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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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denis davidov and vlada turkan. news from the united states. the battle for yuri shatunov's legacy continues. a former member of the cult group laskovy may, sergei serkov, accused fellow showman andrei razin of bullying and threats. according to serkov , razin allegedly threatened him and publicly insulted him, and also tried to disrupt his concerts. at the same time, shatunov’s widow and children are suing the same razin. finds out whose white roses, gray nights and other hits of the group are now. live legal news feed in telegram channels vesti duty units and honest detective. subscribe. and our release is now complete. alexander ostakhov was in the studio. see you. this is a big information evening. we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. look into each other's eyes before the fight. strength multiplied by
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brotherhood, how do our marines prepare for combat? russian warriors on motorcycles are a nightmare for the sushniks. it acts boldly, cooler than in action movies, what do americans write about, what has impressed western propagandists so much? ordinary ukrainians were accused of they ate up the country's energy budget. now kiev businessmen. there was a coup attempt in kiev, who decided to block the regime in ukraine, why is this just the beginning, are they inventing virtual partisans to sow panic? ukrainian tsekso are trying to create the appearance of underground activities in crimea and sevastopol, where they are faked. we made a mistake, but first we will show
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a touching and at the same time inspiring video from the special operation zone, which was published by ridovka in the frame of russian marines, whose exploits on the front line, as you know, are countless, although in this case the smartphone camera caught them not in the process of combat work, but shortly before going on a mission, and what does not happen very often, made it possible to discern stern warriors in these men who terrify the enemy. there is a certain sentimentality, it turns out, every time before picking up a weapon, the guys line up in a wide circle, and then arrange a circular hug, when each person has the hands of two comrades on their shoulders. tradition, at first glance, is not at all necessary, because the qualifications of the russian marine corps are so high that they are additionally tuned to it would seem that she does not need a fight, but still, according to information from the same ridovka , special attention is paid to such rituals at the front, what is their essence? explain anton potkovenko. they are
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now on their way out. our marines, for whom there are no impossible tasks, but they are not given simple goals. before going on a mission, they stand in a circle of power that no one can break. take a closer look, listen, these shots really touch the soul, everyone hugged, looked at each other, you see, the eyes. first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, 15, really, yes, really, look into the eyes, they don’t lie to each other there, you can’t do that there, you screwed up there, you lost not only your life, but your comrades, that’s why, probably, new rituals are created, traditions arise, it is the tradition that was born in the trenches, in the field before the battle, when the hand of a comrade in arms is on the shoulder, when one thinks only... about the upcoming task, this
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phrase sounds: like a talisman so as not to lose a single soldier: everyone is gone, everyone is gone, everyone they came, they all came, they all left, they all left, they all came, everyone has come, come on guys, when you hear this, something is trembling inside, such a wave of strength comes from them, multiplied by each of the warriors, because everyone is 100% sure of who is going next to the assault, on reconnaissance, i’m sure, that it...
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is a necessity, so the fighters in their zone have their own rituals, signs, their own sayings, as our commander always told us, god and the kalashnikov assault rifle speaks to us, you know, we must never forget this. that without this faith nothing happens, first faith in god, and then faith to comrades. dasha speech, we, russia, putin, strength, in our wartime, on the battlefield, especially, yes, it is very important, but to feel each other’s shoulder, that you will stand up for your friends, yes, that is, how it is in the write-off it is written when you are ready to lay down your life for your neighbor, for your brother, marines or, for example, special forces... trainings are imbued with this spirit of mutual assistance and combat camaraderie, for example, in an exam during exercises, commanders evaluate the result of a unit not by first to cross the finish line, and the latter, that is, victory is when one for all, all for one, hence such rituals
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on the front line, the fact that our guys have such rituals indicates that they have reached another level,
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during the day, the russian armed forces carried out a series of strikes on the parking lots of ukrainian aviation, repairs at the restoration complex of the armed forces of ukraine and storage areas for unmanned boats, according to the defense ministry, all targets were successfully hit. meanwhile, directly in the combat zone , two were liberated in one day. settlements are stepovaya novoselovka in the kharkov region and novopokrovskaya in the donetsk republic, and the losses of enemy personnel are high even in relatively calm areas, for example in kherson. areas where mikhail andronik works. one of-59 shell, fragmentation fuse, load! full charge! the enemy is preparing boats on the right bank of the dnieper to try to cross to the islands at night, but he is
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now spotted by the artillery of the dnieper group working on this goal. all guns in the area that reach the enemy working out. according to the enemy group, it is impossible to allow ukrainian fighters to get into boats, very often they try to get over to our shore, and they worked on boats along the water, worked along the shore, where they tried to load into boats and cross to the other side, but now much less it all came to a head, as if the situation was going in our favor, we were winning, the crew number with the call sign shatun at the front first served in the infantry, was wounded, and after being wounded he signed a new contract. hit by artillery, notes, recently the enemy began to take a more careful approach to target selection. previously, they shot wherever they tried and it was not even clear where they hit. now they are trying, apparently, to save ammunition, because they are trying to shoot specifically at targets, trying to hit, but they are not
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succeeding. in the zone of responsibility of the dnepr group of troops, our artillerymen have complete advantage over enemy artillery. this is confirmed by the militants who chose to fold. weapons and stay alive, there is horror at the position, explosions, arrivals, skids, constantly, drones disappear literally for a minute or two, without water, without food, we can’t get out at all, the sleep is getting worse and worse, they find militants and their accomplices in the rear areas of a special military operation in these shots by fsb operatives in the zaporozhye region. suspects of collaborating with the ukrainian special services are being detained, i passed on the coordinates to my friend artem zelensky, who is an intelligence officer of ukraine, as i learned from internet sources, rocket and artillery attacks were applied to my coordinates
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blows. based on the materials collected by the security authorities , a criminal case has now been initiated under article 276 of the criminal code of the russian federation; espionage is punishable under this article exclusively. in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 20 years. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, conduct kherson and zaporozhye regions. well , there ’s also some interesting news from the ministry of defense’s special operation. to the best of the ingenuity of the russian military personnel, it was the stormtroopers of the veteran detachment from the central group of troops that they allegedly cleared an abandoned three-kilometer tunnel along the seversky-donetsk river on the territory of the dpr, and thus managed to quietly enter the rear of the ukrainian formation near the settlement of kirov, where a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was located. weapons and ammunition were transported there along a similar route; the result was the flight of the enemy, who naturally was not prepared for a sudden attack. by the way, it is worth recalling that earlier the same veterans participated in a very similar maneuver, fighting for the fortified
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tsarskaya okhota near avdeevka, there for to penetrate behind the enemy's back , an old, half-flooded pipe was used, well, that is, there is already a real trend when, instead of storming difficult areas head-on, russian fighters find the most non-standard solutions, and moreover, the tactical unpredictability of our soldiers is noted even by those loyal to kiev western press, evgeniy nipot will confirm. the assault on motorcycles is described by the new york times as a real action movie, but the reality is much cooler than any blockbusters. first the dryers see the cloud dust on the horizon. russian fighters rush at all pores towards enemy positions, constantly maneuvering in the fields, dodging shelling, machine gun fire and drones. this tactic was used, for example, during the liberation of staromaisky in the dpr. the train , performing a diversionary maneuver , arrived as a combat duo on motorcycles, numbering eight people. at the maximum possible speed , half of their personnel rolled towards the opornik
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; they were simply on the run. predators are not happy with such tactics, to put it mildly. ukrainian mood conveyed by american propagandists in the title of the article “motorcycles and chaos in the east of the country.” it can also be translated as chaos. they jump down and start shooting,” said ukrainian sergeant sapsan, serving in the 47th mechanized brigade. these buddies and motorcycles are fast and fly right into ours. of course, in order to somehow sweeten the bitter facts, new york times propagandists write that vs valiantly repels almost 100% of attacks, but at the same time continues to lose fortified settlements, unable to withstand the pressure of attackers who are constantly working in order to deceive the enemy, for example, by combining motorized groups with the actions of foot attack aircraft. from scratch, the group left, two servicemen on two motorcycles performed a diversionary maneuver for...
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rolled up and after that carried out the task , the group on the other side drove through the area, stormed the trench and the combat duo, which performed a diversionary maneuver, rolled back, the dryers complain that getting hit by a bike moving at speed and... is extremely difficult, besides, bugs, atvs and motorcycles help the russians bypass mines barriers that drivers may not notice when driving armored vehicles. light armor loses in that it is vulnerable to accumulative ammunition, the same fpv, and at the same time it loses mobility. it turns out that there are two extremes, either maximum protection, then for them these fpvshnye ammunition does not play a special role, this is what has become the king-barbecue, so to speak, and maximum mobility. means, that is , these are bugs, these are motorcycles that make it possible to avoid being hit due to their
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maneuverability, lightness, front line, experts say it has long been transparent to reconnaissance assets, primarily drones, which detect and attack everything they can catch up with, because speed and maneuverability are incredibly important, especially when there is no physical protection from the same fragments, from shells, drones, except rap systems or firearms. this kind of work is for truly courageous warriors, russian attack aircraft constantly practice their actions at training grounds, the main thing here is speed, when dismounting and during the assault on enemy positions, at the entrance to them. those fighters who use motorized equipment in their hardest work are already becoming heroes of such folk. attract the attention of foreigners, the americans write that
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the russian armed forces began to use such tactics with bugs, quads and motorcycles back in the spring, now, of course, they not only organize rapid assaults, but also build supplies, evacuate the lightly wounded, quickly transfer units, that is, quickly adapt to new front-line conditions, racing along the road of rage, which, apparently, scares the american people the most propagandists, specialists of the russian military-industrial complex received... full access to the guidance and correction unit of american attack missiles with samples reaching our military after terrorist attacks by the armed forces of ukraine and now nothing will prevent engineers from learning important details about the design of western ballistic weapons, but.. to make counteraction more effective in the future, details are in the material by elizaveta khramtsova. a block of laser gyroscopes and a gps module, these parts of an attack missile fired by the kiev regime against civilians sevastopol were at the disposal of the russian military. the footage clearly shows the structure of the american rocket is published by ryavy. the agency’s interlocutor said that russian
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weapons specialists are studying the atacoms guidance and flight correction system. we can, in principle, analyze. the operation of the missile systems at the entire stage of the flight trajectory, that is, the correction base, how much it can be corrected, because it flies along a complex ballistic trajectory, we know the missile control channels, that is, thanks to which satellites are being corrected? obviously, studying parts of atakoms will help russian engineers improve the effectiveness of air defense systems. this has already happened before, when significant numbers were placed at the disposal of our troops. you can also remember that missiles like stormshadow and scalp fell into our hands, this is one of the missiles that was used to attack sevastopol, our military got almost a whole fortune, since its warhead worked, it was removed from the crash site, taken out and studied , also what
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impact on countermeasures is that kiev is receiving attacks with the american authorities publicly admitting. only in april of this year, although back in october of the twenty-third , the wall street journal reported that the first batch of atacoms was delivered to ukraine. how many missiles did the us transfer to ukraine? the data is classified. we can only proceed from the total volume of missiles fired. manufacturer lockett martin reported that about 400 units were produced over approximately 40 years. considering the fact that in the coming years the united states plans to retire missiles of this type as outdated. you have to assume the worst. that most of them will be transferred to the ssu and used, accordingly, against us. 15 million dollars apiece, the enormous cost, each missile forces the ukrainian army to struggle with its famous extravagance, however, it does not always work out, so in mid-april the new york times reported that kiev received 100 attack missiles and immediately attacked targets in crimea with them. that is, this happened even before
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reports appeared that washington allowed its charges to fire from american weapons deep into russia, due to the high cost of each missile. various places where equipment is accumulated, airfields, that is, quite sensitive and expensive objects, since you need to understand that the attack missile itself is quite expensive, and that is , the us armed forces will naturally not allow it to be fired at, let’s say, low-value targets, however , the participation of ukrainian armed forces employees in any attack in which... target designation of their use, that is, talk that ukraine itself decides something, this is the usual us and nato intelligence, they also determine for these missiles, that is, they also control
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fairly cheap camouflage, and the attack missiles themselves and the multiple launch rocket systems from which they are launched.
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an ingenuous headline of ukrainian media, which for some centuries corresponds to the real requests of readers, all because citizens square was dumbfounded, they say, every apartment. the director of the association of energy efficient cities of ukraine spoke about the need to spend money. according to him, ukrainians should have saved up the currency in previous years, and the logic here is as follows: they say, the population previously enjoyed low tariffs and did not pay extra for the real cost of electricity, and accordingly, there was extra money. he understands that no one really put anything aside, the funds were simply wasted, well, there is supposedly
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no way out, they say, only at the expense of a special equipment will be able to stabilize the system, while, at the direction of the imf, bills for ukrainians have already increased by 64%. well, how realistic the new requirements are, let’s figure it out together with evgeniy kishkovets. and if the greed of the authorities could be put through the wires, there would never be a power outage in ukraine. kiev businessmen have found a way to blame their fellow citizens for restoring the country’s energy system. this time, svyatoslav pavlyuk, the head of energy efficiency, flashed his wisdom. in his opinion, every independent apartment needs take it and buy an energy-saving system. the pleasure is not cheap, but do you want light in your homes or not? this is a fundamentally european trend. this is a european trend. yes, such equipment costs a lot of money, 3, 3.5, 4. dollars, but this is the only thing that can provide us with an uninterrupted power supply at the moment. in fact,
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they offer to buy a large battery with a capacity of 7 to 10 kwh. such systems usually come complete with green energy sources, solar panels. the sun does n't always shine, so the battery stores during the day energy, and gives it away at night. but for ukrainians , the system is proposed to be slightly different: the battery will be charged at night, when electricity is cheap, and discharged during the day, when kilowatts become more expensive, this will reduce daily consumption peaks and thereby... stabilize the energy system in theory, the solution that is proposed today, but in -firstly, it is not economically effective, secondly, it is unaffordable for the bulk of the population, thirdly, it does not solve problems, fourthly, well, it will be a real ruin, to say the least that energy was cheap, so you’ll pay today, but this is frankly a mockery of the population, but
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isn’t mockery of the population what... on the contrary, the centralization of the energy system, than all over the world, there has been a trend for more time zones for 100 years it’s fascinating that the more clusters the energy system includes, the more efficient it is, and the ukrainians are trying to make a decentralized system, divide the energy system back into clusters, as it was, i don’t know, 120 years ago, when it was just beginning in the world. where in
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each locality has its own tariffs , its own generation, they are in no way connected with each other, accordingly, well, the price of such generation will be many times higher than the damned soviet energy system, which they got for free from the damned soviet union. so what should ordinary ukrainians do in such a situation? in fact, the battery is not the only option on which you can spend $4,000, since it's the state. so dreaming of green energy, why not, for example, buy a home biogas processing system, albeit by wire waste products flow, kilowatts do not smell, alas, there is no way to get a lot of electricity, for the amount announced, only 100-150 watts, this is enough to power the tv, solar panels are more efficient, some ukrainians are tired of waiting for at least some kind of support, they are already switching to such
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a generation, but it also has...
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molotov cocktails were flying at the guards of order, they were fired at with fireworks. the crowd shouts against the police and against the fact that the right bloc won in the first round. on republic square holding all the flags in their hands except the french one, they remembered a teenager of algerian origin.


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