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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. now economic news, briefly. the world bank has recognized russia as a country with high incomes. in the twenty-third year, in terms of per person, they exceeded 14,000.
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dollars, which is 11% more than a year earlier. the bank explained the country's transition to a new category by the recovery of trade, financial and construction sectors, as well as an increase in defense spending. russia is increasing supplies of liquefied gas. in the first half of the year , more than 16.5 million tons were exported, an increase of 3%, a businessman writes about this. europe sharply increased its purchases by 6%. here in the top are france, belgium and spain. experts note. that due to supply restrictions through the red sea, navatek gas is becoming more accessible than middle eastern gas. at the same time, a court in the united states overturned the ban on the export of liquefied gas. he obliged the joe biden administration to resume issuing licenses for lng supplies. the claim of 16 states was upheld. they argued that the halt in exports had damaged their economy. us authorities have suspended license issuance at the end of january. this decision was explained by climate change. and europe
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returned duties on ukrainian eggs and sugar. the reason was the excess of import limits, as well as protests by european farmers. this was stated in the official journal of the eu. last month, the european union also renewed duties on ukrainian oats. then the european commission noted that support for ukraine should not undermine the stability of the eu agricultural market. it was economic news. short. there may be a fight in the knee, a fight in the back, or in the neck. pentalgin extra gel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. sign up for a sberim subscription, more cashback categories to choose from, access to vokko films and tv series and music in sounds, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. for the first time on the screens,
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in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out and win the 100 lotto, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out it’s possible at 20, i was thinking of opening it turns out you can make a deposit in one bank right away. different for money your marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. i am chef kote aganezov. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. hunger and hops
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buy profitably in the bank app or on the alfa travel website. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. sensoy. sensoy. this is what asian tastes like. on avito khvatamba. discounts for people from people up to seventh. july. vyacheslav volodin arrived on a working visit to minsk. the chairman of the state duma, on behalf of the president , will take part in events marking the independence day of belarus and the eightieth anniversary
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liberation of the republic from the nazi invaders. the program also includes several bilateral meetings. on the eve of the visit , slavin wrote in his telegram that... moscow and minsk are obliged to do everything possible to preserve the memory of the victory, which was achieved at the cost of enormous human sacrifice. this is our common history of the struggle for freedom and independence. end of quote. the first arctic helicopter of the ministry of emergency situations entered service in the arkhangelsk region. the new mi-8 is significantly different from its predecessors. special navigation, thermal imagers, video cameras and even night vision devices. the vessel is intended for the arctic units of the ministry of emergency situations, one of which is located in pomorie. report from the region by artemy zavarzin. the water arch is an unchanging tradition for welcoming new aircraft. this mi-8 is not just the first for the arctic, but also the first for the country. the newest
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version of the mi-8 has become the most anticipated equipment for the ministry of emergency situations in recent years. flights at any time and in any weather conditions. special night vision devices and an engine that can start will help. even at an extremely low temperature of 60°. at the arkhangelsk airport the crew is met by a large delegation. the volume of upcoming tasks is unprecedented. the arkhangelsk arctic integrated emergency rescue center of the russian ministry of emergency situations has been created in the region. it is focused on eliminating the consequences of emergency situations that may arise in the arctic. and this helicopter will be used to protect high latitudes. this is a necessary part of ensuring security along the northern sea route, the transport artery that exists today. important the arkhangelsk region also plays a role in this, so welcome, our region is large, the machine was created at the ulanuden aviation plant, the rostec state corporation has already transferred almost a dozen modified mi-8s to the federal ministry of emergency situations. recently
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, neighbors in the murmansk region met such a helicopter; all the components are domestically produced, and the technical design allows it to perform the most complex tasks. what is unique is that now the auxiliary installation itself. warms up the air ducts everywhere in all transmissions, that is, it starts itself installation, warms up all engine components, that is, there is no ground maintenance, the helicopter is distinguished by improved thermal insulation of the body, and even a beginner can reliably hover in the air and land where they did not risk it before, for example, on an ice floe, it is also important that due to additional fuel tanks , the aircraft will be able to stay for 7 hours without refueling in the air and cover over half a thousand km, the path will be indicated by powerful searchlights, the operating range is up to 300 m, and a special navigation... the system will allow you to determine the location location of the helicopter, even if communication with the satellite is lost, in addition, there is a built-in thermal imager that can detect and search for people in the forest, also on the water surface, also here is a new one, this is a backlight, a night light, that is, when
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performing flights at night , so-called night vision goggles can be used, that is , all the illumination is turned off and it goes into the infrared range, night vision goggles... the accessory, as it turned out, is voluminous, it comes with a helmet, it is heavy, i tested it myself. it's a pity, on white nights you can’t check the functionality, but on polar days it will be a real scanner of taiga forests, with the human eye... you can’t see much of it, you can’t see the wires, there are some constrictions, some at night i can even see how in the forest, for example, a bear is running, but we actually saw this here, when we checked the laser system, we saw a pulkovo in the grass in the forest, in the grass it was not visible at all, this honeycomb system saw that there was such an animal running in the grass, so really in fact, it all works, yeah, yeah, so find a person especially not problems; a helicopter will solve problems not only with the search and evacuation of people, but with delivery. the device, if
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there is such a need, will threaten populated areas with fires. of course, we will use this helicopter. by the end of the year, the region’s emergency situations ministry will have another helicopter, and we will soon see this recruit in the sky on training flights. the british postal service is unable to deliver ballots to the country's polling stations. parliamentary elections. in britain this thursday and the process is in jeopardy, among the topics that party leaders are discussing ahead of the vote, there are also prospects for ending the conflict in ukraine, as nigel farage, chairman of the opposition reform party, said, he would like the crisis to be resolved through negotiations between moscow and kiev. anton dadykin knows what other statements were made. vote lib dem.
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the signal that i sent to people, i'm asking them, many, many of them on thursday to do something they've never done before, vote for the lib dems, look, i just did something... never did, the leader of the ruling conservative party "
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defeated the tories, because labor would cut defense spending, and therefore aid to ukraine. in response, the conservatives were called upon to begin to account for the huge money allegedly received from russian businessmen. nigel farage also came under attack , leader of the reform uk party. judging by the polls, she will take away a lot of votes from farage's election rally at the weekend was disrupted by a portrait of vladimir putin, nigel himself said that his opponents are all. time is used.
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this is westinet in the studio of philip trofimov. yandex is developing a kind of tiktok for business, or sucking exclusively for, well, let's say , targeted advertising. the application is a feed that will show users a variety of products and services, selecting them based on the interests of the user. moreover, this is not a marketplace, it is just a feed with pictures and videos. called all this rhythm is
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probably in the relatively early stages of testing together with potential partners, that is, with businesses. these images can be loaded, respectively, by businesses; the peculiarity is that in addition to the fact that the user sees a product, he can immediately, by clicking on the link, actually complete the purchase. it seems that this business is of interest primarily to small ones, it can be not only some large stores and some representatives of large companies, it can also be small sellers, including from the regions, including some boutiques companies... for which such a thing appears another promotion channel. in the first project , forbes reported, information was probably revealed to journalists by one of the business representatives who were involved in testing. it is known that among them are lamoda, odessa world, ndvu, and not only, but there is no detailed information about the project yet, no launch dates, no potential audience, no cost of participation for business, it is not very clear why the user needs a separate
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application with an endless list of products, but not marketplay. this is not just a tape with some goods. this is a feed that can inspire you to new ideas, these are ideas that you may have already been looking for, here not only can specific objects be presented, it can be interiors, it can be some kind of solutions that you, in fact, you search all over the internet. strictly speaking, the avito ad platform claims that its users often do not look for specific products, but simply watch the feed in search of interesting ads that smart algorithms give them, in a similar way to tiktok. in in many countries it has become a popular platform for sales, again thanks to smart algorithms, the american pinterest was originally a portal for all sorts of interesting ideas for a wardrobe or interior, now a platform for sellers too, in yandex they probably decided to go in the opposite direction from the feed for sellers to the search for ideas for users. the european union has launched a large-scale offensive against american
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technology corporations, according to the financial times, already this week the company, which owns all the major global social networks are accused of violating the digital laws of the old world, and, according to the leaker, the essence of the accusations is quite curious; regulators saw violations in the presence of a paid, advertising-free version of two social networks. the interesting thing here is that the opportunity to create a paid account and rid themselves of targeted advertising appeared to european users in november last year, precisely in response to new european legislation that especially carefully protects personal data that internet companies need, just for advertising targeting, but now the regulator has decided that the new rules force the user to choose pay or share data, forcing them to choose the latter. this means that the company should have offered a free version of a full-fledged, but less personalized service. in addition, according to the data, the eu antitrust regulator is studying two large partnerships in the field of artificial
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intelligence, an agreement between microsoft and openai and between google and samsung. corporations are suspected of using i dominate. regulations regarding generative neural networks to increase influence in other areas, and again, according to sources, the french antimonopoly agency is preparing charges against nvidia, which occupies about 80% of the graphics accelerator market; they are now especially actively used not only for their own graphic computing , but also for the construction of data centers focused on artificial intelligence tasks. fighters for freedom of competition are confused by the fact that developers of productivity solutions in to a large extent... depends on the nvidia cuda parallel computing technology, which is fully supported only, unsurprisingly, by nv accelerators. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one. we love traditions, we honor our
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history, we value family, strong relationships, and we admire. the way the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly the number helps.
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in russia, children with rare or scientifically orphan diseases can receive unique and expensive drugs for free, and even before their registration in russia, the medicine is bought by the krugdobra foundation created by the president. what kind of fund this is , what diseases it works with, we will tell you the instructions in the program in 5 minutes. the circle of good has been operational since 2021; it complements existing medical government programs. the foundation helps solve colossal social problem. with its help, children can receive expensive and rare medicines for free, including the newest ones, that is , those that have not yet been registered in russia. in other words, as soon as something effective and safe appears in the world.
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history, the history of the fight against the disease, the history of the family, by and large, everyone, behind this figure is the history of children, the history of a preserved childhood, probably this is the most, the most important. medicines, implants, other medical products are purchased by the fund, and what other help you can get from him, when the foundation was just being created, when we were thinking about how we
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work, we defined for ourselves such a principle, completely informal, it is not recorded anywhere in the documents that the parents of our patients are our main experts, i want to emphasize that we consider all requests not only from doctors, not only from medical specialists, but of course... from parents, and from patient organizations, and even from grandparents, children in need of help, we also consider these requests, we will definitely study and prepare a response, be sure, if you have a diagnosis prescribed by a doctor, the application can be left on the government services portal. to find the required form, just type in the search for the circle of goodness, and the electronic assistant will offer it to you, or it can be found through the fund’s website in the section for parents, also with the collection...
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life is a very important project for this year, and we are also paying a lot of attention to this now, these are purchases for reserve, this year we would like to work out all the mechanics for purchasing several medications not just according to requests, but to purchase in reserve - in stock of medicines, so that they can be delivered faster, this should significantly increase efficiency, we will try on several medicines, and then we can expand to... other drugs from the list, this should significantly increase efficiency; children should receive help faster. so, let us repeat the main thing, you can contact the circle of goodness through
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the state services portal, the website of the fund and or regional health departments, lists of drugs and medical the products the foundation helps with are on its website. if you want to know more about what medical services you can count on, write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts and we will tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions.
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strike on the airfield in mirgorod, the ministry of defense published objective control footage filmed in the poltava region, iskander m crews destroyed five multi-role fighters.
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viktor orban arrived in kiev and the main topic of his meeting with zelensky was opportunity achieving peace. what is the likelihood of success for orbán’s mission and can hungary play the role of mediator? the russian orbital station will be fully ready by 203. the schedule was approved today by roscosmos. work on the ground to create the first modules is already in full swing. and let's start with the situation. with fires in russia over the past 24 hours, 57 outbreaks were extinguished in 19 regions, this is the latest data from air forest protection. the most difficult situation in yakutia: more than 180 thousand hectares burned. a state of emergency has been in force in the republic since july 1 federal character. 74 fires were recorded in the trans-baikal territory in chukotka, more than 50,000 geshet, four fires were burned. involved in work throughout russia.


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