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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in moscow 10 we continue to broadcast the morning news, here is what we knew by this hour: crews of the russian operational-tactical complex iskander m. launched a group missile attack on the mirgorod airfield in the poltava region. according to the ministry of defense, five ukrainian su-27 multirole fighters were destroyed. two more aircraft, which were undergoing repairs at the time, were damaged. 57
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fires over an area of ​​more than 650 hectares were extinguished in russia over the past 24 hours; the most difficult situation is in yakutia, there is a fire there has already destroyed more than 180,000 hectares. a federal emergency regime is in effect in the republic ; the trans-baikal territory and chukotka are also on fire. across russia , almost 5.00 people are fighting the fire. in st. petersburg , the consequences of the storm are being eliminated. in some areas , wind gusts reached 31. this was accompanied by a strong line, the roofs of several buildings were torn off, a tower crane collapsed, dozens of trees were broken, one person was killed, and two more were injured. ukraine may default on the first of august ; the moratorium on payments that has been in effect since twenty-second year, while the amount of debt reached 94% of gdp by june. if kiev fails to reach an agreement with creditors, then the country will face a default. and now footage from the mirgorod airfield in
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the poltava region and video from objective control cameras are being published by the russian ministry of defense. as our military department reported, a strike from the iskander m operational-tactical missile system destroyed five ukrainian su-27 multirole fighters at once. two more were under repair and were damaged. but in the area. the fortification of the armed forces of ukraine is stormed by russian fighters grouping of troops east. our military literally rides into enemy positions on motorcycles and quickly gains a foothold. sergei samokha saw how the rapid attack took place. from a military point of view, this is outright audacity. in broad daylight, across open terrain, attack a prepared enemy position. but the assault squad on motorcycles is getting closer and closer. to the ukrainian supporter. come on,
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come on, come on, just a little bit, there are 300 meters left, even less, come on, come on, guys, the forest will save you, there is shelter there. the stormtroopers literally rolled into the fortification and destroyed another stronghold in isa in the staromaisky area. the village itself is already under the control of our forces. capturing a populated area is a new page in development. and military tactics, compare cavalry attacks, attack aircraft quickly rush into the enemy’s formation on motorcycles, a motorcycle group, these are our guys whom we trained, they simply boldly, brazenly carried out this task, drove straight into staromayrskaya, flew straight into the trenches on motorcycles, that is there is no back one, the guys immediately went on the assault and that's all, and accordingly, from behind, a foot group was already finishing off some soldiers, the idea of ​​storming enemy trenches on motorcycles... did not come
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right away. initially, motorcycles were used to deliver ammunition, food and water to the front line, but then it turned out that the vehicle could quite easily cross the front line and go behind enemy lines. thus a new tactic was born. as a result, attack aircraft of the vostok group from primorye gained a foothold in staromayrsky in just 40 minutes. at times the enemy did not understand where they were coming from. fire. they drove straight to the rear, the enemy was shooting at us again, but he didn’t know that... our people were already inside, the enemy was shooting, i don’t know that my fighter was standing behind him, when the enemy fired a burst, one shot, even that didn’t it was noticeable, and so we killed 25 enemy soldiers, five of my fighters, the stormtrooper commander with the call sign soval developed and competently applied a new tactic, it turned out to be so successful that the front line is already trying to copy it, this concerns the enemy, no matter what happens. i always
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change my handwriting, don’t let them think that teaching mine handwriting, they can come out like that staromaisk. as a rule, having reached the position, the motorcycle is simply abandoned on the side of the road, some of them... yes, but where they will unexpectedly appear next time has not yet been revealed. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, news! and now to the situation with fires. over the past 24 hours , 57 outbreaks in nineteen regions were extinguished. this is the latest data from the aviation forest guard.
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the most difficult situation is in yakutia. more than 180 thousand hectares have been burned by fire. on july 1 , a federal emergency regime was introduced in the republic . 74 fires were recorded in transbaikal in chukotka , more than 50,000 hectares have been covered by fire, four fires are being extinguished. almost 5.00 people are involved in the work throughout russia, and more than a thousand aviation forest protection workers are providing assistance to the regions. meanwhile, heavy downpours caused the water level in the op river to rise. critical levels in the nizhnevartovsk region were exceeded in places by almost 10 m. owners of private houses suffered the most. with what difficulties? i came across a rescuer and found out kirill volkonsky. don't walk, don't drive, maybe just swim. after the introduction of the state of emergency, rescuers and police officers completely blocked all land traffic for cars and pedestrians. to the most problematic
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summer cottages, which today have turned into real islands. andrei semtsov still has his parents on one of these islands. fearing for the safety of the looters' harvest, the pensioners decided to live in the country. they call my son twice a day. today we stocked up on food for a few days, we took dad there and now he’s back, well, there’s electricity there, they haven’t turned it off, everything is there, heating, stove and electricity, everything is there, they can’t go back to live, but how come they planted everything there, you have to somehow, if it’s completely flooded, then of course, faster than children, a rescuer will get to such summer residents, two duty posts in the east -west of the city appeared even before the water overcame the first criticism.
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psychologists, both city and local fire and rescue garrison, are working. today, in the city area alone , almost 1,700 mining plots and 663 houses are under water, while others are still standing. in the west of the city the picture, so to speak, is somewhat more varied. yes, many areas have long been under water, while others are saved by protective structures, the so-called enclosures. here, for example. there are two of them and the depth in that ravine due to the rise of groundwater is more than 3 m. they prepared for the declaration of an emergency situation in the city in advance and exceeding the wabi level was not a surprise. rescuers named heavy rainfall as the reason for the jump in the river level this time. they took place
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last weekend. taking into account the current situation, we have mobilized from today operation of temporary accommodation centers. rescuers received a number of additional powers. all necessary measures will be taken. first of all, by notification, that is , the introduction of an emergency situation is more of a legal, legal nature, and of course, here we will now be completely guided by our reserve fund, that is, when liquidating an emergency situation , we can use the reserve fund, downstream level the rivers are still rising, but in the nizhnevartovsk region there is a significant a decrease in water is already being recorded in the vakh river, for example, in the area of ​​​​the settlements of laryak and okhtiurye. kirill volkonsky and irika dulgoniev, host yugoria, nizhny-vartovsk. european media write that in kiev they are watching with alarm the french vote in the elections. they note that for the zelensky regime, too much will depend on who ultimately
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gets the majority in the power of the fifth republic. because any military aid package, even one approved by macron, must be signed by the government. and supporters of the french president. are rapidly losing positions. now let's start with advertising, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this tuesday. hello, i'm cashboy, your personal assistant in the world of bargain shopping at the megamarket. i make sure that for every purchase at the megamarket, you receive cashback. maximum cashback! listen to the cashboy's advice and buy profitably at the megamarket! oh, cashback has arrived! enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot!
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we continue broadcasting. there is a month left in ukraine to reach an agreement with creditors. otherwise, kiev will have to either default or pay up to $500 million a year, for which there is simply no money. alexandra nazarova has all the details. ukraine is not succeeding. agrees with creditors on debt restructuring, the moratorium on august 1 ends payments that have been in effect since 2020; if the deal fails to be agreed upon , the country will face a default, the economist magazine warns. in the absence of a deal , ukraine has two options: the first is to agree to extend the moratorium on debt servicing, as has already been done with state creditors, who will refrain from demanding payments until 2027, the other is to default, this may seem radical, but in reality the difference between scenarios are small, in any case, payments from
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ukraine will not be resumed. resume payments a group of investment companies, including one of the largest, is demanding interest. american black rock, they have a fifth of the country's eurobonds worth $20 billion, they want to receive up to $500 million a year. the most likely scenario for the development of events is that ukraine will still begin to pay, and firstly, this is internal pressure from internal holders of ukrainian securities, on the other hand, there is a risk that in the event of a default , ukraine will no longer receive money, debt, reduce the cost of bonds by 60%, they didn’t want to lose so many investment companies and in kiev they proposed restructuring ; 22% came up with a counter proposal. however, as stated in the ukrainian ministry of finance, such a reduction will not allow achieving the key
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goals for the national debt that the imf insists on, so the results of the negotiations... there is no time yet; in order to finance payments on their securities, they will have to issue unsecured hryvnia, that is, print hryvnia , with this hryvnia to buy dollars and euros on the domestic market of ukraine, and with these dollars and euros to pay external creditors, that is, the direct road in this case is drawn to the devaluation of the hryvnia, which will lead to further unification of the population and degradation of the ukrainian economy. ukraine. because of this, there is a catastrophic lack of money, according to world bank calculations , next year it will face bankruptcy if western countries refuse to write off debts, but for now they continue to grow, now exceeding $150 billion, and the budget deficit this year is expected to be 21% of gdp . ukraine cannot live without additional financial injections servicing the public debt, which is already
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close to almost 100% of gdp, falls on the leadership. there will be pressure from the country to sell at a discount the most promising, most profitable, or mineral deposits, or certain lands that are of strategic interest to state corporations, companies with state participation. during the first half of the year , the ukrainian budget received almost $14 billion in foreign aid. the largest donors were the european union, japan, canada and the imf. this the international monetary fund last week approved another tranche of 2.4 billion as part of the extended lending mechanism. thus, through it, kiev received more than 7.5 billion. over the 4 years of this program, external financing could amount to 122 billion dollars in the base scenario and 141 in the negative one. this is a credit hole from which there
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is no way out. this situation was clear from the very beginning. both the current leadership and the previous one after 14 years. in essence, it’s the same thing, it doesn’t change anything, it deliberately led the country precisely to this, it’s not bad - the implementation of good ideas is an excellent implementation of the vile goals of the task, in which the population in the territory controlled by kiev remains the worst affected. kiev's budget plan envisaged an almost two-fold drop in western funding by 1927 and a significant devaluation of the hryvnia. in turn , the international monetary fund worsened the forecast. ukraine's gdp, this year it can add from 2.5 to 3.5% instead of 3.2, which was expected earlier, next year it can add 5.5% instead of 6.5. ukraine is going to save primarily on citizens, so the government proposes to refuse to increase the minimum wage and the cost of living for the next 3 years, but military
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spending will also have to be reduced. two hundred aviation forest protection employees. to stop a fire burning on the territory of two nature reserves in tuva. the fire reached the relict forest. in total, there are more than 20 outbreaks in the republic, and a state of emergency has been declared in the region. daluma andar will tell you how the fight against the elements is going. it also rained heavily all night and the heat subsided a little, but the situation in the forests remains alarming. there were more fires. the day before , specialists extinguished three fires. the situation continues to be complicated by anomalies. heat and sometimes squally winds, at this time it is known that more than 2,300 hectares of forest were engulfed in fire. the largest fires are in the inaccessible areas of kakhem and todzhinsky. district , an emergency situation has been declared in the territory, according to operational data, there are now 31 forest fires in the republic, today the heat in the republic is expected to be 35°, heavy loads in places, with squalls of
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wind up to 20 m/s, high there is a fire hazard, firefighters are fighting for every hectare of forest, 19 units of special equipment are involved, and 30 uva airborne troops are also arriving in the republic, who responded to extinguish the fire in the trans-baikal territory. to localize the fire, the help of colleagues from a number of siberian regions was required. dalumaun dar, tv presenter. joe biden is unhappy with the court's decision on trump's partial immunity. according to the american leader , a dangerous precedent has been created in us history, and simply put, the white house will not be able to knock out its main competitor from fight for the presidency. political scientists talk about this. biden fears that the republican is now unlikely to be indicted.
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the spotlight under our country's presidency of the security council this month. as russia has repeatedly warned, not a single element of the latest resolution adopted by the security council under us initiative 2735 has been implemented and it is still unclear what the final parameters of the proposal are or whether the parties have agreed to accept it. russian bailiffs transferred shares of two ukrainian companies to the state income oligarch igor kolomoisky. in our country , he is included in the list of terrorists and
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extremists for financing the armed forces of ukraine. more than 500 properties of debtors in his case were also seized. and further news marked urgently: the basmanny court of moscow arrested in absentia the former prime minister of ukraine vladimir groysman and the ex-head of the country’s ministry of foreign affairs. pavel klimkin was informed about this in court. both were previously put on the international wanted list. the investigative committee accuses klimkin and groysman of using prohibited means and methods of warfare, in particular shelling in the donbass. let's move on to other news. so in the khabarovsk territory a new ship was launched. it will work on the rivers of the far east, among the tasks of dredging the bottom and building a dump, the components are mainly russian. i found out whether there will be mass production. our colleague in the region. anchors above the steel hull in the colors of the russian tricolor, in all its scale, the amur 203. the non-self-propelled dredger is ready for
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launching, sends off with a spectacular throw the ship into the life of his godmother, with a sparkling, as it should be among shipbuilders, and most importantly, with pride and a light heart. to your applause. this is already decent in principle, i think that i deserve to be a godmother. well, of course, they built it with ease. the entire plant, as metropolitan artemy of khabarovsk and the amur region blesses their brainchild, watches the birth of entire families, site foreman mikhail petrov shows the children how he worked on every detail of the sketch, every time you worry, as if you are learning about fate, because it’s like life continues after and it’s interesting later, how does something work that you put your strength and soul into, that’s how the picture came to life, from the moment the order was accepted until the delivery of amursky from polin. exactly 2 years old, 60 cm long, 11 cm wide, and the filling is entirely russian-made. under the conditions of strict sanctions on almost all components
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, they have taken a course towards import substitution. technological sovereignty and equipment production independent from the west from domestic suppliers throughout the country are what helped meet the deadlines. this is of course a lot of work on import substitution, which is being led by the ministry of industry and trade and the government of the russian federation, but the proof of all this is that these are not just words, this is how... a large range, the team is ready, the team wants to carry out this work, build modern ships , build a fleet country.
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is preparing a site for the assembly of moray eels and hovercraft landing craft. elizaveta yurova, konstantin krutikov, lead khabarovsk.
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in moscow 10:28 onwards, briefly about the main thing. crews of the russian operational-tactical the iskander m complex launched a group missile attack on the mirgorod airfield in
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the poltava region. according to the ministry of defense, five ukrainian multi-layer su-27 fighters were destroyed. two more aircraft, which were undergoing repairs at the time, were damaged. 57 fires covering an area of ​​more than 650 were extinguished in russia over the past 24 hours. the most difficult situation is in yakutia. there, the fire has already destroyed more than 180,000 hectares. a federal emergency regime is in effect in the republic. the trans-baikal territory is also burning... throughout russia there is a struggle almost 5.00 people are fighting with fire. in st. petersburg, the consequences of the storm are being eliminated. in some areas, wind gusts reached 31 m/s. this was accompanied by heavy rain. in several buildings , the roof was torn off, a tower crane collapsed, and dozens of trees were broken. two people died. ukraine may default as early as august.
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the moratorium on payments expires on the first day. ah, if my dream came true, then my life would come true, yes, if my dream, start a wonderful life with a subscription to berp, get more cashback for purchases, and also access to cinema and...


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