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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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how is this day remembered in history? we'll tell you right now. hello. on july 2, 1644 , the battle of marsten moor took place, an important episode of the english civil war. the results of this battle provided a radical turning point in the course of the war. in it, parliamentary forces under the leadership of, among others, oliver cromwell, won their first serious victory over the ralists. before this, the reilist cavalry, commanded by king charles ii's nephew, prince rupert of falz, was considered invincible.
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cromel himself was wounded in the battle and left the field battle, but after dressing he returned and until the very end he commanded and made operational decisions. after this, cromville's soldiers began to be called ironsides. overall, the english civil war, which historians also call the english revolution, lasted two decades. during it, for a short period, the monarchy was even abolished and a republican system was established. charles ii was executed, but in the end the king's power was restored. however, since then it has been seriously limited by parliament. on july 2, 1900 , the first rigid aircraft took off. type. in germany they were called tseplins after the inventor. count and general of the german army ferdinand von zepelin. the count believed that these were the ships of the future. assembly and testing took place at his expense on lake bodanskoe. the firstborn, 128 m long, was equipped with two 14 horsepower engines.
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the flight lasted 18 minutes. the derezable accelerated to 60 km/h. then he fell into the lake, but the designer continued to improve the car. by 1914 , zeppelins had made more than one and a half thousand flights. in the first world war with them the germans troops bombed british cities. in 1930 , zeppelins had already crossed the atlantic in 118 hours and could fly around the entire globe. they filled them with hydrogen, fuel and explosion.
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polynesia conducted its first nuclear weapons test. before this, the french conducted tests in sugar in algeria. but algeria gained independence and moruroam became the new nuclear test site for 30 years. more than 180 tests were carried out there. in 1979 , an emergency occurred when an explosive device was lowered into a mine; it got stuck halfway at a depth of not 800 m, but 400. they blew it up just like that. and in the underwater part of the otol. a crack appeared, it was feared that radioactive substances had entered the ocean, but france did not publish data on the consequences. and in 1985 , the french intelligence services staged a terrorist attack, blowing up the rainbow warrior ship in a new zealand port, which the greenpeace organization wanted to send to mururoa so that it would interfere with nuclear tests there. 3 years ago , an investigation was published that the french authorities had been underestimating the number of victims of radiation and there may be 110,000 of them, this is the entire population.
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that same year, a new constitution was adopted: the city of saigon was renamed ha chi minh city, and many government offices were abolished and renamed. since the late eighties, the country has lived without armed conflicts, under the influence. perestroika in the ussr
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and reforms in china, new economic policies and liberalization came to vietnam. despite the fact that the communist party remains in power, the country has integrated itself into the world community, having. relationship even with the usa, the standard of living is growing. last three for ten years, vietnam has been one of the countries in the region with the highest gdp growth rates. this is what this day in history was like.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the machine would have had access to the money; there would have been a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. the bill went on for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, i’ll call the bank and hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations,
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we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than that... numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions , what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like, the parliamentary hour is on the air, hello, we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now, the indexation that was expected, personally, i’m not going to retire yet, it will affect 8 million working pensioners, this decision will save hundreds of thousands of our citizens in the economy, able-bodied, i bought a car, but did not register
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it, i received fines instead, how not to receive chain letters, the new owner needs to register the car with the traffic police within 10 calendar days from the date of purchase, what do they do in... so that car sellers do not run around the authorities, the former owner has the opportunity to immediately immediately take the appropriate actions so that this car is no longer on him was listed. watch a story about a new law that will allow you not to be held responsible for property that you no longer own, when can you do without liability? gennady zyuganov is 80. the president appreciated your contribution to the development of our country. formation of the party system. on his birthday, the communist leader receives congratulations from his colleagues and the title of hero of labor from the president. more about restrictions for hookah bars, changes in the budget, mentors for troubled teenagers, parliamentary hearings on the far east.
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about this and more, see our program. monstrous terrorist attacks in several regions of our country at once. targeted attacks on civilians. in sevastopol, at the height of the tourist season , ukrainian armed forces militants attacked a beach with vacationers using american-made cluster munitions. at the time of the attack the coast was crowded. there are dead, including children. more than 150 people were injured. many were taken to hospitals in serious condition, and almost immediately reports of terrorist attacks began to arrive from the republic of dagestan. militants at the same time. makhachkala and derbent. the armed criminals targeted two orthodox churches - the synagogue and the traffic police post. more than twenty people died, including a police priest, who tried to repel the bandits. state duma deputies honored the memory of the victims of terrorist attacks in dagestan and sevastopol with a minute of silence.
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the plenary session began with it. there was an unprecedented attack on deliberate residents by the kiev regime, washington and brussels. and those who made these decisions must understand that we consider them to be guilty of this tragedy. this.
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this cell, now sleeping, has done such things, through these bandits, terrorists, they want to create a split in our republic and in russia, this will not work for them, the head of the a just russia faction for the truth proposed declaring the black sea a no-fly zone . the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on sevastopol were coordinated from the air, says sergei mironov. but we have american drones in the black sea. why are they so scared that they hang there all the time around the
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clock, these are american targets, let's declare an unmanned zone on the black sea and we will destroy them shoot down, because they indicate targets for missiles that are launched by american specialists from the territory of ukraine, they kill our citizens, let them know that this will not happen with impunity.
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we treat infertility, about 55% of successful pregnancies, this is a very high percentage, we consider our work in the resulting pregnancies. despite the difficulties and great responsibility of the medical profession, the doctor says: leaving was never even in my thoughts, although the woman has been retired for 12 years. some people wait until they're 55 to retire... there are random people in the profession, there are people who burn out, they leave earlier,
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this is possible, i didn’t have such a question, i personally don’t plan to retire yet, a new law is called upon to support elena and another 8 million working pensioners, which will index them pensions, the state duma adopted it in three readings, this emphasizes the president’s attitude.
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from february 1, 2025 onwards, pensions will be increased annually not only for those who have already retired, but also for those who continue to work, this will really rightly so, you saw the applause that sounded as soon as the president announced this decision, and of course, i think that there will be no... no abstentions against this decision, everyone will support it. vyacheslav volodin noted that the country’s president made this important decision despite more than 21 thousand sanctions imposed against russia. the chairman of the state duma emphasized that the economy was able to adapt to the challenges, is showing strong growth and the necessary funds for indexation have been found in the country’s budget. tax changes are coming system, which allows you to obtain additional financial resources to finance this solution. this is a fairly expensive decision, like many decisions that relate to the social sphere, these are direct expenses of the federal budget; next year it will require a little less than 100
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billion rubles. working pensioners, in principle , pensioners. the fund gives more than they are paid extra, you see, yes, this is obvious, and it is simply not clear who opposed at what level, so that this decision could not have been made earlier. indexation was suspended in 2016 year, but payments to working pensioners will be calculated based on the potential size of the pension that a person would receive taking into account eight-year indexation. the minimum increase in pension as a result of indexation will be approximately. based on the results of inflation, we will determine the amount of indexation based on real ones
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; we will provide for indexation that will have to cover this inflation from february 1. the law will come into force next year. pension indexation will follow the same rules for both non-working and working people pensioners. in the twenty-fourth year , the transition period ends, during which the pension was indexed once on january 1. starting next year, the pension will be indexed twice: from february 1, according to the inflation level, and from april 1 , the insurance part of the pension will be indexed according to the income level.
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from the business, from the enterprise, from the taxpayers, what they consider necessary, what changes need to be made. at the meeting of the expert council , representatives of business associations shared their vision of the amendments to the second reading, they spoke, in particular, about the need for a specific definition of concepts: additional business additions, tax amnesty in legislation, the emergence of a federal investment tax deduction for business. the business community...
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since the sixteenth year, we have also been heard, the tax budget committee will consider all submitted proposals for amendments on july 1 and 2, the second reading of the bill on
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improving the tax system is scheduled for july 4. this week , chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin met with the acting duties of the governor of the samara region vyacheslav fedorishchev. they discussed the issue. socio-economic development and initiative of the region, requiring consideration within the framework of the federal budget. earlier, vyacheslav volodin held a working meeting in the northern capital with the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov. we talked about measures of social support for elderly citizens and people with disabilities to implement national projects. as vyacheslav volodin noted, today we can confidently say that st. petersburg is a city social standards, and other regions have a lot to learn. beginning.
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social issues, and also about a topic that concerns us, since there are more
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and more motorists in the country every day, the registration process will be significantly simplified, it will be possible to register a car without registration, the former owner of the car will be able to apply for termination of state registration of this vehicle after his alienation. the state duma law has been adopted, which is why they are going to exclude the insurance policy from the list of mandatory ones. registration documents, yana dobrovolskaya will tell you. ekaterina, a car owner with twelve years of experience, 6 years ago, a muscovite sold her first car, and the buyer did not register the car and moved to the krasnodar region. i received fines instead. next, i contacted the traffic police in the krasnodar region with appeals. i contacted him several times and attached to my application a statement that at this stage i am not the owner. catherine
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managed to prove that she no longer had anything to do with the car only after a month of similar cases there are a huge number all over the country, and most often the car seller has to run through authorities with documents about the transaction and explain that the fines were not issued to him; he is not wasting time and nerves, all letters of happiness come specifically to the former owner, while the new owner. i didn't register the car myself. according to the current regulations, the new owner must register the car with the traffic police within 10 calendar days from the date of purchase. for those who for some reason did not manage to do this on time, fines are provided: up to 2,000 rubles for citizens, up to 10,000 rubles for legal entities. evasion from registering the ownership of a vehicle on time is a problem that deputies have drawn attention to. in fact, we were faced with the fact that this period was prolonged, and in at least 10 days, and sometimes in a month, two, and almost six months, the former owner simply began
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to receive fines from the new owner, who, well, in fact, violated legislation did not re-register within 10 days, and of course we had such problems, from now on everything will be different. the state duma adopted a law that will allow the seller to deregister the car being sold immediately after the transaction. on the same day, an important condition is that the purchase and sale agreement must be drawn up through the state services portal or certified by a notary. the former owner has the opportunity to immediately take appropriate actions so that this car is no longer registered on him. we exclude the liability of an innocent person for fines, potential accidents or taxes, this is also important, because such cases exist we have received relevant requests. this situation also. send. another pleasant news for all car owners: when registering a vehicle, traffic police officers will no longer require you to provide an osaga policy. we are talking only about the
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search procedure itself. region, you need to register it in another region, when there are gaps between buying a car and its operation, there are a lot of cases in life when you need to act not according to a single template, not according to the protocol, but people have different situations, this what the car owners themselves asked for, says the auto expert.
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now to purchase an osaga policy even for one day, this was our initiative, which has now become the rule of law. the new law will allow you not to be held liable for property that you no longer own. the owner can submit an application and deregister a car that has been stolen, is wanted or sent for disposal. such questions constantly arise; we have many categories of citizens who are required to declare their property, the actual location of the car, which is either located ... let's say, in a ruined state, often these things need to be written off from the citizens' register, yes, this is an important issue, and cars will also be prohibited from being registered, if there are no documents confirming the payment of the recycling fee, it will now be charged in full , if the person who imported the car into the country sold it before the end of the year from the date of import. the changes will come into force on march 1, 2025. yana dobrovolskaya, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan, lana tyan, duma tv,
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parliament. in the second part of our program look: the title of hero of labor from the hands of the president. gennady zyuganov celebrates his anniversary. restrictions for hookah bars. it is proposed to ban retail sales without heated tobacco mixtures. family holiday in the far east. a unified national standard for travel services is being created in the region.
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for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships.


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