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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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the first round of early elections to the french national assembly, the lower house of parliament , has ended; it must be said that the victory was quite predictable, the right-wing party marine lepine, the national rally, won, gained 33.2% of the votes and can count on an overwhelming majority of seats in the national assembly. in second place is the left bloc, the new popular front, it gained almost 28%, the presidential coalition together for...
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is at the forefront of their program, they put the solution to problems that concern ordinary french people, this is rising prices, this is decreasing purchasing power, this is immigration, issues related to the influx of new migrants, more than 300 candidates from macron’s coalition took part in the second parliamentary elections in france, but prime minister gabriel hautal said that about...
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and gasped, of course, our political life, and he taught , which he did not expect at all, the head of the french ministry of finance called the results of the first round of elections a defeat for the presidential coalition; according to him, the country is now experiencing a historical moment and a regrouping of political forces. brino lemera called on voters to vote for representatives of the social democratic camp in those districts where presidential candidates. coalitions together for the republic did not make it to the second round, that is, to do everything so that the national association could not get an absolute majority. they are monitoring the elections in france and russia; according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, the results of the first round of harvesting generally reflect trends in europe. after the results were announced, rallies were held across the country by supporters of the coalition of leftist parties. however, the second round of elections will be decisive, it will be held on july 7. from the party did not
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receive an absolute majority of votes, but analysts and experts do not rule out an agreement between the presidential coalition and the left-wing new popular front to prevent the election of candidates from the national unification. this will most likely happen in three hundred electoral districts, where three candidates were elected in the second parliamentary elections. well, for the first time in the history of this century , there were five districts where the first round of voting allowed do it with four people at once.
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they are already openly threatening to cause chaos with beatings if french voters do not vote correctly, which, as you understand, is simply denying the democratic principle, where the winner will have to recognize the victory of the majority, they are not going to admit this; they are already openly threatening pogroms, well, now we will continue to discuss this topic on direct connection with the facts, vice-speaker of the federation council. hello, thank you for taking the time to join our live broadcast. you and i saw what kind of policy macron pursued recent months, but he probably, but not yastrib, but even an aggressor and to put it mildly, proposed sending the french legion to the special operation zone and conducted very very dangerous rhetoric, aggressive rhetoric, now we see the results of the first round of elections to the french parliament, in your opinion, how can this be characterized in general and what do we... how accurate is this, but most
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likely there is some truth in this. macron really wants to see himself in a role that is at least european and at most global leader, and these ambitions played a cruel joke on him, because he was too carried away with foreign policy by positioning france, forgetting about the real national interests of his country, after all, he was elected to the position of president by french citizens, and not... citizens of other countries and not citizens of the world, so he always, apparently from the very beginning of his presidency, wanted to be among world leaders, hence the large number of ideas, most of them crazy, with which he gushed, which obviously
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completely went against what the french expected from their leader, so from my point of view, along with obvious failures in domestic politics, there are many economic problems. there are obvious miscalculations in migration policy, here is my personal point of view, that the majority of the french, who this time did not vote for his political strength, for a coalition together, still alienated the majority of the french precisely by his extravagance in foreign policy, including ukrainian direction, or i call a spade a spade, its tough an anti-russian position, which absolutely does not find response in... as a result of these elections, but if the political color of the french parliament changes, or rather , we can probably now say when it will change, how it will affect
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the domestic and foreign policy of the country , what is the role of parliament in france, does this change anything for russia, for our relations? well, first and foremost, france. after all, it is a presidential republic, macron has 3 more years in power, this does not exclude his early resignation, but judging by his character based on his political ambitions, he will not give up the position of president to anyone, yes, it is clear that he will be much more limited in his presidential powers, but to be honest, first of all, i do not expect any sharp reversals in french domestic foreign policy and moreover, i will probably sound somewhat dissonant here with the majority of commentators, i would be careful for now to predict a sharp tilt to the right in the composition of the french national assembly, after all, about 1/5 is now distributed, there may even be fewer mandates, 4/5 -
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this is the second round, it is july 7, and we see how much political intrigue begins around this, and the main target of these. intrigue, of course, is the national unification, the coalition, madame lepine, all the main political forces in france will work against it, and my personal prediction is that it will still ultimately receive a slightly smaller number of mandates in the national assembly than these are the 33%, that third of the votes that she now received in the first round of voting, but if what... most commentators expect will happen, the national association will have its own majority, i emphasize once again, i am not making such forecasts, but if this happens, of course, then the political landscape in france will change seriously, because then there will already be a parliament by dictating his will to the president, and not
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vice versa, macron will have much less opportunity to divide and rule. let’s explain here, if lepin, well, it’s easy to say, wins this... victory over macron, what will change, what does she stand for, what is the cardinal difference, her position, there on the conflict in ukraine, on relations with the outside world, what can change? well, i’ll repeat what i said so far, macron played too hard, trying to be a world leader, but no, so, so, the main thing that distinguishes madame lepine from macron is, of course, she is focused on national interests. she understands public demands, public expectations quite well, in this sense, if when she has her own the majority in parliament and the national assembly will begin to really influence presidential policy, from my point of view , this presidential policy, or more precisely
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the state foreign policy of france , will become much more moderate, there are many many comments regarding the fact that madame lepine did not ... accept a special military operation and condemned russia for its beginning and further course, this is true, but at the same time ms. lepen also says that... if i repeat once again, when her expectations are justified, i hope that we still
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we will see a different france, a more sovereign france, a france that will understand, be aware of its own national interests and act in these interests not only in the ukrainian, in the russian, relatively speaking, direction, but in its relations with its allies in the european union, in nato, and not least with the united states of america, as it is now. is already being done by a number of other european states that are much more sovereign than france. we will monitor the situation and will not have any special hopes for any cardinal, abrupt changes. thank you, anything can happen, yes, vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachev was in direct contact with us. the kremlin today commented on the issue of locating the production of medium- and shorter-range missiles. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov emphasized that this is a sensitive topic, related to defense, and it is unlikely that any information will be announced? obviously, it is unlikely that such
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information will be announced in any way; after all, this is a very, very sensitive area related to defense and security, at the same time, you see that the president is raising this topic, and accordingly some information will be available. vladimir putin discussed the production of ballistic cruise missiles for ground-based systems with a range from 500 to 5,500 km on friday at a meeting with members of the security council. then the president said that such measures are a response to the actions of the united states. putin recalled that several years ago the united states withdrew from the inf treaty under a far-fetched pretext and announced that it would begin production of missiles this class. and there is no doubt that they are being released and even involved in exercises. as vladimir putin noted, these missile systems were not brought to the nato exercise in denmark at all. it was recently announced that they are in the philippines, but it is unknown whether these missiles were taken out from there or not. russia's withdrawal from
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the inf treaty was a mirror image of america's action. this happened back in 2019. the document was in force since 1987, then it was the first agreement in history on the elimination of all existing ground-based ballistic cruise missiles medium and shorter range basing. the agreements also implied the cessation of production and testing. the agreement did not address new weapons of this class, sea-launched air-launched missiles with the stated range. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try caesar rolls and other rolls that are just delicious. and
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of the year, vängrya presides over the european union. the motto of the hungarian presidency is to make europe great again. we've already heard this somewhere. this is an allusion to trump's campaign slogan. the rubik's cube presidency logo, invented in hungary, is said to symbolize hungarian ingenuity, problem-solving skills, as well as the complexity of european affairs, since it consists of 27 elements according to the number of eu countries. what problems is hungary going to solve in european union? they themselves announced seven priorities, including increasing the competitiveness of the eu economy and strengthening defense policy.
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for kiev, as well as assigning the status of candidate member of the union to ukraine and moldova. brussels is dissatisfied with the domestic policy of the hungarian authorities. two years ago, the eu even suspended the transfer of about 30 billion euros to hungary due to problems with the rule of law and ensuring the rights of minorities in the country. in connection with all this, representatives of some countries called for depriving hungary
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of the right to vote and not transferring it presidency of the european council. nevertheless, the hungarian prime minister viktor. today took the presidency, and it also seems that orban intends to expand his influence in brussels and strasbourg. he launches the patriots for europe alliance in vienna with herbert kickl, leader of the far-right austrian freedom party, and czech media tycoon andrej babis. everyone hoped for victory in their countries at the last european elections, and now they aim to create a separate faction in the european parliament that will fight the brussels establishment, which does not understand the wishes voters. the official city tourist portal visit st. petersburg invites you to st. petersburg. a city of history and romance, architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services, creative space and the unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in
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the logic here is this: up to 80% of the cost of producing fertilizers comes from natural gas, its prices in russia are much lower than in europe, therefore in competition with if the russian business loses, the european one will close factories, and without its own fertilizers , the region will make its security dependent on russian supplies. in general, europe has become a hostage to its own sanctions. located in europe.
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in the article, many industry players share their concerns; here is the opinion of the ceo of the largest german ammonia producer. right now we are overwhelmed by the flow of fertilizers from russia, which are much cheaper than our fertilizers for the simple reason that they, the russians, pay pennies for natural gas compared to us, european producers. against this background, russian companies feel comfortable in the global market. with confidence, especially since sanctions do not apply to this type of product, the rating of the largest buyers of russian fertilizers at the end of the twenty-third year was headed by brazil, india and the united states. the top ten importers
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also included several eu countries: denmark, germany and france. moreover, over the past 2 years, these states have increased purchases by hundreds of percent. denmark by 5.6 times, germany by 3.2 times, france by more than two times times. buying fertilizers from russia. europe is reducing its production, in germany the production of nitrogen fertilizers was 20% lower than in the base fifteenth year than 10 years ago, in italy and france it was 40% lower, that is, a shortage of raw materials, which, of course, leads to deindustrialization of the economy and... probably gas chemistry, the production of nitrogen compounds - this is one of the most important segments where this is most clearly visible. business believes
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that unless european politicians take action, local production will power will disappear altogether. if there are no such companies in europe, that is, in essence , europe will again become dependent on supplies from other countries, including russia, which is what they are so afraid of. and here the question arises... of the development of the agro-industrial sector in europe, these are again the farmers whom we just recently spoke about, these are strikes from last year, this year they happened, if the cost of production in europe increases again, then how these products can be bought by an ordinary consumer, the same german burgher in europe, and this is the economic security of the entire european continent. high gas prices continue to push companies to leave the european market, writes the financial times. for example, one of the world's largest chemical groups, bus , has cut its european operations,
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including its fertilizer business, over the past few years, instead redirecting new investments to the us and china, where costs are lower. well, now about the events in the zone of special military operation, they are increasingly beginning to use special equipment, which are important on the battlefield, everything about them. you can talk more often on the air, yes, yes, in particular , the military drivers of the dnieper army group are engaged in delivering reconnaissance officers to the line of combat contact and cargo to the civilian population in front-line villages. their vehicles are equipped with armor and stations for creating radio interference, so as not to become a target of enemy drones, of which there are obviously also a lot there. it is fundamentally important that the development will now be reported from the zaporozhye region. igor pikhanov. drivers of the group. troops dnepr is preparing its transport to go to the front line. an armored uaz must deliver reconnaissance officers to the line of combat contact. the road is hard and dangerous. at the front, enemy
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drones are on a real hunt. behind our drivers, so each car is equipped with mobile electronic warfare stations and special detectors for detecting unmanned aerial vehicles. without daylight, we can’t move anywhere at all, now any and all trips, because the fipvidrons are very overwhelming, well, three times already i saved the crew’s life, as if we are very pleased with the communication drops well 350-200 m, well, to the point. the zaporozhye steppes are tens of kilometers of open space, which the crew overcomes at high speed. on such roads , soldiers, ammunition and food are delivered to the front line; the success of the operation and the lives of soldiers depends on the professionalism of military drivers. the enemy is intensively using kamika drones against our military, so while moving you need to constantly monitor the sky, and also listen to the scanners, there is constantly an electronic warfare station is operating. while driving, the scanner gives a signal that it
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has detected. enemy drone, but the drone cannot reach the car. the rap station creates a protective dome over the suv and prevents the copter from getting closer to the fighters. ukrainian drones also attack civilians, so military drivers deliver humanitarian aid to the local population. front-line settlements, where the fighting is going on, there are still local residents there and they, well, they don’t have a way out, they can’t leave either, because that they could also be destroyed along the way. we do everything possible. water, food, we deliver everything, we also bring it to them. according to the fighters, the enemy is trying to deceive our defense, constantly changing frequencies, the operation of his drones, so the electronic warfare station and detectors are being updated, all the equipment is domestically produced, it was specially created for the front. here, every day there is something new, and you constantly perceive it all, accept it, try to learn, learn, copters arrive, now it’s war, as it became in space wars
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all. on copters. the suv delivers scouts to the front line. the soldiers take their drone into the sky and survey the area. its operator discovered enemy dugouts. ukrainian uav crews often operate from such positions. fp-buckets on russian intelligence officers quickly eliminate the dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces. for the most part we work on infantry, on enemy dugouts. directly where the enemy is entrenched, where he cannot be knocked out with artillery fire. we are already working directly with an fpv drone. this is exactly the same, we also work with an fpv drone against enemy artillery, this mortars. a unit of the dnepr group of troops works on the front line around the clock, destroying enemy positions. the fighters neutralized crews of ukrainian uavs, rocket launchers and military equipment. our fighters are stopping attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to attack populated areas in the frontline region. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, vesti zaporozhye region.
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the russian army took control of the settlement of novopokrovskoye in the donetsk people's republic, the tactical situation there was improved by military groups in the center, such as reported that they attacked six ukrainian brigades in the dpr and repelled five counterattacks. successful consolidation in this area opens up an excellent opportunity for our military.


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