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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in your pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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by 2027, gazprom neft will become completely independent of foreign equipment. the head of the company, alexander dyukov, announced this at a meeting with vladimir putin. anna lazareva knows the details and is joining us. anna, we give you the floor. vladimir putin assessed gazprom neft’s financial results for 2023 as good. the volume of sales revenue was a record in the entire history of the company.
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our priority is to ensure the domestic market. alexander dyukov noted, that in russia the consumption of petroleum products, lubricants, bitumen materials, and petrochemical products is growing. gazprom neft reacts to this by increasing production volumes and supplies to the domestic market. this is reflected in financial indicators and tax payments to the budget. based on the results of work in the first
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quarter, the company increased tax deductions by 57% compared to the same period last year. an important factor was the large-scale modernization of production, the head of the company told the president. last year we completed the modernization omsk oil refinery. this is the largest refinery in our country, 21 million tons of processing. and at the moment, this is essentially a new oil refinery with a processing depth of 99%. an important area for the company is the development of technologies, the development of hard-to-recover reserves, their share of production now amounts to almost 70%, this work requires special materials and equipment, and if we talk about a shortage.
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eliminate the deficit and will accordingly completely, as for equipment by technology, we import independent and completely independent technologically in terms of equipment, there is this small dependence, but by the twenty-seventh year it will be eliminated, this will not only allow us to achieve technological independence, but it will give additional orders for our machine builders, we estimate the volume of these additional orders at 1 trillion rubles. the company actively uses digital technologies and... in gazprom neft they use them throughout the entire value chain from geological exploration to production, refining and sales. they allow significantly increase the efficiency of working both with hard-to-recover reserves and with ordinary, traditional ones. the development of renewable
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energy sources, including solar and wind generators, will be supported by the national project. this topic became one of the main ones at the strategic session held by mikhail mishustin. we are talking about a project called new nuclear and energy technologies, the prime minister noted that all this will help solve issues that are important to people, from urban transport, where electric cars are now being introduced, to the emergence of new workers places in high-tech industry segments. part of the national project is aimed at developing those energy sectors that are not directly related to nuclear power. here it is planned to support solar and wind generation, technologies and the production of electricity storage systems in the soviet union. these measures should stimulate qualitative changes in green energy, one that operates on renewable sources. our efforts here are intended to give impetus to many related industries and solutions to issues important to people, starting with urban transport, where everyone is
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now introducing electric cars that do not pollute the air in cities, until new jobs appear in the high-tech segments of our industry. we will also support the implementation of current ones.
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for subsequent submission of documents to the central election commission. the russian federal tax service has launched more than 70 interactive services for taxpayers. digitalization and other priorities for the development of the tax system were discussed today by deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko at meeting with the leadership of the federal tax service. nika inkova has details. the federal tax service is a leader in the implementation of digital technologies among government services. the deputy stated this.
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in a mobile phone and we don’t even think about it, although if you remember there 10-15 years ago how taxes were paid, it means that for this you had to do, how many times you didn’t even press a button, and how many times you had to go somewhere , fill something out, young taxpayers don’t even know what that is in principle at one time it was, they just believe that this is an absolutely natural process, when you pay taxes in two buttons or two clicks, the federal tax service continues... to work to create a comfortable business environment, so the service for starting a business online was recently launched for businesses, with its help entrepreneurs , including beginners, can quickly and conveniently open their own business, register a business, obtain an electronic signature and open a bank account. dmitry grigorenko emphasized: it is important not
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to forget about feedback from taxpayers, this will improve service level. he also spoke about the emphasis that should be placed within the framework of the development strategy of the federal tax service. as the main emphasis i would like. an absolute point is the ongoing work to reduce the administrative burden, we understand that through digitalization we are making the services and the administration model itself more convenient. the third, probably important point, we understand perfectly well that today, after all, citizens’ requests are not for any particular service, but for a complex life situation. decline administrative burden on conscientious taxpayers, another important task facing the federal tax service. the number of on-site tax audits in the twenty -third year decreased by almost half compared to the twenty-second year. we are focusing
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on relieving both taxpayers and us of heavy burdensome procedures. this, of course, primarily includes on-site tax audits, and here it is quite possible to say that the numbers speak for themselves. if we are talking about what happened that year, then for us that year this is the minimum number of on-site inspections. in the entire history of monitoring, this is 5,400 audits, you remember, once it was about 3,000 audits per year, in terms of tax deductions, the speed of obtaining them has increased significantly, if before the procedure took 4 months, now it only takes 6-7 days, digital services contain a large amount of personal data, so it is important to ensure their complete security, this was especially emphasized by dmitry grigorenko. nika yankovaya, alexey karpukhin, andrey greshnev, lead. the federal air transport agency has spoken. increase in fees for air navigation, according to the plan, the proceeds will be used for the overhaul of airfields; who
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will not be affected by the increase in tariffs; will the innovation affect civil air transportation? let’s find out. the agency plans to increase air navigation fees starting from august of this year after the adoption of the relevant law, but for now the innovations are still being discussed, but as noted by the head of the federal air transport agency dmitry yadro, fas has already approved the measures. on average, the rate increase will be 150 rubles per ton, the maximum take-off margin. per 100 km, and as told by the federal agency air transport, by increasing tariffs, they plan to increase funding for the capital repair fund of airfields, where it is planned to allocate 10-12 billion rubles annually. these aircraft carry a significant volume of passengers, but the operation of these engines requires increased attention, as operators around the world have complained about as we move towards the 98.1 million figure. in august-september there will be a more accurate understanding of the final passenger flow figure for
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russian civil aviation by the end of 2024. according to head of the federal air transport agency dmitry yadrov, the first airfield where work will be financed with these funds will be chibaksary. in march of this year, deputy prime minister vitaly savelyev said that in russia 16 out of 228 airfields require repair or reconstruction, but... direct budget funding is not enough for everything, sovelyev also recalled that vladimir putin has set the task of modernizing at least 75 airfields within 6 years. the federal air transport agency explained who will not be affected by the increase in air navigation fees; it will not affect flights within the far eastern federal district, where the construction and reconstruction of the airfield is financed from the federal budget and investors. a development fund being created. air transport structure, which provides for additional volumes
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of capital investment in air transport infrastructure, will ensure the maintenance of operational readiness of airfields for aircraft flights, an increase in the level of flight safety, and the preservation of transport accessibility of remote regions. as a result, the presence of such a fund will have a positive impact influence on the development of air transport. russian industry as a whole. russian airlines have already responded to the statement of the federal air transport agency. they believe that additional costs will directly affect passengers. an increase in fare will lead to an increase in ticket prices. siberia and aeroflot airlines voiced their opinions on this matter. in particular , s7 referred to the fact that over the past few years the burden on carriers in terms of airport costs has already increased significantly. cost of servicing one flight at some airports. doubled especially where projects for the construction of new terminals have been implemented. the airline
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is always attentive to raising tariffs, since profitability in aviation is lower compared to other sectors of the economy; the possibility of including changes in income depends on demand. it is necessary to understand that regardless of the source of funds for forming the fund, ultimately this burden falls on the passenger in one way or another, since airlines receive income from passenger transportation. aeroflot also they recalled that tariffs for air navigation have already increased significantly for at least 2 years in a row, in the twenty-second by about 60%, in the twenty-third. by almost 10 more. in general, since november of the twenty-second year , air navigation fees have increased by 76%. and further growth, carriers note, could lead to a widespread increase in the cost of air tickets on the market and, as a result , a reduction in the flight program, in particular abroad, because the fee for international flights is planned to double from august.
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roscosmos today approved the work schedule for in the near future according to the deployment plan at the station. transport ship of a new generation. in addition, this also includes the work of scientific institutes. the new station is a new step in the development of manned space exploration. everything will be new here, a new cosmodrome from where it
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will be launched, a new launch vehicle, a new manned transport ship, and a new station. there will be a new orbit that allows 100% viewing of the territory of russia, which is also very important, it will be a permanent laboratory for development of all technical and technological innovations, very important experiments related to the creation of new materials and medicines will be carried out there; for this large-scale project, two government contracts were signed for the implementation of development work, the creation of the space complex of the russian orbital station, the second for the creation of a manned transport ship. the main goal of the entire project is to replace the iss for russian cosmonauts. the station has been in operation since 1998 with the participation of 14 countries. in 2021, our astronauts talked about high degree of wear. russia plans to
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withdraw from the project in 2028. the americans intend to use the iss until... so today we must plan our work in this way, the work is complex, it involves enormous cooperation, it is not only the creation of stations, it is ground infrastructure, it is timely preparation for the launch of all the necessary rockets and launch vehicles, and much more . according to the dates of the approved schedule,
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the scientific and energy module will be the first to be sent into orbit in 2027, then within 3 years it will be launched into space universal, node, base and gateway modules. the appearance of the latter will make it possible to send astronauts to russia. these four modules will form the core of the station, which by 2033 will be supplemented by two more target modules. the main challenge is the very volume of work that needs to be done in a limited time, because the scale of the project is, well , in russian space history, this is definitely the largest. project for our entire russian history, this is the main challenge, that is, we need to do everything at the same time, artificial intelligence is a developing, rapidly developing thing, we will use it for support, but mostly, of course, we will work with our brains. the total amount of financing for the space project is just
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over 600 billion rubles. at the same time, the station, despite the fact that it will be national, russian, is ready to receive. themselves as foreign guests, as noted in the state corporation, roscosmos is open to international cooperation. well, now back to france, where the first round of early elections took place the day before, to the national assembly, the lower house of the country's parliament. the presidential coalition is far from being in the lead, but it seems that macron is not going to give in to his opponents so easily. the french alemont writes that candidates from the left new popular front and the presidential coalition , together with
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the second round, are predicted to have 133 triangles, taking into account their withdrawal from the race for mandates , that is , candidates from three political alliances, the presidential and two opposition ones, will oppose each other. for the right, in particular for lupin and the chairman of the national association, the news is not very good good. bardel has already condemned the unnatural, in his words, alliance between macron and mélenchon. it is likely that behind-the-scenes agreements between the ultra-left and macron’s party were reached in advance, realizing that the national association would most likely not be able to form a government on its own; they intend to demonstrate to french society that this party cannot fulfill its immediate obligations. responsibilities, that is , to carry out policies, make decisions, and ultimately form a cabinet, and this a very interesting trick, marine lepine completely
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accused macron of preparing an administrative coup, all because the french president is now feverishly engaged in government reshuffles, he does this literally at the last moment before the second round, in order to prevent the future prime minister from the opposition from ruling the country, in this lepin is sure. the politician also noted that even before the first round of elections last wednesday, many more appointments were made than during regular meetings of the council of ministers. let me remind you that the first round of early the elections to the national assembly took place on june 30, and as expected, the right-wing party marina lepen (national association) won, gaining more than 33% of the votes. in second place is the left bloc, the new popular front, with almost 28%. presidential coalition together for the republic. according to the results of the first round of parliamentary elections, it remained only in third place, slightly more than 20%. the turnout at the elections broke all records over the past 40- plus years, almost 70%. sberbank mortgage
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better at a tasty point. a real reason to meet a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7, under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside is a beautiful, perfect damask, airy, natural, happy myth live. biden, under the supervision of the united states' nato allies, will closely monitor
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the state of the american president in the coming years. alliance summit in washington, the reason, of course, is the extremely unsuccessful debate, as the semaphore portal writes, citing sources, people are interested in the future of the democratic campaign, if biden continues to show poor results, then we are moving towards trump’s victory, these are the words of an unnamed european official. the 75th nato summit will be held in washington from july 9 to 11, sponsors the us democratic party is calling the election campaign of president biden. armageddon. the washington post, citing sources within the party, writes that, according to sponsors, the party needs a plan b. biden’s behavior has caused splits in the white house, as the ax portal writes, many white house employees are in a panic, they are demoralized and are already wondering how to act further? the american media also note that a narrow circle of people has formed around biden, which does not allow other employees
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administration. to the president, biden regularly meets with only 10-20 people, within this circle there is an even narrower inner circle, a real nesting doll, which includes only six people. in addition, cnn and nbc report that biden's family is persuading him to remain in the election race, but further participation depends on his wife, jill biden. for biden, this is another blow, and even at the peak of his form. and biden was never a good speaker, he was never a good speaker, obviously now at age, such an outcome for biden was in fact partly even planned, it is clear that the democrats are in a panic, and if before this debate many were so worried about biden’s possible loss in the upcoming elections, today they are openly talking about it. let me remind you, this is the first
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televised debate in american history. between the current and former presidents took place on june 27 in atlanta, biden stumbled, did not always formulate his thoughts clearly, and after the event he simply could not go down the stairs on his own. the camera lens captured the moment when he led by the same wife. the nbc television channel assessed what was happening as a collective suicide of the democrats, newsweak magazine awarded victory to trump, and the presidential elections in the united states will be held on november 5. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history. we value family
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, strong relationships and admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. another ukrainian missing persons brigade. kharkov social networks are filled with posts about the disappearance of militants from the fifty-seventh motorized infantry that was near volchansk, where did everyone go? they are ruining their own lives, being carried out by tsepsok’s machinations. an offer to earn extra money that turns into treason. how many years will they get?


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