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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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to talk to you, briefly about the main thing. soldiers from the west group of troops captured fortified positions in the ssu and used powerful flame grenade launchers to strike the enemy. they literally burned the militants out of their dugouts with precise volleys. as a result, they captured a lot of trophies, while the fleeing neo-nazis abandoned nato ammunition and equipment. joe biden is not happy with the court's decision on trump's partial immunity. according to the american leader, it was created in us history. a dangerous precedent, and
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simply put, the white house will not be able to knock out its main competitor from the fight for presidential chair, as political scientists note. biden fears that the republican is now unlikely to be convicted . more than 150 houses remain flooded in the dalnorechensky district of primorye, four settlements in the krasnoarmeysky and pozharsky districts have been cut off by floods, and boat crossings have been organized there. and in nizhnevartovsk, the khantemansi autonomous okrug, a state of emergency has been declared due to... water houses in the op river. water covered more than 2.0 household plots and 670 houses. in kiev they are watching with great concern by the french vote in the elections, as the european media write. they note that for the zelensky regime, too much will depend on who ultimately gets the majority in the vlast of the fifth republic. because any military aid package, even one approved by macron, must be signed by the government, and the french president's supporters are rapidly losing ground. in
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st. petersburg, they are eliminating the consequences of bad weather, a powerful wind the day before tore off the roofs of buildings, felled dozens of trees and even toppled a tower crane, one person died, two were injured, there were restrictions on traffic, our correspondent dmitry akimov has all the details. behind me is one of dozens, if not hundreds of trees fallen in st. petersburg, exactly. took the first blow of the disaster, which lasted just over half an hour, but the consequences of which will now take several days to eliminate. at first, a sandstorm hit the city, the wind reached 31 m per second, and then it began to rain. torn headdresses and twisted umbrellas are only a small part of the whole horror, with which st. petersburg faced. dozens of cars were damaged, and there were... no casualties. in
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the moscow district of the city, dereva crushed a passer-by to death. first, the woman went out to take out the trash. it was only by luck that the tragedy did not happen in krasnoe selo. the tree fell a few centimeters from the two women. in the very center of the city on nevsky prospekt, the wind blew away scaffolding. on the outskirts of the city, a construction crane could not withstand the pressure of the elements. bad weather disrupted the schedule. electric trains connecting st. petersburg and suburbs. we boarded trains from the baltic and vitebsky stations late. some trains stopped at intermediate stations, delays reached 2 hours. in pulkovo, a thunderstorm regime was introduced at the airport. the planes could not land and went to other airports. by 7:00 pm it began to seem that the weather in the city was starting to improve. the sun came out in some places. petersburg residents should not
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go outside unless absolutely necessary, because the hurricane may continue until the morning of july 2. dmitry akimov, news from st. petersburg. and the stormtroopers of the group east they use motorcycles in the staromaisky area, this is the donetsk people's republic. the fighters drive straight towards them.
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there is even less left, come on, come on, guys, the forest will save you, there is shelter there, the stormtroopers literally rolled into the fortifications and destroyed another stronghold in iisu in the starmajor region. the village itself is already under the control of our forces. the capture of a populated area is a new page in the development of military tactics. compare cavalry attacks, attack aircraft quickly rush into enemy formations on motorcycles. motorcycle group, here are ours the guys we trained, they simply boldly, brazenly carried out this task, drove straight into staromaiskoye, flew straight into the trenches on motorcycles, there was no back one. the guys immediately launched an assault and that’s it, and accordingly, a group on foot from behind was already finishing off some fighters. the idea of ​​storming enemy trenches on motorcycles did not come immediately. initially , motorcycles were used to deliver ammunition, food and water to the front line, but then it turned out that the vehicles
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could quite easily cross the front line and go behind enemy lines. thus a new one was born tactics. as a result, attack aircraft of the vostok group from primorye gained a foothold in staromayrsky in just 40 minutes. shoots, not knowing that mine was standing behind him , but he did not know that ours were already inside, the enemy fighter, when the enemy fired, one shot, even this was not noticeable, and so we killed 25 enemy soldiers, five of my fighters, developed and the commander of the attack aircraft with... the call sign soval competently applies new tactics , it turned out to be so successful that along the other front line they are already trying to copy it. this applies to enemies, no matter what happens, i am mine i always change my handwriting, don’t let them think that by teaching in my handwriting, they can go as far as the old maiersko. as a rule, having reached
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the position, the motorcycle is simply abandoned on the side of the road, some of them serve the medics who take the wounded from the front line. he evacuated the wounded man on his shoulders, they tied him up and he tied him up. and train recruits in effective use . now the assault squad is preparing new additions to motorized vehicles, the unit already has a new task, but they have not yet disclosed where they will unexpectedly appear next. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead the way! and now the situation with forest fires in the regions, for example, in yakutia, there are more than 40 forest fires, this is data from the air forest protection service. the fire covered more than 180,000 hectares. on july 1, a federal emergency regime was introduced in the republic. 74 fires were recorded in the trans-baikal territory. in
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chukotka, more than 50 thousand hectares have been covered by fire, four fires are being extinguished. almost 5.00 people are involved in the work throughout russia. more than a thousand workers provide assistance to the regions. forest protection. and more than 200 people are fighting forest fires in tyva. abnormal heat, strong winds and dry thunderstorms contribute to the emergence of new outbreaks. due to the threat of fire spreading in the republic, a state of emergency has already been introduced. and our correspondent doluma andar gets in touch. daluma, i greet you. tell us how many hectares have now been covered by fire in the region... are you able to put it out? tatyana, i welcome the fact that it was raining heavily all night and the heat has subsided a little, but the situation in the forests remains alarming, there are more fires. the day before, specialists extinguished three fires. the situation continues to be complicated
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abnormal heat and sometimes squally winds, and at this time it is known that more than 2,300 hectares of forest were engulfed in fire. the largest fires are in the hard-to-reach areas of kakhemsk.
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to localize the fire, the help of colleagues from a number of siberian regions was required. by this time i have everything, we continue to monitor the situation with leaf fires, tatyana, for you. daluma, thank you, it was deluma andar, she talked about how forest fires are being extinguished in tuva. and now it's time for economic news. alexander, the world bank has recognized the successes of the russian economy. tell me what specifically noted? tatyana, in particular , income growth, i will continue the topic. russia is a high-income country. this assessment was given by the world bank. according to his calculations, each resident accounts for $14,250. this step
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on the part of the world bank means recognition by an authoritative world institution of the successes of the economic policy of the russian authorities over the past decade, despite the illegal trade and financial restrictions imposed against us. world bank experts noted that the significant impact on economic activity in russia was influenced by growth in trade, the financial sector and construction, as well as increased activity in the military industry. according to the bank, thanks to this, real gdp increased by more than 3.5%, and nominal gdp by almost 11. meanwhile, the profits of russian companies over the past year increased by almost a quarter to 38,200 billion rubles. the news writes about this with reference to data from the federal tax service. analysts note that many companies... have already adapted to new conditions and reconfigured export-import flows. their
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costs have dropped and their overall financial performance has improved. sberbank is raising rates on basic mortgage programs by 1.3% percentage points. the minimum rate on them will now be 19.5%. the changes are associated with an increase in the yield of federal loan bonds against the backdrop of a high key rate of the bank of russia and will not affect the programs. with state support was clarified by the bank. conditions for already signed loan agreements will not change. vtb announced the same increase earlier. the minimum rate there is 19.2% for salary clients subject to a number of conditions. among the mistakes made in brussels, the eu economy is losing competitiveness. viktor orban, the prime minister of hungary, wrote about this in an opinion piece for the financial times, which he visited on monday. the decline in the competitiveness of the european union
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has been gaining momentum in recent decades. this is mainly due to the erroneous decisions of brussels, which contradict the realities of the global economy. a case in point is the green transition. the eu has imposed its ideologically motivated goals on everyone without the necessary consultations with industrialists. now, with energy prices 3.5 times higher than the us and european companies losing competitive advantage, their money is going towards energy bills rather than innovation. orban has promised to introduce a new competitiveness agreement that will revive the eu's economic expansion. he also said he would take control of the problem of illegal migration and launch a new eu agricultural policy that would focus on farmers. at the end of the issue, let me remind you of the exchange rates for today. 87 29 euros 93 rubles 95 kopecks. and that's
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all i have for now. ukraine has a month left before default, writes the iconomist publication. the fighting continues to take a heavy toll. the amounts that the allies provide are impressive, but they come in the form of artillery and tanks, and we need cash, as the article says, but there is no finance. and western help is not unlimited. riots are brewing in the usa and europe. maria skorodilka will tell you everything in detail. sausage, bun and ketchup, this trip of the german chancellor to cottbus was spontaneous,
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but absolutely useless, it seems that this is the place to be eastern germany, scholz came to the agrarians suffering from losses only to eat, local farmers are outraged, they are shouting to the authorities about real problems in a poor region of the country, they are ready to show everything, put it on. due to new environmental taxes, i will soon have nothing to feed my cows, feed is becoming more expensive, and prices for... germany needs, 80 professorship positions will be created at the university, thousands of qualified specialists from all over the world will come here. it’s not just his colleagues who are laughing at the chancellor; because of scholz’s disagreements , about 30 politicians are threatening to leave ruling coalition, but all around, literally.
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oh, would you like a piece? yes, you are already full, my dear sholly, you have long been considered the most unlucky chancellor. of all times, what are you planning to do with it? to put it mildly, that is, you don’t have the feeling that the traffic light coalition is doing something wrong, it’s not, and in order to somehow justify everything that berlin gave away to ukraine, scholz’s coalition is looking for enemies. the minister of foreign affairs proposes to invest in security, only in ukraine, again at the expense of ordinary germans. russia will be our greatest threat in the imaginable future. they irritate me when they behave.
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in his home country. power crisis in washington. americans are dissatisfied with foreign policy and domestic policy. sponsoring of kiev comes against the backdrop of rising prices in the states and the largest migration crisis. we allowed millions of people to flood into the united states. it is claimed that they have passed the necessary checks, but at the same time we see millions of illegal immigrants. they
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didn't pass any checks. moreover, for the united states and its allies, the conflict in ukraine is just business - analysts state. western military corporations need long wars that can last for decades, so they see the ukrainian conflict as another way to get rich, with us it all comes down to profit, to the fact that generals get jobs as consultants after retirement, this is a business, when will this business become unprofitable, the partners are simply liquidating ukraine, as entrepreneurs do with any unprofitable project; the other day kiev completed a complete sale.
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the best bank for business, sausages, simply space, and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for the sausages that my family likes so much appears, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, for the first time on the screens,
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travel website. not just profitable, alpha profitable. vasily nebenze announced the lack of results on the ceasefire in gaza. our permanent representative emphasized. al-jazeera tv channel reported this. as a result of the bombing, one person was killed and three more were injured. sme note that the exact
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number of victims has not yet been established. earlier, the shuid organization struck northern israel and tsehal positions came under fire. in in the area where a special military operation is being carried out , our soldiers develop rituals and traditions. almost every unit pronounces its own chant before the battle. what words help solve combat missions? anton potkovenko will talk about this. they are now on their way out. our marines, for whom there are no impossible tasks, but they are not given simple goals. before going on missions, they stand in a circle of power that no one can break. take a closer look, listen, these shots really touch your soul. everyone hugged looked at each other.
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itself and literally becomes a vital necessity, so the fighters in their zone have their own rituals, signs, their own sayings, as our commander always told us, god and the kalashnikov assault rifle speak to us, you see, we must never forget that without nothing comes of this faith, first faith in god, and then faith in comrades, our slogan, we are russia putin - strength, in our wartime, on the battlefield, especially, yes, it is very important... to feel each other’s shoulder that you will marry your friends, yes, that is, as it is written in scripture, when you are ready to lay down your life for your
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neighbor, for your own. marines or, for example, special forces, even in training, are imbued with this spirit of mutual assistance and combat camaraderie. for example, during an exam during exercises, commanders evaluate the unit’s performance not by the first person to cross the finish line, but by the last one, that is, victory is when one for all, all for one, hence such rituals on the front line. the fact that our guys have such rituals suggests that they have reached...
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how not to include in the military fraternity a doctor who is a surgeon, yes, who sleeps there for two or three days for 15 minutes a day a day, performs operations, how to uh treat the driver of, say, just a car, yes, who saw a wounded man, gives up everything , saves him, this is also brotherhood, brotherhood, sealed with a crown of gunpowder and a common goal, saved by a strong joke upon returning from a combat mission. the main thing is that everyone who left comes back. the azinichiks of the north group of troops intercepted and destroyed an enemy drone. the target was tested by the crew of the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system. it is capable of shooting down enemy planes, helicopters and drones and can fire from a standstill while on the move. the search for enemy objects is carried out using
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a radar system. she about... the regime is already following the target for further destruction.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story. briefly about the main thing for this moment. in yakutia , the village of khani is being saved from fire.


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