no-fly zone, it presupposes the defeat of ground assets, the neutralization of air defense systems, a potential enemy, and so on, i think
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that we need to do something that... maybe so to speak - it will happen after in order to do this, we need to escalate the situation, so to speak, to beat up the drone, i am sure that this will not lead to any, not to the third world war, but the americans, i think they will think very hard, because well, the reason, the reason is not such, well, according to international law, if we will shoot it down in neutral airspace, this is an act of aggression, well, you know, this is not.


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