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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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is his mission? german chancellor scholz is in warsaw discussing reparations, a highly controversial topic for both countries. the poles are unhappy that the amounts are very small; in germany we are increasingly hearing that nothing should be agreed upon at all. and the schedule was approved, the russian orbital station will be completely ready by the thirty-third year, the first modules are already being created, and in 3 years the deployment will begin, which will create a station for... russian cosmonautics. gazpromneft increases production volumes of petroleum products and deliveries to domestic market, is developing large deposits in the arctic and eastern siberia and increased tax deductions by more than 50% in the first quarter. this was stated by the head of the company, alexander dyukov, at a meeting with vladimir putin. the president, in turn , noted that the company is showing good results.
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countries, of course, our priority is to ensure the domestic market, an investment program in production is being implemented in april , we put into commercial operation the third block of the ulenguy field, it is underway development of a number of large deposits in the arctic, in eastern siberia, a very important area of ​​​​work for us is the development of mining technologies and the development of hard-to-recover reserves, and of course...
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production increased by 65%, during this time, this allowed the russian federation to return to the number leading countries, oil producers and play an important role in ensuring the stability of the world market. five ukrainian so-27 fighters were destroyed at once at the mirgorod airfield in the poltava region, videos from objective control cameras are published by our ministry of defense the strike was carried out by crews of the iskander operational-tactical missile system. in addition, two more aircraft
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that were undergoing repairs were damaged. now to the topic of natural fires in russia. according to avialesookhrana , almost 60 fires were extinguished in 19 regions within 24 hours. the most difficult situation is in transbaikalia and yakutia, where more than 130 outbreaks have been recorded. but in chukotka the fire covered approximately 40,000 hectares; throughout russia, almost 6,00 people are involved in the work, plus dozens of pieces of equipment, including aircraft. with the help of airplanes and helicopters and extinguishes fire and. are monitoring, the situation, of course, remains difficult, over fifty regions have declared a special fire regime, and a state of emergency is in effect in eight. in the european territory of russia, intense heat will continue throughout the working week; in moscow, temperatures have reached record levels, and the first incidents against the backdrop of extreme heat are reported. we will learn more from ekaterina grigorova. so, has the official record in moscow already been broken? not yet if the air temperature at... the reference
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weather station in moscow, that is, at vdnkh today reached 32°, the record for the day, which still belongs to 1890, will be updated, but the probability is very high. extreme heat is considered a dangerous weather event. the latest incident in moscow is a clear confirmation of this: at the height of the day in the north of the capital, a gas cylinder exploded on the roof of a bus. the passengers were not injured, but the driver received serious injuries and was hospitalized. the causes of the accident will be determined by a special commission of mosgortrans, according to a preliminary version the cylinder could explode. precisely because of the heat. on the following maps, the following frames, another incident occurred against the backdrop of a temperature anomaly in the north of the capital , a fire occurred on one of the tower cranes, presumably due to overheating, electrical equipment shorted out. but warming up continues, as a rule, the temperature reaches maximum values ​​at 15 o’clock; we have measurement data for 12 hours. at the moscow reference weather station vdnkh the thermometer showed +30.1 at the weather station. mgu +30 i4 in
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the city center on balchiga at the same time observations exactly 31°. and i’ll add that the temperature difference in different areas of the city has again decreased to 7°. now it has grown from 30 near parks to 37.5° in industrial areas on highways in urban areas, due to the abnormal heat in the capital region there is an orange level of weather danger. in the zone of abnormal overheating today, most of the country is warming up to record levels primarily under the influence of anticyclones. cyclones bypass centers of high pressure along the periphery and with this due to the relative position of atmospheric vortices on the western periphery of anticyclones, a steady southern wind blows, with which the tropical heat moves further and further to the north; in the absence of clouds , the sun literally heats up the earth. record maximum temperatures today are expected throughout the middle zone, where today it will be +30-35. 30 degree heat came to the northeast, the russian plain to
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the southern regions of the pomerania. only in the northwest, where the cyclone has made its way, will it be only 20-25° in the afternoon. but in moscow we are waiting for a repeat or update of the temperature. record 1890, the update of the capital's meteorological statistics will not end here; it will be record hot in the next 2 days; during the day, thermometers at weather stations will reach 30-33°. yes, let's look at the thermometer, thank you, ekaterina grigorova told us about the weather. one person was killed and six were injured in a gas explosion in an apartment building in the bashkir sterltamak. among the victims are two children. the rescuer was evacuated from. a nine-story building has 80 residents. an operational headquarters has now been set up at the scene of the incident. according to the city administration, the explosion occurred on the second floor, presumably due to careless forgiveness during the repair of gas equipment. windows and doors in apartments were broken in the house. a criminal case has been initiated under the article on the provision of services that do not meet
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safety requirements. now there is new data on the progress of special operations. as reported by the ministry of defense, a unit of the russian military group west took up more advantageous positions near three settlements in the lpr and the kharkov region. from the enemy of the village of razdolovka, a message about this was published in telegram channel of the military department. it also talks about the actions of the soldiers of the 744th separate guards motorized rifle zvenigorod-berlin brigade, who participated in the liberation of the village of novoalleksandrovka. andrei belousov thanked the military for the successful completion
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of combat missions, loyalty to military duty and oath. russia and belarus must be even closer together in order to overcome the challenges they face, he said. holiday, independence day, almost 80 years ago, july 3, 1944, belarus was liberated from the nazi invaders. and since 1996, by decree of the president of the republic of belarus, this particular day is considered to be independence day. various
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events dedicated to the memory of those terrible events have been going on throughout the country for several days, including with the participation of delegates from different countries, but the delegation of our country is one of the most representative and is headed by its chairman, the sovereign.
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state museum of the great patriotic war, they promise to present a book dedicated to the exploits of the belarusian partisans, in the event will also be attended by vyacheslav volodin, as well as state secretary of the union state dmitry mezintsev. and in the evening, alexander lukashenko will organize a festive event in the palace of the republic, where our minister of defense andrei belousov is also expected to be present. well, of course, the main events here in the belarusian capital, minsk, will take place tomorrow, this is, first of all, a parade, which, by the way, is held in belarus only once every 5 years, it will be spectacular. it will be attended by, among others, our military, swifts, knights will fly in the sky over minsk, and in the evening we will have fireworks and... a concert, colleagues, maria, thank you, maria temnikova was in direct communication from minsk.
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hungarian prime minister viktor orban arrived in kiev for the first time since the beginning of the hot phase of the ukrainian conflict for negotiations with zelensky. in addition to bilateral relations , a peaceful settlement will be discussed, the press secretary of the head of the hungarian cabinet of ministers said about this. well, let me remind you that budapest, unlike other eu capitals, systematically opposes arms supplies to ukraine, and refusal to escalate, this is actually hungary’s main strategy for... the term of its presidency of the european council, which started the day before. it is noteworthy that zelensky himself recently announced his readiness for peace negotiations with russia in an interview with american media. according to him , this is only possible with the participation of intermediaries, similar to how, for example, the grain deal worked. however , as experts say, one should not hope for the reality of intentions. zelensky did not change his position, because he did not cancel the decree, who forbade him to conduct any negotiations himself. i don’t think that...
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to meet with the kiev regime, then again this is a series of meetings that should
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lead to a rapprochement of these positions, well , it’s quite difficult to select such, let’s say, objective participants, well, i think that it’s still sane the meaning suggests that it is necessary, first of all, to reach an agreement, to reach an agreement between the owner of this regime , the united states and russia, here... the dog is buried, as they say, yes. german chancellor olaf scholz arrived in warsaw to his colleague donald tusk. on the agenda are the first intergovernmental consultations in 6 years. well, the main topic, as the polish media write, is reparations, which will be announced by the head of the german cabinet. we are talking about hundreds of millions of euros that will be received by 45 thousand people, relatives of those who died at the hands of the third reich during the german occupation. the international reconciliation fund will handle the payments. there are also plans for berlin. construction of a polish-german house, i note that the topic of reparations is extremely controversial for both countries, even now, some german citizens
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they are strongly opposed, they believe that they owe nothing in warsaw, and the poles, in turn , are dissatisfied with the very small amount of compensation. the previous prime minister promised to get more than a trillion euros from the germans. the question is, will they reach an agreement now? emmanuel macron intends to replace the directors of the national police and gendarmerie, putting his associates in their place, the journal reports. on to the news already. national unification, the government itself will form an opposition from the president, who is trying to limit power in advance future head of the cabinet of ministers. marine lupine emphasized that macron is resorting to openly dirty methods of political struggle, who is actually trying to teach the rest of the world democracy. now a short advertisement, then even more news.
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racist. a state with a high level of income according to the world bank, so our country is included in the same list with the usa, canada, australia, japan and most of europe. alena logvinova will tell you more about everything. alena, good afternoon, and thanks to what we have improved our performance. alexey, good day, trade is being restored, construction is developing, defense is growing industry, these factors influence the growth
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of incomes of the population. the world bank recognized russia as the country with the highest income level (14,200). 50 dollars a year falls on each resident, these are data for 2023, in 2022 the figure was 12,830 dollars, as experts say, thus, the world bank recognizes the success of our country’s economic policy, despite all the restrictions, among the factors is increased activity in the military sphere, trade volumes are also growing, the financial sector and construction are developing, thanks to this not only per capita income increases, but, for example, real gdp increases by more than 3.5%, which is in most european countries, western countries, in principle , the indicators that we see today in russia correspond to the income of highly developed countries with a highly developed
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economy, this creates the preconditions for greater interest from investors, it is clear that now these investors will mainly come from friendly countries, in addition to russia , bulgaria and palau have moved into the category of high-income countries, they according to... the regulator continued to recover from the coronavirus pandemic. russia is one of the four strongest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity , behind china, the usa and india. as minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov stated, this was achieved thanks to systemic measures to support businesses and regions of the population. oil refining and chemical production are also being restructured; many areas are starting to operate on the domestic market.
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certainly for foreign investors russia , no matter what, has been and remains so a country with great potential. last year , the profits of russian companies increased by almost a quarter, the total volume exceeded 38 trillion. the driver, so to speak, the trigger of the economy for profit growth, is the manufacturing industry, it shows the highest growth rates, processing shows about
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8-9%, according to the latest data from rosstat, and galloping growth is noted in mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering generally shows unique growth of 22-25% . concerning. from the labor market this year almost half employers increased employee salaries in the second quarter. 13% of companies have opened new areas of business, but finding a specialist is becoming increasingly difficult. the lack of candidates is forcing companies to offer increasingly higher salaries. employers are reconsidering their approaches to selecting employees, hiring younger or older applicants more actively, changing work experience requirements, and investing more in training. in addition, for a quarter of companies the remote work format is again.
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across russia, almost 6.00 people are involved in work people, plus dozens of pieces of equipment, including aviation, with the help of airplanes and helicopters, extinguish the fire and carry out monitoring. the situation, of course, is becoming complicated; over fifty regions have declared a special fire regime, and eight are in a state of emergency. two hundred avias security officers are trying to stop a fire burning on the territory of two nature reserves in tuva. the fire has arrived. to the relict forest, but in total there are more than twenty outbreaks in the republic, and a state of emergency has been declared in the region. how is the fight going? with the elements, daluma andar will tell you. it also
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rained heavily all night and the heat subsided a little, but the situation in the forests remains alarming, and there are more fires. the day before , specialists extinguished three fires. the situation continues to be complicated by the abnormal heat and gusty winds in places, but chals knows that more than two are engulfed in fire. 1,300 hectares of forest. the largest fires are in the inaccessible areas of the kakhem and todzhinsky regions. a state of emergency has been declared in the area. according to operational data, there are now 31 in the republic forest fire. today the temperature in the republic is expected to be 35°c, with thunderstorms in places, and squalls with winds reaching up to 20 m/s. high fire hazard. firefighters are fighting for every hectare of forest. 19 units of special equipment were involved. also arriving in the republic are 30 uva airborne troops who responded to extinguish the fire in the trans-baikal territory. to localize the fire, the help of colleagues from a number of sibyl regions was required.
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this is a man who left a huge mark in the history of our music, in the history of our country, on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the great victory it seemed to us very important that stamps are dedicated to these outstanding, wonderful people, people of different generations, but united by one goal, serving their fatherland, including through creativity through music.
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three people died, at least a quarter of children were injured due to bad weather in st. petersburg and the leningrad region, all the consequences are now being clarified there. in the region there were heavy downpours with hail in some places, a yellow level of weather danger was declared, powerful winds tore off the roofs of houses, and, as authorities report, northern in the capital, approximately 300 trees were knocked down by the hurricane. all emergency situations where the trunks blocked the road or posed a threat to people have already been eliminated. heavy downpours caused the water level in the op river to rise. critical levels in the nizhnevartovsk area are exceeded in places by almost 10 m.
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the damage is greatest. owners of private houses, what difficulties rescuers face and kirill volkonsky learned: you can’t walk, you can’t drive, perhaps you can only swim. after the state of emergency was introduced, rescuers and police officers completely blocked off the entire overland traffic for cars and pedestrians to the most problematic summer cottages, which today have turned into real islands. andrei semtsov still has his parents on one of these islands. fearing for the safety of the harvest, looters, the pensioners decided. at the dacha, they call my son twice a day, today we stocked up on groceries for several days, they took my dad back there just now, well, there is electricity there, they haven’t turned it off, everything is there, heating, stove and electricity, everything is there, you can live, they are not going to return , well, how did they plant everything there, you have to somehow, if it’s completely flooded, then, of course, faster than children, rescuers and two on duty will get to such summer residents...


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