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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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let me tell you briefly about the main thing: yakutia rescuers are saving the village of khanya from fire, next to which a forest fire is raging, specialists from the ministry of emergency situations and air forestry are laying mineralized strips. in preparation for a special train for soup , 11 new outbreaks were discovered in the republic. the crews of attack aircraft and su-25 destroyed a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces and launched a strike with missiles. the enemy could not answer. the pilots performed a feint maneuver, released heat traps and returned safely to base. russian bailiffs transferred to income state, the share of two companies of the ukrainian oligarch kolomoisky in our country, he is included in the list of terrorists and...
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extremists for financing the armed forces of ukraine. more than 500 real estate objects, debtors in his case, were also seized. a former cia employee said american policy in the middle east has failed. he emphasized the negotiations between bahrain and iran for restoration - this is evidence of the decline of us hegemony. the intelligence officer recalled the headquarters of the us navy's fifth fleet in bahrain. and monamo’s rapprochement with tehran is an extremely alarming signal for washington. in st. petersburg, they continue to eliminate the consequences of the hurricane. let me remind you that the night before the city was covered by a thunderstorm front. the wind was driven up to 31 m/s. how is this cataclysm connected with the unprecedented heat that reigns in the european part of the country when the heat records of one hundred and thirty years ago are renewed in moscow? ksenia levitskaya will talk about this. there is unprecedented heat in moscow, and a terrible strong wind in st. petersburg. what speeds the day before? air currents were accelerating on
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the banks of the niva and is it true that one of the oldest may fall in the capital today july heat records. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobas center, i am ksenia levitskaya. hello. the central region will be melting from the heat in the coming days, but a cold front is already in control in the northwest. stills like from the movie catastrophe. the night before , st. petersburg was covered by a real storm. everything happened as the weather forecasters say. changing signs, by the time the cold air mass approached, the local thermometers were still at a record high of +32°. the large temperature difference caused an atmospheric explosion. you see, the crane is falling, your, fucking, it's simple. according to the weather station at pulkovo airport, which suspended aircraft service due to bad weather, within 5 minutes the wind accelerated to... this is almost
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a hurricane. a tower crane was blown away by air currents at a construction site. squalls knocked down traffic lights and stop signs. and, of course, there were flying roofs. fragments of roofs blown off by the wind posed a particular danger yesterday. in the following frames, the owner of the gazelle miraculously missed a sheet of stainless steel. and in this episode, a tree almost fell on... on passers-by. as i already mentioned, a sharp change in air masses led to the hurricane. the cold came with the heat. the day before, in addition to st. petersburg, meteorological statistics were rewritten in veliky novgorod and pskov. the reason for such a hot start to the month is clearly visible from space. almost the entire russian plain was under the influence of a vast anticyclone. and the cyclone, moving along its periphery, also pumped air into the area of ​​​​this source. from the subtropics of eurasia. and
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today the situation in the atmosphere is above european russia will change little. coolness will come only in the north-west of the country. here in the afternoon it’s only +20-25. in the rest of the territory, the geography of heat will expand. thirty-degree heat will capture even the southern regions of pomerania. and now records of maximum temperatures are expected in the middle zone. for example, in moscow one of the oldest records in the weather chronicle will be updated. already to the floor. thermometers will rise to +31, at the peak of the daytime warming up and to +33, this is almost a reward above the previous extreme values ​​recorded in 1890. as for the cold front, during the day the cloud masses associated with it will stretch from the coast of the kola peninsula to the balkans. in our country, the heaviest rains will occur in the polar regions, as well as in the pskov, novgorod and smolensk regions. in some places you will get over ten. 20 mm of moisture, while the recurrence
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of hurricane squalls is unlikely. let's say, in veliky novgorod, thunderclouds will appear closer to noon, they will no longer allow the thermometers to rise to... above +22-23, at the showers will peak in the evening, the intensity of precipitation can reach 5-6 mm in 3 hours, as a result, by the end of the day , about 20% of the july rain volume may fall on the city. the cold front will make its way deep into the russian plain very slowly, so in moscow until thursday the record afternoon heat will last +33-34. on friday, thunderstorm arrays will appear over the metropolis. clouds will bring quite heavy rain; on saturday the temperature will finally approach the level of the climate norm, during the day about plus 25. that's all i have until now goodbye!
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a fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, a rubber chicken is for distracting maneuvers. and the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point. new kari sauce in chicken premiere chicken hit. try it at the delicious point. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i
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climbed here. and i imagined that one day i would open this place to everyone. and i decided. the hotel is in the lighthouse, it’s good that friends helped with the renovation, with the opening of the sberbank business. at sberbank they supported me in everything at the start. check opened in one click, helped with accounting and legal issues, quickly connected the cash register, all this is free, get started with support. easier and faster, we open the way to business, sberbusiness. on avita khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7th. gac m8. mini-van executive class. unique
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radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension, lux class interior. for your maximum comfort. gac m8 is the first place. magnet - the price is what you need! monarch coffee 419.99. go to the moss exhibition! or maybe to me? better at a tasty point. check out the clips. real a reason to meet. superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends. hurry up to buy and win a trip. credit debts are attacked. cards, i will show you a couple of tricks: we collect all debts on credit cards in one half, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. what? world blockbusters on yandex market.
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what were you waiting for? there may be a teek smartphone at povasha with a 16% discount. ukrainian chicks are trying to create the appearance of underground activities in crimea in sevastopol, they are doing rumors that partisans are supposedly working on the peninsula. all the fakes were debunked by my colleague anastasia ivanova. if there is no underground movement in crimea and sevastopol, then one needs to be invented. and no matter how hard the ukrainian chicks themselves try, they are being identified by the inhabitants of the peninsula, but the desire to sow panic is so strong that telegram channels about pseudo-partisan movements are only being promoted. poikomets monitor local city chats, take photographs that are meaningful and write texts for them. well, for example, an information bulletin from the atesh telegram channel. motozer and the liars took it. a photo where a resident of sevastopol discussed a car breakdown in a profile chat; as a result, the photo was passed off as an alleged
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massive repair of military equipment in sevastopol, supposedly special agents had identified the point. then they tried to recruit the author of the photo, namely the auto mechanic, in personal messages, asked provocative questions about his attitude to the special operation, offered money for some anonymous work, the guy turned to the right place. employees of the ukrainian special services tried to contact me and offered me money. compensation for photo and video recording of russian equipment, as well as for deliberate breakdowns, given by me, i would resolutely refuse them, since i am a citizen of the russian federation, i fully support the svo and in no way support ukraine, but still strangely hopes to some kind of massive support for the zelensky regime, while brutally shelling children with their parents on the beach in uchkuevka, the same telegram channel atash, positioning itself as a community of radical crimean tatars, but...
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news about rocket fire and attacks from the beach these are comments from ukrainian bots under uchkuevka in general, sevastopol, and these bots rejoiced at the death of russian children, they... that’s what they wrote about, uh, the ukrainian side is trying to influence the information space of crimea, but nothing works out for them. here are some more, supposedly partisans of the fkdel telegram channel crimean wind , showing a close-up of a hot newspaper and thus talking about some kind of mass resistance to the official media. well, or here, a red spot on a car with a symbol of a special operation, also close-up, they say this is a serious civil rebellion. actually. the authors of the crimean wind have nothing to do with crimea itself, they left even before the special operation, they administer similar
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information dumps from ukraine, the baltic states and poland in order to justify their existence, these grant organizations and organizations, the so-called tseptso, on which ukrainian intelligence spends money, they will try to create the appearance of work, and the appearance of work not for russians, but for the internal ukrainian market, we even... identify so -called former journalists by style, i’ll say, i understand that some ukrainian channels are, who runs them? telegram channel yellow tape is generally conducted in ukrainian, they publish yellow and blue pieces of paper and the same flags, literally lying in the fields again signatures about some kind of civil protest, they believe in themselves, go out now to the streets of crimean towns and villages and ask crimean residents what ? some yellow tape, do they know about this movement?
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no one knows anything, because this movement was born, well, in the fevered imagination of ukrainian chicks. of course, there are ukrainian saboteurs in crimea, their they calculate, but these are isolated cases, and not as kiev propaganda shows, referring to their own fake information dumps that steal photos of residents of crimea and sevastopol and use them against people. you talk there, let’s say that the door to the entrance does not close, yes, enemy intelligence, seeing such messages, can use them for anything, you will not just play along with the enemy, but you will also hand over your own data, which will then be used against you same, if you have any messages that require a response authorities, please inform the government about this in a personal message, and do not leave personal data, an important reminder that is listened to, say representatives of the authorities of the peninsula, because who, if not themselves... the russians will tell the truth and figure out the kiev lagoons. and now news
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about the economy. alexander, the eu economy is losing competitiveness, hungarian prime minister viktor orban stated this. and tell me what the reason is in his opinion. tatyana, all because of the wrong decisions of brussels, for now, on to other topics. russia is a country with a high level of income, this is the assessment given by the world bank. according to his calculations , there are 14,200 for each resident. 50 dollars of gross income, while the high figure is considered to be from 13,845 dollars. this step by the world bank means recognition. an authoritative global institution of the successes of the economic policy of the russian authorities over the past decade, despite the illegal trade and financial restrictions imposed against us. in russia, almost half of employers increased employee salaries in the second quarter. this is evidenced by a study of work services. ru and sberpodbor. at the same time, 13% of companies opened
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new areas of business. sberbank raises rates. for basic mortgage programs by 1.3% points. the minimum rate on them will now be 19.5%. the changes associated with the increase in the yield of federal loan bonds against the backdrop of a high key rate of the bank of russia do not affect programs with state support. vtb announced the same increase earlier. due to mistakes in brussels, the eu economy is losing competitiveness. about this in the author's article for... the decline in the competitiveness of the european union has been gaining momentum in recent decades, this is mainly due to the erroneous decisions of brussels, which contradict the realities of the world economy. a case in point is the green transition. the eu imposed
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its ideologically motivated goals on everyone without the necessary consultations with industry. now, when energy prices are 3-5 times higher than the us, european companies are losing competitive advantages, their money is going to energy bills, not to innovation. orban promised to introduce a new competitiveness agreement that would revive the eu's economic expansion. he also said he would take control of the problem of illegal migration and launch a new eu agricultural policy that would be targeted. on farmers. agreements with the european union force ukraine to increase excise taxes. this was stated by the country's deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration. excise tax rates must be carried out in accordance with european regulations and directives. this our commitment. these indicators are directly defined in european regulation.
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the only thing we can talk about is the time frame, when and over what period these will be implemented. ukraine’s budget for the second year in a row is drawn up with a record deficit, the country makes ends meet with the help of western aid, but even there , kiev’s support is causing more and more discussion, so the rada is increasingly discussing the need to increase vat, as well as excise taxes on fuel and tobacco products. that's all for now, more news in the next part. a fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, a rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a tasty point, the new kari sauce in chicken premiere of chicken hit, try it at a tasty point, for the first time on the screens, meet on avito, on
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avito, khvatamba has arrived and discounts. from people, only until july 7th hvatamba for so many things, from cabinets to auto products on avito. this have not happened before. russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try this real russian cold ice cream. great, incredible taste. buy with discounts on yandex market. coopersberg glm 4580 dishwasher. we present the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 is non-alcoholic, experience the perfection of taste. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget
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that joy lives inside of us, but it's real. superpower, more joyful moments with holy spring water, with fruity flavors. the source of joy is in you! loved ones always choose free shipping by clicking on the megamarket, this is your personal pick-up point, and you don’t have to cancel your summer plans, you don’t have to go anywhere, stand in line for an order or juggle purchases on the way home. delivery by click works like this: a click order is placed, it goes to the nearest dark story. 5 days click and in 15-30 minutes order at your home free delivery by click - this is your personal pick-up point, catch the moments of summer with the megamarket, go to the moss exhibition! or maybe it’s better to come to me at a tasty point, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, superbox
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with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, on avito khvatamba, discounts to people from people until july 7. and again to the topic of a special military operation: anti-aircraft gunners of the north group of troops intercepted and destroyed another enemy drone. the target was tested by the crew of the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system. it is capable of shooting down enemy planes, helicopters and drones and can fire from a standstill while on the move. the search for enemy objects is carried out using a radar system. it detects targets in the air, further than the car drive to the firing position and carry out strikes. the main targets that were
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destroyed by me personally were valkyrie, fury, baba yaga. yes, the missile system works on the principle of forgetting shots. the operator launches the missile, and the missile, in turn, autonomously follows the target for further destruction. children with rare diseases can get expensive ones. medicines are free, they are purchased by a special fund created by the president; he will tell you what medicines are available and how to get them maria kudryavtseva in the program instructions. in russia, children with rare or scientifically orphan diseases can receive unique and expensive drugs for free, even before they are registered in russia. the medicines are purchased by the circle of good foundation, created by the president. what kind of fund is this and what diseases does it work with? we will tell you the instructions in the program in 5 minutes. the circle of good has been operational since 2021; it complements existing medical government programs. the foundation helps solve
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a huge social problem. with him with our help, children can receive free expensive and rare medicines, including the newest ones, that is , those that have not yet been registered in russia. in other words, as soon as an effective and safe medicine appears in the world, it can become available to russian children. during the foundation's work , 25,000 children received assistance, and more than 243 billion rubles were spent on medicine. well , the most important thing, of course, is not the numbers, but behind each child there is a story, a history of fighting the disease, a family history, by and large, behind each number there is a story children, the history of a preserved childhood, this is probably the most important result, which we are all very proud of, but... generally speaking, working at the circle of good foundation gives a lot of reasons for joy and pride. and the fact that people, russian citizens, taxpayers trust us. and we see this from
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the results of sociological research. you can find out which diseases and pathologies the circle of good works with on its website in the “list of diseases” section. now there are almost 100 points there. there on the website you can find out what medications, implants, and other medical products the fund purchases. and what other help can you get from him? when the foundation was just being created, when we were thinking through how we work, we defined for ourselves the following principle, informal, completely, it is not recorded anywhere in the documents, that the parents of our patients are our main experts. i want to emphasize that we consider all requests, not only from doctors, not only from medical specialists, but of course from parents, and from patient organizations, and even from grandmothers. grandfathers, children in need of help, we also consider these requests, we definitely study and prepare a response, definitely. if you have a diagnosis
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prescribed by a doctor, you can leave an application on the state services portal. to find the required form, just type the circle of goodness in the search, and the electronic assistant will offer it to you, or it can be found through the fund’s website in the section for parents. the regional ministry of health can also help with collecting application documents. but doctors themselves can tell the family what to do, for example, based on the results of neonatal screening, that is, examination of a newborn. screening identifies 36 hereditary diseases of their groups, and in some cases helps to begin treatment even before the symptoms of dangerous diseases manifest themselves. for example, in the case of spinal muscular atrophy , one injection of a special drug is enough to ensure the child’s normal development and healthy life. and very important. project for this year, and we are also paying a lot of attention to this now, these are purchases for reserve, we this year we would like to work out all the mechanics for several medications; we would like
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to purchase not just fake ones, which the fund helps with, are on its website. if you want to know more about what medical services you can count on, write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts and we will tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions.
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who am i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we get stuck, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, what began, without deception, without a flint, like a flint, imprisoned me, pen, self-written ink, magic, you can get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me the horse. mechanical, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, that doesn’t need a pen, whoever has flint in his pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is
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only one law, shoot. the first competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, tense inside america, outside its borders, in what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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we will show the storms of enemy positions, how our fighters capture militants of the kiev regime. floods in primorye and ugra, how people are saved from the elements and how the consequences of floods are eliminated. forest fires in regions of russia where the hot summer has caused problems and where the fire threatens the population. russia will be our biggest threat in the imaginable future.


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