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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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well, at the beginning, new data on the progress of the special operation, as reported by the ministry of defense, a unit of the russian military group west took more advantageous positions in three populated areas at once... the armed forces of ukraine in the urozhainy region, this is the donetsk people's republic. during the day, our air defense forces shot down six british-made stormshadow cruise missiles, a hammer guided bomb, a missile from the american highmarc system and more than 80 drones. in addition, two more ukrainian fighters, mik-29 and su-27, were shot down by russian air defense systems. now to the fire situation
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over the past 24 hours, it was possible to extinguish 57 fires in 19 regions, this is the latest data from air forest protection. the most difficult situation in yakutia, more than 180,000 hectares burned. since july 1, a federal emergency regime has been in effect in the republic. 74 fires were recorded in the trans-baikal territory. in chukotka, more than 50,000 hectares have been covered by fire, and four fires are being extinguished. throughout russia , almost 5,000 people are involved in the work; more than a thousand workers are providing assistance to the regions. in the krasnoyarsk territory, forests are burning on an area of ​​about 3,500 hectares and, as the press service reports, regional forest fire center, the situation in the region has worsened due to intense heat and dry thunderstorms. in european russia, intense heat will continue throughout the working week. in moscow , temperatures have almost reached record levels. reports are coming in of the first incidents amid extreme heat. we’ll find out more details from vadim zavodchenko.
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so, vadim, the official record in moscow has already been registered, but good afternoon, not yet, there is 8° left before it, and if the air temperature at the moscow reference weather station today will reach 32°, the record for the day, which until now belonged to 1890, will be updated. extreme heat is considered a dangerous weather event. the latest incident in moscow, there is a clear confirmation, at the height of the day. in the north of the capital, a gas cylinder exploded on the roof of a bus; no passengers were injured, but the driver received serious injuries and was hospitalized. the causes of the accident will be determined by a special commission of mosgortrans. according to the preliminary version, the cylinder could have exploded due to the heat. and in these frames there is another incident that happened against the backdrop of temperature anomalies. again, in the north of the capital , a fire occurred on one of the tower cranes. presumably
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the electrical equipment shorted out due to overheating. overheating continues, as a rule, until and the temperature reaches maximum values ​​2-3 hours after true noon. due to maternity time, we observe it at 13:00, now we have measurement data for 14 hours. there is a thermometer at the moscow vdnkh reference weather station for now.
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atmospheric vortices, on the western periphery of the anticyclone a steady southern wind blows, with as the tropical heat moves further and further north, in the absence of clouds the sun literally heats up the earth. record maximum temperatures are expected throughout the middle zone, where today it will be +30-35. thirty-degree heat has even made its way to the northeast of the russian plain to the southern regions of the coast, only in the northwest, where... the cyclone is already in control in the afternoon, only +20-25, and most likely we will learn about the update of meteorological statistics in the capital in the evening, but on this record-breaking streak in megapolis will not end; the unprecedented heat will continue the next 2 days. according to model calculations, on wednesday and thursday the maximum temperature will be +32-34. thank you, vadim, we are waiting. will the record be broken in moscow,
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let me remind you that vadim zavodchenkov spoke about the weather. well, now footage from the government coordination center. good afternoon, dear colleagues, we continue to develop new national projects, ensure technological sovereignty, as well as leadership in a number of key sectors. the goals that the president has identified and why in the coming years it will be intensify the formation of the domestic technological and production base. all national projects that we will consider today are aimed primarily at solving these very important tasks. the first
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of them concerns an industry where russia’s position is traditionally strong, this is the fuel and energy complex, nuclear power. it is proposed to include it in its composition. nuclear energy system with a closed fuel cycle, which has no analogues in the world today, and for this purpose the construction of the world's first complex of a reactor at fast neutrons and a robotic spent fuel reprocessing plant, returning the remaining fissile materials
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back to business. it is also necessary to make significant progress in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion and innovative plasma technologies. already in 2030 , a number of steps are planned using special materials, promising research, development, and this is within the framework of rosatom’s systematic work on the construction and operation of high- and low- power power units. another part of the national project is aimed at developing those
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energy sectors that are not directly related to nuclear power. here it is planned to support solar and wind generation, technologies and the production of electricity storage systems. taken together, these measures should. stimulate qualitative changes in green energy, one that operates on renewable sources. our efforts here are intended to give impetus to many related industries and the solution of issues important to people, starting with urban transport, where everyone is now introducing electric cars that do not pollute the air in cities, before new jobs appear in the high-tech segments of our industry. we will also support the implementation of current and development projects. areas of liquefied natural gas, oil and gas and electric power. the second national project concerns new materials and chemistry, one of those cross-cutting areas that ensure the sustainability of the entire economy, which the president also spoke about. over the past 4 years
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, this sector has been actively developing; last year the volume of production of small medium-sized chemical products exceeded by more than a quarter, or rather 26.1%. and the level of 2020 , three production projects were launched, including the production of hydrogen peroxide and additives for polymers, we subsidize part of the costs of paying interest on loans, and also the costs of research and development on modern technologies, the chemical complex continues to grow this year, based on the results of the first 5 months, it increased by over 6%, more precisely 6.4%. this attitude needs to be supported by a basic federal project in part of the national project will be the development of chemical production; by the end of the decade, dozens of new technological chains, more than 150 industries will have to be created, entire
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development ecosystems will be formed on the basis of federal centers of competence, this, among other things, will help support, for example, single-industry cities, well, one of them should usolye siberian will appear. a federal project for the development of production of compensation materials has also been prepared; thanks to its implementation , it is planned to develop and implement about two dozens of promising products. within the framework of another federal project, we will focus our geological exploration on the search for rare and rare earth metals, and other important raw materials for the economy, the need for this was indicated by the head of state, we will continue to launch investment projects that provide a path from raw materials to high-tech goods, we will create over sixty products, and it is also necessary to commission more than 15 new production facilities, for stable... operation of the entire industry in the long term it is necessary to build up human resources potential, it is important to create mechanisms for the continuous
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updating of educational programs, including mentoring, which has proven itself in all sectors of the economy today, especially in production. the development of chemistry and the sphere of new materials will make it possible to maintain the dynamics of our economy, increase the gross domestic product, the added value in it, namely the chemical industry and industry, new materials, by at least... 40% compared to 2022, and to expand our enterprise on advanced positions in efficiency and competitiveness, as the president pointed out, and we will also make progress in strengthening the country’s technological and industrial sovereignty in the long term. so, mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on national projects. artificial intelligence technologies will be used during creation. russian orbital station, the work schedule was approved today, according to the plan , the deployment of the station in orbit will begin in
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the twenty-seventh year, by the thirty-third year the work should be completed, itself construction has already begun, the first modules are now being assembled on the ground, with details from anna voronina. by 2033, we will already have our own russian orbital station according to plan. today, not only a schedule was signed, but also government contracts, the first for the creation of just... this station, the second for the creation of a manned transport ship. let me remind you that the main task of the russian orbital station is to replace the iss for our cosmonauts due, firstly, to the wear and tear of the station, and secondly, russia’s planned withdrawal from the program in 2028. main today is to prevent the loss of the enormous experience gained by soviet and russian cosmonauts. you all understand perfectly well the state of the iss. and most importantly, we can’t. launch a break in our manned program, which is why we
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must plan the work in this way today, the work is complex, it involves enormous cooperation, it is not only the creation of the station, it is the ground infrastructure, it is timely preparation for the launch of all the necessary launch vehicles and much more. the project is really grandiose, only itself the schedule signed today includes more than just design and manufacturing work. ros modules, but also flight tests, creation of launch vehicles and new ground infrastructure. the new station is a new step in the development of manned astronautics. there will be everything new here, a new cosmodrome from where it will be launched, a new launch vehicle, a new manned transport spacecraft, and a new station, it will have a new orbit that allows 100% coverage of the territory of russia, which is also very important. it will be a permanent laboratory for... all technical and technological innovations;
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very important experiments related to the creation of new materials and medicines will be carried out there. today, the dates for the appearance of ros were announced, approved by the schedule for the launch of the first scientific and energy module, planned for 2027, then within 3 years they intend to launch three more modules into orbit, together with the first they will form the core of the stations, from 2030 with the appearance. .. the main challenge is the very amount of work that needs to be done in a limited time, because the scale of the project is, well, in russian space history, this is definitely the largest project in our entire russian history, this is the main challenge, that is , everything needs to be done at the same time.
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roscosmos is open to international cooperation. anna voronina, igor kuznetsov, andrey nikolaev, daria leonova, news. by 2027, the russian oil industry will become completely independent. from foreign equipment, this was announced by the head of gazpromneft alexander dyukov at a meeting with vladimir putin. my colleague anna lazareva knows all the details. anna, now, how big is this dependence? hello, the equipment shortage is only 200 items out of 1,400; vladimir putin assessed the financial results of gazprom neft for 2023 as good. the volume of sales revenue turned out to be a record in the entire history of the company: 3.5 trillion rubles, capital investments exceeded 570 billion. the president also
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noted the high level of raw material processing. what are the company's prospects, how do you assess them? and what? alexander dyukov noted that the consumption of petroleum products, lubricants, bitumen materials, and petrochemical products is growing in russia. gazprom neft reacts to this by increasing production volumes and supplies to the domestic market. this is reflected in financial indicators in tax payments to the budget. based on the results of work in the first quarter, the company increased tax deductions by 57% compared to the same
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period last year. large-scale modernization was an important factor. the head of the company told the president. last year we completed modernization of the omsk oil refinery, these are the largest refineries in our country, 21 million tons of processing. well, at the moment, it is essentially a new oil refinery with a processing depth of 99%. well, 90% of installations are already new installations. well, next year we will complete a full-scale modernization of the moscow oil pipeline plant. accordingly, the depth will also reach 99%. an important area for the company is the development of technologies for the development of hard-to-recover reserves, which currently account for almost 70% of the production share. for this job special materials and equipment are needed, and if we talk about the shortage of the latter in the industry as a whole, then at the
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moment it is only 200 items out of 1,400, said alexander dyukov. we set ourselves the task of eliminating this deficit by the twenty-seventh year, and accordingly we will completely, as far as equipment is concerned, in terms of technology, we are import independent and completely independent technologically in terms of equipment, there is this small dependence, but by the twenty-seventh year it will be eliminated, this will prevent only to achieve technological independence, but this will give additional orders for our machine builders, we are assessing the volume of these additional orders. 1 trillion rub. the company actively uses digital technologies; gazpromneft uses them throughout the entire value chain from geological exploration to production, refining and sales. they can significantly increase the efficiency of working with both hard-to-recover reserves and ordinary, traditional ones. thank you, anna lazreva
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spoke about vladimir putin’s meeting with chairman of the board of gazpromneft. and the urgent news that is coming in these minutes is that the ukrainian armed forces struck residential areas in gornostaevka, dnepryany and oleshki, this is the kherson region, one person was killed, two were injured, the governor of the kherson region vladimir salda reports this. here are the details that are given in his telegram channel: from attacks by enemy militants on residential areas, one person died in gornostaevka, two more in dnepryany and oleshki received multiple shrapnel wounds, who are now in the hospital. it turns out they are all necessary medical care. the issue of peace in ukraine will be the main one over the next 6 months, that is, while hungary is the chairman of the european council. this was stated by prime minister viktor orban, who today arrived in kiev for the first time since the start of the hot phase of the conflict. there he asked vladimir zelensky to consider the issue of a ceasefire, this will speed up the possibility
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of holding peace negotiations, the head of the hungarian cabinet of ministers believes. is it doable? mission, my colleague, natalya solovyova. in the center kiev government motorcade is the first visit of the hungarian prime minister to ukraine in 3 years. during this period, all the leaders of the european union visited her, except viktor orban. the most important topic of discussion will be the possibility of establishing peace. viktor orban and vladimir zelensky will also discuss current issues in hungarian-ukrainian relations. orban's negotiations with ukraine were preceded by discussions about the rights of the hungarian minority in the west of the country. guardian sources report that a precondition for the meeting was to resolve this fundamental issue. hungary issue, it is likely that success has been achieved. critics believe that the prime minister is using this topic to... move russia's position in the conflict. budapest, unlike other european capitals, systematically opposes arms supplies to ukraine, which causes constant irritation in kiev.
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from the first minutes of the official visit, ukrainian propaganda does not skimp on insults. but zelensky himself recently stated his readiness for peace negotiations with russia in an interview with american media. according to him, it is possible only with the participation of intermediaries. drawing parallels with the grain deal, which the west used to smuggle weapons into ukraine. not forgetting to indicate to hungary what exactly is expected of it in ukraine. congratulations to hungary on assuming the presidency of the eu. i wish for effectiveness in promoting our common
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european values, goals and interests. moving forward on its path to the eu, ukraine is ready to contribute to these efforts to strengthen our europe. the bitter truth that the goals and values ​​of kiev and budapest do not coincide, zelensky still cannot accept. on the eve of his visit to kiev, viktor orban again criticized the current one.
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the main dissident of europe, as the western press dubbed viktor orban, limited himself to a handshake; ukraine did not receive the warm hugs that zelensky had become so accustomed to in 2 years. natalya solovyova, matvey popov, news. well, german chancellor olaf scholz arrived in warsaw to visit his colleague donald tusk. the first intergovernmental consultations in 6 years are on the agenda, but the main topic, as the polish media writes, is reparations, which will be announced by the head of the german cabinet. we are talking about hundreds of millions of euros that will be received by 45. people, relatives of those who died at the hands of the third reich during the german occupation. the international reconciliation fund will handle the payments. in addition, the construction of a polish-german
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house is planned in berlin. but i note that the topic of reparations is extremely controversial for both countries, even now. some german citizens are strongly against it; they believe that they owe nothing to warsaw, and the poles, in turn, are dissatisfied with the very small amount of compensation. previous the prime minister promised to get more than a trillion euros from the germans. and emmael macron intends to replace the directors of the national police and gendarmerie, putting his associates in their place, the dudimanche magazine reports. marina lupin, whose party won the first round of parliamentary elections, has already responded to the news. according to her, macron is preparing an administrative coup, namely, he expects that after the second round of elections the government will be formed by the opposition from the national association, and this is what the president is actually trying to do limit the power of the future head of the cabinet in advance. marina lupine also added that macron, while trying to teach the whole world about democracy, himself resorts to openly dirty methods of political struggle. the first arctic helicopter of the ministry of emergency situations entered service in the arkhangelsk
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region. the new mi-8 is significantly different from its predecessors. special navigation, thermal imagers, video cameras and even night vision devices. the aircraft is intended for the arctic units of the ministry of emergency situations, one of which is located in pomorie. from the region. report by artemy zavarzin. water the arch is an unchanging tradition for welcoming new aircraft. this mi-8 is not just the first for the arctic, but also the first for the country. the newest version of the mi-8 has become the most anticipated equipment for the ministry of emergency situations in recent years. flights at any time and in any weather conditions. special night vision devices and an engine that can start even at extremely low temperatures of 60° help. at the arkhangelsk airport the crew is met by a large delegation. the scope of the challenges ahead is unprecedented in the region. arkhangelsk was created arctic integrated emergency rescue center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia. it is focused on eliminating the consequences of emergency situations that may arise in the arctic. and this
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helicopter will be used. to protect high latitudes, this is a necessary part of ensuring security along the northern sea route, a transport artery that is actively developing today, the arkhangelsk region plays an important role in this, so welcome, we have a large region, the machine was created at the ulanuden aviation plant, the state corporation rostec has already transferred almost a dozen modified mi-8s to the federal ministry of emergency situations. recently, such a helicopter was met by neighbors in the murmansk region, the entire
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operating range is up to 300 m, and a special navigation system will allow you to determine the location of the helicopter, even if you lose contact with the satellite. in addition, there is also a built-in thermal imager that can detect and search for people in the forest who are also on the water surface. also here is a new one, this is a backlight, a night light, that is, it can be used when flying at night. so-called night glasses vision, that is, all the backlight is turned off and it goes into the infrared range, night vision goggles are a voluminous accessory, as it turns out, they come with a helmet, it ’s heavy, i tested it myself, it’s a pity, you can’t check the functionality on white nights, but in polar days it will be a real scanner of taiga forests, with the human eye, you can’t see much of it, you can’t see the wires, there are some kind of constrictions, there’s a bridge at night i can even see a bear running towards
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a fox, for example, yes. well, we actually saw this here when we checked the laser system, we we saw pulkova in the forest in the grass, in the grass it’s not visible at all, this system saw that there was such an animal running in the grass, so in fact it all works, yeah, yeah, so finding a person is no longer a problem. the helicopter will solve problems not only with the search and evacuation of people, but with the delivery of rescuers to hard-to-reach areas, and will also help in extinguishing natural fires, it is equipped with a drainage device, if such a need arises... this helicopter will stop fires, by the end of the year the ministry of emergency situations region in populated areas, of course, we will use another helicopter, and we will soon see this new recruit in the sky on training flights.
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styx, i am a traveler, an aeronaut , jean ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale without ivan, uh, what began, without deception without a flint, the flint imprisoned me quickly, the pen, the self-written ink are magical. you get up, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname for the right place, that’s what my name is, because i’m taking it to the wrong place you're a fool, you want to go where you need to go, i can't live without travel, flint, he who doesn't need a pen,
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who has flint in his pocket? soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.


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