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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions, now there is economic news, briefly: activity in the manufacturing industries of russia is growing, the pmi index has risen to the mark. 54.9 points, and
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this is the best result in 7.5 years. according to the snp agency, such growth indicates a sharp improvement in the state of the manufacturing sector. the number of new orders increased in june. let me remind you that an index value above 50 points indicates an increase in business activity. manufacturer of paints and varnishes bought out the basv vostok company, a subsidiary of the german chemical concern basv. came under the control of the russian side. plant in the moscow region. the deal took place by order of president vladimir putin. back in the twenty -second year, the german company announced that it was curtailing all activities in russia and belarus, except for the production of additives for the food industry. against this background, the group's assets depreciated by 51 million euros. instructors and guides can now be verified using a qr code. we are talking about those who take tourists along dangerous routes. in russia a unified register of such specialists has been launched. reports this.
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only accredited guides will be able to get into the register, after which they will receive a special badge with a code. such technologies will now be used in mountain, hiking, skiing and underwater tourism. you, as tourists, will be able to check whether the person who volunteered to provide you with services to accompany you on a particular tourist route is, in fact, qualified. the owner of yandex consortium was the first to announce the results of the exchange exchange, the number of applications from investors exceeded 750,000, and the volume of shares was 43 million, the company reported. they noted that they had received applications for the exchange of almost all securities of the dutch yandex&v 99%. in return, holders will be given shares of the new domestic legal entity yandex in a one-to-one ratio. let me remind you that until july 31, yandex nv. will change its name and
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stop using yandex brands. it was economic news. short. and now a news report from the ministry of defense about the situation in the special military operation zone. division of the west group of troops. as a result of successful actions , the settlement of stepovaya novoselovka, kharkov region, was liberated. as a result of active actions, a unit of the group of troops-center liberated the settlement of novopokrovskaya - this is the dpr. shot down by air defense systems within 24 hours. five hammer guided bombs , french-made; five us-made rockets, as well as a czech- made vampire. now a short advertisement, then a program by robert franziv in the center of asia. for the first time on screens, welcome. on aviita.
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khvatamba came to avita and discounts for people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to car products on avito, when you are an adult, it’s so easy to forget that joy lives inside us, but this is a real superpower, more joyful moments with holy spring water, with fruity flavors, the source of joy in you, things have become dull after washing, use caress gel. maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color, things look like new three times longer, new, no, i wash with caress, real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, 100 lotto gac m8. executive class minivan. unique grille. first place!
1:35 pm
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, it turns out, you can immediately in different ones for money , your marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services. financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. a will our money fly away too? yours are safe here, in any of 185 countries. uniform conditions for roaming with beeline in almost all countries of the world. beline is the safest operator. oh, in the knee, in the back, in the neck maybe. pintalgin contains the maximum dose. substances for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. i incorporate bright color with care for my hair. permanent cream color palette gives rich color, the triple care system restores, moisturizes, and nourishes hair from the inside. without a gray hair. palette is your best
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color choice. every morning in the family of loved ones starts with beauty rituals. the megamarket has everything for our beauty rituals with a discount of up to 99% for the select thank you bonus. for 135 years now, the tradition has remained unchanged on every table in georgia. borjomi, borjomi helps you enjoy your favorite dishes and gives you a feeling of lightness after eating. open borjomi, enjoy, feel the lightness. asia welcomes you, the heart of the continent beats here, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today on the program is a not-so-hidden threat, why religious extremism is gaining popularity in asia, a diplomatic scandal between astana and london, gossip from kyrgyzstan, why the president had to
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comment on the marriage proposal, as well as a week of culture in turkmenistan, the ancient art of vocals is being revived in uzbekistan, and they also showed pictures that blind children draw in their... imagination. it's a busy time in asia. chilya. translated from forsi - 40 days, hot eastern summer, when the air temperature barely manages to drop below 30° even at night. everyone drinks green tea, kok-choy, and goes to the mountains or to ponds. here in cherchik, near tashkent, nature was so clean that even a car went for a swim. how organic the car looks in this idyllic channel, fortunately no one was hurt, well, don’t think that this small car doesn’t sink, no matter what that means, in the end
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it sank behind the scenes. and also about what it means to really take a wrong turn. tragic events. in russia in the caucasus found a lively response in central asia. state leaders expressed their condolences. kasym zhumar tokayev and shavkat mirziyoyev held telephone conversations with vladimir putin. sounded not only words of support for the people of russia, but also the need to carry out closer, joint work to combat radicalism was voiced. we need to dwell on this topic in more detail, where such a reaction comes from, other than universal human sympathy. the fact is that the topic of radicalism is incredibly relevant for the central one. news that new underground cells are being opened in one region or another appears with enviable regularity, but whatever cells there are, this is the latest news from kazakhstan. islamic radicals recruit children while relaxing in boarding houses, the prosecutor's office of the city of oktabe, this is the west of kazakhstan, during
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an inspection of charitable institutions operating under the guise of children's boarding houses, violations of the law were established, it turned out that the pupils used religious literature, in addition, notebooks with... religious education for for such a young region as central asia , the topic is incredibly relevant, but this week an important decision was made in uzbekistan, they will begin to fine people for... religious teaching children, and once again we’ll tell oktabe separately, this is western kazakhstan, the most difficult region of the country with a special self-identification, its own history, traditions, difficult socio-economic conditions and huge oil reserves, as well as the highest protest sentiments in the country, and it must be said, prerequisites sometimes they actually have access to them, just the other day it became known that the company west oil software, a company that... has recently been known primarily for the fact that a huge number of strikes, it turned out that
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the management paid more than 400 million tenge to people who did not even work for the company, but were close relatives of the management. during the inspections, the prosecutor's office revealed theft of billions of tenge at five more oil enterprises, here in the west of kazakhstan. how does this news relate to radical islamism? obviously, they are preachers of destructive movements. they reap the richest harvest from unsettled souls where people feel injustice most. in this light, western kazakhstan is a very vulnerable region; virtually all kazakh oil is produced here, and this is the republic’s main export product. here are the current data. in the first quarter of this year, according to statistics, more than half of all exports were oil supplies to the european union, the gap from others by... please note, is simply huge. western countries are not only the main buyer
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of kazakh oil, western corporations also produce it, a very interesting situation arises when they build such relations with the state, which then remains, if not scorched earth, then very fertile ground for radical sentiments. the expert community has long been calling for attention to how cells and groups are financed. psychological pumping, incitement, the ultimate goal is to set fire to central asia, and it must be said that there is such experience, but what is very important, it is well remembered. words of support from the heads of central asian states to the people of russia after the terrible terrorist attacks are, of course, not only evidence of close relations between our countries, but a reminder that the history of the central asian states has its own tragic pages associated with terrorism, well, let's start with the fact that solidarity is expected due to established, established relations,
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friendly relations and, i’m not afraid of this word, good neighbors relations between the republics of central asia, in particular uzbekistan and russia. uzbekistan, like other republics of central asia, may be to a greater extent. experienced all the consequences of acts of international terrorism, not only experienced, but managed to win, let’s say, this is a manifestation of terrible terrible actions, no matter how they say , uzbekistan acted harshly or not harshly, but he managed to work it out. counteraction system, which is why practically the republic, well
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, by and large, the whole of central asia lives relatively calmly. you can recall the event in andejan, where several hundred people died, only according to official data, what is surprising is that it was possible to take control of the situation after the american military base was expelled from the country. how are you how connected do you think these events are? the fact is that aldijan is a special, special case, a special case, it was an attempted coup, and for uzbekistan it was a tragedy, a tragedy that could not be prevented, and judging by the fact that the participants in the same aridijan incident, the organizer of the incident , confiscated. business cards of representatives of various western services, foundations, diplomatic
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missions, there is reason to assume that they did not stand aside, another thing is that islam karimov interfered with them, they tried destabilize the situation by any means, since the independent policy of uzbekistan in this case, the refusal to go to... the formatters of the wishes of the united states, the wishes of a number of european structures, it caused irritation, if we talk about...
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this is clearly the policy of uzbekistan. and to other news. a nationwide referendum on the construction of nuclear power plants in kazakhstan will be held this fall. and the exact date, as president takaev said, will be set a little later. in the event that the people say yes to nuclear power plants, astana will be ready consider several projects, including russian, which is expected to cover 20% of the republic's electricity needs. em. rarakhmon wished every family in tajikistan security, peace and prosperity, addressing the people on the day of national unity and consent on june 27. let me remind you that the date of the holiday was not chosen by chance; it is the anniversary of the signing of the moscow agreements between the tajik authorities and the so -called armed opposition, which put an end to the bloody civil war. for tourists who spend the summer
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vacation in the isykul region of kyrgyzstan, there was an opportunity to get acquainted with one of the authentic ones. traditions of nomadic peoples, this is solburun, horse hunting with golden eagles and greyhounds, however, for environmental reasons, instead of real game they now use dummies made of skins and feathers, but the spectacle is still spectacular. the circus of the turkmen city of arkadak showed a unique performance that combines elements of theater, horse riding and acrobatics. this is a story based on the folk epic gorogly, about the exploits of the hero of the same name and his squad of horsemen. previously, the legend is possible. i wanted to listen to the performance of bakhshi’s distorters, but now there’s nothing stopping me from watching it in the format of a bright performance. diplomatic scandal kazakhstan accused the british foreign ministry of lying. it happened like this: russian pranksters, lexus and vavan talked with the head of british diplomacy on behalf of the ex-president of ukraine poroshenko. and
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unexpectedly, several seconds of the conversation turned out to be devoted to kazakhstan. let's just quote this fragment in its entirety. i recently visited all the countries in kazakhstan and am convinced that putin wants part of the north of kazakhstan. you told them that putin wants to take over their state, are they scared? yes, the foreign minister said that the situation is complicated because of their long border, but you know, he said that he feels that the ukrainians, he put it this way, said that the ukrainians are dying for kazakhstan, they are risking their lives to contain russia, and this is to their benefit. after the release of the recording in kazakhstan. mitt accused the british politician of misinformation. there was no such conversation. the kazakh minister did not utter such words. there was no such conversation. all the british minister is responsible for the disinformation. david cameron actually came to kazakhstan not so long ago in april of this year, when he made a big tour of the region. i wonder how many more tales he will tell about how he
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was received in the central asian capitals. right before our eyes , the entire world logistics is now being rebuilt; the scale of this process may not be so obvious at the moment, but step by step, composition by composition, the appearance of the entire continent is changing. for the first time, two trains with kuzbass coal went to india via international transport corridor north-south. from the kemerovo region, the trains proceeded along the eastern branch through kazakhstan and turkmenistan to the iranian port of bandar abbas, from where. next, the coal will be shipped by sea. it should be noted that at the turkmen-iranian border, coal was loaded into iranian railway cars with a gauge of 14-35 mm. and this is about him again, the international transport corridor, north-south. we continue to explore new geography. it is expected that after final modernization, the corridor will allow cargo to be transported from st. petersburg to iran and then to the indian
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port of mumbai in two or maximum 3 weeks, which is twice as fast as the standard route via the sued. and the throughput capacity of the itc should reach 35 million tons by next year and 220 million tons by 2035. the central asian republics play key roles in this scheme. the eastern railway line of the corridor stretches from astrakhan to the logistics hub in the kazakhstan atirau. from there a route was built through aktau to the turkmen capital ashgabat. in turn, trains come from it they go to the tedzhensi raks crossing near the border with iran and eventually reach tehran. although there are answers. towards the city of inchiburun, again on the iran-turkmenistan border. the trans-caspian route is no less important for the central asian economy. in addition to the russian port of ole, the azerbaijani baku of the iranian noushra, in it. the oktau sea terminal is already actively involved; soon, according to the development strategy , the port of turkmenbashi on the western coast of turkmenistan should be included in the itc infrastructure. when
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with kuzbass coal, of course, it’s too early to talk about systematic deliveries; rather, this is a test batch that should demonstrate the advantage of the route, these are the first signs, but they are the harbingers of big changes. for now, this is only a trial step, how it will be is still an open question, it needs to be very seriously refined, because at the moment this is, of course, just a test shipment, i think that this is a process with test shipments of bulk cargo for 2, 3, 4 , 5 years with the gradual entry of our railway workers to the iranian market, apusbass ships more than 150 trains with coal every day, kusbass alone is like half of russian coal, therefore, how much the iranian railway can receive
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there within a day or a week is still a very debatable issue, iran does not have such number of wagons and there is no such experience in such transportation, so this is rather a question for ours, how ready are they to travel, deal with wagons, and supply wagons. to iran, their operation, training of local personnel and so on and so forth. what else do you remember about the past week in asia? a delegation from mongolia, headed by the country's president ukhnaigin khurulsukh, visited uzbekistan on an official visit. one of the main topics of negotiations with shavkat mirziyoyev was increasing trade turnover. tashkent will buy cashmere, meat and leather from lanbater, and sell plastic and building materials. and textiles. in addition, it is planned to launch direct flights between the capitals of the two countries. the kyrgyz court released biknazar from prison early borgula ulu, who was previously sentenced to
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five years in prison for participating in the northern military district on the side of the russian armed forces. the investigation qualified this as mercenarism, but on the basis of sadyr japarov’s decree on pardoning those convicted, the guy was given back his freedom. swimming in hot mountain pools, horseback riding against the backdrop of stunning scenery and living in real yurts. all this makes me happy. way, but it's worth it. at the history museum and for several hours, overcoming the rocky local history of the turkmen city of arkadak , 18 pure gold coins arrived which dates back to the 13th century at the latest. they are said to have been discovered completely by accident by residents of the dashaguz vilayat in the area of ​​the ancient city. yurgench, where the capital kharesma was located. the president of kyrgyzstan apologized to the people for the
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way his niece received a marriage proposal , gossip column from kyrgyzstan. the niece of the president of miskergizia 2020, lazat nurkazhoeva, showed how they made proposals to her. the young man organized a magnificent celebration, delivering the girl by helicopter to the mountains. the video caused a stir. indignation in social networks, so much so that even the president reacted, according to him, it is necessary to stop wastefulness, jafarov expressed the hope that his future son-in-law should support him to think, but asking the girl’s hand in marriage could have been simpler and more modest, she would have agreed anyway, if it's love. and more about the peculiarities of matchmaking in kyrgyzstan sadyr japarov proposed exchanging the country’s external debt for green initiatives. jafarov addressed the donor countries to which kyrgyzstan is a debtor. the idea is to bishkek allocated funds for the construction of the gas station, which are intended to pay off
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kyrgyzstan’s external debt, which amounts to more than $4 billion. at the same time, japarov separately emphasized that this is a desirable option, but bishkek in no case refuses to fulfill its financial obligations. this week, sadyr japarov visited belgium on a working visit, where he held negotiations with the president of the european union. this charles michel, as the kyrgyz leader noted, quote, the european union and kyrgyzstan stand on the historical threshold of a new stage cooperation. today, kyrgyzstan and the european union stand on the historic threshold of a new level of cooperation. the fact that the enhanced partnership and cooperation agreement is signed not only with the european union, but with all 27 member states, indicates its importance. the president of kyrgyzstan also said that 17 rare metals are mined on the territory of the republic. which are of interest to the european union and called on european companies to take part in their production. music.
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this word means vocal an instrumental genre with extensive use of improvisation, poppy embodies the soul of the people, their noble dreams and aspirations, national identity and unfading values, the president of uzbekistan noted. maqom art, which is a symbol of our ancient history, rich culture and primordial values, with its deep philosophy, unique artistic techniques and creative traditions, occupies
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an important place in our spirit. and more about contemporary art in uzbekistan as part of the global youth festival an exhibition of paintings generated by artificial intelligence based on the impressions of visually impaired and blind children has opened. these paintings are not just art, but a reflection. children's fantasies and imagination, the announcement says: the exhibition is charitable, funds received from the sale of works will be used for operations to restore the vision of blind, visually impaired children. that's all for us, see you as usual next week in the center of asia, take care of yourself.
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in buryat the heat will reach 40°, a state of emergency has already been introduced in tuva, the taiga is burning more. twenty forest fires, heavy downpours in the altai region, streets going under water, what do weather forecasters say? the heat is breaking records in central russia +34, in the moscow region tomorrow it will be +36, an orange danger level has been introduced, unbearably shuffling around in the capital with teams of power engineers and utility workers on increased duty, how long will all this last? meeting of the president of russia with the head of midobar science, conversation about how the creation
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of engineering is progressing. great efforts are being made, personnel are in great demand, what else needs to be done? french right-wingers celebrate victory national association 33%. macron's movement is relegated to third place. markets are being burned in lyon, transport is blocked in vanges. what to expect in the second round? and in antalya , flight delays are on average 4-5 hours late. turkish airlines is currently rescheduling flights from ural airlines. all because of the action of air traffic controllers who demand. so, due to the heat in many russian regions , the situation with fires has sharply worsened; according to the ministry of emergency situations, there are now 350 active fires in the country; over the past 24 hours, 64 have been extinguished. federal emergency regime introduced into the territory of yakutia, about 200,000 were engulfed in fire.


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