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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 1:00am-1:28am MSK

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the russian army successfully repulsed all the attacks of the vsso, zelensky’s formation lost another 1,800 soldiers and mercenary officers, a tank and six other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 15 guns from missile systems and self-propelled guns. air defense forces shot down 91 combat drones and six british storm shadow missiles. in addition, during the day the air force lost nine aircraft, including five that were destroyed as a result of a group strike with high-precision weapons on the airfield...
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margarita semenyuk has all the details. ukrainian fighters abandoned in broad daylight. unforgivable area of ​​the ukrainian air force. parked su-27s at a military airfield in mirgorod were destroyed by iskanders. five dryers were destroyed, two more were damaged. this is the worst day for the ukrainian air force, noted the american magazine forbes. it may have been one of the most costly days for the battered ukrainian air force since... russia began its war against ukraine in february 2022. the 831st tactical aviation brigade of ukraine is located at the airbase itself. here are training centers, warehouses with weapons, probably with stormshadow missiles. mirgorod, by the way, was used as a jump-off airfield for attacks on russian targets in the zaporozhye region in the direction of crimea. operational-tactical aviation is unmanned in the first ranks of russia's enemies. one of the initiators
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of the creation of an international coalition to supply kiev with f-16s, under which the netherlands supplied art weapons, drones and ammunition to the mtr. we are talking about handing over 24 cars. 24 vehicles are a full-fledged squadron, a fighter aviation regiment is two squadrons, while we are talking about the transfer of a full-fledged fighter regiment it doesn’t work, well, in principle, in the future , it turns out that denmark, together with... kiev intends to send at least 2,000 more ukrainians to the front line, this was stated by the secretary of the defense committee of the rada.
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in order to mobilize at least someone, tcc employees often act in a crowd, this man was held by military commissars for 13 hours at a checkpoint, the car was blocked, the car was blocked, they did not allow him to leave, patrol officers, police and military officers had already arrived, they called the task force, in this video he is alone again civilian against several people, an eyewitness records the abduction on the phone, a military commissar in a mask allegedly approaches him in a friendly manner and politely asks him not to take pictures, but good manners do not last long.
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again one against all, four policemen are trying to detain the man, but as soon as he begins to resist, one of the employees twists his arm, soon there will probably be no one to help the beaten, injured ukrainians, tsk worked well with the doctors, so many ambulance workers were sent to the front that the brigades kiev authorities simply do not have time to handle all the calls offer a solution. they are forced to go to
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the sick not as part of a team, but one at a time. this is a crime. let's even take resuscitation measures. it is impossible to perform artificial respiration and chest compressions at the same time. to immediately fill a syringe for medication, this is simply impossible, in ukraine the immobilization of women is considered impossible, however , this may soon become a reality, girls are not being forced to be brought to the shopping center yet, but fines for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office are already being introduced. meanwhile on store shelves clothes for pregnant defenders appear. screw the pants for pregnant defenders, in short, life goes on. no matter how hard the ukrainians try to hide, they are still found out and sent to...
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more up to 48%, about the same in spain, and in france only 43%. ukrainians themselves believe that zelensky is not able to restore order in the country. 80% of citizens do not trust his office and government apparatus. well, it’s true, the pentagon promised kiev to transfer missiles, weapons and ammunition worth almost another 2.5 billion dollars. meanwhile, the hungarian prime minister came to ukraine, tried to talk about peace, but how... germany's relations with poland have always suffered
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from mood swings, from one extreme to another, at the moment warsaw and berlin are great friends again, and even the question of reparations for the second world war, which is a thing of the past polish national government scholz suddenly had arguments. it would be nice if germany remembered the leningrad siege survivors, but this is unlikely. as in the times before the second world war and the german occupation, berlin and warsaw embrace each other. no no longer just nato, but a military alliance aimed at destroying russia. we
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are not a party to the ukrainian conflict - scholz repeats at every opportunity, but german howitzers are firing at belgorod, and shells are coming to them through the polish rzeszow. where prime minister tusk visited just the day before. you are doing a great job, and i am here to remind all poles, as well as all of europe, that here in rzeszow, thanks to you , it is possible to provide assistance to ukraine safely and extremely intensively every day. ukraine will win this war sooner or later, thanks a lot to you. tusk's victorious reports contrasted sharply with the sour expression on his face. it is understandable, because everything will happen for ukraine, maybe sooner or later, but they will not win.
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but at the same time, this is fully consistent with the biden administration’s policy of gradually shifting the costs of the conflict onto european allies, and germany is first in line here. we are taking a leading role in the baltic region and in the defense of nato's eastern flank. together we stand firmly on the side of the ukrainians. scholz lost elections to the european parliament, will soon lose elections in eastern germany. scholz also acknowledged his support for ukraine.
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should not go to russia and china, they have already divided this wealth, hence the increasing talk about freezing the conflict, although everyone defines the reasons for it differently; hungarian prime minister orban, for example, did not hide that he would like to maintain a buffer territory between his country and...
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we appreciate the peace initiatives of president zelensky asked him to consider the possibility of a ceasefire before starting negotiations in principle, orban’s initiative is consistent with russia’s conditions, as the first step: a ceasefire, then the withdrawal of ukrainian forces from the occupied territories of four regions and a willingness to discuss a neutral status, after which negotiations can begin. in zelensky’s office, orban’s advice was rejected out of hand, they will fight to the last, which means russian conditions will change, then it will be
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more painful, and not only for ukraine, europe is wasting time on ideologically motivated goals without adequate consultations with industry, this is a quote from orban's interview with the financial times. the loss of competitiveness of the eu has been a growing trend in recent decades; this decline can be explained primarily by the erroneous decisions of brussels, which run counter to global realities. economy, with energy prices now 3-5 times higher than in the us, european companies are losing their competitive advantage and are forced to allocate funds to pay utility bills rather than on innovation. in germany, where key positions in power captured by the greens, drowned with coal. for the second year in a row, the government of the richest country in europe has been unable to submit a draft state budget to parliament on time, and its finances are in complete disarray. the berliner citytung newspaper writes that germany will be forced to cut social and infrastructure
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spending in order to make ends meet. 15 months before the federal elections, on the sidelines of the bundestag they are increasingly talking about the fact that scholz needs to be changed. the words “this is the mind of mistrust” are heard more and more often in the corridors. as you know, negotiations on the adoption of the budget have reached a dead end. our requirement remains unchanged. the chancellor must raise the question of... eliminate mistrust, and the sooner the better. it is not clear what is better. in the current situation, only early elections are unlikely to lead to dramatic changes for the better. but, as the current chancellor says, the most important thing in politics is hope. you can also try. the upcoming nato summit will add to the budgetary tensions. in washington, scholz is expected to see germany take on the additional burden of maintaining ukraine and investing in collective defense. and it was probably worth it would do based on.
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what other tasks need to be solved were discussed at the strategic session, it was chaired by prime minister mikhail mishustin, varvaraskaya has the details. and organization of clinical trials and introduction of promising treatment and diagnostic methods, as well as drugs and medical devices, to the domestic market.
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the head of state also drew attention to the key tasks of the national project: new technologies for preserving health, the most important programs for the need to preserve health and prolong the active life of the country's citizens. this year the industry has shown high dynamics over the first 5 months of this year. the growth in the production of medicines and medical materials approached 8%. the national project is designed to support this trend. in 5 years, it is necessary to create a promotion mechanism, right up to implementation, so that people can receive new solutions and, accordingly , medical care as quickly as possible. the national project will ensure the development of twenty- five gene therapy drugs and personalized cell products, as well as eleven art-based products. as for the production base, during the period of the national project it is expected to increase the share of domestic
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production in the field of vital essential medicines to 90%. products up to 40%, which in turn will contribute to the formation of technological sovereignty in the field of pharmaceuticals and the medical industry. technological sovereignty of healthcare will make it possible to provide the system with the necessary medical resources, over the past 3 years the russian market has already shown growth, both in physical and monetary terms. every year , almost 118 million people, that is, about 81% of the population, receive medical care in russia. throughout the country, which is directly related to the provision of citizens and medical institutions with medicines, medical products, as well as the development and implementation of new technologies. 63% of medicines sold are produced in the country, this is every third package out of five consumed by citizens, almost 46% of all
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types of medicines, including vital ones, are produced in russia according to the full cycle, tea synthesis of the substance accounts for one third of all purchased russian-made medical products. in the past 2023 , imports of medical products to russia decreased by 4 and a half points, which is due to the development of domestic enterprises supplying cheaper and at the same time competitive products. already, roadmaps for organizing the production of medicines and products that previously came to russia from abroad include 186. joe biden’s headquarters is trying to persuade sponsors
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not to withdraw his candidacy, as the washington post reports, democrats are shocked by senile dementia. president biden has been arguing over the past few months, reservations are clearly becoming more frequent, more noticeable, and more worrisome after the debate. awkward moments were impossible to predict and were more likely to occur when he was around people or tired after a particularly stressful day at work. well, in addition, congressman, democrat loyd
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doggett publicly called on the us president make the painful decision to withdraw your candidacy. nbc news is already saying that biden could be replaced, among other things, by vice president kamala haris. at the same time , trump’s sentencing was postponed from july to september, so that democrats will not be able to disrupt his nomination at the republican convention. about the failure of the white house strategy. the chief of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov. criticize trump when trump is not around. but there is a teleprompter. biden does it better than when they're both on the same stage. however, the decision of the us supreme court which held that the predecessor was entitled to criminal immunity. in the case of the storming of the capitol, he confuses the cards for the head of the white house, almost more than a failed debate. how to imprison a republican now?
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the supreme court's decision essentially means that the president now has virtually no restrictions. our country was founded on the principle that there are no kings in america. no one is above the law, not even the president of the united states. now the american people must decide whether trump is guilty of the attack. on our democracy, it slips out of our hands democracy, in the meaning of the power of the democrats, trump is glad that hunting inspectors have finally been found to hunt the witch hunters. the supreme court issued a historic decision today that will end joe biden's hunt against me. this is a great victory for our constitution and our democracy. the supreme court ruling says that the president, not only trump, but anyone and biden too, is not subject to jurisdiction only. for actions committed by him in an official capacity, that is, for offenses that were committed in unofficially, one can judge where the line will be decided in a lower court
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and not earlier than in a month, but trump’s lawyers are already striking iron, without leaving the till, they have launched a procedure for reviewing the conviction in new york in the case of payments to porn actress stormy daniels , be that as it may, trump has already won, because in all these criminal cases... he fought primarily with time, the democrats tried to make it before the elections, but did not have time. now it is 100% obvious that decisions on all these cases will be made in the near future you can't wait. i think now all these trials will only begin if trump loses the election. for biden's collapsing election campaign, this is a blow to the gut; the whole strategy has gone down the drain. the telegraph newspaper called the court decision a big victory for trump. success was ensured by the alignment. among the judges, they are appointed for life, and conservatives are in the majority there, with three appointees directly from trump himself, who did not
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pass their appointment, but here the democrats are left to blame themselves, take, for example, the conservative judge amy baret, the last one appointed by trump. she took up this post in 2020 after the death of liberal justice ruth bader ginsburg, who was 87 years old. ginsburg was an idol for liberals, but despite this.
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senseless and merciless. people who have studied biden and trump's debate responses have concluded that biden won by a landslide, and those who watched the debate without paying attention to anything other than what the candidates looked like were choosing appearance over substance. joe biden never was. the message is clear, horses are not changed at the crossing, but there are driven horses, shoot. already 72% of american
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voters do not believe that biden’s mental and cognitive health will allow him to be president, so you can’t blame cnn’s make-up artists alone, who made him look like a mummy at the debate. moreover, they increasingly write that he is leading a secret movement of resistance to biden’s nomination.
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the president of the united states suddenly became stiff; he had to bring a chair. that was a conversation with donors. their last meeting with the head of the white house took place last saturday at the fashionable hamptons resort and again ended in embarrassment. biden read the speech from the teleprompter without answering any of the dozens of unpleasant questions. panic among the money bags of the dimparty gives way to outright panic. financial donors who compare themselves to pigs in a political mine, who are the first to foresee a catastrophe, are already threatening to stop financial support if biden does not leave voluntarily; in response, his entourage turns to blackmail, saying that if the us president agrees to withdraw from the run, then everything will be over the funds raised will go to the even less popular haris, and this is for donors
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disaster in...
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