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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:28pm MSK

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this is the story: people convince themselves that they are more than people, which is how you destroy yourself in the society you lead.
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in buryat the heat will reach 40°. in tuva , an orange danger level has already been introduced ; it is unbearably hot; in the capital , a team of power engineers and utility workers is on increased duty. how long will all this last? meeting of the russian president with the head of the ministry of education and science. we are talking about how the creation of engineering schools is going, great efforts are being made, personnel are in great demand. what else needs to be done? french right-wingers celebrate victory over the national union. 33% movement of macron from the state, relatives of the victims are outraged, how else is the manufacturer trying to launder its reputation. at the beginning of the situation in the northern military district zone, the russian military liberated two more settlements. according to the ministry of defense in the kharkov region , stepovaya novoselovka in the dpr novopokrovskaya came under the control of our units. in addition, our strength. and
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open areas with ukrainian armed forces aircraft, security and training areas for water drones were also affected. due to the heat in many russian regions, the situation with fires has sharply worsened. according to the ministry of emergency situations, there are currently 353 natural fires in eighteen regions covering an area of ​​more than 600,000 hectares. a federal emergency regime has been introduced on the territory of yakutia. there , about 200,000 hectares of forest are engulfed in fire. 1,500 people are involved in the extinguishing, heavy rainfall divided the heavy rainfall.
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and we are rightly paying attention to the creation of engineering schools and the training of relevant personnel, as i understand that this is where you would like to start, yes, dear sir, thank you very much, the peculiarity of each school is this is such a good platform that solves two problems, on the one hand, you set us the task of updating the higher education system, and these are advanced sites where we are trying to transform engineering and provide all the necessary conditions for training personnel, and those that will be in demand today.
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the key task, i am very pleased that business simply does not resist, on the contrary, in fact, a ruble is a ruble 30 kopecks. given, then this is the last school according to promises, now we’ll look at the twenty-fourth, more than 1 ruble 70 kopecks for each state ruble, and practice provides, they provide with practice, that is, literally training is taking place, there, over the teams, student leaders are leaders, say from kamaz or rosselmash. but they will create them on their own. anastasia efimova, lead. a real blow to the positions of emmanuel macron. in the first round of parliamentary elections in
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france, the right-wing national rally party won by a large margin - 33%. marina lupin is already accepting congratulations. the left is in second place, and the pro-presidential bloc emmanuel macron is in... third place, so, the second, at the same time, the decisive round of voting is the government, if the second round of voting on july 7 provides a parliamentary majority to the national union of marine le pen's party. forecasts suggest this is possible. france will find itself in a hitherto unknown situation. the president and the government will represent opposition political forces, while the parliament will be led by forces that made their name by sympathizing with moscow, vowing to split the european union, to start a war on migration and withdraw from nato, also a victory in these elections will give a powerful boost to her chances of winning the french presidential elections in 2027. gabriel ottal admitted that after the first round of parliamentary elections it had become obvious that his government would not be able to implement the reforms it promised. according to the latest
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figures, the national union received more than 33% of the vote in the first round, the left-wing new popular front received 28%, and the third-party. then the right-wing forces can get up to 280 seats in the lower house of parliament, qualified the majority are 289 seats. jordan bardela, who is the leader of the national association on the lists, has every prospect of becoming the country's prime minister. milanchon and his friends are putting our nation in danger, so i call on all french people to unite with us to strengthen our strength in the face of all those who target our values. now the main question is how many candidates from the left and from the mokronists will be eliminated in the second round in order to create that same sanitary cordon to block the right
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in those polling stations where three candidates reached the second round. acceptance of applications closes at 18:00 tomorrow; negotiations and calculations took place all night at the headquarters here. analysts note, it is interesting to note the following: just a few days ago, emmanuel macron accused the programs of both the right and the left of being capable of leading to civil war, but now his prime minister is saying that he is ready to work with the left, since his votes to the right. it is our duty to do whatever is necessary to prevent the worst from happening, we will remove our candidates in the second round, keeping them in third place in the elections will lead to...
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talk about the situation in the polling stations where three candidates each entered the second round, anger is heating up at emmanuel macron’s act outside france, the media writes today. in berlin, his act of calling early elections was called complete madness, and diplomats in brussels declared recklessness. now the media are writing that emmanuel macron is humiliated. the national unification has made historic progress. bardela has a real chance to become the first in modern history. france's right-wing prime minister, the editor of lefero, france's main conservative newspaper , called on the french to unite against the left, since a right-wing government, in his opinion, is a better option. liberation writes that, on the contrary, it is necessary to form a bloc against
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the right. the grenade thrown by emmanuel macron rolled between the right and left and stopped at the feet of the macronists themselves. if, as a result of the elections, the parliament turns out to be politics in limbo. boeing, the us department of justice decided to bring criminal charges against the company. they contain only one, but significant point: deception of the us government in terms of ensuring the safety of aircraft. but in fact, we are talking about a legal trick, which has already caused streams of criticism. details from emily mersaeva. the american media drew attention to the extremely dubious pre-trial deal that uncle sam is now trying to conclude with the booing corporation. the company admits a couple of formal violations and will receive it. for that the minimum possible fine is $240 million, and then she will be clean before the law. those whose
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relatives and friends died in plane crashes are strongly opposed. this is a very nice agreement. the deal in no way acknowledges that 346 people died as a result of booing's crime. the families will strongly object to this plea deal. we are talking about the families of those who died in two plane crashes. in 2018, a boeing 737 max plane crashed in ethiopia, and a year later the same fate. caught up with the liner in indonesia. the reason is a failure in the automatic system for improving maneuverability. the company tried to hide its oversight for a long time, but the public does not intend to put up with it anymore. this is a very important matter. if we don't force boeing to properly report, they will continue to engage in crime. this is terrible for the entire aircraft industry. so far, the company has been protected from criminal prosecution by the fact that it entered into an agreement with the us government, promising to improve the reporting system in a better way. transparency, the trouble is that nothing has actually changed, instead the company is trying to correct itself through fire
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measures, one of the latest is the purchase of its own supplier. by reintegrating spirit, we will be able to fully harmonize our commercial manufacturing systems, including safety and quality management systems. we are talking about the body supplier, spirit aerosystems, which will soon become part of booing for $8 billion. it was this company that appeared in the reports of informants. who predicted the explosion of booing airliners right in the air, not only due to poor assembly, but basically due to low-quality components. working at spirit created fear in my head. you see defective parts and understand that you will never fly on such planes, on booing airliners. moreover, it recently emerged that boeing purchased counterfeit metal from a small chinese company. the investigation was published by the new york times. some media picked up the topic and found out that this was not an accident, but a corruption scheme in which it was noticed. booing itself and some european suppliers who, under the guise of chinese metal sold indian. this is incredibly dangerous.
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we are talking about a defect in aircraft production. we are talking about low-quality titanium with corrosion, which was used during assembly. and the fact that this was missed in production is terrible. they simply didn't check the documentation. experts doubt that the purchase of a supplier will be able to improve the safety situation of the airliners, taking into account the corporate culture of booing itself. for an inconvenient truth they fire, and then completely persecute former objectionable employees, because of which one of them john barnett committed suicide during the legal battle. emil mirsaev, news. flight departures from antalya are being massively delayed due to a dispatchers' strike. in some cases there are delays of 4-5 hours. they mainly affected flights to russia. according to local media reports, this morning turkish transport workers' unions were unable to reach an agreement with employers on an increase. salaries, and another possible reason for delays is a lack of staff, especially during the peak summer period. scandalous
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dismissal in ukraine. post on your own deputy prosecutor general of the country dmitry verbitsky left at will. this was reported in the office of the head of the department. earlier, ukrainian media published the results of their investigation, where they reported on the multi-million dollar property of verbitsky’s girlfriend. this is, in particular, a house with an area of ​​240 km and a business class car, while her official income is quite high. verbicki publicly made excuses, saying that he was not officially married, which is why he did not declare his lady’s real estate. it was reported that the deputy prosecutor general himself, now former, there is also a house in an elite village, the head of the prosecutor general’s office then announced an official investigation. a military-social center for military personnel has opened in moscow; it was created under the ministry of defense to support active participants in a special military operation. about what kind of help svo participants will be able to receive in this center. our correspondent margarit semenyuk will say. the military social center in moscow
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opened today; this is the first center of the ministry of defense, which will provide comprehensive assistance to all military personnel, as well as their families. the fighters themselves, as well as their family members, that is, trusted representatives, can come here for any help regarding administrative, information, insurance and financial, that is, everything that the fighters need, any social measures that they are entitled to, can be found here. deputy of the russian ministry of defense anna tseveleva visited this center today, she also met the employees, inspected the premises and stated that such centers will be... opened in the cities of military districts. we create seamless interaction between existing military personnel and those who retire to the reserve, are mobilized, leave the perimeter of the ministry of defense, then it goes to the defenders of the fatherland fund, because to date the defenders of the fatherland fund has received more than 1,400 appeals, requests for
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assistance, 70% of which concern active military personnel , and now for this...
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and the military command and control bodies, we put them under control, we do not leave any military personnel or family members unattended, we help everyone as soon as possible, convenient and logistics in the center, as quickly as possible all requests are processed, each request is thoroughly studied, accordingly, our representatives contact the military medical organizations in which medical care was provided, certain documents were drawn up, that is, we are already in contact with them... we find out information regarding the treatment of a particular military personnel, receiving them, again , some kind of, well, deductions, well, that is, of this kind, mostly monetary pleasure, of course, yeah, well, wives also come by power of attorney regarding their husbands or mothers, that is, there are also such people, this
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practice has proven itself quite well, it is as convenient as possible for military personnel. and for their families in matters of obtaining various assistance services, the heads of departments met in moscow and, as the prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov noted, moscow is open to joint work and is ready to share the best supervisory practices and the most effective experience in countering modern criminal threats. at the working level, an intensive dialogue has been established, including dialogue between our subordinates. i i want to note that achieved. the agreements between us last year regarding regulatory legal acts, scientific and educational events, they are being fully implemented. we are open, ready to cooperate, ready to share the most modern practices. i would like to note one important thing, this is the opening of direct flights between our countries, and i would like to personally thank you, mr.
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prosecutor general, for your personal contribution and personal efforts to ensure that the opening of direct flights does take place. this is very important, one of examples of successful cooperation between our departments and countries. the role of peter the great in the history of our country and the victory of russia in the battle of poltava will be dedicated to the large-scale film the birth of an empire. filming has already started; this is a joint project of the russian tv channel and nikita mikhalkov’s trite studio with the participation of the cinema fund. the general partner is rosneft. the image of peter the great will be created by actor alexander gorbatov, in the role of anmons, yulia peresilt, and... this is the shebekinsky district of the belgorod region. this was reported by the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov. it is known that one civilian was killed. the man died, as glatkov notes in
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his telegram channel, before the ambulance arrived. the governor also offered his condolences. the european union cannot come to a consensus on the development of large international green energy projects. last year , renewable energy production in the eu increased, but prices reacted differently, and now there are strange taxes. maria filippova has details. so, maria, greetings, what kind of taxes are we talking about? i would welcome, for example, a carbon tax on plants that emit no emissions at all, or a tax on air pollution from farmed animals. these are not the best times for europe's green agenda. analysts come to this conclusion. on the one hand , the amount of energy from renewable sources is growing. with another. latest eurostat data says: electricity prices for... business residents are rising steadily. in addition, the british oil and gas giant is gradually winding down its green projects. we are talking about the bp company, which became the only one in the industry who decided to voluntarily
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reduce resource extraction for the sake of the environment. bp has also focused on offshore wind projects to develop renewable energy. initially, the reduction volumes were supposed to be 40% from 2019 to 2030. adjustments were made by the pandemic, anti-russian sanctions and growth. for energy, then in 2023 the company changed the plan and decided to reduce production by 25%. now it has approved a moratorium on hiring new employees and suspended wind power projects, so more attention is being paid to the acquisition and development of new oil and gas fields. bp is not the first to make such a decision, but here it is enough to recall the example of shell, which also previously announced very ambitious plans in the field of green energy, but then... and actually abandoned some of them, but in principle, this was the outcome expect why not these gas companies went on the green agenda, because they were forced to do it, these investments turned out to be unprofitable
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for the company, they saw that they did not bring desired profits, at the same time, companies began to lose opportunities in traditional energy. the development of alternative energy requires huge investments. eurostat reports that by 2023 efforts in this direction have yielded results. almost 45% of electricity in the european union. energy into green energy, that is, as if on this wave of political dispersal of the topic, yes, and this is the money that was not taken from nowhere, this is the money that was pumped, including as an example, from traditional. into new, supposedly promising and more efficient ways to obtain energy for humanity, but in fact, well, all
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the world figures, all the statistics show that this is not so. other reports from the same eurostat say: victory is doubtful. in the second half of twenty-three , household electricity prices may have decreased in 13 countries, but at the same time they have increased in 13 other countries of the alliance. the data is compared with the indicators of the second half of the twenty-second year. experts do not rule out an increase in energy prices due to export taxes. so british windy solar power plants supplying the resource to continental europe could face a carbon tax. it will begin to be wintered in the twenty-sixth year. questionable rules for installations that generally do not produce emissions are dictated by legislation. in the meantime, the ip and the uk cannot agree on changes to the clause of the law. the consequences for the whole of europe are called growth. china is using
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the power of the state to invest in the green transition to support the public sector for the production of alternative energy and electric cars, the fact that the european union is run by people who believe that the state should not be involved in this issue means that we will fall behind. for air pollution with a cat, in figures this is 16 euros per ton of emissions, of course, they will not measure each specific case, instead they will take average data, supposedly one cow produces about 6 tons
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of methane per year, then the owner will have to pay 100 euros for head. so far, the european union does not have a clear plan on how to develop large projects in the field of renewable energy. main the question is financing joint ventures, who will pay for what. if the disputes drag on, the construction of large green energy centers. i'll have to put it on the back burner, slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, in just a moment you would have had access to the money . they scammed a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count was running in seconds, urgently dictate your card number, so that they could transfer the money to a secure account, i called the bank and hung up. whomever scammers pretend to be trying to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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now the economic news is short: the central bank will raise its inflation forecast by.


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