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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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in the region, almost 157 private houses and 637 territories remain flooded due to flooding. there were heavy rains in the region, after which a sharp rise in river levels began. a state of emergency has been introduced in a number of areas. about 25 agricultural lands fell into the flood zone. and now to other topics. this night our air defense forces repelled an attack by ukrainian armed forces drones in the bryansk region. 18 bapylas were shot down over the region. aircraft type, the head of the region, alexander bahamas, announced. according to him, there were no casualties or destruction on the ground. 15 drones intercepted and destroyed in bryansk, three more on approach to the city. emergency services are working on the ground. the russian military took an underground route to the rear of the ukrainian armed forces and defeated a well-fortified enemy position. the operation took place on the eastern outskirts of the village of kirov. there are veteran assault units there.
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they cleared a tunnel approximately 3 km long, walked through it to a strong point, where the enemy set up firing points for shelter, some of the ukrainian military fled in panic, the rest surrendered. according to the ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the kiev-controlled part of donetsk our military hit the republics with a high-explosive aerial bomb fap-3000. the three-ton ammunition literally destroyed enemy positions. anton podkovenko will tell you what other targets were hit. so, fap-300 falls on new york, it sounds intriguing, although we are, of course, talking about a village in the part of the dpr still controlled by kiev. there was no trace left of the command post of the battalion of the 41st separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, minus 60 militants and four vehicles. we see the truly devastating impact of the fab-3000 on any ukrainian armed forces fortifications on the line combat contact, that is, the buildings on which this is applied.
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from the launch point, the carrier of these aerial bombs does not enter the range of enemy air defense. western analysts are amazed. russian fap-300s instantly destroy ukrainian military infrastructure, says british expert alexander merkouris. this can destroy even the most powerful fortifications, and the shock wave kills all soldiers inside these fortifications. aviation bombs were developed back in the soviet union, that is , these factories after we carrying out. special military operation , we learned to attach controlled planning and correction modules to them, they literally brought a revolution on the battle line, if at first we pierced the ukrainian fortifications with factories of 250, 500, 1500 kg of explosives, then three thousandths, they are now really terrifying, the factories are being destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces, they break through the defenses, then attack aircraft, who now ride motorcycles, come into play during the liberation of staromaisky... as well as large enemy
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strongholds in the ugledar direction and the combat duos of the vostok group of troops attacked so quickly and flanked so skillfully that the enemy did not even have time to use drones. drove up at the maximum possible speed to the support, half of their personnel disappeared and were simply on the run. you can’t run away from fab, and if 300-pound smart high-explosive aerial bombs cause such a shock to the enemy, what will happen next? we also have nine tone.
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including in the pension sector. the social fund of russia will begin to inform in advance about the amounts of savings of non-state pension funds. messages will be sent through government services once every 3 years. men after 45 years of age, and women after 40. in addition, payments will be indexed for those who quit in june or received the first group of disability and those who have turned 80 years old. the recalculation will take place automatically without submitting an application. and svo contract participants who previously had a long-service pension can receive additional monthly compensation in the amount of 100% of this pension. moreover, in july the payment procedure is simplified earlier. the entire funded pension could be received at a time if it was less than 5% of the insurance amount. now it depends on the pensioner’s living wage. a one-time payment is possible if the amount does not exceed 10% of this indicator. if your amount
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is 350,000, you can receive it in a lump sum; if amounts exceed 350,000, then in this case. there the second order is activated, when you will be paid the entire amount that you have accumulated in monthly payments. from july 1, the country also begins the work of a unified register of large families, the need for its creation was noted by vladimir putin in a decree signed in january of this year. thanks to the registry, receiving payment benefits becomes more convenient and quick. in particular, it will be easier to get a million rubles to pay off the mortgage at the birth of the third. this measure has been extended to eight regions of the far east since july. at the same time, the country has updated the family mortgage program ; families with children under 6 years old can receive the previous preferential rate of 6%. moreover, now out depending on the age of the children, the measure will be available to residents of small towns and regions with
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a low level of construction, as well as to russians who want to build their own housing. at the same time , the general program of preferential mortgages at 8% is terminated. in particular, a ban is being introduced on increasing the mortgage rate if the borrower refuses insurance; the order of repayment of debt on consumer loans is also changing; overdue and current interest will be written off first, then penalties will be written off on the principal debt last.
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and other payments. the central bank is also introducing more stringent insurance requirements and increasing premiums on risk ratios for consumer loans. for the first time they will be installed for cars. loans will affect borrowers with a debt burden above 50%. banks will be able to give no more than 20% of loans to such clients. for the lender, such loans will become unprofitable, since it will be necessary to create additional reserves when calculating the borrower’s risk. borrowers who already have some loans have a sufficient level of debt burden. already tall, like this lenders, in fact, will not be able to offer any interesting lending programs to borrowers. new rules for reviewing letters and customer complaints are being introduced. financial institutions are given 15 calendar days to do this. the response period can be extended, but not more
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than 10 working days. only after this procedure can a complaint against a market participant be filed with the central bank. if there are changes, there are changes in the housing and communal services sector, from the bank. commissions for paying for housing and communal services exempted parents of large families, pensioners, people with with disabilities, combat veterans and family members of deceased veterans. also, for the first time since 2020 , tariffs will be indexed. they will add from 4 to 15% depending on the region. last year , indexation of housing and communal services tariffs was not carried out , while the cost-intensive sectors of housing and communal services therefore increased. the necessary indexation of tariffs to simply compensate for increased costs, on average the increase will be approximately 10%, taking into account the fact that indexation was not carried out last year, this is in principle optimal size of increase. other innovations include tax incentives for a free
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economic zone in the territories adjacent to donbass and novorussia. in addition , an experiment on labeling pyrotechnics and certain types of food products, including, is starting. chips , testing of new rules for labeling low-alcohol drinks begins with the placement of fair sign system codes on the excise stamp. sash, such integration will help reduce the cost of marking. thank you, sasha, it was alexandra nazarova with a story about the main socio-economic changes in july. now let’s take a short break and then continue to talk about the main topics of this monday. for the first time on screens, welcome. khvatamba and discounts for people from people, only until july 7. khvatamba for so many things, from smartphones to
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sneakers on avito. magnet, price, what you need. mayonnaise mr. ricco 1249. alexander nikolaevich, july 16 at buenos aires? no, i have ice delux. so, third? no, i have big hit. delicious calendar in a delicious way. every day. then the lotto business definitely needs acceleration open a current account at and
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transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb - we help with action. buy a coopersberg glm 4580 dishwasher with auto-opening and a digital beam on the floor at a discount on the yandex market. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 expert. cleansing, restoration of the liver, fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at the tasty point, new curry sauce in the chicken-premiere chicken hit, try it at the delicious point, i chef kota aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, but to make it even tastier? we present the new
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perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed with 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 without alcohol, experience the perfection of taste. one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge and now sits on the internet all the time. hurry up to connect unlimited megapowers before the end of summer so that the internet doesn’t run out. and there will be jaga jega only in a megaphone. heartburn from eating, take it, gosit. fights heartburn, pain and heaviness due to increased acidity in the stomach. active from the first minutes. it extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes it. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7, go
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to the moss exhibition, or maybe come to me, better at a tasty point, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, magnet - the price is what you need. right on target, this is a goal, this is a victory, this is a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, are you going to throw out the trash already or not? yes, attention, we are being replaced by the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win.
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we continue broadcasting. over the past 3 days , russian troops have liberated four settlements in the dpr. we will discuss this and other topics with the head of the region denis pushilin, he will join us. hello, denis vladimirovich. good morning, alexander. in donetskesnovy, four rescuers and two children were wounded after shelling. that's what. you know about the condition of people in general, how do you assess the situation with the shelling? unfortunately, alexandra, we are recording shelling the civilian population, apparently... rescuers who are doing their job are being fired upon again, and this is precisely the notorious repeated shelling, and if we talk about the condition, then, of course , all the necessary assistance is being provided to all the wounded, the situation is such that our doctors are also involved in all processes, let’s just
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say, absolutely debugging. the delivery of all the wounded is underway and, of course, the provision of full medical care, the situation, or rather the condition of moderate severity , for almost everyone, well, at the moment it’s like this, from latest news, russian troops liberated the settlements of razdolovka, noise, as well as novoaleksandrka, the village of spornaya, the traditional question is, what can be said about their condition and are there people there, is it be there at all now? alexander, as you and i noted earlier, that is, there is a series of liberation of populated areas, these are small settlements, towns, villages, but taking into account their location, as a rule, on a hill, of course they have quite a serious significance in military terms, then there is
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they create a more favorable positioning for our units. if necessary, it was possible to evacuate before the situation there becomes, well, impossible to live in as such. this weekend there were graduation ceremonies all over the country, of course, the dpr is no exception, was everything calm? alexander, here we can
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say that all the events were held for our graduates. but again , taking into account safety, taking into account of course a certain kind of restrictions, thank god here we are saying that some kind of emergency situations did not happen, well, where were they able to make the holiday a little brighter, taking into account , again, the world of security, it also worked there, here it has already become traditional, again from st. petersburg to mariupol, what a beautiful one. to act for graduates and sails, let’s say 250 of our graduates were able to attend and were able to feel this beauty on their holiday, but across the territory of the donetsk people’s republic about 10 thousand people celebrated their graduations,
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let’s move on to other topics, this is how mobile offices appeared in the zpr and lpr and opened. full-scale branch, what are your overall plans for the development of the banking sector in the region? alexander, i’ll tell you that it’s a significant event for us that one of the leaders in the banking industry, sberbank, entered the territory of the donetsk people’s republic, this was received extremely positively by our residents , taking into account the fact that the atm network is now growing and finally a full-scale branch, which has now opened. in donetsk itself allows you to receive a full range of services from sber, just like in others regions of the russian federation, taking into account the fact that we were limited for a long period of time, in banking services, from the moment we became a subject
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of the russian federation, banks began to enter, now we see that this trend is improving, well, high-tech. the services that are now available to our residents are, of course, an extremely correct, necessary signal, and by the end of the year it is planned to open at least twenty full-scale branches throughout the republic, but i think that we will see improvement and expansion of the network, and of course the opportunity for our residents to receive all the necessary services, speaking about... the development of the region , 52 vans took their first voyages, they organized trade for people who live in areas with an insufficiently developed retail network, which specific areas are we talking about speech? how were issues with food and essential goods used to be resolved before such vans appeared? alexander, here the question becomes not so much about
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availability, but about data, well, in a wide range products, but prices, and we do have small settlements, where the commercial component is not entirely clear, well, in terms of the presence of... large stores or chain stores, and of course, but people nevertheless live there, i say and about small settlements and remote settlements, and of course i’m talking about the pre-front, where the situation, for obvious reasons , remains difficult, and so vans of this kind allow residents to have the opportunity to buy a wide range of food products and products. there are basic necessities, and the fact that people, our residents perceive this extremely positively, that the prices are encouraging, so last week
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sergei vladilinovich kiriyenko and i were able to see how the work of such mobile camps is going on in ovdeevka itself and of course communicate with people, well, hear their opinion, how important this is, how useful it is, so this work will continue, and here thanks to the ministry of industry and trade of the russian federation, which helped. purchasing these vans directly, well, by the way, speaking about products and basic necessities, is it possible today to control price increases and does such a problem exist today, did it exist before? alexander, the problem was really quite acute in certain periods of time, especially due to difficult logistics, now the situation is better, but nevertheless, we have to keep our finger on... the pulse, why, because, well, there are some peculiarities in our region, which, well, let’s say, make constant
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monitoring necessary, and this is done by interdepartmental a group that has been working since january of this year, and i will say that the situation has changed radically, one might say, because out of 63 items of products that are controlled by rosstat, we... we can say that at the moment there are 50, 50 items is even lower in the price category than in the neighboring rostov region, 12 items are, well, let’s say, an insignificant or acceptable deviation from the price, there again we compare with the nearest rostov region, well, let’s say, from 1 to 10% and one one. name, this is to unfortunately, apples, yes, are more expensive now, by more than 10%. this is due to seasonality, but nevertheless, of course, certain
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measures will also be taken on our part to even out the situation here. it is extremely important for our residents that the prices are consistent and, of course, not inflated, despite all the difficulties that our entrepreneurs certainly have. well, by the way, the day before you drew attention to the unreasonable increase in rents in markets that are located in including in shelled areas. was it possible to find out who was doing this and is it possible to cancel such increases? and such increases can and should be cancelled. and here we need an absolutely differentiated approach, and here alexander, of course, is unacceptable, because our markets are now controlled by a state corporation. here is such an approach, when there is a level trap going on throughout the entire territory of the republic, but it is unacceptable, well , because there really is a front line where there can be no, no
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talking about increasing prices, where people are in an extremely difficult situation, because well, entrepreneurs, well , we understand the conditions under which they are forced to work, and this is due to the shelling and use of drones by our enemy on civilian targets. and we see how many times this kind of shelling has been recorded, we, of course, understand that the availability of products and so on, that is , what entrepreneurs do, of course, doesn’t allow us now to say, not even to introduce an increase in prices for rent or local prices, as we usually say, and of course, for the main part of the republic , a balanced approach is really needed here, there should be...
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we will take on this matter, this there will be an honest detective.
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in moscow 9:28 and further briefly about the main thing. mass riots began in paris after
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the results of the first round of elections. july began with abnormal heat in the central part of russia in st. petersburg , a yellow alert level was declared, and they also warned of thunderstorms and showers. much higher climate norms, now the temperature in the capital, in the coming days it will become even hotter. up to 40° are expected in buryat, the ministry of emergency situations warns of a high risk of fires. in primorye there were heavy downpours and six municipalities received
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the monthly norm. due to the rainfall , river levels began to rise sharply. almost 25,000 hectares of agricultural land fell into the flood zone. a state of emergency has been declared in several municipalities. and let's move on to international topics. russia replaced the republic of korea as chairman of the un security council. the main issues in july will be the settlement of the middle east conflict and cooperation of an international organization with the sco, csto and the cis. it is also expected that at the next meeting of the security council the topic of ukraine’s attack on the civilian infrastructure of sevastopol with tactical missiles equipped with cluster warheads will be raised . the national rally party and its allies won the first round of parliamentary elections in france, gaining over 33% of the vote. the newspaper lepizen writes about this with reference to the final data of the ministry of internal affairs. left coalition.


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