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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the mtr, zelensky’s formations lost another 1,800 soldiers and mercenary officers, a tank and six other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 15 guns from missile systems and self-propelled guns. air defense forces shot down 91 combat drones and six british storm shadow missiles. in addition, the ukrainian armed forces lost nine aircraft in one day. including, as a result of a group strike with precision weapons on the airfield, five su-20 fighters were destroyed and two were damaged. margarita semenyuk has all the details. ukrainians left in broad daylight fighters are an unforgivable oversight of the ukrainian air force. 127 parked at the military airfield in mirgorod were destroyed by iskanders. five dryers were destroyed, two more were damaged. this is the worst day for the ukrainian air force, noted the american magazine forbes. it may have been one of the most costly days for the battered ukrainian air force since russia began its war. against ukraine in
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february 2022. the air base itself houses the 831st tactical aviation brigade of ukraine. here are training centers, warehouses with weapons, probably with stormshadow missiles. mirgorod, by the way, was used as a jump airfield for attacks on russian targets in the zaporozhye region in the direction of crimea. operational-tactical aviation with unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation. the enemy's accumulation of manpower and military equipment was destroyed in 115 regions; nine aircraft of the ukrainian air force were hit within 24 hours. as a result of a group strike with high-precision weapons on the airfield, five su-27 aircraft of the air force were destroyed and two were damaged . enemy. two more ukrainian mig-29 and su-27 aircraft were shot down by russian air defense. now it’s just a matter of finding the culprits. so sergei bratchuk said on ukrainian air that he was responsible.
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they beat me almost every day and more than once . the mirgorod military airfield is located in the poltava region, 150 km from the russian border, the facility is vulnerable to high-speed ballistic iskander. the starokonstantinov airbase, in the khmelnitsky region, is located 540 km away; it can become one of the main bases for f-16s, which will soon deliver to ukraine. at the same time, mirgod is within the reach of our uavs, and daggers are breaking through the air defense around starokonstantinovka. will it work?
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has always been in the forefront of russia's enemies. mark ruete is one of the initiators of the creation of an international coalition to supply f-16s to kiev. under him, the netherlands supplied weapons, drones and ammunition to soart. we are talking about handing over 24 cars. 24 vehicles is a full-fledged squadron. the fighter aviation regiment consists of two squadrons.
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inflated demands sharply reduced his support even in nato countries. on this indicates a poll from the american company pev research center. for example, his rating fell by one and a half times in poland to 48%, about the same in spain, and in france only 43%. ukrainians themselves believe that zelensky is not able to restore order in the country. 80% of independent citizens do not trust his office and government apparatus. but the pentagon.
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promised kiev to transfer missiles, weapons and ammunition worth almost another 2.5 billion dollars. meanwhile, the prime minister of hungary came to ukraine and tried to talk about peace, but as expected, zelensky didn’t... want to, he clearly i like that ukrainians continue to die, and germany and poland don’t care at all about the residents of the square, they are sorting things out again. about the big unrest in the west, mikhail antonov. germany's relations with poland have always suffered from mood swings, from one extreme to another. at the moment, warsaw and berlin are great friends again. and even the question of reparations for the second world war, which the previous government of polish nationalists tried to knock out from the west.
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participated in the holocaust, is revered as a national hero, can she become part of the eu, someday they will erect a monument to mrs. vonderen in ukraine, but for the eu it could become a tombstone, and there is also a feeling that we are talking mainly about international investors who are already buying up everything in ukraine with a gold rush mentality. black rock and
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other investors, they bought up half of ukraine and now the kiev authorities are going to sell off the remaining ones cheaply to pay off the enslaving debt. only this year in ukraine. for imf loans it will be necessary to pay almost $2 billion, an amount greater than that which the west intends to steal for it from russian assets, so their country almost no longer belongs to ukrainians, the land, what is in it on it, is gradually changing owners cheaply. american senator linsey graham said that the trillions buried in ukraine should not go to russia and china, they have already divided this wealth, hence the increasing talk about a freeze. maintain a buffer territory between his country and russia, without making any military efforts to do so. since july 1 , orban, for example, has not hidden that he would like hungary holds the eu presidency. the visit to kiev
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was inevitable and orban decided not to postpone it. the first guest in more than two years who did not hug zelensky at the meeting. the press conference was a little chilly, when someone comes to ukraine, it's easy to predict what will happen next. the final words are: we are from ukraine. we appreciate the peace initiatives of president zelensky and asked him to consider
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the possibility of a ceasefire before starting negotiations. in principle, orbán's initiative is consistent with russia’s conditions, as the first step, a ceasefire, then, the withdrawal of ukrainian forces from the occupied territories of four regions and the willingness to discuss a neutral status. after this , negotiations can begin.
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competitive advantage and are forced to allocate funds to pay utility bills rather than to innovate. in the usa, european companies are losing theirs in germany, where key positions in power are captured by the greens and are being drowned with coal. the government of the richest country in europe, for the second year in a row, cannot deliver on time present the draft state budget to parliament, finances are in complete disarray. it’s not clear what’s better, in the current situation only early elections are unlikely to lead to
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dramatic changes for the better, but as the current chancellor says, the most important thing in politics is hope, you can try. the upcoming nato summit will add to the budgetary tensions. in washington, scholz is expected to see germany take on the additional burden of maintaining ukraine and investing in collective defense. and, probably, this would be worth doing based on real calculations. financial opportunities, but on the other hand, the current german government is valuable to those allies because it is ready to accept political obligations and only then begin to look for money for them. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putro, vesti berlin, germany. the labor party can get twice as many votes as the conservatives in uk elections, which is extremely unusual for the uk. about the election.
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voting are unhappy that you will have to put a cross not with a pen, but with a pencil, this is also one historical tradition tries to set standards of procedure: first of all , the ink can smear, dry out or spill, and this risks leading to the vote being invalidated. additionally, wet ink can print when the paper is folded, making it appear as if the voter has marked the paper more than once. however , there is nothing in uk law that requires the use of a pencil; if a voter wishes, he can make a note in his ballot paper with pen. this choice - a pencil - has already caused scandals during brexit; they even tried to accuse british intelligence of rigging the results, because it is much easier to erase marks on ballots with a pencil than with ink. i myself have been the chairman of the precinct election commission three times, and observers and representatives of the territorial election commission have always demanded from us that there must be ballpoint pens in the voting booths,
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and not pencils; the presence of pencils in the voting booths is a reason. in fact, to protest the election results in this area, however, even a pencil is unlikely to be able to correct the catastrophe of the conservatives; political scientists consider the start of the race, which rishi sunk announced while standing in the pouring rain, to be unsuccessful; during the election campaign, the clouds over the tories only darkened. a key factor in this election was the cost of living crisis, which led to a sharp increase in mortgage rates and skyrocketing food and energy prices. as a result, millions... people across the uk are struggling to pay their bills. living out his last days as head of the cabinet, sunok is relying on meetings with the working class. at a manufactured goods warehouse, he convinces employees that his government has managed to reduce price increases in stores. we have returned inflation to normal levels. this is just over 2%. she stopped putting pressure on us. feel these benefits. this is the
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foundation on which we must build our lives further. however, all other results of the board are clearly indicate that. the goals stated by sunak at the beginning of his premiership were never achieved, the crisis with illegal migrants has not been resolved, and it’s time to revive medicine. the nhs is in serious trouble, it's impossible to get to see a gp, there aren't enough police officers, crime is on the rise on the streets, everywhere people look they see a country that is not functioning properly, which is why we need to turn the page on ending the failed 14 years old. parliamentary elections in the united states the kingdom is already the day after tomorrow, but the turnout is not predicted to be record-breaking; perhaps, only this can save the torah from complete defeat, unlike if the voting took place on a weekend. boris ivanin and olga albukhina, lead. in france, before the second round of early parliamentary elections, there is a lot of intrigue. emmanuel macron, against the backdrop
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of the failure of his party, is preparing an administrative coup, said marina lepin, leader of the national rally faction. behind the scenes they are negotiating with the left to jointly discredit the right. joe's headquarters biden is trying to persuade democratic donors not to withdraw his candidacy. that an urgent call has already been held with half a thousand donors to the party, notes that such vigorous activity speaks of the fire of the democrats, who are shocked by the senile dementia of the president. the mood in the white house is at its gloomiest, and funding for the biden campaign could be greatly reduced. 3/4 of sponsors believe that democrats need a backup plan, and it’s time
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to remove biden from the election. well, just the congressman, democrat loyd doget. publicly called on the us president make the painful decision to withdraw your candidacy. nbc news is already saying that biden could be replaced, among other things, by vice president kamala haris. the head of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov, will tell you how the democrats’ propaganda that everything is fine with the candidate played against them. biden is better at criticizing trump when trump is not around, but there is a teleprompter, than when they are both standing on the same page.
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committed as an unofficial judge , where the border will be decided in the lower court and not earlier than in a month, but trump's lawyers are already striking iron, without leaving
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the till, they have launched a procedure for reviewing the conviction in new york in the case of payments to porn actress stormy daniels. be that as it may, trump has already won, because in all these criminal cases he fought primarily with time, the democrats were trying to make it before the elections. did not have time. now it is 100% obvious that decisions on all these cases cannot be expected in the near future. i think now all these trials will only begin if trump loses the election. for biden's collapsing election campaign, this is a blow breath, the whole strategy went down the drain. the telegraph newspaper called the court decision a big victory for trump. the success was ensured by the alignment among judges; they are appointed for life, and conservatives are in the majority. moreover, three appointees directly from trump himself did not surrender, but here the democrats are left to blame themselves, take, for example, the conservative
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judge amy baret, the last one appointed by trump. she took this post in 2020 after the death of liberal justice ruth bader ginsburg, who was 87 years old. ginsburg was an idol for liberals, but despite requests to resign under obama, who could replace her with someone.
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the mine, which are the first to foresee a catastrophe, are already threatening to stop the monetary supply if biden does not leave voluntarily; in response, his entourage turns to blackmail, they say, if the us president agrees to withdraw from the run, then all the funds already collected will go to the even less popular kamali harris , and this is a doubly catastrophe for donors. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and anna lvova, news from
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new york. a detachment of ships of the northern fleet consisting of the frigate admiral gorshkov and a tanker academician pashin made a call to venezuela, after completing the tasks of the long voyage , the crews will be able to rest, then the sailors will continue to carry out their assigned tasks in the equator of the atlantic ocean. the campaign began on may 17. the main task is to ensure a naval presence in operationally important areas. the frigate, among other things, has high-precision weapons.
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not only degrades, but puts the gazovites on the brink of starvation, and this is not a figure of speech, but a sad reality. for our part, we will continue to provide all possible assistance to the palestinians humanitarian aid. from the very beginning of the crisis , more than 500 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered by russian emergency situations ministry planes to the egyptian border town of alyarish for subsequent shipment to the besieged palestinian enclave through the egyptian red crescent society. the last such humanitarian action was carried out on june 19. numerous russian non-governmental and public organizations, as well as ordinary citizens, actively participated in the collection of humanitarian aid. in germany, about 25 thousand employees of the mercedes-benz automaker took part in a protest protest over the company's plans to close and sell 80 dealerships. in this case , 800 people will be fired. demonstrators fear
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this. this is just the beginning, because factories may be transferred to other countries, since due to scholz’s policies and anti-russian sanctions, producing something in germany is simply becoming unprofitable. thousands of dead shrimp were found in the coastal zone of vladivostok. experts suggest that the cause of death could have been heat and sudden warming of the water, which led to a lack of oxygen. there are also versions exposure to toxic algae or pollution. united russia supported the candidacy of former energy minister nikolai shulgenov for the state duma elections from khakassia. also nominated are former deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko and former minister of sports oleg matytsin. the decision was made at a meeting of the program commission and the general council of the party. practice shows that electronic preliminary voting is a convenient
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form of will. days of vietnamese culture opened in moscow, this is one of the first major events following the state visit of the russian president to hanoi; traditional modern music of vietnam was performed and popular singers and dance groups performed. residents of moscow and st. petersburg will also be able to see a photo exhibition about the natural cultural heritage of the country, watch films in...


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