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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. nato countries are bypassed. of their own rules
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, they share with ukraine intelligence data collected with the help of military aviation, a british portal reported this with reference to a former royal air force officer. according to him , the alliance uses radar systems on boeing 707 aircraft that patrol the airspace over poland. the installations can detect other aircraft at a distance of 400 km. this helps kiev identify russian aerospace forces aircraft, summarizes portal. those times in the capital 10:32 ff, briefly about the main thing. mass riots began in paris after the results of the first round of elections. protesters smash windows, build barricades out of trash cans and light fires. to disperse demonstrators, police use cutting gas. an unexpected attack by russian assault units behind enemy lines. the operation was completed. on the eastern outskirts
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of the village of kirov. our military cleared an underground tunnel approximately 3 km long and approached a well-fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. some of the militants are in panic fled, the rest gave up straight away. july began with abnormal heat in the central part of russia. a yellow alert level has been declared in st. petersburg; thunderstorms and downpours are also warned. the temperature in the capital is now significantly higher than the climate norm. it will become even hotter in the coming days. up to 40° are expected in buryat, the ministry of emergency situations warns of a high risk of fires. but in primorye there were heavy downpours. in six municipalities , a month's rainfall fell, and river levels began to rise sharply. almost 25,000 hectares of farmland in several a state of emergency has been declared in areas. anastasia efyumova has already joined me, that means. yes,
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sash, good morning, but of course, we will start with the parliamentary elections in france, however, this is not the only topic that we plan to discuss. so, i remind you that i welcome everyone who joined us on the air in studio five, the place where we traditionally have the opportunity to look at what is happening around the event, a little more closely than the news format allows, the right-wing national association and its allied forces won the first round of parliamentary elections in france. having collected 33.4 votes, this is reported by the parisien newspaper, and of course, this is only the first round, and it is clear that even a fifth of the total number of mandates has not yet been distributed, however, according to the figures that we see at the moment, and 39 deputies were elected from the national association, 32 from the new popular front, two deputies from the macron coalition, these are the numbers - probably, perhaps,
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the most important thing that we wanted, we would like to discuss, and not so much the numbers as the trend. sergey fedorov is with us at communications, leading researcher at the department of social and political research , institute of europe, russian academy of sciences. and sergei matveevich, hello, i welcome you, from your point of view, the numbers that we see, it is clear that this is only the first round, it is clear that there are still a lot of decisions ahead that, in general, can change this situation, nevertheless, macron, who announced early parliamentary elections, whether he made the right decision and hasn’t already lost, well, judging by the results of the first round, he has already lost.
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early parliamentary elections, continuing the conversation, continuing the conversation about macron, the french president is deliberately trying to create chaos in the country, pitting two opposition blocs with different views in order to resort to an exceptional article of the constitution that will give him emergency powers, this
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is stated by the leader of the patriots party, florian philippot. from your point of view, this week, which all candidates have, including, of course, macron, macron’s party. but we can conclude that it is still possible to achieve an absolute majority of the national unification will be a very difficult task, so if her party at
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the head does not get 28 seats, then she would have
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very different scenarios, if it happens that marine lepen still gets a majority, but in fact this could really change something, or is it still, we must understand that the pre-election promise and reality, including, we are still talking about parliamentary elections, these are not presidential elections, in general, very often very pre-election promises of reality diverge, well, of course , there is no doubt that reality and pre-election election promises. diverges significantly, but nevertheless, if
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national associations hold the upper hand , they will form governments, of course, and in foreign policy some changes will occur, at least on the part of the government, the bellicose rhetoric that we have recently, which has been demonstrated in recent months and years, emmanuel will decrease macron, including in relation to...
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therefore, a correction is possible, but a change in course is unlikely. and one more question that i would like to ask you, just about president, the bfm reports that today macron will hold a strategic meeting at the elysee palace regarding the elections. and he reports that the president of france ordered to study the situation in each constituency of the country in order to find alliances to fight the national rally party, which, as we generally told you, is tentatively winning the first one.
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thank you very much, thank you for answering our questions, and i think that, of course, in a week you and i will definitely have something to talk about in the context of the second round and in in general, probably a more obvious picture that will appear. another topic that i would like to touch on in this broadcast, in ours today, is, of course, july 1 , 2024, the date by which the president was instructed to develop a national project for space development; a statement, let me remind you, was made. last fall, at a meeting on the development of the space industry, then the president emphasized that this project should be aimed at creating a powerful, sovereign domestic industry of space services and product technologies. what will this one be like? national project, what role will be played in it, including private space companies, we’ll talk with oleg mansurov, founder and
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ceo of just one of these companies. oleg, hello, hello, and in general for us. quite recently it seemed that the concept of private space companies is something from the realm of science fiction, however, in modern reality, we see from the example of, well, at least illon musk, that this is not just a promising direction, perhaps one of the vector directions for and space, with yours from the point of view of the national project, which should be ready by today, will somehow help private companies working in space, will there be some kind of window of opportunity that will open for you? and what do you expect from this national project as a whole? thanks for the question. yes, indeed, private astronautics is already such a general global trend, most of all projects, uh, that exist in the space industry, they are private at the moment, and russia, of course, will not be an exception here, and even within the framework of the new national project, as far as we know, six main
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directions are being worked out, three of them will clearly remain with the state, this is the russian orbital one. station as a separate direction and its financing, the second direction is related to nuclear energy for space use, and the third direction is related to international, or fundamental research in general, besides this there are three directions in which private companies see themselves primarily , of course, this is the creation of mass production spacecraft, because we clearly have something to work on and catch up on, the second direction is, of course, increasing the satellite constellation itself, and in order to increase the frequency of imagery from spacecraft, provide ubiquitous communications, broadband internet access, and also, of course, increase
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the quality of filming from orbit, and the third direction, it will be related: more to the training of personnel, to providing a foundation for the development of astronautics in russia. in general, it is clear that in the current situation, of course, astronautics is beginning to play an increasingly important role, and in quite applied things, and the transition of the economy to a new technological structure requires precisely strengthening the position in space, including, of course, an emphasis will be placed on expanding satellite constellations. for various purposes, this is what first deputy prime minister denis manturov said in may of this year, but most people, listening to these conversations between you and me, oleg, among others, will say, but what about me, for me, a simple person, an ordinary citizen, that from me space exploration, global fundamental research is very cool, but can these technologies be
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used, including to ensure that the life of every person is visibly improved. yes, of course, space services are actually widespread now , a person, when using his smartphone, enters maps or everything related to navigation, this includes taxis, and delivery and many other services require space images, space navigation, also of course, and we are very strong now dependent on connection. that is, we want, regardless of where we are, at the dacha, on a hike, in the mountains, at the sea, to have good access to the internet, now, of course, many...
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just a few years ago, this was impossible to imagine , and this is probably the most clear example, understandable to absolutely every person, how important space research is, including for
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the life of every person in particular, if we talk about the private companies that you mentioned, the president spoke about that the country is interested in their development, including at a meeting with young scientists, if my memory serves me correctly, it was last fall, the head of state then emphasized what was necessary. relevant legislative amendments have been adopted, we also very much count on the development of public-private partnerships, and this applies not only to work
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on spacecraft, but this also applies to the launch services market, we also need to work here, in addition, the format of the so-called forward or offset contracts, when the state or state institutions, state corporations act as a long-term supplier for... services or for the provision of data from private companies, and private companies can close those segments in which they do not yet operate, for example, a state corporation, what are they? in particular, we are talking about ultra-light rocket launchers, mass and serial production of small spacecraft, well , in general, we understand that at the moment we need a very large number. remote sensing satellites, and even if all the devices that are planned in the sphere program are implemented, they will still not be enough for the requirements
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that the economy makes today, so there are a number of companies, including ours, that deal with this kind of devices, now the demand is much higher than the supply, which today i have one more question, particularly in the context of readiness. market, on the one hand, how competitive it is, how many private space companies do we have now, on the other hand, are customers ready, because it is clear that this area, on the one hand, is very technological, on the other hand, the risks there are very high, and probably not every customer is ready to take these risks, and many may think that in general the state will be more reliable, in fact, the risks do not depend on whether you are a state-owned or a private company, indeed in the space sector they are quite high, but there are norms and regulations that minimize them in every possible way, and here, of course, it is very important so that there is some kind of competition,
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so that companies, no matter what their legal form, can compete with each other for the consumer, for the customer, with their quality, deadlines, some innovations, technological advances, because... we must not just create a new virtual satellite constellation, we must create one of the best in the world or not be inferior to world analogues, so we have quite a lot of work, and there is clearly enough room for everyone, and the state understands this very well, so we can focus on some strategic tasks such as orbital station, manned astronautics, or about small devices,
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about ultra-light and lightweight launch vehicles, then, of course, private companies may be in demand, thank you very much, oleg, in general, it is clear that there is really a lot of work, the main thing is that there is someone carry it out. thank you very much for your attention.
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we watch russian cartoons and children's programs to spend time with our children.
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extreme heat fires in russian regions are raging with 266 outbreaks, in tuva, where there are now dry thunderstorms declared a state of emergency. and central russia expects temperature records of up to +34. how long will the heat last? the sensational
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election results in france are celebrated by the right-wing party led by marine lepine. there are protests in the streets, radicals are breaking windows and burning fires. what changes can we now expect from the politics of paris? and in the eu, hungary’s presidency begins today. among the goals of budapest, viktor orban previously named ending the military conflict in ukraine and preventing kiev from joining nato. will it be possible to achieve the goals set? russian paratroopers. they are expanding the zone of control north-west of the village of rozdolovka in the dpr; rozdolovka itself was previously completely liberated; at the highest point of the village, the banner of the airborne forces is being developed. now there is a short advertisement, and after that the broadcast of our channel will continue with the program of vladimir solovyov and pavel zarubin, moscow, kremlin putin.


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