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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
but it’s interesting, so we’ll watch this closely, i think there will be strong performances, oh yes, i can’t say when and what yet, but i think you can guess, they will be unforgettable, thank you maria vladimirovna, advertising now , we will continue after that.
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something strange is happening, zelensky’s activity has never surprised, but... lately it has become like this, this is some other zelensky, by the way, i don’t believe that information has appeared that zelensky’s wife turned out to be a fashionable bugatti, this it’s probably a lie, that is, this and not even that , there’s no need to make stuff up, because nothing can affect the reputation of this couple, that is, it won’t be worse than it is, so pretend that that’s who she is, yes, listen, it’s all about it’s clear to them that they are complete thieves, corrupt officials, scoundrels, scum, but i wonder
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where the money is, and they tell him, drive away the lava, and he’s like, no lava, they tell him, you don’t understand well, war is your headache, you’re money i took it, it’s time to pay, all this chatter is for the boys, but it’s shit, and we are responsible for something else, we are for money, so what you want to forgive, but uncle, maybe somehow, no way.
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send money, that’s it, and the guy from the professional thrift shop needs to move on to some circus acts, like, there were, oops, no, where’s the ball? and let’s kakavo, yes, you should know that kakavo, yes, kakavo with tea, cocoa, yes, that is, there turned out to be some kind of russian version, so it’s not allowed, because some girl explains there, but raf is not allowed, raf, that’s it, it’s like someone from moscow came up with it,
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that’s why raf is not allowed, independent raf is mute, all this and there they go around explaining each other in all seriousness, pure idiots, oh, to the ukrainians... it began to dawn on them that with sovereignty they are going nowhere, stefanchuk announced changes in the radio, no one is interested in them, it’s clear that he’s trying to somehow get away with it, but where to blame it, well, they’ll change the prime minister, in ukraine no one knows who the prime minister is, suddenly the topic of negotiations arises, yeah, who to negotiate with, so zelensky comes up with schemes, which means he is himself forbade us to talk, plus we won’t talk to him, and he naively thinks that he... will now go like the grain deal, which he now admitted worked effectively, let me remind you, then he shouted that it wasn’t working, and now he says that no, no, we need peace, because the losses are terrible, and where are 31 thousand, he shouted, no, no, we are winning now, we are one to six, one to
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ten, the orcs are dying, then it turns out that somehow... it’s not right, it’s not beating again, what ’s happening, why aren’t there people, yet they’re working. they don’t have time not to train him, well, clearly why now half of it will be burned on the battlefield, the other half will be trained in something during this time, but they will be trained to fight with what, the west does not promise equipment, even if you give 30 f16 aircraft, even if you give 100 f16 aircraft, on the field infantry. should not support f16, but something about tanks has not been talked about for a long time, about large deliveries, about guns for a long time, they haven’t talked about artillery in large quantities, it’s no coincidence that this idiot suddenly understood something, the commander in chief there
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said, no, no, i don’t need this at all, syrsky says, i immediately begin to knock him down, asirsky says, i can’t organize meat assaults, they’ll kill me, and the westerners say: come on, that’s why all this talk about how they supposedly need peace, and let’s make such a cunning formula , that someone will come to an agreement with the russians, we will come to an agreement with this someone, it’s like cheburashka had something with a crocodile gene, right? chebrashka says: let me carry things, and you carry me, that is, this is some kind of combination, but there is a nuance, for us zelensky is illegitimate, he expired, so what difference does it make with whom he negotiates. he cannot do it through intermediaries, neither in the third nor in the fourth, because, well, plus we have already seen all this in istanbul, that is, we understand the price of their agreement well, but what he cracked is that he completely began to turn over, caused a shock in aristovich,
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look, now what’s happening, zelensky says for the second time in brussels that we will put up, the losses are too great, i can imagine what’s going on in the head of an ordinary person, an ordinary person...
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believes in a total victory over russia with the ninety-first year and everything else, so i just delicately ask them out loud, guys, when you dispersed this propaganda, you understood that the braking distance would be long, and it’s also time to turn around in the opposite direction it takes, you can’t be so simple, they said in a phrase that the next world summit will be about peace, and then the heavyweight, zelensky, the president, the supreme commander in chief comes out and says: that’s it, let’s make peace, imagine how it is, it’s the same as at full. .. you need speed in the car put the rear in, that's what you 're doing now, the gearbox will go to pieces, it 's people's brains that will go to pieces, this is
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a sensation, that is, the leader declares the supreme one, that 2.5 years, war, war, the border of the ninety- first year, we will defeat the enemy and so on, suddenly he says: that’s it, guys, peace, until the end of the year there is a peace plan and we will kill too many people, in theory, society should simply explode, well, explode, because this is a complete turn of the course by 180° in general, from yesterday, from the state of yesterday, nothing, everything missed the minus, nothing happens. on the ukrainian side, i have been reliably informed that there are now probably
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6,000 ukrainian soldiers dead, over a million casualties, remember that they did not have the effective medical evacuation treatment that exists on the russian side. the russians probably had 50 thousand dead , although some say less, some say more, i would certainly say 50.00, you can get figures from 55 to 60 thousand, especially if... whatever you think, listen to what victory is ukrainian, the trap is very simple,
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as they call chess, such a simple combination, when any move is losing, you must make peace, it is impossible to win the war, you must make peace, this is a loss, if you make peace with russia, you traitor, you are a traitor and we will brand you,
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a few weeks ago, weeks ago,
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remember, she said everything, the sbu is knocking on the door , this is the same maseychuk, who is just for everyone, the candy-bouquet period in relations, which means that with the citizens is over, everyone will go to fight, through everyone will go through the war, now in this, in this conversation, she declares that we will fight until the last man, and the ukrainian one, that is, you said a few weeks ago that until the last man, we understand,
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preserving most of the territory, preserving the capital and odessa, nothing else it’s necessary for mine, well, well, we understand what they’re talking about, that is, why there? there’s a big coastline, maybe it’ll get caught somewhere, maybe there’s access to the sea in monaco, there ’s a ukrainian battalion in monaco, they ’re discussing an alternative here, yes, it’s there fesenko says that zelensky is being pushed to continue this, that means, adventure, only galicia will remain, where it means they will say that they
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won, the hetmen will rule and so on, that’s all, it turns out that ukraine now has. two, here’s the alternative: either preserve the capital and access to the sea, or even this won’t happen, they’ll chase you to the bone, that is, that’s all, they say this, i say it again, those people who with a smile recently completely discussed how the world summit , just everything, everything will change, like the whole world will be with ukraine and russia will not go anywhere will there be anything other than recognizing this very formula of the world, everything has changed, that is , i say again, there really is a sharp change in narratives and it is clear that this is happening?
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how he will run, you just know, when i then look at how zelensky is now dealing with his officers, senior officers, generals, then - in general, bulgakov, the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth year of kiev, in the same places, appears instantly, zelensky has, in fact, dismantled , again, over the past few weeks, the entire unity of command in the armed forces ukraine, that is, when some major, chief of staff of some... nazi unit writes a slander to you, then you are like the supreme commander in chief, but this is in my opinion azy, yes, you must first court-martial him for violation. nation for going against your immediate superiors, we’ll have to figure it out further, maybe in the end he’s right, what he ’s doing, he’s dismissing the general, and i emphasize, i’ve already given you an example of how
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he was his head of personal security fired, that is, on the denunciation of this guard’s subordinates, small officers, well, smaller officers who, perhaps for the first time, we remember how he was his friend in block 95, this fat guy, who for no, well, that’s the concept, this is not an army, what? supports, that is, then we remember perfectly well what happens, the golden partigar is taken by the shervinsky adjutant, yes, and accordingly, there in the german convoy or whatever, hetman runs, no matter what, having changed clothes.
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of course, he alternated between living scoundrels and cultivated such a phenomenal level of patience and endurance that one can envy, but you know, well, vladimir vladimirovich, absolutely true things, he says, ukrainians are being trained on the topic of rubber truth, rubber parody, we want it that way, yes, that is, it will be possible for us, we need odessa for statehood, okay, we need a capital, and if without a capital, yes it’s also possible, but if it works with lvov, and even with lvov, that is, let’s redo it today, let’s stretch it.
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in canada it is normally preserved in latin america it is preserved vasil can take it with him, too, he says, then i took a little bit of the nation with me, but in the end, the yew is in the sea flows in naturally, especially when everything that is an engineering lake is washed away along it. that’s why, after all, how did it work, and right away the fantasy went , just like that, maseychuk, well , aristovich alone was sitting, pumping them in different directions , now masyachuk with this means fisenko also continues to demolish these, the third will come there , yes, that is, but it’s going, but there’s constant pumping left right left right but the truth may not be like this, but it may be different, that is , today, yes, in fact, but zelensky refused refused this narrative about the borders of the ninety-first year, god knows, he didn’t mention everything, everything changed, he didn’t say about it.
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why are you stubborn about the plan that putin proposed, well, what difference does it make to you, they’ve moved it away from the sea, you still have the capital there , everything else remains, what you’re arguing about is not your territory, no one is waiting for you there, yes, that is forget everything, leave, leave donbass calmly, leave everyone alone and start talking about something, talk about what will ultimately remain on your territory, you have a chance to preserve statehood, they leave you this... chance to talk about what kind of statehood there might be, for now they leave it, that is, the next, next option it will change a lot, in the next option there will be other paradigms, the next,
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that is also today we have already taken several settlements there, and small ones, well , we have taken them, but we have advanced, we have advanced in the kurakhovsky direction, we have advanced, which means that in the kharkov direction we have advanced, we are moving step by step step by step and we are gradually changing the situation on earth, but you are trying to put a new one on our heads...
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they disappeared, there are no agreements, sex, i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we get bored, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh , what started, without...
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i can’t live without travel. flint. who doesn't need a pen, who has flint in his pocket? soon. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law. shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they tensed up inside america and outside its borders. in
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what is the remaining intrigue, why? now you need to watch watch, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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let’s first answer this question and the strange phenomenon of how it happens that some majors write to zelensky and zelensky immediately rushes to fulfill the wishes of the majors. the answer actually lies on the surface. these are not just majors, these are national battalion majors. today, the national battalions are actually part of the armed forces of ukraine. well, they are real organized crime groups they are organized, they are united, they have known each other for many years, people are selected according to ideological principles, and if everything else in the armed forces of ukraine is a loose organization, where 2/3 are just brigades, which every month and a half are reset to zero, they are taken to the rear to zero , they kill, there is nothing there except the officer corps, then the national battalions are the elite, which has remained as it was, and zelensky understands perfectly well that when...
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the banking power comes, the national battalions will come to other places, it will begin to crumble, it will be the national battalions that will come to the national battalions will seize power, which according to how you and i have all studied what is called historical materialism, we understand that the nazis always come last to take power, this is understandable, so zelensky is simply afraid of them, and the main reason is fear, and of course, this does not raise his authority in the eyes of... the ukrainian general staff, because let us remember that 3 months ago syrsky was extolled to us as some kind of military miracle that would perform, so to speak, a miracle on the rhine, that is, a miracle on the dnieper, and today we we see how he they are drowning in the same way as just recently they were drowning behind a meadow, he had to hold avdiivka, yes, he had to hold avdiivka, and most importantly , zelensky expected a gift from him for all the summits for all his meetings with nato, a counter-offensive.


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