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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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sasha works as a translator and is going to get married . after training, yakub will probably become a guide, because they are good here not only for the pictures. anastasia ivanova is the cat of american censorship. the volume of production of russian petroleum products must be increased, including based on the needs of the domestic market, and the development of new fields and modernization of plants will help achieve this. such topics were raised today at a working meeting between vladimir putin and the head of gazpromneft, alexander dyukov, who believes that in 3 years the company will achieve complete independence from foreign technologies. key statements in the material by andrey grigoriev. the gazprom neft company is one of the three russian leaders in...
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improving our financial performance, and of course allows us to increase tax contributions to the budget. gazpromneft is the first company to begin oil production on the russian arctic shelf; in april , the third block of the urengoy field was completed, in processing. they are trying to use more and more modern methods, now its depth is already up to 90%, that is, almost waste-free production, thus modernizing the company's omsk refinery, the largest in the country. as we carry out modernization, we not only increase the quality and certainly expand the range of petroleum products that we produce. thus, at the omsk oil refinery plant we already produce more than a thousand types of various petroleum products, from motor fuels to lubricants. materials,
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bit materials, needle coke for metallurgists, these are also catalysts, and these are petrochemical products. in the oil industry a lot of complex equipment, which was previously purchased mainly abroad, under the sanctions regime all russian companies had to quickly switch to domestic ones. gazprom neft has already replaced 1,200 units and is rapidly moving towards complete technological independence. i know your company. pays great attention to the use of the latest technologies, the latest solutions, including digital ones, that’s what you use, what gives the greatest return, what makes you happy, especially after using these modern technology, in terms of import technologies we are independent and completely technologically independent in terms of equipment, there is this small dependence, but in 27 it will be eliminated, this will only allow me to achieve technological independence. but this will give
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additional orders for our machine builders; we estimate the volume of these additional orders at 1 trillion rubles. another important component of the work is the extraction of hard-to-extract minerals, those that just a few decades ago were completely impossible to get out of the ground, and here gazprom neft, and therefore russia at the forefront, obtains up to 70% of its products this way, using high-tech russian equipment. andrey grigoriev, polina gomzikova, vesti. germany is about to take a leadership role in the baltic region to protect nato's eastern flank. such promises from the german chancellor were made today in poland. olaf scholz came to the polish prime minister tusk for negotiations, the result of the expected conversation about plans for the defense of the european border and a statement of tireless support for ukraine. at this very moment in kiev, the prime minister of hungary said that budapest does not consider the conflict in ukraine its own. about european contradictions, the head of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov.
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scholz suddenly had arguments. it would be nice if germany remembered the leningrad siege survivors, but this is unlikely. as in the times before the second world war and the german occupation, berlin and warsaw embrace each other. there is no longer just nato, but a military alliance aimed at destroying russia. we
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are not a party to the ukrainian conflict - scholz repeats at every opportunity, but german howitzers are firing at belgorod, shells are coming to them through polish rzeszow. where prime minister tusk visited just the day before. you are doing a great job, and i am here to remind all poles, as well as all of europe, that here in rzeszow, thanks to you, it is possible to provide assistance to ukraine safely and extremely intensively every day. ukraine will win this war sooner or later, largely thanks to you. tusk's victorious reports contrasted sharply with the sour expression on his face. it is understandable, because everything is for ukraine will happen, maybe sooner or later, but she won't win.
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but at the same time, this is fully consistent with the biden administration’s course of gradually shifting the costs of the conflict to european allies, and germany is first in line here. we are taking a leading role in the baltic region and in the defense of nato's eastern flank. together we stand firmly on the side of the ukrainians. scholz lost the elections to the european parliament and will soon lose the elections in eastern germany. scholz also admitted that ukraine’s support...
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only this year ukraine received imf loans it will be necessary to pay almost 2 billion dollars, an amount greater than that which the west intends to steal for it from russian assets, so the ukrainians almost no longer own their country, the land, what is in it on it, is gradually
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changing hands cheaply. american senator linsey graham said that the trillions buried in ukraine should not go to russia and china, they have already divided this wealth, hence the fate. the press conference was a little chilly, when someone comes to ukraine it's easy to predict what will happen next. the final words are: we are with ukraine - this is our war and so on, but you know, the position of hungary is different, this is not our
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war. there was no long wait for the press conference; the visit was formal. kiev is preparing a second peace conference, after the failure of the first. rejected out of hand, they will fight to the last, which means russian conditions will change,
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then it will be more painful, and not only for ukraine, europe is wasting time on ideologically motivated goals without adequate consultations with industry, this is a quote from orban’s interview in the financial times. a loss the competitiveness of the eu has been a growing trend in recent decades; this decline can be explained primarily by the erroneous decisions of brussels, which run counter to world realities. economy, with energy prices now three to five times higher than in the united states, european companies are losing their competitive advantage and are forced to allocate funds to pay utility bills rather than on innovation. in germany, where key positions in power have been captured by the greens, they are burning with coal. the government of the richest country in europe is the second for a year in a row he has not been able to present the draft state budget to parliament on time, his finances are in complete disarray. the berliner city newspaper writes that germany will be forced to cut social and infrastructure
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spending to make ends meet. 15 months before the federal elections, on the sidelines of the bundestag they are increasingly talking about the fact that scholz needs to be changed. the words “here is the mind of mistrust” are heard more and more often in the corridors. as you know, negotiations on the adoption of the budget have reached a dead end. our requirement remains unchanged. chancellor must pose a question. the better is unclear; in the current situation, only early elections are unlikely to lead to dramatic changes for the better. but, as the current chancellor says, the most important thing in politics is hope. you can also try. the upcoming nato summit will add to the budgetary tensions. in washington , scholz is expected to see germany take on the additional burden of maintaining ukraine and investing in collective defense. and, probably, it would be worth doing this based on. from real calculated financial possibilities, but on the other hand, the current
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the german government is valuable to those allies that are ready to accept political obligations and only then begin to look for money for them. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. at the helm in europe are the heirs of those who capitulated in '45, so the collective west is united by a thirst for profit at the expense of others and genetic hatred. winner, the president of belarus announced this at a ceremonial meeting on the eve of the country's independence day. minsk will celebrate this holiday tomorrow on the day of liberation from fascist invaders. the nazis were driven out of belarus 80 years ago, but as lukashenko noted, today the world is again teetering on the brink of another global catastrophe. details in the report by maria temnikova. sounds and melodies from the palace of independence. belarus is preparing to celebrate independence day, the country's president alexander lukashenko on the eve of the important date speaks about
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war, peace, the memory of generations, and the holiday, the symbols of our country, all this is a tribute to the memory of the victorious soviet people, a tribute to the memory of belarusians who bore everything on their shoulders the hardships of the terrible military man are suffering. among those present, state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin is our minister of defense. belousov, the main national holiday, will be celebrated tomorrow. almost 80 years ago, on july 3, 1944, belarus was liberated from the nazi invaders; by decision of the president, since 1996 this date has been considered the independence day of the republic. events dedicated to the memory of those events are being held throughout the country, including with the participation of representatives of different states, in russia, impressive delegation. thank you very much for representing russia. on this common holiday of ours, the independence day of belarus,
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the high government, state delegation led by the chairman of the state duma, allow you to convey the kindest, warmest congratulations on the main state holiday on behalf of our president, vladimirovich putin instructed to do this, but of course during the day, which unites us all and... citizens of belarus and russia, this is the day of the liberation of minsk from the nazi invaders. we are very it is important to remember those who died for our freedom. history of youth, one of the important tasks in the national academy of sciences is the russia-belarus forum, the crime of the nazis without a statute of limitations, the participants are mainly students. one of the important events of today is the presentation of a book published in the library of the union state series, it is called operation bogration, partisans of the belarusian land. quite a colorful publication, we open it and see here messages
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to the organizers of the celebrations from the president of the russian federation and the president. minsk is our common history, it’s so big, independence day in the country is celebrated once every 5 years, anniversary dates, this year a grandiose parade will be held in minsk, preparations for it have been going on for several days already. among the participants in the parade are our military, here are the russian knights swifts in the sky over minsk, fascinating footage. tomorrow, in addition to the parade
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, there will be a festive concert and fireworks. maria temnikova, dmitry malyshev, pavel varbuzov, maria slyaguzova and dina fitisova. news belarus. 90% of vital medicines will be produced in russia, this is one of the goals of the national project new health saving technologies. what other tasks the state faces as part of the implementation of the program were discussed today at a strategic session chaired by head of government mikhail mishustim. as the prime minister noted, in addition to its own production, the national project is aimed at the development of medical science. creation of new drugs and biotechnology. varvara netskaya has details. introduction of new medical technologies, organization of clinical trials and introduction of promising methods to the domestic market treatment and diagnostics, as well as drugs and medical devices. the key objectives of the national project are new
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health-saving technologies, the most important programs for the need to preserve health and prolong the active life of citizens. 10 new technologies will be created to prevent and correct cognitive impairment and 10 technologies to reduce the burden of cell aging. another task is to develop more than 15 biomedical solutions,
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including through the introduction of bioprinting. as for the production base, during the period the actions of the national project are expected. increase the share of domestic production in the field of vitally important medicines to 90%. for medical products up to 40%. which in turn will contribute to the formation of technological sovereignty in the field of pharmaceuticals and the medical industry. technological sovereignty of healthcare will make it possible to provide the system with the necessary medical resources; over the past 3 years, the russian market has already shown growth both in kind and in monetary terms. annually medical almost 118 million people in russia receive assistance, that is, about 81% of the population of the entire country, which is directly related to the provision of medicines and medical products to citizens and medical institutions, as well as the development and implementation of new technologies. 63% of sold medicines
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are produced in the country, this is every third package out of five consumed by citizens, almost... all types of medicines, including vital ones, are produced in russia in a full cycle, including the synthesis of the substance, a third of all purchased russian -made medical products. in the past 2023, imports of honey products to russia decreased by 4 and a half points, which is due to the development of domestic enterprises supplying cheaper and at the same time competitive products. there are already road maps. on organizing the production of medicines and products that previously came to russia from abroad, including 186 medicines and 368 medical products, the deputy prime minister... emphasized the particular importance of expanding our own production radiopharmaceuticals to be used for the diagnosis and treatment of not only oncological diseases, but also cardiac and
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neurological diseases. varvara nevskaya, news. joe biden today issued a new portion of harsh criticism of donald trump, who, according to the current us president, ruined his political reputation by attempting to usurp power and should be punished for this. well, however, according to the latest ruling of the supreme court, attraction. the owner of the white house in the case of the so -called storming of the capitol will actually it’s unrealistic, and attempts to switch biden’s attention to his opponent after his own failure on television can no longer save him, our correspondent in the united states, valentin bogdanov, was convinced. biden is better at criticizing trump when trump is not around, but there is a teleprompter, than when they are both standing on the same stage. however, the decision of the us supreme court, which ruled that...
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boy and biden are also not liable only for actions committed by him in an official capacity, that is, for offenses committed in an unofficial capacity, to judge
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it’s possible where the line is, they will decide in the lower court and not earlier than in a month, but trump’s lawyers are already striking iron, without leaving the till, they have launched a procedure for reviewing the conviction in new york in the case of payments to the porn actress stormi daniels, as it were be that as it may, trump has already... won, because in all these criminal cases he fought primarily with time, the democrats tried to make it before the elections, but did not have time. now it is 100% obvious that decisions on all these cases cannot be expected in the near future. i think now all these trials will begin only if trump loses the election. for biden’s collapsing election campaign , this is a blow to the gut; the whole strategy has gone down the drain. the telegraph newspaper called the court's decision a big one.
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the family would be completely ashamed to answer, and biden remained silent, so the decision, at all costs, to stay in the race is formalized as the opinion of his campaign headquarters; they will
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act proactively, that is, without waiting for the end of august, when the convention is scheduled to take place in chicago democrats are already calling the date july 21st. according to bloomberg, the democratic national committee may to officially announce biden's nomination as a candidate by mid-july. to end talk within the party about replacing biden. the thoughts of that part of the party elite that is still for biden, such actions should stop the split, the anti-crisis pr of the democrats, meaningless and merciless. people who have studied biden's and trump's debate responses have concluded that biden won by a landslide, and those who watched the debate without paying attention to anything other than what the candidates looked like chose appearance instead.
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already 72% of american voters do not believe that biden’s mental and cognitive health will allow him to be president, so you can’t blame cnn’s make-up artists alone, who made him look like a mummy at the debate. moreover, they are increasingly writing that a secret movement of resistance to biden’s nomination is led by obama, and judging by the kind of people who began to open their mouths after several years of silence, this may well be true, he opened up and...
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17 months, for example, in june last year at an event in an expensive new york hotel on park avenue, the president of the united states suddenly became stiff, i had to bring a chair. it was a conversation with donors; their last meeting with the head of the white house took place last saturday at the luxurious hamptons resort again ended in embarrassment. biden read a speech from a teleprompter without answering any of the dozens of embarrassing questions. panic among money bags. party is replaced by outright irritation, financial donors, who compare themselves to flies in a political mine, who are the first to foresee a disaster, are already threatening to stop financial support if biden will not leave voluntarily, in response, his entourage resorts to blackmail, saying that if the us president agrees to withdraw from the race, then all the funds already collected will go to the even less popular kamali harris. and this is
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a doubly catastrophe for donors. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and anna lvova, news from new york. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed. it's easy to make a deepfake and change your voice. we will expose all fakes. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try caesar rolls and other rolls that are just delicious. will our
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