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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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nine aircraft and 81 drones of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed in one day by the russian army. our vska hit five su-27 fighters at an airfield in the poltava region. there , two more were damaged and were undergoing repairs. well, urgent message.
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leaders of mongolia, azerbaijan and pakistan, ushakov said, we are following the details that appear, it is also known that vladimir putin and recep erdogan will discuss the upcoming visit of the russian president to turkey on the sidelines of the sco summit. russia actually
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has a lot of messages, like this, for example, already tomorrow, on the sidelines of the summit, vladimir putin will hold a meeting with the president of turkey, as well as the leader of the people's republic of china, sidinpin. it is planned to discuss, among other things, a comprehensive modernization of activities in the organization in accordance with the series that are available today, and of course we are waiting to see what they will talk about the leaders of the powers talk, how and what they think, what answers they have, what they have...
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the western media are trying to find words to describe this, but sometimes unnecessary words about the consequences are obvious, our iskander has a chance does not leave the enemy, if there is a target, it will be eliminated, and at least five targets, as in a particular case, five su-27 multirole fighters were destroyed at once, two more, those that were under repair, were damaged, a strike on a strategic object, a strike by image, speaker of the ukrainian air force ignat. true,
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he modestly admitted that there were some losses, a scandal erupted in the ukrainian philanthropic sphere. the command of the armed forces of ukraine accuses them of so carelessly placing the planes, each of which is now loaded with gold, in a dangerous proximity to the front line, and even without camouflage, in full view. the problem, of course, is that the f-16s and mirages will also be vulnerable to russian drone and missile strikes while they are stationary. outdoors in broad daylight. there are obvious steps ukrainian commanders could take to protect their aircraft. to begin with, transport operational aircraft from the bases closest to russia. but upon closer examination, however, the drawn silhouettes of airplanes are visible, obviously as a decoy, a false target. for some reason, the armed forces of ukraine believe that our high-quality intelligence officers are so easy to fool. for your primitive thinking. they paid dearly in the end.
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operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery, groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation caused damage. defeat by the accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in 115 regions, nine aircraft of the ukrainian air force were hit in one day, as a result of a group strike with precision weapons on the airfield, five were destroyed, two su-27 aircraft of the air force were damaged enemy, two more ukrainian mig-29 and su-27 aircraft were shot down by russian air defense. well, now about the airfield itself in more detail. the city, where the 831st tactical aviation brigade of ukraine is based, there is also a training center and weapons depots, it is possible that with stormshadow missiles, the destroyed fighters were precisely carriers of this class of missiles. mirgorod, by the way, was used as a jump airfield
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for attacks on russian targets in the zaporozhye region in the direction of crimea. now let's move to other areas special operations. in the zone of responsibility of the south group, fighting continues in the eastern part. sofia, vsuu soldiers are trying to build a line of defense along the canal. in this footage , our military is disrupting the rotation of militants from the air. and this is footage from the 123rd motorized rifle brigade. with precise strikes, our drone operators destroy the positions and manpower of the mountain assault brigade in the northern direction in the area of ​​the settlement of vyimka. the tankers of the center in the avdeevsky direction defeated the ukrainian opornik and came close to vsushniki. for vssu people this is not much. i liked it, they tried to scare us off with mortar fire and kamikaze drones, but it didn’t work, the strong point was eliminated, the way was open for assault groups to further advance, on the approach they already began to cover us with mortars and artillery, fifevyshki, until the line they even know that
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there is one the crew that brazenly acts is just type. we fly in, do our job and roll, that is, a shot, a little rollback , a shot forward, the movement is made, well , you can hear it in the voice, morale is on the rise, our tankers, and not only they , perform their assigned tasks with dignity; in one day , the center group repelled six counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces, the tactical situation in the novogorodsky area has noticeably improved, this is south of toretsk, to which we...
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conflict. we stand for peace and i would like to understand that this is what i see as my mission. what do you think are the chances of a peaceful settlement? i'm optimistic. orban's visit to ukraine was preceded by discussions about the rights of the hungarian minority in the west of the country. according to the garden newspaper the precondition the meeting was aimed at resolving precisely this
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fundamental issue for hungary. and, apparently, it succeeded. the prime minister's critics feared that he would also successfully use the trip to kiev to promote russia's position in the conflict. you live now has a very intense impact on the security of europe, we very highly appreciate all the initiatives of vladimir zelensky for the sake of achieving peace. i told him that these initiatives take a lot of time, because of the rules of international diplomacy, they are very complex. i asked him to think about whether it would be possible to go a little another way, cease fire and then continue negotiations. budapest, unlike other european capitals, systematically opposes arms supplies to ukraine, which causes constant irritation in kiev. from the first minutes of the official visit, ukrainian propaganda did not skimp on insults against orban, but zelensky himself recently announced his readiness for peace negotiations with russia in an interview with american media. according to him , this is only possible with the participation of intermediaries, drawing parallels with the grain deal that the west used to
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there is no point in secretly smuggling weapons into ukraine and relying on real intentions and purity of thoughts. orban, for all his, so to speak, visibility and visibility still does not define. the union, having received a leading role in negotiations on pan-european laws, has the opportunity to shape the agenda on the continent. zelensky congratulated, not forgetting to indicate to hungary what exactly is expected from it in ukraine. congratulations to hungary on assuming the presidency of the eu. i wish for effectiveness in promoting our common european values, goals and interests. moving along path to the eu, ukraine is ready to contribute to these efforts to strengthen our europe. in turn, viktor orban reminded him on the eve of the trip. that the goals and values ​​of kiev and budapest do not coincide, he once again criticized the war-time course of europe. the peoples
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of europe want peace, but we could not prevent the russian-ukrainian conflict when it broke out, we could not isolate it, so instead of peace, europeans today get war, instead of order and security, migration and a terrorist threat. the kremlin stated that there were no special there are no expectations from urban’s visit to kiev; budapest is with moscow on this matter. there’s no point in waiting, it became clear from the first official shots, which have already given rise to a wave of memes on the internet, a restrained handshake,
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which zelensky somehow lost the habit of in the hot european embrace over the course of 2 years. natalya solovyova, matvey popov, news. go to the moss exhibition, or maybe to me? better at a tasty point. check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, sign up for a sberm subscription, more cashback categories to choose from, access to films and tv series in okko and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket, in sberbank it’s more profitable with prime, i’ll eat something that’s not something that ’s not... in case of poisoning entermin enterrassorbent new generation removes toxins while preserving
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elections to the national assembly, the lower house of the country's parliament. the presidential coalition is far from being in the lead, but it seems macron is not going to give in to his opponents so easily. the frenchman kalimon writes that candidates from the left-wing new popular front and the presidential coalition together for the republic intend to refuse to participate in the second round of early elections. all in order to prevent the right-wing party of national unification from winning an absolute majority of seats. they agreed to give up their place, according to the newspaper. already 178 people, these are 122 representatives of the left, 55 candidates of the presidential coalition and politicians from the liberal republican party, taking into account their exiting the race, 133 triangles are predicted for mandates in the second round, that is , candidates from three presidential and two opposition political alliances will oppose each other. for the right, in particular for
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lepin and the chairman of the national association, the news is not very good. bardel has already been condemned by the unnatural. according to him, an alliance between macron and mélenchon. it is likely that behind-the-scenes agreements between the ultra-left and macron’s party were reached in advance. realizing that the national unification is more likely since they will not be able to form a government on their own, they intend to demonstrate to french society that this party cannot fulfill its immediate responsibilities, that is , carry out policies, make decisions, in the end. to form a cabinet, and this is a very interesting ploy, marine lepine completely accused macron of preparing an administrative coup, all because the french president is now feverishly engaged in government reshuffles, he does this literally at the last moment before the second tour, in order to prevent the future
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prime minister from the opposition from ruling the country, lepin is sure. the politician also noted that even before the first round of elections last wednesday, many more appointments were made than during regular meetings of the council of ministers. let me remind you that the first round of early elections to the national assembly was held on june 30, the right-wing party marine lepen national rally won as expected, gaining more than 33% of the votes. in second place is the left bloc, the new popular front, with almost 28%. presidential coalition together for according to the results of the first round of parliamentary elections, the republic was only in third place, slightly more than 20%. the turnout at the elections broke all records over the past 40- plus years, almost 70%. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets
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up to 30%. buy at a profit.
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chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin arrived on a working visit to minsk. on instructions from the president of russia, he will take part in ceremonial events marking the day independence.
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is preparing to celebrate its main national holiday, independence day, by the way, we are now in the palace of independence, a festive concert will soon take place here, almost 80 years ago, on july 3, 1944, belarus was liberated from the nazi invaders, in 1996 by decision president of the republic, this very day became the independence day of the republic. throughout the country , events dedicated to the memory of those terrible events have been going on for several days, including.
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it is very important for us to remember those who died for our freedom. also today
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, one of the stages of the russia-belarus forum was held at the national academy of sciences, a nazi crime without a statute of limitations. and later an event was held at the belarusian state museum of the great patriotic war, where. and we want to talk about this choice, this feat, this military work today on the eve of the independence day of the republic of
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belarus. i am present here unofficially.
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thank you, thank you, maria temnikova was on direct line from minsk.
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series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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islands, it changes. bipartisan what is the political landscape like in the uk? the consensus in the united kingdom between the key parties, the conservatives and the laborites, is coming apart at the seams, and the lib dems are eagerly ramming them. their leader, ed davey, behaves so flamboyantly, either riding a cheesecake or bungee jumping, and the scottish nationalists expect to enter the british
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parliament on... the party's yellow bus.


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