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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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about the uk election situation. boris ivanin. the political landscape in the british isles is changing. the spirit of the party consensus in the united kingdom between the key parties, the conservatives and labor, is coming apart at the seams, and they are being desperately rammed by the lib dems. their leader ed davey behaves so flamboyantly, either riding a cheesecake or bungee jumping, and the scottish nationalists expect to enter the british parliament on the party’s yellow bus.
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it was the electoral reform of 1832 in britain legalized a two-party parliamentary system. then it was connected with class interests. now british society, tired of political stagnation, is breaking down historical traditions. many people have traditionally cast their preferences without even thinking about it because that's how their parents voted. grandparents, but
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in fact the tory party has gone so far to one extreme that i now do not feel that this party represents me, my interests or the interests of my children, so i do not i’ll be surprised if many don’t vote for them, even the almost 90-year-old tradition of holding expressions of will on thursday is causing more and more indignation, about 20% of voters, mostly those who work on weekdays, voted in advance by mail, but now it risks not being delivered all notices are on time. those who come to the voting booths are unhappy that they will have to put a cross not with a pen, but with a pencil. this is another historical tradition. standards of procedure trying to take the british test standard. first of all, the ink can smudge, dry out or spill, which risks invalidating the vote. additionally, wet ink can print when the paper is folded, making it appear as if the voter has marked the paper more than once. however, there is nothing in uk law. that's what
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would mandate the use of a pencil, if the voter wants, he can mark his ballot with a pen. this choice, pen or pencil has already been called scandals during brexit. there were even attempts to accuse the british voting system of rigging the results, since it is much easier to erase marks in pencil on ballots than ink. i myself was the chairman of the precinct election commission three times and observers and representatives of the territorial election commission always demanded from us that in the booths for ...
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the cost of living, which led to a sharp increase in mortgage rates, a rapid rise in prices for food and electricity. as a result, millions of people across the uk are struggling to pay their bills. living out his last days as head of the cabinet, sunok is relying on meetings with the working class. at a manufactured goods warehouse, he convinces employees that his government has managed to reduce price increases in stores. we have returned inflation to normal levels, which is just over 2%. she stopped putting pressure on us. feel these benefits, this is the foundation on which we must build our lives further. however, all other results of the board clearly demonstrates that the goals stated by sunok at the beginning of his premiership were never achieved. the crisis with illegal migrants has not been resolved, it is a dispute to revive medicine. the national health service is in serious trouble. it is simply impossible to get an appointment with a therapist, and there are still not enough police officers, crime is growing on the streets, wherever...
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tomorrow, however, the turnout is not predicted to be record-breaking, perhaps, only this can save tore from complete defeat, unlike if voting took place on the weekend day. boris ivanin and olga albukhina, lead. now there is new footage from the government press service. good afternoon, dear colleagues, at this strategic session we will discuss the issues of maintaining health and extending the active life of people; the importance of these areas is addressed. the president always has his attention, the main task of this national project will be the introduction of new medical technologies, assistance in conducting clinical studies, tests, with subsequent registration and launch of promising methods of diagnosis, treatment, drugs, medical products, products,
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including the results of work in the field of regenerative biomedicine and tissue engineering, it is proposed to include five federal projects, they are aimed at the development of medical science, the creation of products, dosage forms, new generation platforms, biomedical cognitive technologies, technologies of the future and ensuring active and healthy longevity, and of course, the formation of our own production facilities to produce products in our country, this year the industry demonstrates high dynamics over 5 months of this year, growth in the production of medicines and medical materials approached 8%. the national project is designed to support this trend. in 5 years , it is necessary to create a mechanism for promotion up to implementation, so that people can receive new solutions and, accordingly, medical care as quickly as possible. ensure the development of twenty-five gene therapy drugs and transfected cell
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products, as well as 11 products based on artificial intelligence. will be created also 10 technologies that are aimed at preventing and correcting possible ones. violations, over 15 biomedical solutions have been developed, including through the introduction of bioprinting, 10 technologies to reduce the time of cell aging; in particular, they will allow determining and maintaining biological age, introducing preventive measures to preserve health and prevent diseases, and the corresponding risk factors. as for the production base, during the period of the national project it is expected to increase the share of domestic production. which in turn will contribute to the formation of technological sovereignty in the field of pharmaceuticals and the medical industry. mikhail mishustin held a strategic session
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on new technologies for saving health. now the economic news is short. president vladimir putin instructed to hold at least ten. for high-tech companies until 2030, entry into the stock exchange will take place within the framework of the national technology initiative program, funds will be allocated from the budget for it in the next 3 years. last year shares of eight new companies began trading on the moscow exchange, this set a record for the last 11 years. this year , eight more newcomers appeared on the site, in particular mts bank. russia is increasing supplies of liquefied gas. in the first half of the year we exported more. an increase of 3%, a businessman writes about this. europe sharply increased its purchases by 6%. here in the top are france, belgium and spain. experts note that due to limited supplies through the red sea, navatek gas is becoming more accessible than middle eastern gas. at the same
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at the time, a court in the united states overturned the ban on the export of liquefied natural gas. he obliged the joe biden administration to resume issuing licenses for lng supplies. the claim of 16 states was satisfied; they argued that stopping exports harmed their economies; us authorities suspended the issuance of licenses at the end of january, a decision explained by climate change. and in russia, almost 850,000 new cars were sold in six months. an increase of 63% compared to last year, reports the ministry of industry and trade. most of the sales are 85% in the passenger segment, 7% each in trucks and light commercial vehicles, the rest is accounted for by buses and electric cars, with electric cars leading the way in sales growth over 6 months plus 137%. it was economic news, briefly. vladimir putin is preparing to travel to astana
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to take part in the sco summit. on the sidelines of the summit in astana, putin will meet with the acting president of iran, mahabed mahber, the president of the people's republic of china, siidzempin, and a number of other foreigners. colleagues, this was reported by assistant to the head of the russian state yuri ushakov. after signing the final documents of the council of heads of state, members of hrushos there will be a conversation between our president and the acting head. the executive branch of the islamic republic of iran, mahber, told reporters. when asked whether putin has a separate meeting planned with his belarusian counterpart, alexander lukashenko ushakov replied: “we were recently in belarus, we constantly have a dialogue, the leaders will meet, but there are no special bilateral meetings planned. more details, the sco summit will open on july 3 with an informal dinner on behalf of the hosts of the summit, kasym dzhemar takaev." the official program starts on july 4, leaders will hold... council meetings at which they will discuss the results of the sco's activities in 2023-24
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. the program of events will be continued by the shosplus meeting with the participation of interested partners and guests of the chairman. at the end of the meeting, the relay of chairmanship of the sco will pass to china. well, so, what work will the summit participants have to do? these days, issues of strengthening, unification, promotion, cooperation in the fields of politics, security, economics and humanitarian will be considered. on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the creation of the un the sco countries will put forward an initiative on global unity for a fair world of harmony, and the heads of state will also adopt a statement on the principles of good neighborliness, trust and partnership. in addition, it is planned to approve a proposal for a comprehensive modernization of the sco’s activities in relation to today’s realities. it is noted that the priority direction remains the fight against security challenges. therefore, cooperation programs will be updated. actions against terrorism, separatism and extremism and also anti-drug strategy, prime minister
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of hungary, victor orban arrived in kiev for negotiations with zelensky, the meeting was held for the first time since the beginning of the hot phase of the ukrainian conflict, they are discussing bilateral relations and a peaceful settlement, non-escalation is hungary’s main strategy for the presidency of the european council, which started the day before. i note that budapest, unlike other eu capitals, opposes arms supplies to ukraine. orban asked zelensky to consider stopping hostilities in order to bring peace negotiations closer. about readiness for them, that notably, zelensky himself recently said in an interview with american media. according to him, this is only possible with the participation of intermediaries, similar to how the grain deal worked.
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again one against all, four policemen are trying to detain the man, but as soon as he begins to resist, one of the officers twists his arm; soon there will probably be no one to help the beaten and injured ukrainians. the shopping center worked well with the doctors and went to the front. there are so many ambulance workers that the teams simply can’t keep up handle all calls. the kiev authorities
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offer a solution; they force people to go to the sick not as part of a team, but one at a time. this is a crime, even taking resuscitation measures, it is impossible to simultaneously perform artificial respiration, perform chest compressions and immediately fill a syringe for medication assistance, it is simply impossible. the immobilization of women is considered impossible in ukraine, but this may soon become a reality. forced girls. tcks are not being delivered yet, but fines for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office have already been enter. meanwhile, clothing for pregnant defenders appears on store shelves.
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at the time of the attack, she was on the beach with her parents and younger sister and received shrapnel wounds. "say, hi, hi, we were already getting ready to leave, that is, i literally took another 5 minutes to pack my things and we would have left, uh, that is, they ran, the mother with the children, and i kind of stayed on sitting on the beach, and i didn’t absolutely suffered, yes, but the people who tried to hide, they suffered, she did well, she didn’t leave, she didn’t run there nowhere, she held her little sister,
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covered her with herself, that is, she didn’t run to her mother, like she did here, she understood what needed to be done, they helped me. everything was processed, stitched up, doesn’t it hurt now? no, i want to say a big thank you to all our doctors in sevastopol, who took the first blow, and to the social workers in moscow and moscow, who all this time helped us and treated us, thank you all very much for your help, everything was very fast, efficient, the prognosis is favorable, rehabilitation in in any case necessary, because the fragment was located in the muscles and we... recover, begin to function correctly, well, psychological rehabilitation is also needed, because such injuries never go away without leaving a trace. the federal air transport agency has started talking about increasing fees for air navigation; according to the plan, the proceeds will be used for major repairs of airfields; who will not be affected by the increase in tariffs and will
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the innovation affect civil air transportation? we'll tell you now. the department plans to increase. air navigation fees since august of this year after the adoption the relevant law is still being discussed, but as the head of the federal air transport agency dmitry yadrov noted, the fas has already approved the measures. on average, the rate increase will be 150 rubles. per ton of maximum take-off weight per 100 km. as the federal airspace agency said, by increasing tariffs they plan to increase funding for the airport capital repair fund, where it is planned to allocate 10-12 billion annually. these aircraft carry a significant volume of passengers, but the operation of these engines requires increased attention, operators around the world complained about this. while we are moving towards the figure of 98.1 million, in august-september there will be a more accurate understanding of the final passenger traffic figure for
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russian civil aviation in 2024. according to the head of the federal air transport agency. stated that in russia 116 out of 228 airfields require repair and reconstruction, but direct budget funding is not enough for everything, saveliev also recalled that vladimir putin has set the task of modernizing at least 75 airfields in 6 years. the federal air transport agency explained: who will not be affected by the increase in air navigation fees. it will not affect flights within the far eastern federal district, where the construction and reconstruction of airfields is financed from the federal budget and investors. the created fund for the development of air transport infrastructure, which provides for the implementation of additional volumes of capital investments in the air transport infrastructure
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, will ensure the maintenance of the operational readiness of airfields for air flights. ships, increasing the level of flight safety, maintaining transport accessibility of remote regions; as a result, the presence of such a fund will have a positive impact on the development of the russian air transport industry as a whole. russian airlines have already responded to the statement of the federal air transport agency, they believe that additional costs will directly affect passengers, an increase in tariffs will lead to an increase in ticket prices... an opinion on this matter has already been voiced by siberia and aeroflot airlines. in particular , s7 referred to the fact that over the past few years the load on carriers portion of airport costs had already increased significantly. price. service per flight at some airports has doubled, especially where new terminal construction projects have been implemented. aeroflot also recalled that air navigation tariffs have already
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increased significantly for at least 2 years in a row. in the twenty-second by about 60%. in the twenty -third year, by almost 10 more. in general, since november of the twenty-second year, air navigation fees have increased by 76%. further growth, carriers note, could lead to widespread impact of value. air tickets on the market and, as a consequence, a reduction in the flight program, in particular abroad, because the fee for international flights is planned to be doubled from august. so, in moscow, on july 2, the historical temperature record was updated. this information appeared on the news agency’s feeds and, as forecasters predict, intense heat will remain on the russian plain throughout the week. vadim zavodchenkov will tell you all the details. yes, vadim. hello, once again, has the heat record in the capital been officially updated? good evening, no, has not yet been officially updated, the temperature is still balancing at the level of the record high
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of 1890. extreme heat is considered a dangerous weather event. recent incidents in moscow are clear confirmation of this: at the height of the day in the north of the capital , a gas cylinder exploded on the roof of a bus, the passengers were not injured, but the driver... received serious injuries and was hospitalized. the cause of the accident will be determined by a special commission of mosgortrans, but according to the preliminary version , the cylinder could have exploded precisely because of the heat. and in these frames there is another incident that happened on background of a temperature anomaly. again, in the north of the capital, a fire occurred on one of the tower cranes; presumably, electrical equipment shorted out due to overheating. moscow city services. work in intensive mode, special equipment waters the roads every 3 hours, and also carries out aeration in order to cool the asphalt air at least a little, this is exactly
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the case when many will not mind being doused with water, already now, long before receiving data on the maximum temperature , in many cities in the middle zone the readings thermometers confidently exceeded historical maximums, only in... the capital the air warmed up to the level of the 1890 record, but with a probability of more than 90-95% it can be argued that based on the results of subsequent measurements, this milestone will still be overcome. tomorrow the situation in the atmosphere over the russian plain will remain virtually unchanged: in the far west and north-west of european russia the influence of the cyclone's cold front will continue to be felt and there will be... and thunderstorms, most of the russian plain will remain in the region of the solar anticyclone, but only over the mountains in the caucasus, a small array
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of scattered heaps of water-rain clouds may appear, so the temperature regime will remain stable, it will be relatively cool only in the west and north-west of european russia, here in the afternoon it will be +20-25, but in the rest of the territory the heat will continue to gain momentum. in the middle zone +30-35, the thermometer will rise above +30 even in the northeast of the russian plain, the peak of heat in the southern latitudes, in the afternoon up to +33-38. in such a situation, the geography of record heat will expand, unprecedented heat will cover the territory from the ozove region to the spurs of the northern urals. for the first time in the entire period of instrumental measurements in voronezh and donetsk. the air will warm up to +35-36, in tula and even in northern saktefkar, the thermometers will rise to a record
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+33, the capital will not remain in the country, the record series in moscow will last until thursday, even at night the air in the megalopolis will only be able to cool to +21.23, at the peak of daytime warming up the thermometers will rise to +32-34 only on friday evening there is a chance for refreshing thunderstorms rains. well, now about the st. petersburg sandstorm, which, unfortunately, not only brought some bright images that we can now see, but unfortunately, there are consequences. two criminal cases were opened in st. petersburg: causing death by negligence after the death of people. because of fallen trees in the city. a woman died , an eleven-year-old boy died in the leningrad region, a powerful hurricane hit the region the day before, a storm wind, gusts of which exceeded 30 m/
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sec, felled trees. the rain flooded the streets dozens of vehicles were damaged and a tower crane fell onto a construction site. utility services, together with the ministry of emergency situations, spent the entire night eliminating the consequences of the bad weather. well, there is an emergency in india, the death toll as a result of a stampede in the central part of india has risen to 107 people, dozens of people have been injured. devotees in ottar pradesh came to hear a popular hindu preacher. he was addressing followers in a large tent. according to eyewitnesses, too many people were packed there. because of the heat and stuffiness, they began to suffocate and fall into their frills. arose panic, and then a stampede at the exit from the tent. most of the dead were women. the police are investigating and it is already known that communication with the guru was allowed by the authorities.
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the government promised to pay compensation. dead, as well as injured, well, now again in the usa. biden, under the watchful eye of the united states' nato allies, will closely monitor the american president's condition at the upcoming alliance summit in washington. the reason, of course, is the extremely unsuccessful debate. well, as the semaphore portal writes with a link to sources people are interested in the future of the democrat campaign. if biden continues to perform poorly, then we are moving. to trump's victory, these are the words of an unnamed european official. the 75th nato summit will be held in washington from july 9 to 11. biden’s behavior has caused splits in the white house, as the axius portal writes, many white house employees are in panic, they are simply demoralized, and are already wondering how to proceed. the american media note that a narrow circle of people has formed around biden who do not allow others
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administration staff to the president. biden regularly meets with only 10-20 people, within this circle there is an even narrower inner circle of only six people. in addition, cnn and nbc report that biden's family is persuading him to remain in the race, further participation depends on his wife, jill biden. for biden, this is another blow, and even at the peak of his form, biden was never a good speaker, never was.
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go down the stairs on your own. the lens captured the moment when his wife was leading him. thoughts, but after the event i couldn’t . the nbc television channel assessed what was happening as a collective suicide of the democrats. newswick magazine awarded victory to trump; the us presidential elections will be held on november 5. in yakutia, 14 thousand hectares of forest were extinguished in a day, however, the situation in the region remains one of the most difficult in the country.
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more than 180 burned down. since july 1 , a federal emergency regime has been in effect in the republic. in total , russia managed to extinguish 57 outbreaks in 19 regions. 74 fires were recorded in the trans-baikal territory, but chukotka was covered by fire more than 50,000 hectares, four fires are being extinguished. almost 5,000 people are involved in the work throughout russia. more than a thousand aviation forestry workers provide assistance to the regions. in the krasnoyarsk territory, forests are burning over an area of ​​about 3 and a half. thousand hectares, according to the press service of the regional forest fire center, the situation in the region has worsened due to extreme heat and dry thunderstorms. nine aircraft and 81 drones of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed in one day, in one day by the russian army. five 127 fighters. our troops hit an airfield in the poltava region, in the same place two more that were under repair were damaged. in addition, another su-27 and mig-20.


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