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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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the central event of next week will be the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, which will be held in astana. heads of state and government from sixteen countries are expected to attend. the russian delegation will be headed by vladimir putin. today , almost 40% of the planet's population lives in the sco countries; the total territories of the member states occupy. more than 80% of the eurasian
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space, in contrast to narrow bloc structures, as putin puts it, the sco aims to cooperate, mutually take into account interests , respect cultural and civilizational diversity. agree that about 10 years ago, or even five years ago, many wondered: what is the sco, why are all these summits needed? and now, now, in this very acute situation, everyone sees how important that many years of work is. despite any external pressure, clanking teeth, banging on the table, whispering in the ear, there are people, leaders of countries, powerful countries at that, who do not succumb to this pressure, and are guided primarily by their own national interests, all these countries, of course, they either belong to the shanghai cooperation organization or cooperate with it, now as...
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cooperation on world processes is increasing, i am sure that the influence of the shanghai organization will continue to increase in importance. we are countries of one region, these are all neighboring countries, we are united by common problems and common interests, common borders, uniting regional efforts. we can achieve a serious result, and the authority of the sco in the international arena will depend on this. the shanghai cooperation organization began as a structure designed to resolve border issues. and negotiations had been going on for 40 years before this, i want to emphasize this, this is what they created, gradually this platform helped us resolve these border issues. i am convinced that the new association will lead to more rational and efficient use.
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provides every reason for turkey to take an increasingly active part in regional international organizations. russia is interested in this. by 2015 , divisions in the world are intensifying and becoming more obvious. western alliances are lined up almost like a dictatorship. sco and brix based on consensus. we do not have bloc principles and no one imposes decisions on anyone. here everything is decided only unanimously. this is the power of the decisions made, if as a result, albeit complex, albeit painstaking, even long, but mutual work to find compromises, we come to a common decision,
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the sco has turned into a global organization, this is a completely obvious fact, this is colossal power , which we will certainly not aim at confrontation with anyone be that as it may, on the fact that... in order to provide the necessary conditions for comprehensive and multifaceted cooperation, then in the report of the sco-brix summit in ufa we showed footage of the atmosphere of the event, which is still being discussed on the internet. despite the density and intensity of the agenda, everyone is in high spirits; you don’t often see sergei lavrov like this. then some asked questions: why and for what purpose are these summits being held, what is the point? in 2022, when the world was shaken. tectonic geopolitical shifts, even skeptics understood how important that work was. conditions for the development of the russian economy. the shanghai cooperation organization is almost, or a little more than, half of humanity. this is 25%
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of world gdp. and, most importantly, the economies of the countries and the region are developing at rates much higher than the world ones. the volume of trade we have with these countries. as it seemed to him, he did everything to block international relations with russia, here at the sco summit negotiations with putin were non-stop, this is how the russian and turkish delegations met. all of posho’s partners made it clear by their actions that they were not they are going to, as they say, dance to someone else’s tune. i can't imagine that fashion could be scared, intimidated, or forced
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to take any action that is contrary to the national interests of india and the indian people, there is such pressure, i know, yes, we all understand that to a large extent india receives.
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considering the hysteria the day before in washington , the footage of sitipin’s arrival to vladimir putin in the first building of the kremlin caused, one can imagine what emotions blinken, biden, and many leaders of the countries will experience today european union, having seen these shots, sidimpin is climbing the stairs of the large kremlin palace, you and i understand perfectly well what this particular place, this particular format of negotiations means. a us congressional commission recommended that the united states prepare for... a temporary war with russia and china, and consider the option of a nuclear war, i don’t think that these are any healthy thoughts that come to the minds of healthy people, and if we talk about a war between great nuclear
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powers , this is a completely different story, i don’t think people in their right mind would think about this should or can come to mind, if it comes, it only makes us wary, and even more so... to fight immediately from russia, from china, nonsense, of course, at the upcoming sco summit in ostan, as expected, belarus will become a full member of the organization . russia and belarus have full-scale ties even in business.
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russia and belarus have gone through a lot over the past 2 years and have done it together, despite unprecedented pressure. remember, i said, we will not allow anyone to shoot a russian man in the back, that was the point our operation. we had no doubt about what if. who can give us a whim, these are belarusians, this is belarus, it has always been like this, we don’t particularly distinguish between where belarus ends, where russia is and where russia and belarus are. it is clear that on the sidelines of the summit the sco will most likely discuss what is happening in the united states, because the whole world is now talking about it. back in february, our program asked putin’s opinion about biden and trump. the current us president biden is giving more and more reasons for the whole world to discuss the state of his health every day. this president of one of the largest nuclear companies. powers, and at the same time we all actually observe on a daily basis, well, to put it mildly, extremely specific footage, when you
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see all this, hear it, what do you think about? i think that the us domestic political campaign, the election campaign is gaining momentum, it is taking on more and more acute forms, it is incorrect for us, in my opinion, to interfere in this process, that’s what it is coming out of somewhere... helicopter hit his head there, and this helicopter, but who among us hasn’t hit somewhere head, let them throw a cannon at him first, in general this is in my opinion, i am not a doctor and i do not consider myself in the right to give any comments on this matter, we should not look at this, we should look at the political position, i think that the position of the current administration is extremely harmful.
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this is even a hidden attack on president biden, really an old-school politician, something that he didn’t like, then to a certain extent he even began to attack me, i thought it would be like this, so i’m right, he’s predictable, all this confirms only ours consideration, about what i was talking about, well, if by and large we don’t care, i say quite sincerely that we believe that after the elections something will change in the russian direction in american politics, i would n’t say so, we ...
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of course, next week the us media in general and the west will inevitably discuss the sco summit. the name of the organization is now often deciphered like this. a chance to remain sovereign. well, pavel, we are waiting for the report from ostana. what else is known about the president’s schedule for the next week? events there will be many, but the central one, of course, will be the sco summit. we are going to astana. and at the same time with putin in the capital of kazakhstan for the summit.
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large areas of the asian part of russia were covered in heat. in moscow in early july. already above 30°. an increased level of weather danger has been declared in st. petersburg. how forecasters report that temperatures are above normal in the central, volga, southern and north caucasian federal districts. a state of emergency has been introduced in tuva due to threats of growing forest fires. in the region +38, strong winds and dry thunderstorms. above 40° is expected in buryat, up to +36 in krasnodar. there, due to the heat , rides in the parks were stopped during the day. place. residents are asked to be careful not to be in the open sun if possible and to drink more water. in the primorsky territory there are almost 175 private houses and more than 600 local areas.
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and its supporters are rejoicing, in the first round of parliamentary elections the party takes the lead already in the second round it can gain the maximum number of votes according to polls, the left-radical coalition new
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popular front takes second place, but the centrist bloc of president macron lags behind, the figures are conditional, but lepin already declares, dear compatriots, democracy does not sleep, the french people have put the national union, its allies at the head and practically... that between the european elections and the elections in legislative leftists return there will be a second round of voting. the french vote for a dream, they choose the values
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​​of the republic, people do not want to support parties that involve the country in war and terrorism. the lepin party is projected to win up to 280 seats in the 577 local assembly and will form a government in which jordan bardela will become prime minister. lepen herself is running for the post of minister. blacks, and yes, i'm afraid, the hatred for people like me is off the charts, here in the canals, i see young people, everyone is not hanging around without work, money they have no ideas either. i think that
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the election results will not be accidental, we are tired of what macron is doing on the international stage and within the country, or rather, he is doing nothing for france, only disgracing him. after the preliminary results were announced , protests swept the country. in these shots , paris, everyone hates the police, chanting in the crowd, the south of the country is on fire, in lyon left-wing activists organize pogroms, burn down markets and build barricades, in angers radicals blocked traffic while local owners of cafes and shops close their points, dissatisfied people launch smoke bombs and fireworks. french president macron called on the population to stock up on cobblestones, go out... thank you, let's stick together. the french, who voted in many countries around the world, explain their position. what am i waiting for, for all
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this to end, for normal relations to be resumed with russia, because they are a friendly people, and we should not fight with russia. every time france opposed russia, it lost. the results of the first round in france personify the total polarization of society, they write. u right in any case. the largest faction in the parliament of the republic is formed, if they retain the majority, they will be able to start the promised budget war against macron, who, regardless of the results of these elections, will remain in power until the end of his mandate in 2027, experts say. maria skarodilka, news.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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extreme heat fires in the regions of russia are raging in 266 outbreaks. in tuva, where strong winds and dry thunderstorms are currently in effect, a state of emergency has been introduced. on central russia is facing record heat of up to +34. let's ask our meteorologists how long it will last. sensational election results in france. the victory after the first round is celebrated by the right, led by marine lepin. regina sevastyanova will talk about what changes to expect from the politics of paris.
12:00 pm
in the eu, starting today , hungary begins to chair the council. among the goals of budapest, viktor orban previously named the end of the military conflict in ukraine and the non-admission of kiev to nato. will it be possible to achieve the goals set? russian paratroopers are expanding the zone of control north-west of the village of razdololovka in the dpr. razdolovka itself was previously completely liberated ; at the highest point of the village, the airborne forces banner is being developed. a state of emergency has been declared in tuva due to forest fires. the taiga is burning on an area of ​​1,700 hectares. most of the outbreaks are in difficult-to-reach mountainous areas. extinguishing is complicated by extreme heat (40°c dry), wind and thunderstorms.


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