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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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the amount of energy from renewable sources is growing, on the other hand, the latest eurostat data says: electricity prices for business residents are steadily rising. in addition, the british oil and gas giant is gradually winding down its green projects. we are talking about the bp company, which became the only one in the industry who decided to voluntarily reduce resource extraction for the sake of the environment. bp has also focused on offshore wind projects to develop renewable energy. initially, the reduction volumes should have been compose. from 2019 to 2030, adjustments
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were made by the pandemic, anti-russian sanctions and rising energy prices, then in 2023 the company changed the plan and decided to reduce production by 25%, now it has approved a moratorium on hiring new employees and suspended wind power generation projects, acquisition and development they are paying more attention to new oil and gas fields; bp is not the first to make such a decision, but here it is enough to recall the example of a company. which has also previously announced very ambitious plans in the field of green energy, but then actually abandoned some of them, but in principle this was to be expected, why didn’t these gas companies go on the green agenda, because they were forced to do so, these investments turned out to be unprofitable for the company, they saw that do not bring the desired profit, at the same time, companies began to lose opportunities in traditional energy. the development of alternative energy requires huge investments. eurostat reports that in 2023 the...
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have become less, but you have to pay for everything. use natural gas, oil and coal . 10 trillion dollars were pumped from traditional energy to green energy, that is, as if on this wave of political dispersal of the topic, right? and this is the money that was not taken from nowhere, from emptiness.
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increased in thirteen other countries of the alliance, the data is compared with the indicators of the second half of the twenty-second year. experts do not rule out rising energy prices due to export taxes. thus, british wind solar power plants supplying the resource to continental europe may face a tax on carbon dioxide emissions, it will begin to be imposed in the winter from the twenty-sixth year. questionable rules for installations that generally do not produce emissions are dictated by legislation. in the meantime, the eu and the uk cannot agree on changes to the clause of the law, the consequences for the whole of europe are called a rise in prices, then an increase in emissions due to the fact that the green agenda will work worse and worse, while a waiver of the tax in this case is not enough, a serious state participation. china seizes opportunities states to invest in the green transition to support the public sector for the production of alternative energy and electric cars. and the fact is that the european union is led by people who believe that the state should not take part in this issue. means
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we will lag behind both china and the us, where the biden administration is also using government power to stimulate and support investment in both the public and private sectors. while they seem to be trying to fight some taxes, others are inventing them in pursuit of green agenda. european farmers have long been unhappy with questionable measures to improve the environment, in particular a ban on the use of pesticides, which reduces yields. and in denmark they went even further; the country is the first in the world to introduce fees for farmers for air pollution with cats. in numbers, this is 16 euros per ton of emissions. of course, they will not measure each specific case; instead , they will take average data: supposedly one cow produces approximately one per year. tons of methane, then the owner will have to pay 100 euro per head. so far, the european union does not have a clear plan on how to break down large projects in the field of renewable energy. the main question is the financing of joint ventures, who will pay for what. if the disputes drag on, the construction of large
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green energy centers will have to be shelved.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 2, 1644 , the battle of marsten moor took place, an important episode of the english civil war. the results of this battle. baked a radical fracture during war, in which parliamentary forces under the leadership, including oliver cromwell, won their first serious victory over the reilists. before this, the reilist cavalry, commanded by king charles ii's nephew, prince rupert of falz, was considered invincible.
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kromel himself was wounded in the battle, left the battlefield, but after bandaging he returned and until the very end he commanded and made operational decisions. after this, cromville's soldiers began to be called ironsides. overall , the english civil war, which historians also call the english revolution, lasted two decades. during it, for a short period, the monarchy was even abolished and a republican system was established. charles i was executed, but in the end the power of the king was restored, but since then it has been seriously limited by parliament. on july 2, 1900 , the first rigid- type carrier took off. in germany they were called zeppelins. named after the inventor, count and general of the german army ferdind fonzipelin. the count believed that these were the ships of the future. assembly and testing took place at his expense on lake bodon. the firstborn, 128 m long, was equipped with two engines of 14 horsepower.
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the flight lasted 18 minutes, derezable accelerated to 60 km/h. then he fell into the lake, but the designer continued to improve the car. by 1914 zeppelin. made more than one and a half thousand flights; during the first world war, german troops bombed british cities from them. in 1930 , zeppelins had already crossed the atlantic in 118 hours and could fly around the entire globe. they were filled with hydrogen, a flammable and explosive gas. disasters have happened, but the death of the hindenburg in 1937 was significant. it burned in a matter of seconds at landing in the us due to an accidental hydrogen leak spark.
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moruroa became the race for 30 years, more than 180 tests were carried out there. in the seventy-ninth , an emergency occurred when an explosive device was lowered into the mine, it got stuck at half the depth at the mark. not 800 m, but 400. they blew it up just like that, and a crack appeared in the underwater part of otol. it was feared that radioactive substances had entered the ocean, but france did not release data on the consequences. and in 1985 , the french intelligence services staged a terrorist attack. exploded in a new zealand port the ship rainbow warrior, which greenpeace wanted to send to muru-roa so that it could interfere with nuclear tests there. 3 years ago an investigation came out that the french authorities had been underestimating for years. the number of victims of radiation and there may be 110,000 of them - this is the entire population of taite and neighboring islands. in
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the mid-eighties , the raratonga treaty was concluded, declaring the south pacific a nuclear-free zone. the treaty was signed by australia, new zealand, 14 small states in the region, and then by all five official nuclear powers: usa, britain, france, china and ussr. tests on moruroo have stopped, but the united states has not ratified the treaty. on july 2 , 1976, the independence of the socialist republic of vietnam was proclaimed, this happened after the end of the notorious vietnam war, when the americans withdrew troops and the south vietnamese regime of saigon fell under the onslaught of north vietnamese troops. on this day, the north and south of the country officially united. that same year , a new constitution was adopted. the city of saigon was renamed ha chi minh city, abolished and many renamed state since the late eighties, the country has lived without armed conflicts, under the influence of perestroika in the ussr and reforms in china,
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new economic policies and liberalization came to vietnam. despite the fact that the communist party remains in power, the country has integrated into the world community, having good relations even with the united states, and the standard of living is growing. over the past three decades, vietnam has been among the countries in the region with the highest gdp growth rates. this is what this day was like. in history, with us, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and... relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even
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more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. an ordinary walk around moscow will definitely transform you. on an exciting journey and even if you haven’t visited the website, where all the details of the summer festival in moscow are all out on the street, you will definitely become a participant in it, so it’s better to take swimwear with you, a tracksuit, if you have rollerblades, zones , raincoat, because the weather is changeable, but even if you go out lightly, it’s not scary, you can just watch and have fun, for example, here is chistoprudny boulevard, an open-air performance, a ball that amazes with its splendor of beauty: dresses, corsets, tuxedos,
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top hats, ladies and gentlemen, not only reenactors who are keen on the past, but also ordinary spectators, the last day of the festival, times and eras for almost a week on the capital's sites it was possible to visually study the history of battles, diplomacy, geographical discoveries, different periods of time were separated only a few steps, take at least the fiftieth anniversary park.
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how to wield a spear, a cannon, a lasso, a bow or a saber, or maybe a hat to get into character, take it, maybe it will work out. well, wait, almost, props. made according to ancient technologies of different states and eras, pistols, spears, life -size arrows stood in rows, the first row fired, went back, the second row began to shoot, the cartridges were blank, the tips were not sharp, so adults and children were allowed, that is, they came in for an hour in the end all day, yeah we came in, it’s high time for us to have lunch,
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by chance we suddenly moved and found out what ’s going on here?
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changing eras is only a small part of the overall summer festival in moscow, everyone is out on the street, and those who didn’t get to them will be able to watch and take part in other large-scale events, the summer program is scheduled for 3 months in advance, and in order not to miss the bright events, you can go to the website, just one click on the computer or smartphone screen , all the information with time and place, you don’t have to get into a car, bus or metro, you can join the summer in moscow near the house. you can see information stands like this all over the city. festival in moscow in the summer, everyone goes outside, point the qr code. we receive all the information about events during the festival. very comfortably. in july we are waiting for the gastronomic festival of taste of russia. in august, after a five-year break , the moscow capella live singing festival returns. moscow will once again become one big stage for vocal
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groups from different countries. and, of course, this is a festival of urban landscape design, gardens and flowers. which is live this year sense, it covered the entire city, in particular, here in the center on revolution square there was a real lounge area with artificial ponds inhabited by fabulous koi carps. let's go back to the ring, where the fight is non-contact, and the opponents touch each other only when they shake hands, rock, paper, scissors is gaining popularity. this year there is a competition with a decent prize fund, the winner will receive a million rubles. the results will be summed up.
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the power of moscow is concentrated on nikitsky boulevard, vernissage, artket, art nearby, a large-scale exhibition of paintings and crafts will last until the fall, when winter, for example, yes, they want to see summer, all year round, so they hang a wall and admire at least summer, a piece of summer, all year round, we just traveled to different places, including kizhi in our region, wrote with my friend. metropolitan artists, masters, many depict the streets of moscow, there are landscapes, portraits, a girl of 27 years old, she painted herself, and i saw my military town, which stands on this place, kazakhstan, kazakhstan, where we once lived, i have never been, organizer
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this space is an association, exhibition halls in moscow, artists from all parts of the city, cool weather, a lot of interesting people who leave their reviews, it’s much more interesting than working in a workshop that you are practically in. visitors, inspired, can take part in captivity themselves and pick up a brush, open-air master classes, freedom of creativity, professionals and participants of the vernissage will always help. here is a lesson
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from collage artist yana zo, the theme of emotions during a thunderstorm. the guys are doing a great job tasks, some use ready-made pictures, others use, for example, plasticine has already moved from the kludge technique to the assemblage technique. and i try to complement them with something in form, color, help them if someone has any questions, i think that everything is as lively, fun and extraordinary as possible, participation both in the exhibition and in master classes it’s free, there are hundreds of people who want to show their work, so you can’t see the same exhibitions here, the artists change, we attract people from the regions. the thing is that in our association there are 22 galleries that are located not only in the city center, but in residential areas, so it
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is extremely important for us to find a way for every person, every citizen, to every muscovite. the close attention of the organizers of the summer in moscow to scooters is simply impossible to ignore the passion of the city residents for this transport, it is working. in the park, and for amateurs to ride safely, there are centers where professionals teach. the school's scooter coach pavel maksimenko teaches not only elegance when driving, but also technical maintenance, and for thrill-seekers, pavel and the team will teach difficult tricks and how to avoid injury while performing them. the excitement is huge, several shifts, work all day. that is, here the guys slide, here we have railings, there are edges, just like that, the guys fly there, that is, the guys right away. they pick up a high speed, then leave, fly to the skate park, do some somersaults there, something else, turn around immediately at high speed, move to do it in this area, when
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i started skating, we didn’t have that , smokat school, and if there was one, it was paid and no one wanted it, and if the guys came to the skatepark, they watched some videos on the internet, now a six-year-old child can come and so on, ask the coach what yes, well, we’ll help him, put him on a scooter, tell him why... maybe in the capital, when it’s hot in moscow, for example, how now it’s not necessary to go to a reservoir, summer in moscow has been established in several points of the capital at once as part of the festival these are the pools, you can cool off when you like, there are many such points in the city, the addresses are also on the website and it’s always convenient.
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although the era has already passed, the immersion in the past on the capital’s streets continues; the vintage supermarket on chistoprudny boulevard will be open all summer. worthwhile antiques, antique dishes, coins, or old soviet christmas tree decorations, you can’t find these in modern stores now, metropolitan collectors, restorers, those who discovered antiques in their grandfather’s attic, everyone found a place at the counter during the summer festival in moscow supermarket, there is something to look at, something to listen to. and this is the potyphon of the leningrad patiphone factory, produced in 1936
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, completely, so to speak, in its original state of preservation , this is how it reached the present day almost 90 years later, and so it has been studied, there are elements of rust , yes, i didn’t specifically restore it much, that is, it bears the patina of time, that is, how did he get there? this is what he is, and i’m putting it here, i’m entertaining people, i’m putting it on so that people can hear it. real music, old, as it sounded once upon a time, but how do you keep it working? after all, you just need to disassemble it , periodically lubricate it, wash it off from the old lubricant, lubricate it with a new one, everything will work as a part, and for muscovites to remember this summer for a long time, it is not at all necessary to leave the city, and guests of the capital will definitely want to extend their trip along the streets of moscow, not only sights, but also activities at every turn. points of attraction - more than 600 sites in all districts and districts. children's playgrounds, parks, embankments, sports
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spaces, everyone is active. day, and summer in moscow will end in the fall, when the capital will celebrate city day. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we are wondering, what fairy tale without ivan, what began? without deception and without flint, he quickly imprisoned me in flint.
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you’ll get the magic one, you’re the main thing in van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, and beat yourself over the head, you have a cage where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because that i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live, without travel, flint, the one who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen. soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch, follow, this america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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welcome to asia. the heart of the continent beats here.
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