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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing, for this minute: the calculations of geatsent s, the center group of troops, hit the control center of the ukrainian armed forces’ drones in the avdeevsky direction. a precise hit. destroyed at militant positions after the strike, first a strong fire started, and then stored ammunition began to explode. one of the world's most famous investors, billionaire jim rogers, said that the united states will never be able to pay off its government debt and predicts serious economic problems for the country. in the near future. according to rogers, the dollar will eventually lose its status as the main reserve currency. in the primorsky territory, almost 175 private houses and... 637 adjacent areas
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remain flooded due to flooding. there were heavy rains in the region, after which a sharp rise in river levels began. a state of emergency has been introduced in a number of areas. about 25,000 hectares of farmland fell into the flood zone. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said that the western military alliance does not yet plan to revise its nuclear doctrine because they do not see a threat. previously in our meath clarified that moscow may change its nuclear doctrine. should we expect new thunderstorms in central russia ? evgeniy tishkavitsa will talk about this. european russia is being gripped by stormy fronts. the region will see brief thunderstorms again this week. should we expect
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tropical showers in moscow and st. petersburg? time for weather news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, there will be thunderstorms again in the european part of the country this week. most of june the weather in the region was extremely unstable. lightning flashed in the sky and it rained. by the end of the month the situation improved, thanks to the anticyclone the sun came out, but there was still local thunderstorm activity. persisted, over the weekend the main showers were observed in the east, the russian plain in the urals, in the chelyabinsk region and bashkiria due to intense rainfall, even floods began, the bolshoi izner and katov rivers overflowed their banks, flooding several settlements, tin, viso flooded, a church was flooded, thunderstorms also thundered in the western european territories, but locally, small scattered foci of bad weather arose in the area of ​​the anticyclone, and intense downpours passed.
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alas, thunderstorms await the russian plain this week again, as i already said, most of the region is now under the influence of an anticyclone, which has pushed a thunderstorm front to the east and... the sky is cloudy, but a new frontal system is already approaching it from the west europe, extremely powerful. confirmation footage from the alpine region. in northern italy, switzerland and eastern france there were truly tropical showers. in some places , 50-70 mm of moisture fell in just 24 hours. in moscow, this amount usually falls in three july weeks. the result was large-scale floods. real rivers flowed through the cities.
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cars were easily carried away, and at least seven people died as a result of the rampant disaster. already today the front will reach the extreme western regions of russia, in kaliningrad the precipitation will be quite light, but it will become noticeably colder. after 33 on sunday, thermometers at the height of the day will show only +22. in addition to the european after the exclave , karelia and the kola peninsula will feel the influence of the frontal section, while other areas of european territory will remain in the grip of intense heat. almost everywhere, from the baltic to the caucasus it will be above +30. in the azov region in donbass it is above +35°. the situation will begin to change tomorrow when the main cloud fields make their way to the west and northwest of the russian plain. as before, we do not expect catastrophic downpours, as in the alps, however, intense rains with thunderstorms will cover the murmansk, leningrad,
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arkhangelsk regions and the smolensk region. alas, they will be quite lengthy. st. petersburg today is still hot, +31, local thunderstorms are possible, but tomorrow. temperatures will drop by 9° and precipitation will increase. they will weaken a little on wednesday, but from thursday it will pour like buckets again. according to our forecasts, in the first 5 days of july, almost half of the monthly moisture norm will fall on the banks of the neva. the front, at least for now, will not be able to penetrate far into the interior of the country. in the center of russia, the anticyclone will retain its power. and, for example, a very hot week awaits moscow. in sunny weather conditions the air will warm up to +30-33°. the atmosphere in such a situation will be unstable, the highest probability of developing local thunderstorms will be on wednesday friday. that's all for me, goodbye.
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for the first time on the screens, meet on avito, on avito, khvatamba has arrived and discounts for people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to. auto goods on avito go to the moss exhibition, or maybe come to me, better at a tasty spot, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with clips for hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win
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traveling when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us, and it's a real superpower. more joyful moments with holy spring water with fruity flavors. the source of joy is in you. enjoy the non-alcoholic žatec goose beer and build your collection of mugs for a good rest. zhotets goose is non-alcoholic. collect pretty mugs! buy a kuopersberg glm 4580 dishwasher with auto-opening and a digital beam on the floor at a discount on the yandex market. more prizes in the magnet mobile application, buy from a card from the application, win summer prizes and a million rubles for a great summer, a magnet attacks credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, collect all credit card debts in one place, conveniently
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pay off them in 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases , kholva - simple installment plans, oh, it has already begun. will our money fly away too? no, not here, not in any of the 185 countries. conditions for roaming with beline in 185 countries, your balance will not go into the negative or we will return the money, maybe we’ll get through there, it’s safer there, belline is the safest operator, fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a tasty point, new curry sauce.
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russian industrialists are ready to expand production, this is confirmed by data on
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investments in fixed capital and growing lending volumes, first deputy prime minister denis mantru said in an interview that was published today in the new issue of the expert magazine. he named increasing the density of robotization as one of the priorities. within the framework of the created national project for the development of means of production and automation through regional ones. development institutions in each federal district of russia, centers for the development of industrial robotics can be organized; they will become a kind of bridge between robot manufacturers and their customers. the tasks of such centers will include the creation of engineering infrastructure, industrial robotics services and increasing awareness of industrial enterprises about available modern solutions in the field of robotics. from bank commission the russian woman was released when she paid for housing and communal services. those who need social support are parents with many children, pensioners, people with disabilities,
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combat veterans and family members of deceased veterans. also, for the first time since 2020 , tariffs will be indexed; they will increase from four to 15% depending on the region. last year, indexation of housing and communal services tariffs was not carried out, while the cost-intensive sectors of housing and communal services increased, so indexation of tariffs is necessary in order... just to compensate for increased costs, on average the increase will be approximately 10%, taking into account the fact that indexation was not carried out last year, this is, in principle, the optimal amount of the increase. new rules for recording strong alcohol have come into force in all catering establishments. now bars, cafes and restaurants must display alcohol consumption by milliliters in a unified state automated information system, including if it was used for... preparing cocktails or dishes. the corresponding law came into force came into effect in september last year, but
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catering establishments were allowed to operate according to the old rules, first until march 1, and then until july 1, if their accounting system is not ready to support portion write-offs. fines for violating the new requirements will amount to up to 15,000 rubles for individuals. for legal entities up to 200,000. in addition, minimum retail prices for strong alcohol will increase from july. that's all i have for now, tatyana. alexander, thank you, my colleague alexandra nazarova was with the economic news. and now a short advertisement. next we will tell you how the register of large families, which will begin to operate today, will simplify the provision of state support to them. for the first time on screens, welcome. on avita, on avita. khvatamba has arrived and discounts for people from people, only until july 7th khvatamba on
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so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito, to the moss exhibition, or maybe to me, the best tasty point, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with hello kitty clips and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip.
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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, every morning in the family of loved ones it begins with beauty rituals, the megamarket has everything for our beauty rituals with a discount of up to 99% for sber bonuses, thank you, magnet! the price is right. barbie bear 79.99. a fairy tale chicken is needed for sweet dreams. rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers. and the most tender chicken. for burgers at a tasty point. new kari sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit.
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try it at a tasty point. subscribe let's collect, more categories. support measures can already be obtained, what are being prepared, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this release of the program instructions. so, a family with three or more children is considered to be large, and the status is assigned indefinitely, at the level of each region; the categories of large families can be expanded taking into account national, cultural and demographic characteristics.
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information about large families is entered into a unified register. to simplify the intended work. support for such families, from july 1 , we are launching a register of large families; it will become the basis for the formation of electronic images of the certificate of a large family families, from next year it will be possible to apply for such a certificate through the government services portal, but most importantly, the availability of information in the register will allow large families to be taken into account when providing federal and regional support measures, without collecting additional documents. at the stage of filling out the register, data is verified, which minimizes the risks of unreasonable refusals. parents with many children will be able to receive the certificate electronically on the government services portal. subsequently, when issuing a paper certificates or when making a decision to recognize a family with many children, information will be sent to the regions in this federal register, and as soon as the federal register
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contains information that another family has become large, it will be sent to personal accounts. parents are sent, therefore, a qr code with an electronic image of this certificate. a measure of social support for large families is provided until the eldest child reaches 18 years of age or 23 if he is studying full-time. the presidential decree recommended that the constituent entities of the federation establish the following measures support: provide children under 6 years of age with free prescription medications, allow schoolchildren to use city and suburban public transport free of charge, provide. free meals in schools and colleges, provide children with free school uniforms, including for physical education. a child from a large family must be admitted to kindergarten as a matter of priority; the discount on housing and utilities must be at least 30%. in addition, the authorities should promote the improvement of living conditions and provide land plots with the necessary
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infrastructure. it must be said that in many regions these social support measures are already in effect... support in the field of labor relations, early assignment of insurance pensions to mothers, vocational education and additional vocational training for parents with many children, the right to free visits to museums, parks and exhibitions. to help the budget of a large family and tax benefits. for citizens with three or more minor children at the federal level. the following levels are provided land tax benefits are a reduction in the tax base by the cadastral value of six acres of one land plot for property tax. reduction of the tax base by the amount a of the cadastral value of an apartment, part of an apartment, room
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or 7 m2 of total area a for each minor child. when we talk about federal benefits, we do not forget that we have the right for subjects to establish additional benefits both at the regional and local levels, for transport and land taxes. tax on property of individuals. another support measure is being prepared at the federal level: a family tax payment to working parents of two or more children. it is assumed that russian citizens permanently residing in the country will be able to receive it. another condition: no alimony debts. in addition, the average per capita family income should not exceed one and a half subsistence minimum in the region. each parent will be able to receive the payment. to do this you need to pay income tax. individuals during the year that preceded the application, then you can will return the difference between the amount actually paid and the personal income tax amount at a rate of 6%.
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we will definitely tell you more about how to calculate the size of the family tax payment when the law is already adopted. let's repeat the most important thing: a family with three or more children is considered to have many children. the status is assigned indefinitely in order to cover all parents with many children with support measures. a unified register, it will be possible to obtain a certificate through the state services portal, all regions of russia are recommended to provide a number of benefits for large families. in addition to the already existing federal support measures , the introduction of annual tax payments is being prepared. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about any of the benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, we will definitely find out from the specialists and tell you about everything in our next instructional program. and then. about the most significant events of this day in history, in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. july 1, 1535 in london
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the trial of the famous philosopher, lawyer and public figure thomas more began. he became famous as the author of the book utopia about an ideal government system based on the ideas of socialism. king henry vi of england made more a member of the privy council, then a knight. and finally, the lord chancellor of the country, but the pestilence was a catholic, interfered with the spread of protestantism in england, and this became the cause of his conflict with the king. in order to get a divorce and remarry, henry severed england's ties with the pope and created his own anglican church. but more decided to remain a catholic. he was arrested, quickly found guilty of treason, and beheaded less than a week after his trial. for his loyalty to catholicism, the vatican canonized mora much later. ranked among the clique of saints. on july 1, 1941, a massive jewish pogrom took place in lvov, organized by ukrainian nationalists. before the outbreak of world
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war ii, lviv was a polish city, and of the 300,000 population, half were poles and a third were jews. on the last day of june, the mountains were occupied by wehrmacht troops, with whom the organization was then actively cooperating ukrainian nationalists of the un. and the lviv branch was headed by stepan bandera. the next day. a pogrom began, jews were taken from their apartments, caught on the streets, beaten, stripped naked, people were mocked and humiliated. the germans filmed everything on camera; then, according to various estimates, from two to 5,000 jews died. for the ukrainian nazis, the pogrom against jews was an attempt to curry favor with the fascists and get permission to create a ukrainian state. bandera even issued an act of its proclamation. but in berlin it caused anger. hitler was not interested in this. and unnecessary arbitrariness of nationalists. became a burden to the occupation administration. the germans reined in their allies, but towards the end of the war, when the red army was advancing, their cooperation with the oun resumed. on july 1
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, 1957, the international geophysical year began. it was a large-scale project in which 67 countries participated in the exploration of antarctica. we have already spent polar years twice. and now it was decided to study the processes in the crust of the ice continent. this was one of the most massive scientific observations of the environment. environment in human history. and scientists from the soviet union became the most active. to collect the results of all observational experiments , two world data centers were organized, one in washington, the second in moscow. observations were made at more than 5 thousand stations and observatories. and the central event of the year was the launch of artificial earth satellites. and here. and soviet expeditions went to antarctica, the arctic, the pomiryshan highlands
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and all over the world. oceans, it was in the international geophysical year that ocean underwater picts were discovered, discovered radiation emissions around the earth, many other scientific discoveries were made, as a result, the project lasted longer and ended after a year and a half in november 58. on july 1, 1966, france left the nato military bloc. on that day , the withdrawal of its armed forces from the subordination of the alliance was completed. france was one of the countries. founder of nato in 1949, but now the views of paris and washington on issues of german rearmament, relations with arab countries, access to atomic secrets, and so on have become too different. became president general charles degaulle proclaimed a course to strengthen french independence and withdraw from the alliance, but only from the military structures of nato, politically maintaining membership in the bloc and without canceling france’s obligations to participate in the collective defense of nato. so nothing
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prevented paris from 9. the bloc’s policy towards russia. here is an alliance that is now too aggressive , such was this day in history.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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tank strikes on militants of the kyiv regime, our t-80s are leveling enemy dugouts and destroying infantry, we will show footage from the line of contact. pogroms in the streets, batons, tear gas. france is once again engulfed in unrest; what else will the country remember about the current parliamentary elections? they grab you on the streets, in the stands of stadiums, even
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students get caught. in forced mobilization.


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