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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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ukraine may default as early as august; the moratorium on payments, which have been in effect since twenty-two, expires on the first, while the amount of debt reached 94% of gdp by june. if kiev fails to reach an agreement with creditors, then the country will face a default. this concludes the broadcast of the morning news, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, then the program “fifth studio” will be broadcast. see you and good news. oh, if my dream came true, then life would be so rewarding, if i had a dream, start a wonderful life with a sberbank subscription. get more cashback for
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studio 5 is on the air, my name is anton potkovenko, we are discussing the situation. ukraine in the context of vladimir zelensky’s statement that he does not deny the possibility of negotiations between kiev and moscow with the participation of mediators. zelensky stated this in an interview with an american newspaper. philadelphia inquaire, it was said that such a model was used for the first time on the example of the grain corridor, when ukraine agreed not with russia, but with the un, as well as with turkey. let's discuss all this with mykola azarov. prime minister of ukraine from 2010 to 1914, now in contact with the fifth studio. nikolai yanovich, hello. good afternoon. so, in your opinion, how to understand this, this is zelensky’s statement. that is, it turns out that now he is, so to speak,
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lifting, has already lifted his own taboo that, as he previously said, negotiations with russia are impossible. he himself introduced this ban, and the most important thing is that this is about it. these intermediaries, yes, this model with the participation of intermediaries, why does kiev offer this option, who could become these intermediaries, in your opinion, that zelensky wants to benefit here, so to speak, well, first of all, it must be said that certain changes have taken place in the country, which ukraine has been overseeing all these years after the coup d’etat, i mean the united states of america , i don’t rule out that... some kind of underling of the washington bureaucracy, yes, well, probably not at the highest level, because ukraine has never been dealt with at the highest level, yes, usually someone in the council dealt with it there national security and defense, at best, say, the assistant secretary of state,
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somewhere at this level they came to the conclusion that it was necessary to change the rhetoric, change the rhetoric, that is, not deny negotiations with... i don’t think that happened there at the biden level, changes in this situation, so to speak, but somewhere on the average level, which was considered that the situation in the world is still developing in such a way that it is necessary to move away from military rhetoric and move to some kind of peaceful rhetoric, but in addition, of course,
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look what changes are happening on political landscape, elections in france, the electoral states of america, that... other things besides those that were not previously voiced, the borders of the ninety-first year, there are reparations with russia and so on and so forth, note that this topic is generally already has not been heard for a long time, neither the border of the ninety-first year, nor reparations, all this has not been heard, moreover, it means that they have such official
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showmen, like vladimir ofisenko, whom i have known for many years, this is a political scientist who is always in the wings of us, then theirs, who... year, when he declared that we must build an independent ukraine , we must populate it, it must be populated by rich ukrainians, not by rich ones, they must be destroyed there, including
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muscovites, jews, poles, and so on and so on, well, like that the reason for the outrages is that they are brought, of course, in order to appease the nationalist part. which is still preserved, which is not all buried, which means as a result of battles, but the sensible part is the so-called common sense, i of course put nationalist in quotes. means parties, she still, she preferred to push her nationalist agitations somewhere in kiev, but not on the front line. well, in order to tone it down a little, so to speak, in my opinion , these slogans appeared. in my opinion, i emphasize once again, i don’t see anything serious in this change in position, because the americans gave the final go-ahead, they didn’t give any go-ahead for negotiations, that’s why all this ranting. nikolaych, still continuing this topic, international
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news, in fact, now the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, has arrived in kiev, has arrived to kiev for negotiations with zelensky, and the financial times had already written about this before, citing its sources. in your opinion, what could such a visit mean, in particular in the context of the fact that the press service of the head of the hungarian government. the person who heads the european council determines the agenda, the agenda
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for consideration of issues, and so on, by the way, they wanted to deprive him of the right to head the european council, these six months allotted to him from july 1 to january 1, so he came to kiev not only as prime minister hungary, but also as president of the european council, in terms of its peacekeeping initiatives. from the very beginning, he insisted that peaceful solutions must be found, he spoke about this during his visit to the united states of america, where he did not meet with biden, by the way, he met with trump, according to the information that we have, there negotiations were held that some kind of plan needed to be developed, and trump, by the way, instructed two of his security advisers.
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orbán now has a long-standing interest in a solution the hungarian question, what kind of hungarian question, which, so to speak, worries orban, but generally speaking, he is a nationalist, so he supports the thesis of a great hungary, believes that many territories were illegally taken from hungary, including this one part means ukraine, which is where hungrys live compactly.
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which he has been doing, by the way, with enviable integrity all these years, so
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at this meeting, orban wants, in general, to add points to himself as a peacemaker, on the one hand, as a defender of the interests of the hungarians, as supporter of the creation of a strong hungarian state, because he even rudely stated that i don’t give a damn about what happens in ukraine, but i need to know that hungarians live with us... protected, their rights are protected, and so on and so forth , well , of course, this is more so, it means that it is said for the public, he is generally an experienced politician, but nevertheless, so rudely, but he brought this point home . now, as for mediation, well, orban, with all his, so to speak, visibility and visibility, still does not determine policy in the european union, so he mediation from the point of view of the fate of the european, the state of the european union, well, generally speaking, is in question, therefore, if we already talk about some intermediaries, but zelensky did not mean
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so much intermediaries, but rather those individuals who, through which negotiations will be held, that is, he... speaking in this interview, he was not talking about direct negotiations between russia and, so to speak, his regime, yes, but some, so to speak, third countries that will first meet with russia, then means meeting with the kiev regimes, then again this is a series of meetings that should lead to a rapprochement of these positions, well, here it is quite difficult to select such, let’s say, objective participants. well, i think that common sense still says that it is necessary, first of all, to reach an agreement, to reach an agreement between the owner of this regime, the united states and russia, this is where the dog is buried, as they say, yes, so some kind of agreement will be concluded then at least the general
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principles for achieving this agreement, then we can meet at any, so to speak, levels and... and this burden of this conflict for the state of ukrainian society and the people themselves. despite the fact that after the law on mobilization, the number of mobilized people in general increased significantly. at the same time, they did not reach the figures that the americans set for them, they were far from reaching these
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figures, so, naturally, they, so to speak, are now having problems with their american masters. they say about this that you planned to mobilize so much there, you mobilized this much there, we gave you money, weapons for - such and such, such a number of people, you are not doing this, so now this situation, which means, is arising in the country, so propaganda efforts begin to explain, maybe it’s still better to achieve what a temporary agreement, we will sit out, we say there, again...
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ukraine has a month to avoid default. the international monetary fund is interested in the ukrainian minister of finance, marchenko, holding negotiations on writing off, i mean, writing off the debt, the debt is very
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big, $20 billion, but that deal seems unlikely anytime soon. this is the conclusion made by the british publication, in your opinion, how great is the possibility and likelihood that ukraine, it turns out, may already default in august, at the end of summer, well, probably in general, what is the financial situation of the kiev regime at the moment, well, not you were quite accurate when you said that 20 billion, for a long time much more, of course, many times more, 20 billion, they have to pay this only this year. by to its obligations, only this year, i emphasize, the twenty-fourth, well, i don’t know about this statement by the international monetary fund, i know that negotiations with the international monetary fund were also held by the international monetary fund. refused to restructure its debt, and kiev must pay a very large amount to the imf this year, and it was precisely the restructuring
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of this debt that the international monetary fund refused. negotiations with the main holders of ukrainian debt were held, and there was information about this, they came to nothing brought. now, as for the default, well , the default has already existed in fact for a long time, because... for 2 years the bond holder has not received anything, that is, this is actually a default, therefore, from the fact that it will be formally declared and will not be declared , this does not play any role, since ukraine is bankrupt. 3/4 of all budget expenditures are funds either borrowed, or provided, or loans, or grants, and these are huge amounts, i note, participates in financing, which means ukraine, in addition to... the world bank, in addition to there, which means international monetary fund, in addition to direct loans provided by the united states and the european union, certain
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countries also participate, such as norway, for example, it is not part of the european union, but nevertheless provided 7 billion euros, japan, it is also not included anywhere, neither to nato, nor to the european union, it also provided about 8 billion dollars, that is, huge sums, but nevertheless they do not...
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there will be no serious guarantees to the americans, who can give these serious guarantees from the americans? biden, but his guarantee looks rather weak. trump will not
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give them one hundred percent. therefore, now, naturally, people who, investors, the so-called, who have invested money in government securities of ukraine, yes, they are generally at a loss, what to do, they cannot agree, because this is a loss of resource, to disagree is also . thank you, thank you very much, nikolai yanovich, for such detailed answers. mykola azarov, the prime minister of ukraine in 2010-14, was in touch with the fifth studio and discussed the situation in ukraine, zelensky’s latest statement. it was fifth studio. see you. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin,
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strike on the airfield in mirgorod the ministry of defense published footage of objective control filmed in the poltava region. iskander m crews destroyed five su-27 multirole fighters in service with the ukrainian armed forces. no precipitation and up to 34° during the day, abnormal heat after sunset, tropical nights. such forecasts are given today for moscow. our
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meteorologists will tell you all the details. the fire has reached the relict forest; in tuva, two hundred firefighters are trying to stop the fire in the territory of the reserves. the fire is also being fought in yakutia, the trans-baikal territory and chakotka. viktor orban arrived in kiev and the main topic of his meeting with zelensky was the possibility of achieving peace. what is the likelihood of success for orbán’s mission and can hungary play the role of mediator? the russian military immediately destroyed five ukrainian su-27 multirole fighters. two more combat vehicles, which were undergoing repairs were damaged. the equipment was located at the mirgorod airfield in the poltava region. videos from objective control cameras are published by the russian ministry of defense. according to the department, the strike was carried out using the iskander m operational-tactical missile system. now to the situation with the fires. over the past 24 hours, we managed to extinguish
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57 outbreaks in 19 regions.


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