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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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tank attacks on militants of the kiev regime, our t-80s level enemy dugouts and destroy infantry. we will show footage from the contact line. pogroms in the streets, batons, tear gas. france is once again in turmoil. what else will the country remember about the current parliamentary elections? they grab you on the streets. even
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students are caught in the stands of stadiums, forced mobilization in ukraine forces residents to flee abroad even more, how do people react to such a policy. and we start the situation in france. the fifth republic is engulfed in protests after announcement of the first results of the parliamentary elections. pogromists smash windows, burn cars and block roads. there is a political split in the country. maria skorodilka has all the details. in unison, under the french tricolor , the rassemblement nationale marine lepine and her supporters rejoice. in the first round of parliamentary elections, the party takes the lead; in the second round, it can gain the maximum number of votes according to polls. the left-radical coalition new popular front takes second place, but the centrist ones. president macron's log is behind,
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the figures are conditional, but lepin is already declaring, dear compatriots, democracy does not sleep, the french people put the national unification, its allies at the head and practically destroyed the macron bloc, and the french showed how ready they are to finally turn the page on seven years of contemptuous and destructive power, thank you all. the votes are still being counted, but analysts' forecasts agree on one thing: the french far-right, which...
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can get up to 280 seats in the 577th local assembly, it will form a government, in in which jordan bardela will become prime minister, while lepen herself is running for the post of foreign minister, the rightists promise war on macron on all fronts. our opponents openly propose to disarm the police, open the borders to the influx of migrants, cancel the fight against squats, as well as the fight against islamism.
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are not accidental, we are tired of what macron is doing on the international stage and within the country, or rather, he does nothing for france, he only disgraces. after the preliminary results were announced , protests swept the country. in these shots of paris, everyone hates the police, the crowd is chanting, the south of the country is burning, in lyon, left-wing activists are organizing pogroms, burning markets and building barricades. vange, radicals.
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normal relations, because they are a friendly people, and we should not fight with russia. every time france opposed russia, it lost. the results of the first round in france represent total polarization. previously, an emergency occurred the day before in the province of izmir, the authorities called the cause a gas leak, five people died, about 60 were injured. and in the lipetsk region, in the income of russia, transferred shares of a confectionery factory,
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which previously belonged to the former president of ukraine petro poroshenko. this was reported to the bailiff service. they clarified that production has been suspended since 2017. his assets were assessed. at 20 billion rubles. the enterprise became the property of the state by a court decision in february. according to the department's information , the shares of two more enterprises that worked in the interests of kiev on the territory of our country were transferred to the income of russia. and about the progress of the special military operation our air defense forces this night repelled an attack by ukrainian armed forces drones in the bryansk region. 18 aircraft-type uavs were shot down over the region. this was announced by the head of the region, alexander bahamas. according to him, there were no casualties or destruction on the ground. 15 drones were intercepted and destroyed in the trubchevsky, karachaevsky and vygonichesky districts, three more on approach to bryansk. emergency services are working on the ground. and an unexpected attack by russian assault
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units behind enemy lines. the operation took place on the eastern outskirts of the village of kirov. our military cleared the underground the tunnel is approximately 3 km long. so, the soldiers of the detachment. so, fap-300 falls on new york, it sounds intriguing, although we are, of course, talking about a village, but still part of the dpr controlled by kiev. there was no trace left of the battalion command post of the 41st separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces: 60 militants and four vehicles. we see the truly
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devastating impact of the fab-300 on any fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces on the line of combat contact, that is, buildings against which this ammunition is simply used. logistics and transportation of military cargo. ukrsmi of course they shout that a supposedly civilian object was destroyed - this is the usual lie of kiev propaganda, which no longer knows what else to say about our most powerful factories and cabs, adjustable aerial bombs. even if zelensky declares that the vaunted american patriot cannot cope with them,
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he simply fails. our planes fire winged bombs from afar. a good fap is with an ompc module, that is, with wings that allow it to fly several tens of kilometers away... from the launch point, the carrier of these aerial bombs is not within the range of the enemy air defense. western analysts are amazed, the russian fab 300 instantly destroys the ukrainian military infrastructure, says british expert alexandris. this can destroy even the most powerful fortifications, and the shock wave kills all soldiers inside these fortifications. aviation bombs were developed back in the soviet union, that is, these factories were developed after we carried out a special military operation. learned to attach controlled planning and correction modules to them, they literally brought a revolution to the battle line, if at first the ukrainian we hacked up the fortifications with factories of 250, 500, 1500 kg of explosives, then three thousand, they
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are now really terrifying, the factories destroy the ukrainian armed forces’ support forces, break through the defenses, then the attack aircraft come into action, who now ride on motorcycles, during the liberation of staromaisky, as well as large ones.. . enemy strongholds in the ugledar direction and the combat duos of the vostok group of troops attacked so quickly, so skillfully approaching from the flanks that the enemy did not even have time to use drones. i approached the maximum possible. speed to the prop sunset and half of their personnel were simply on the run, so you can’t run away from fab, and if three-thousand smart high-explosive aerial bombs cause such a shock to the enemy, what will happen next, we also have nine-ton bombs. anton potkovenko, anna pogonina, lead. in ukraine, military commissars reached football fans. men are taken directly from the stands, and under threat from students. in july, reservations from mobilization were canceled for students, so ukrainians are leaving the country in droves in all possible ways;
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evgeniy and petrukhina have all the details. this it’s definitely a one-goal game, while some are tying their shoelaces, others are literally being pulled from the stands by four policemen at once. ucromobilization is now in stadiums, straight from the football field to the trench. so the independents will soon be left with only oksana, and that’s not a fact. here again there is talk about the mobilization of women. we will not clean up this war. we will not survive this war without women. there are very few of us in the country, there are a lot of russians, there are very few ukrainians, and men are half of the ukrainians, but of this half, a third are children, and a third are pensioners. and there are fewer and fewer of us less. but many boys even liked to walk in heels and learned to blend in with the crowd of ukrainian women. the only thing that can give it away is the stubble, only now the tts officers are already detaining women, the situation is on the border with poland,
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this is how the ttc is looking for the so -called hijackers through wives and mothers, they say , where is your husband, son, hiding from mobilization, some people manage to is called jumping between the cars of the ukrainian metro, just to be out of reach, such... such tricks are now quite possible performed by ukrainian part-time students, from july 1 they lose the right to a deferment from mobilization, those who work at enterprises of the ukrainian ministry of defense can be left without reservation, and those who were previously in the status of limited fitness are now absolutely healthy and must appear at the shopping mall, maybe that’s why the boys are fleeing in droves, here in transcarpathia 17 people were detained at once, the minibus was 200 meters from hungary, an organized escape from square, for which these men...
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wring their hands and leave no chance, even if a potential soldier, after such mobilization, has a concussion or a broken arm, they will issue an assault rifle, but is such a mobilized one effective for the armed forces of ukraine? he will only invite his fellow soldiers to surrender to the russian army. ukrmobilization has reached construction sites, that’s how the military commissar is in a hurry, but potential soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces are hiding in the corners. find them first. and this man just went for a walk with his dog tsekashnik. probably at that moment he especially regretted that he had not bought some bulldog. it could work out a worthy response to the brutal methods of the kiev regime. evgenia petrukhina, natalya uvarova, news. and now let's talk about the economy, alexandra, the rules for issuing
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family mortgages have changed, in addition to families with children under 6 years old, tell us, who can now get a mortgage? tatyana, for example, residents of small towns, regardless of the age of the children, for now on to other topics. there is qualitative growth in the manufacturing sector; it is necessary to meet the needs of the russian economy. first deputy prime minister denis manturov talks about this said in an interview that was published today in the new issue of the magazine. he noted that according to the central bank, at the end of last year , production capacity utilization reached a historical maximum and exceeded 80%. at the same time, industrialists are ready to expand. if short-term investments in the creation or modernization of production capacities were achieved due to promptly launched support measures, then on the long side, especially for large capital-intensive projects, the current conditions of monetary policy become. without formation it is impossible to get by with comfortable monetary conditions, so plans until 2030 include not
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only additional capitalization of the industrial development fund, which provides preferential loans, but also subsidizing the interest rate on loans for projects for the production of priority industrial products. in russia , the family mortgage program has been updated; the previous preferential rate of 6% can be received by families with children under 6 years of age, regardless of the age of the children, the measure will be available. residents of small towns and regions with low levels of construction, and also for russians who want to build their own housing. a ban on increasing mortgage rates in the event of a loan refusal also comes into force. from insurance, at the same time, the central bank increased premiums on risk coefficients for consumer loans and established them for car loans for the first time. getting a good offer with a high debt load will become more difficult. the eu's prohibitive duties on grain from russia and belarus have come into force; they can reach half the price of some crops, but for transit through european ports
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these trade barriers do not apply to third countries. as stated. eu council. tariffs are needed to reduce russia's income. experts interviewed by tas say that in fact, europe is flooded with ukrainian agricultural products and the leadership of the european union is trying to free up at least some market share for this grain. according to the head of rosselkhoznadzor sergei dankvert, the decision to hit the european food port industry, russia will easily distribute the rates to other markets. at the end of the issue, let me remind you of the official exchange rates for today.
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hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking, and now we will show footage from india, these videos are spreading on social networks, there is severe flooding in the country, it is clear that people have to walk waist-deep in water, and the streets literally turned into rivers, houses were flooded, the damage caused by the elements has not yet been assessed. after the presidential elections in the united states, washington will in any case remain a loyal ally of nato, this is promised by the general secretary of the stoltenberg alliance, but only its own he leaves his post, mark kryuta comes to replace him, what can we expect for nato under his control, olga ponomareva understood this. before it’s too late, the future secretary general of nato mark ruete, whose
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technical premiership is ending in his homeland in the netherlands, in his farewell speech bequeathed to the new shift to support it as before. it is extremely important that our country is integrated into the european union and nato. together we are stronger than alone, especially now when the war is just a few hours away from our country. this thought should motivate us continue to support ukraine, for the sake of peace there and security here. it’s not in vain that ruth is worried; under him, the netherlands promised ukraine 24 f-16 fighters, which may not reach kiev, since he will become the country’s new prime minister. digs hove from the freedom party, and this is the dutch analogue of the alternative for germany, that is, the party does not support the brussels military adventures, as unprofitable to its own country. by the way, the adg, which won the european elections in east germany, decided at its congress not to impose travel restrictions on its members to russia, and also decided create your own faction in the european parliament,
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which will, among other things, advocate the normalization of relations with moscow. moreover, an alternative for germany is being considered. collaboration with viktor orban's right-wing alliance, the hungarian prime minister announced on sunday the creation of the patriot alliance for europe together with the austrian freedom party of herbert kickl and the czech ano party of ex-prime minister andrej babis. we are creating a political group that will be like a rocket and will soon become the largest political group in europe. europeans want three things: peace, order and development, and what they get in total.
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first of all, we must supply ukraine with all the weapons it needs and remove all restrictions, giving them the opportunity to use weapons for any purposes they consider necessary. while the united states does not allow ukraine to launch strikes deeper than 100 km from the border, american experts appeal to the remnants of prudence in washington. considering that, according to the russian ministry of defense , they are responsible for the atacoms missile attack on sevastopol. united states that sent this weapons to ukraine. at the first opportunity that came our way, we decided to provoke russia, and this cannot be called skillful diplomacy. here we have a war that... we want to win, but by the way, we will not win it, we will lose it in the most catastrophic way, the american press does not cover this. just as
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the swedish press does not say that the saab-340 radar aircraft, which stockholm promises to kiev, are extremely vulnerable to russian aircraft missiles, as the american military publication writes. but the poles don’t have those airplanes, like the swedes. as a result , nato air reconnaissance aircraft fly over them. besides. poland and the baltic countries have called on the european union to give them 2.5 billion euros to build the so-called eastern wall, a line of defense on the border with russia and belarus. perhaps the frightened balts behind the iron curtain would have been calmer. olga podmareva, lead. by pumping arms into ukraine, the united states and europe are only fueling conflicts and a ceasefire is not in the interests of the united states. this statement was made by the head of serbia, alexander. none
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wants an immediate ceasefire as envisioned by china's plan, everyone wants the defeat of the other side, the west, as long as no people from the west die or only volunteers die, doesn't care how many ukrainians die, and the latter doesn't care how many russians die, and i don't know, who really. cares about how many people will suffer because people become cannon fodder in the game of other people's interests. see what ideas are being voiced, especially from the scandinavian countries. russia, they say, does not deserve to hold so much territories. this is the legacy of the world, now someone else will manage them. now let's talk about sports. alexander, at the european championships four of the eight participants in the quarterfinals became famous. tell us, who continues to fight? tatyana , the teams of germany, switzerland, spain and england have already qualified for 1/4. so, at the european football championship the 1/8 final stage continues. last
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night, two more quarter -finalists were announced. there were no sensations. the teams of england and spain advanced to the next round last night. the english played against slovakia were the first to miss. in the middle of the first half, striker ivan shrants scored a goal. the score 1:0 in favor of the slovak team remained until the end of the match. the team lacked just over a minute to beat one of the main favorites of the tournament. in stoppage time, the england team was saved by jute bellinge. he scored a miracle goal with an overhead scissor kick. 1:1 and the fate of the 1/4 exit was decided in an additional 30 minutes. and already in the first minute of overtime , harry kane scored the winning goal for the british. 2:1 strong-willed victory of the england team in the quarter-finals garth southgate's team will play against switzerland. the spaniards passed. the georgian national team is much more confident, although here the favorites had to win back. the georgian national team opened the scoring in the eighteenth minute, kakabadze's cross led to an own goal from
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the defender of the spanish national team. the spaniards even won back before the break. rodri scored a goal with a shot from the penalty area, and in the second half the spaniards scored three more times. as a result, the victory was 4:1. during the entire match, the spanish team hit the mordashvile goal 35 times. this is the record of the spanish national team in major tournaments in history, first, according to statistics, in 1/4 the spaniards will play against the hosts of the tournament, the german national team. the florida panthers held a championship parade to celebrate the team's first stanley cup victory. it rained heavily on the streets of the city throughout the entire parade, but the event took place, and tens of thousands of people came out to celebrate florida's victory on laudordale's ford street. the team traditionally traveled on an open-top bus. the stanley cup, let me remind you, florida won last week on the night.
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on july 1, 2019, i entered into a contract with floridars during the first interview they asked me why i came to florida, i answered because i want to win the stanley cup, i’m going to do it here, now after 5 years we are gathered here to celebrate the greatest victory in the history of this club with you, guys. leonid slutsky is still unbeaten in china, with an unbeaten streak. shanghai and shenhua, under the leadership of a russian specialist, has already lasted up to 19 matches. the day before we beat zendau weestcoast with a score of 1:0. the winning goal was scored in stoppage time.
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in the standings of the chinese super league , leonid slutsky’s team is in second place, another team from shanghai, shanghai port, is in the lead; they are also undefeated this season. and at the end of the issue there is a spectacular and frightening episode from the world of motorsports. at the dutch grand prix in the moto-3 class, one of the participants suffered a terrible fall. at high speed , the motorcycle spun and flipped over, and the rider flew into the air, fell backwards and slid along the track. the racer was saved by modern technology and the highest requirements for safety in the manufacture of suits. colin weir was not harmed in any way in this episode. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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let me tell you briefly about the main thing for this moment. a fortified position of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed in the rabutin area, as well as in the southern donetsk direction during a special military operation. our military tore down the next ones. according to him, we will talk about deceiving the us government regarding measures to ensure the safety of airliners.


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