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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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the seizure group entered the territory of the industrial zone on the outskirts of yaroslavl in the middle of a working day, the employees did not even have time to resist, personnel of a joint special operation of several departments of the center for countering extremism of the ministry of internal affairs for the yaroslavl region, the regional department of the fsb and fighters of the russian guard. over the years, several local residents have helped migrants be legalized in our country. they looked for women who were ready to enter into fictitious marriages with newcomers for money. on these...
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we really became more active, and here we have the following result. at the same time, even individual illegal acts of foreign citizens cause a wide public outcry. issues of combating illegal migration are strategically important. it affects the competence of many departments, as well as
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regional authorities, and must be resolved through joint efforts. concerning stories from yaroslavl, the business of fake marriages for money has ended, regarding five detainees. a criminal case has been initiated. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, dmitry manushev. news, duty department. 22 years on domestic television. today our program “vesti dezhurnaya part” celebrates its birthday. editorial correspondents are at the center of events every day , collecting first-hand information in order to tell it to you in detail. the goal of our team is to help those who find themselves in difficult situations achieve a well-deserved justice, and also talk about the intricacies of the work of law enforcement officers and emergency services. representatives of the ministry of emergency situations, the russian national guard and the investigative committee have already congratulated the program team on their next anniversary. the television project appeared in 2002 thanks to an experienced media manager, at that time, the head of the vesti information programs directorate, vladimir kulistikov. at first, the team worked under the leadership of yuri shalimov, the current
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general director of channel 5; since 2005, the editorial office has been headed by eduard petrov. we continue we will continue to carry out our work impartially and professionally. the adventure of an italian in russia in the bryansk region , security forces rescued a european businessman from captivity. businessman stefan guidoti was kidnapped in the center of moscow. here are the shots. the foreigner turns the corner of the house and a moment later he is attacked by criminals. threatening him with a pistol, they drag him into a car to take him to another region. a day later, special forces soldiers stormed a private house in bryansk, where they captured the kidnappers and...
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the capital's investigative committee of operational officers located the defendants , they were detained, and the victim was released. accomplices are carrying out investigative actions, they were brought forward only thanks to the well-coordinated work of the police, the italian remained safe and sound. according to one version, his abduction could have been ordered by a business competitor. after lunch, a wave of mass poisonings of low-quality food hit a number of regions of the country; people are served in establishments or delivered to their homes with delicacies contaminated with deadly bacteria. salad with e. coli without labor, we also found it in the store closest to our editorial office. what is the reason for the massive criminal negligence of culinary experts and how can you maintain your health? word to alexandra mostova. salad killers continue to poison people, a new case in the city of volzhka, so what. volgograd region. the oven bakery is no longer open. clients have an acute intestinal
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infection. those affected by low-quality products required qualified assistance; they were hospitalized in one of the hospitals in the city of volzhsky, where they are currently receiving the necessary treatment. wave mass poisonings continue to engulf regions. the biggest outbreak of botulism in 30 years has affected hundreds of people. they ate lobio salad with beans and ended up in intensive care. the geography is expanding every day. moscow, saint petersburg. kazan, tambov, yaroslavl and nizhny novgorod regions. the first death occurred in kostroma. the young scientist timlev died in the hospital. most of those affected are now learning to walk and talk again. today for my sister. she gave me a personal votra. today both my eyes are open. many sick people keep such video diaries. some people have paralyzed part of their face. poison, butulinum toxin hits. in the nervous system it is 375.00 times stronger than rattlesnake venom. those who are poisoned end up in intensive care,
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where they are placed on a ventilator . muscovite regina garayeva spent more than a week under iv drips. any movement now, well, it ’s very difficult, that is, you raise your arms, wave them, it seems like a simple movement, and after 2 minutes you already have shortness of breath, your muscles already ache, as if you had run. poisonous salad we ordered through the popular food delivery service kitchen in the area; after the outbreak of batulism in moscow, its work was suspended by court decision. these are canned cucumbers, foam, the corresponding smell, rot and rotten meat. these shots show production in balashikha near moscow, a shocking picture: barrels of food are covered with mold; salads were made from these cucumbers. experts have removed low-quality products from circulation. but it’s not uncommon that even the usual olivier and mimosa can be dangerous. we bought it at a supermarket nearby
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the editors had already prepared the salad, and took it to the laboratory for examination. detections of bacteria from the e. coli group were detected and excesses of yeast were detected. when journalists took the results of the examination to the store, employees began to hide their faces. the seller did not have any documents for the products, no alcohol license, or registration with police reporters. we looked at the warehouse, there were pancakes, all covered with mold, horror, the refrigerator was still full of mold. criminal negligence leads to mass poisonings, when the storage and manufacturing conditions of the product are not met, and cooks cook with their bare hands. in kursk, rolls with cream sauce turned out to be a dish with salmonella. 13 people were poisoned. at the time of inspection, numerous violations of sanitary requirements were revealed, this is a violation of processing conditions. dishes, violations of the rules of commodity neighborhood, in bratsk, five minors were hospitalized after lunch in one of the city
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cafes. a criminal case has been initiated on the grounds of a crime, the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. patients from different regions are now recovering, recovery may take several months. alexander mostovay, mikhail shirin, alina skachkova, fyodor eliseev and khalimat kuchmezova, conduct the duty unit. negotiations took place at the russian prosecutor general's office today. igor krasny with the minister of state for justice for the promotion of human rights and good governance, keeper of the seal of the central african republic arnaud djebae obazene. during the meeting, a memorandum was signed on cooperation. prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov noted that the interdepartmental cooperation program is the embodiment of a previously concluded memorandum and will further strengthen interaction at the expert level. by the way, direct abeo communication has now been established between our countries. in addition, gem is the prosecutor of russia. had a meeting with a colleague from myanmar, tida u. the purpose of the event was to sign an interdepartmental
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cooperation program. the number of victims of the terrorist attack on the church. the synagogue in dagestan has grown to 22 people, the head of the republic sergei melikov announced. the investigation of this inhumane crime gradually reveals new details. it turned out that in... these data were officially confirmed by the minister of internal affairs of dagestan abdurrashid magomedov. they tied me up with tape and, at gunpoint, demanded that i tell him the code to the safe.
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robbers broke into the luxurious house of the former general director of rosgosstrakh in the moscow region in baloklava. what part of the fortune of one of the most famous in russia could the criminals take the insurers with them? no one is immune. from the scene of the robbery galina hungureeva. high forged gates, a security point with an all-seeing eye of external cameras. it would seem there is no chance of getting to a site in the lasino-petrovsky urban district in the moscow region unnoticed. however, it became known that a daring and cold-blooded robbery was committed against the owners of the house in this territory. the victims were the former general director of rosgosstrakh dmitry markarov and his wife. we wanted to find out how we are do you feel it?
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on the night of june 30, three unknown people in baloklavy secretly made their way into the home, tied the owner of the house with his wife with tape and, at gunpoint, forced him to say the cat was from the safe. as dmitry markarov himself reported, the robbers chose an area where the fence is closer to the house; apparently, taking advantage of the repair work going on along the perimeter, they climbed up this mountain of sand and jumped over the fence. in addition to the owners, the elderly mother of markarov’s wife was in the house. fortunately, the raiders did not inflict serious injuries on their victims. but criminal case under article 162 of the criminal code of the russian federation - robbery. currently, police officers are carrying out activities aimed at searching for and apprehending the perpetrators. dmitry markarov, a major russian manager. in the nineties and early 2000s, he was called the country's leading insurance expert. worked in three companies that are systemically important
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for the russian insurance market. in ninety- two he participated in the creation of a military insurance company. in ninety-three he became a co-founder. in the house, who visits, what kind of servants are there, are there any means of video surveillance, because this greatly hinders the criminals, including the amount of stolen goods is now being calculated; it is previously known that at least 1 million rubles worth of cash and jewelry were taken away. galina hungureeva, viktor barmin, nikolai purtov, lead the duty unit.
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the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, appealed to the higher qualification board of judges of the russian federation to initiate the case. criminal case against the chairman of the solntsevsky district moscow court, artyom mateta. here is a supposed photo of themis' servant. according to the law, a judge has a special status. even if law enforcement officers have evidence of his possible involvement in any crime, they cannot detain the judge or make him a defendant in a criminal case. the decision on this is made personally by the head of the investigative committee and members of the all-union high commission. it is not yet known what exactly the security forces might have suspected mateta of. it is known that the fate of the judge will be decided by tens.
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accused of killing his own parents one can read complete indifference to his future fate, the former employee of the federation council has been restraining his emotions from the very moment of his arrest, for comparison, here is footage from the day of his arrest in february 2023, but before that kanovalov, on the contrary, desperately did everything to confuse the investigation, he was the first called the security forces to the scene of the double murder, stated that he had found the bodies of the parents of viktor and valentina konovalov in their apartment on leninsky prospekt in moscow. family friends who rushed to the site of the tragedy then expressed to him condolences and could not hold back the tears. kanavalov's parents were once successful diplomats. according to neighbors' reviews , it is intelligent and quiet. family, the first thing investigators noticed at the crime scene was the condition of the apartment, all things were in their places, which means that no one was going to rob the couple. in addition, shortly before the death, the owners
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were engaged in ordinary household chores, that is , there were no strangers nearby, and the wide open door with no signs of forced entry only added to the suspicion that continued throughout the day. residents of the area shared, no, well, as they say now, yes, well, just some kind of revenge, the news of the arrest of... the alleged murderer came like a bolt from the blue, it turned out to be not a visiting avenger, not a business partner and not a visiting robber, that man , who reported the incident to the police, the son of the murdered. during the interrogation, he fully admitted his guilt and said that the motives were long-term disagreements with his parents. many neighbors were shocked by the brutality with which the murder was committed. if you believe open sources, alexey kanovalov did not live poor. he and his family owned real estate with a total area of ​​2,000 km2. it is possible that it was the assets that could...
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and now, a year and a half after the arrest , the moscow city court completed the consideration of the criminal case against alexei kanovalov. what was the main motive for the brutal reprisal against his own parents, the thirst for profit or old family conflicts, remains a mystery: the court found alexei kanovalov guilty of double murder; he will spend the next 16 years in a high-security penal colony. fedor eliseev, lead, duty department. half a quintal of black caviar was seized from an alleged buyer of poacher's catch by a police officer in khabarovsk. the delicacy, neatly packaged in more than a hundred containers, was found by the ministry of internal affairs in a black suv driven by a fifty-seven-year-old woman. the dull tinting on her car hid a homemade thermal box located in the back seat, in which valuable cargo was stored. of course,
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no documents were found for the caviar, the businesswoman, but she amigan composed a fascinating story, where did she get such a catch from in her car? according to the woman, she allegedly found over 50 kg of black caviar on the outskirts of the village of which she is a native. i knew that these biological resources were prohibited for circulation, but still decided to take them to treat my family and friends in khabarovsk; this version will be verified during the investigation. now it’s time for the black caviar lover to look for a good lawyer; a criminal case has been filed. almost a billion rubles were paid for their sins by dishonest officials, businessmen and entrepreneurs. interesting statistics shared the director of the federal bailiff service, russia's budget last year received 913 million rubles in fines for corruption crimes, in total, 22 thousand
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people were caught taking bribes in 2023, a quarter of them expected to enrich themselves in the amount of 10 to 50 thousand rubles, 1,800 people offered a larger sum, more than a million, but in the end they were left with nothing, at least with an astronomical fine, and many with real prison terms. another scandalous famous business guru fell for tax fraud. this time we are talking about guseneya gosanov, the author of the millionaire mindset course. it is unclear what exactly gosanov was thinking about, but apparently, it was definitely not about taxes. for a debt of more than a hundred million rubles , moscow city apartments and a couple of premium cars, including a rolls-royce, can be recovered from him. word to andrey romanov. against the backdrop of a premium foreign car with a bunch of mobile phones in its hands, another internet figure opens an invisible attraction. infamous
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blogger huseyn hasanov throws mobile phones, this video was recorded a few days ago, the prank has not happened yet, the hero of the video remains silent, but in numerous media, his name appears every now and then, this is not at all connected with the generosity of the character, on the contrary, the reason is such that it makes one doubt the solvency of hasanov federal. the tax service filed a lawsuit in the moscow arbitration court with a demand to foreclose on the property of blogger huseyn hasanov for his debts totaling 112 million rubles. this is stated in the court's ruling on accepting the claim for proceedings. quicker in total, huseyn hasanov has been accumulating debts to the tax authorities for more than one year. at the same time, the blogger selflessly boasted about his personal wealth on the internet. this video was recorded several years ago. gossanov shows the public his fleet of vehicles. his interlocutors calculate the cost of transport. apartments
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in moscow city costing several tens of millions of rubles. now the federal tax service demands that the wealth accumulated over years of antics on the internet be seized and turned into state income. this seems like a sad ending to the path to success. evagasanov started in 2017. then the blogger became famous as the organizer of cruel and sometimes immoral pranks. so, under his strict guidance , the lady pesters random passers-by, asking for help with transporting the mattress in which she is hidden. lifeless body, oh, what should we do, come on, well, heavy, what are you, you didn’t see anything, i didn’t see anything, come on, what should we do, what are you talking about, dude, the organizer of this dubious fun is watching behind the process from a safe place, periodically adding your comments to the content, from this action on the screen, the truth does not become more interesting, after the prank they gave way to outright hooliganism and violation of the law, in samara gosanov, together
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with his retinue, staged a night drive with shooting from the car window, who shot? the evening ended with a scandal with the nightclub security, and the blogger acted as a hero behind the broad backs of his security guards. several times gossanov was deprived of his driver's license; he drove around moscow in an suv painted in the colors of the official vehicle of the investigative committee. suddenly, the internet bully settled down and became depict. this is why i know that tasks and practices definitely work. it turned out so-so, potential millionaires paid tens of thousands to the coach, but they claim that they only became
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poorer. we were once sitting in a very fun studio, like, let’s buy the most expensive course, well, the very version of this course, we bought it, after some time we went into the office, it turned out that the course had already been completed without us, everything had disappeared somewhere the money went away incomprehensibly, now gossanov will be asked questions about the money in court, if you remember the stories other well-known bloggers, it becomes clear that you can’t get away with jokes, for example, valeria chkalina, known on the internet under the nickname lerchik, after tax fraud almost ended up... behind bars, the urgent search for money to pay off debts became such a blow for the family business which ended in divorce. now experts are wondering whether the star family has really broken up or is again muddying the waters in order to preserve part of the property in case of bankruptcy of one of the spouses. meanwhile, husein hasanov has similar troubles, just ahead, the court hearing is scheduled for july 25. andrey romanov, lead the duty department. in the krasnoyarsk territory, a policeman on the move jumped into the car of a drunken reckless driver,
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which... was making dangerous drives along the beach, the suv was cutting zigzags along the waves on the sand between vacationers, and at the sight of the inspectors, the driver only pressed the gas pedal harder to the floor, but no such luck while eyewitnesses were filming what was happening on a mobile phone, one of the ministry of internal affairs officers on his own two feet caught up with the car, opened the door and jumped inside. after this, attempts were made to break away from the chase. already meaningless, in a matter of seconds the offender was thrown onto the sand and the handcuffs snapped onto his wrists. the entire operational feed on... reports from the ministry of defense, the liberation of populated areas from the formation of the kiev regime and effective military tactics, a review of the events of a special military operation, we will tell you
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how our soldiers.


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