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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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33% of voters are for it, a little less for the coalition of the left, but only a fifth of the french are for macron’s supporters, the second round is on sunday and it is already clear that the french president’s bet on the dissolution of parliament and early voting did not work, he was counting on mobilizing his electorate after losing european elections, but the rivals did it better. results and forecasts in the report of our european correspondent anastasia popova. the night turned out to be hot for the police; in paris they burned fireworks, motorcycles and smashed shop windows. in keeping order molotov cocktails were flying and they were being bombarded with fireworks. the crowd shouts against the police and against the fact that the right bloc won in the first round. in the republic square they held all the flags, except the french one, and remembered a teenager of algerian origin who a year ago died from a bullet in the suburbs of the capital. in lyon too. there was a roar of firecrackers. about three
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hundred people rallied in qana. the left came out against national unification in marseille. there are clouds of tear gas in nanti. upset in the presidential camp, macron went to abank, took a arrogant risk and lost. i hoped that the disastrous results of the european elections would quickly be forgotten. the french electorate will be frightened by the growth of far-right sentiments in the country and will rally around what has shrunk for 7 years. a politician who constantly promised changes for the better, but his deeds were too far from reality, so he had to resort to various political technologies, the sudden dissolution of parliament, a rapid election campaign, intimidation of the french with a civil war if they voted not for presidential movement, all this did not work, the end result is a fiasco, loss to both right and left, third place lost relative majority in the national assembly , macron is already finished, can anyone?
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sunday's first parliamentary election was a personal humiliation, as stunning for the forty-six-year-old leader of france as his rise to the presidency seven years ago, from a newcomer outsider. however, it is too early to draw such conclusions; macron does not give up; he convenes two meetings at once after the announcement of the results of the first round and another one in noon today, again resorting to political technologies, the president, who so zealously urged everyone to vote against the right and against the left, ordered to study each.
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are on the threshold of power, tonight is like no other, remove weak candidates in favor of allies, this strategy will be used in three hundred constituencies where a political triangle has formed. three main rivals who did not receive 50% of the votes advanced to the second round. new popular front, an alliance of four leftist parties, in the first round received 28% in the country, and called for everything to be done to prevent the further victory of the right, this all includes any. methods up to and including an alliance with macron’s movement, which the leader of unconquered france, jean-luc milanchon , called irresponsible. an ardent opponent of the president immediately extended his hand to him and also promised to withdraw his candidacies where the left took third place, losing to the presidential bloc. under all circumstances, our instructions remain simple, direct and clear, no additional voice, no one additional seat for the national association. traditional scheme. the local political barrier against
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the right may not work this time, voting for the lepine program in france is no longer taboo, this is a historical change in the political landscape. the figaro newspaper provides a map, if in the twelfth year its party was in the lead in rare constituencies, mainly in the south of the country, then in the twenty -fourth year in almost every constituency of france and in some places its candidates gained more than 50%, were elected in the first round, judging by polls conducted immediately after the announcement.
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it is not necessary to start, the main thing is to preserve the state of the nation (interesting theses from an interview with ukrainian tv presenter natalia mosiychuk and political scientist vladimir fisenko). both are close to zelensky’s office, which means they are broadcasting what the kiev leader would like to say himself. and here’s what’s interesting: the full-time propagandists, who had been telling
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tv viewers for 2 years that square should reach the borders of 1991, suddenly backed down. it turns out that the winning formula now is to keep capital and access to the sea. and even if some regions are lost, ukraine will not lose. it is not difficult to guess that in a country where negotiations with russia were prohibited at the level of the decree, such an interview is most similar to preparing the population for a sharp change of course. by the way, the first to react were the nazis, who were in the terrorist spirit and were already directly threatening the kiev leadership, saying that just try not to achieve victory, it will be bad. against the backdrop of such news, the sbu has already reported on the capture of certain organizers of the coup. well, which one? decided to encroach on the bank gang, evgenia petrukhina sorted it out. they were going to seize the building of the verkhovna rada and overthrow the overdue zelensky. the security service of ukraine reported that it prevented the coup. they write that the organizers
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planned to gather people in the center of the capital, and then use them supposedly in the dark for provocations, they started gathering under the guise of a peaceful meeting, then they wanted to go block the building of the verkhovna rada.
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“the sbu has seen the involvement of a certain social activist who has been making some pro-russian statements since 2015, how could he only survived in the ivano-frankivsk region in western ukraine with such and such a position, you can generally imagine there in 2015 from then on some kind of pro-russian actions in ivano- frankivsk, i can’t imagine this, to be honest, and he was going to" .
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you are thinking of going out indignant, immediately accusing you of destabilizing the situation, they will still find some trace of russia, they will definitely find a trace of russia, the sbu has already written almost like this, saying that the attackers were trying to shake the political situation in ukraine to their advantage. russia, we see the work of various sabotage groups on the territory of ukraine, who are trying to rewrite us, then it turns out that... these are just dissatisfied ukrainians, the attempt that we are discussing, it says that the people, the bulk of the people, yes , she is dissatisfied, but the main thing is that she is pushed away from all levers of control, so a clash occurs between groups that once tried
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to seize all power in ukraine, but what kind of anti-terrorist groups are these , azov, kraken, right-wing, banned in russia sector who thought they would rule. ukraine, but they are not given western permission, or could they be dissatisfied with zelensky’s bloody mobilization? the legitimacy of all central authorities in ukraine is under. great, to put it mildly, doubts, and sooner or later they will be overthrown, another thing is that this will not be organized by some public amusing activists from golechina, but by the armed forces of ukraine, officers who are increasingly dissatisfied with the way they are commanded, then that the combat core of the future has already been created rebellion in the form of all these gangster formations armed to the teeth, which are called:
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among those same vtsu officers who were wounded, they felt the full absurdity of this merciless war into which they were thrown, of course, discontent is brewing. zelensky’s legitimacy completely melted this summer; now he is sitting in a real puddle of his own lies. and the sbu is somehow trying to intimidate the ukrainians; activists will have to serve 10 years for attempting to revolt. confiscation property, but no matter how you intimidate me, the kiev regime is already bursting at the seams, and from london
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it is closely monitoring this now, more than ever, silently, insolently, so it is quite possible that it will be he who will seal the growing cracks. the us supreme court today ruled that donald trump is immune from criminal prosecution in cases that are somehow related to his activities as president. this means that holding a person with the head of the american state accountable for the so-called storming the capitol would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, therefore, the democratic party has lost another important election trump card, although right now it is more focused on saving joe biden’s reputation. report from our subcorrespondent in the united states, dmitry melnikov. hidden behind his wife, sister, children and grandchildren, joe biden is trying to comprehend the scale of the disaster in which he finds himself after the fiasco at the resident debate. awaits the results of national polls, it is
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the inner circle, and not biden himself, as he is assured, based on their results, joe will decide what he will do next. in the absence of the president, washington is in flames, biden's failure at the debates these days is the main and only topic. now is the time to sound the alarm. i don't think we should sugarcoat reality. it was not the debate performance the biden campaign expected or needed. america, as it turns out, is not ruled by the president, but by his family, which hastened to blame the advisers for biden’s disgraceful speech. the political publication assures that first lady jill biden demands that those responsible be punished. members of joe biden's family have privately criticized his top advisers, blaming them for the president's debate failures and calling for biden to fire or demote people in his top political leadership. biden's family wants the president to continue his campaign. rather than end his career with a disastrous debate performance against trump,
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whom they all hate. even the grandchildren are ready to join the campaign to save joe, and the first lady is leading the operation. however, how the new york times assures that the president's son hunter, who is the first of the bidens to be the first of the bidens to be behind bars if papa joe does not remain president, is more active than others, not only for a pistol, drugs, but above all for corruption, and then to the very... decision the personal interests of the biden family are behind nominating helpless joe for a second term, it finally became clear
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last weekend when, after the disaster at the debate , the first lady took first place in the campaign to rehabilitate joe biden. the president himself, as he is convinced, is his own failure was having a hard time, according to eyewitnesses , and apologized to wealthy sponsors at a meeting in new york. "i understand the concerns about the debate," biden said saturday. i understand i didn't have the best evening. but the appearance. biden failed to deceive the americans the day after the debate. in such a state , it is impossible to be elected for a second term, according to the results of a survey conducted hot on the heels of the president’s mental health. i have never seen such bad numbers for a sitting president in my entire life, the numbers are already were bad, but got even worse after the debate, and i don't see another democrat who can easily defeat donald trump. gredchen whitmer, gavin newsom, kamala haris, all trailing trump.
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it is no longer known what the democrats should do not with biden himself, but with his family. the only way for the party to get another candidate is through voluntary resignation. it is impossible to remove his forces, biden confidently won the party, and the appointment of another candidate will only strengthen the split within the democratic party, openly support biden, now only his colleagues at the washington nursing home dare, however, it all comes down to discussions about senile insanity. so the eighty-four-year-old, supporting old man biden, expertly assures that it is not biden who suffers from dementia, but trump.
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the supreme court refused to grant trump full presidential immunity, but the destruction of illusions about biden's real condition has already turned the entire election campaign upside down. do you know who else saw this? our opponents saw this, putin saw this. sizenpin saw it, ayatallah saw it. today we are at greater risk to national security.
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the lgbt community, especially trans women of color. after an absence of almost two weeks, joe biden is expected to arrive at the white house this evening, here in a sitting position, he will work as president for several days, including taking part in celebrations on the occasion of us independence day. and whatever the family’s decision about further participation in the election race, the president will return here, to the oval office, already a pretty shabby, lame duck. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov. news from washington, we’ll be back after a short advertisement, here’s what i’ll tell you about: they are inventing virtual partisans to sow panic, the ukrainian tsepso are trying to create the appearance of underground activity in crimea and sevastopol, where fake launchers have been punctured.
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they introduce themselves as activists of a liquidated public organization, and then ask people to record a video complaining about an unreliable warning about air threats, this is another scheme of ukrainian specialists in information and psychological operations, which was described by the governor of sevastopol , mikhail razvazzhaev. according to him, the tsypsoshniks are now actively promoting the topic of allegedly promising alarm signals that do not work in crimea pay 500 rubles to anyone who agrees. this trend, well, subsequently , videos obtained in this way certainly appear in the telegram channels of the kiev regime, or on the media websites of foreign agents, since both of them are ready to do anything just to create the illusion
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of dissatisfaction of russian citizens with the authorities. in short, there is nothing fundamentally new here, but unfriendly forces, of course, are not giving up attempts to destabilize the situation, and in the same piggy bank there is a whole series of stuff about the activities of the so-called crimean partisans, with whom the peninsula is... one might think it’s simply teeming, although upon closer examination they work purely in virtual space according to a very primitive manual, and they don’t know anything at all about the real situation in crimea, anastasia ivanova was convinced. if there is no underground movement in crimea and sevastopol, then it needs to be invented, and no matter how hard the ukrainian chicks themselves try, they are identified by the inhabitants of the peninsula, but the desire to sow panic is so strong that telegram channels about pseudo-partisan movements are only... poikomets monitor the local city chats, take suitable ones the meaning of photographs and compose texts for them, well, for example, an infobros from the telegram channel atzh, the liar mothers took a picture of a resident
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of sevastopol. discussed the breakdown of the car in a profile chat, as a result, the photo was passed off as an alleged massive repair of military equipment in sevastopol, supposedly special agents had identified the point. then they tried to recruit the author of the photo, namely the auto mechanic, in personal messages, asked provocative questions about his attitude to the special operation, offered money for some anonymous work, the guy turned to the right place. employees of the ukrainian special services tried to contact me and offered a monetary reward for the photo. and video recording of russian equipment, as well as data for deliberate breakdowns, by me, i would resolutely refuse them, since i am a citizen of the russian federation, i fully support the svo and in no way support ukraine, but it’s already strange to hope for some massive support for the zelensky regime, while brutally shelling children with their parents on the beach in uchkuevka. that and the otezh telegram channel, which positions itself as a community of radical crimean tatars, but
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consists mainly of ukrainian bots. talked about the defeat of the russian thirty- eighth motorized rifle brigade. the liars were exposed and they wrote directly: everything is fine with the fighters. the last thing that we crimeans observed were the comments of ukrainian bots under the news about the missile attack from the uchkuevka beach in sevastopol as a whole. and these bots, they rejoiced at the death of russian children, they wrote about it. ukrainian side is trying to influence the information space of crimea, but they are not succeeding. here are another, supposedly partisans of the fekadel telegram channel crimean wind , showing a close-up of a hot newspaper and thus talking about some kind of mass resistance to the official media, or, well, a red spot on a car is a symbol of a special operation, also in close-up. like this is a serious civil revolt. in fact,
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the authors of the crimean wind. they have no relation to crimea itself, they left before the special operation, they administer similar information dumps from ukraine, the baltic states and poland, in order to justify their existence, these grant organizations and organizations, the so -called tseptso, on which ukrainian intelligence spends money, they will try to create the appearance of work, and the appearance of work not for the russians, but for the internal ukrainian market, then we will even tell
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the truth and identify the kiev liars. the ukrainian army shelled belgorod and... the city area injured seven civilians, including a child, one house was completely destroyed and over twenty more windows were damaged, windows were broken, roofs and fence façades were cut, and emergency services were working on the ground. the russian army successfully repelled all attacks in the ssu. the west group liberated the village of stepovaya novoselovka in the kharkov region, and the center group cleared it of kiev militants.


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