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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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then yes, but uh, you see, andrey, it’s very interesting, of course, that not only words are creeping out in the form of truth, yes, reality itself is creeping out, yeah, that is, in principle, well, it would be necessary to say, of course, to our entire school, well, many years of soviet studies of america, and still what they write, so to speak, there , well, to reality, i don’t know what they describe, because of course... well, such
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a clash of clans that can no longer be hidden , it’s impossible to hide just, you know, some are setting it up, putting up a debate forward, and with the wiring right there, he will prove that he is physically complete, i just see how they come and say, well , that’s where all of america will see that you are physically awesome, you really need to do it early, others who are starting this... now he’s here and we kind of happened to have him, yes, but we haven’t completely knocked him out yet, so the congress needs to be moved further away there, by the way, that’s why i’m convinced that this is how it happened, because now they are yelling others, they need to get closer, well, the extension, they pushed it further to the end august, these people say: no, we split you, let’s go ahead here, now for the month of july we will do it, some dances, yes dances, interesting dances, we need to quickly.
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the president of the united states is schweddinger, but they are not the ones who should be shouting, and some and others should be shouting, but they just don’t know how. by the way, any action brings even more uncertainty, this is true, you understand what is happening, yes, this is a self-expanding system, any action that is not performed increases the spectrum, this does not remind. eighty-eighth year, no, what, ours, eighty-eighth, well, no, it reminds me of a lot of things, this needs to be done separately, a separate speech about parallels, it definitely reminds me of the year 1988, i was 25 years old, the girls were younger, the grass was greener, the sky was bluer, the vodka was colder, therefore, there is no need to tell anything about the eighty-eighth there were problems, yes, it was separately still colder, it was colder, yes, this is a separate topic, although i didn’t drink it then - probably we need
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to talk about this separately with parallels with the late soviet union, only i would start with seventy-eighth, will now continue to draw parallels, and we remember that parallel ones should not intersect, immediately after the advertisement. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install fire alarms. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. july 3 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. july 3, 1944, liberation of minsk. during operation bagration, our tanks, developing an offensive, broke into minsk. the capital of soviet belarus was liberated from enemy invaders. the belarusian troops provided great assistance to the advancing troops. partisans. on this date, belarus celebrates independence day. before
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returning the floor to you, i wanted to thank the president of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko, firstly, it is clear that he watches our program, and even considers some of the phrases that are heard here to be consonant with his political view, listen.
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colorblind, he won't draw any lines, the response will be terrible, you know, if someone crosses the border where i served, and they know very well what the border is. i'm not just a good colorblind person night blindness may set in, so the answer will really be tough and sharp, and i even know this journalist friend who said this, and so coming back, thank you alexander grigorievich, now all this has come out and it is no longer possible to hide it, but by the way, this is interesting , yes, they are now guessing, but leaving him... is a lot, he could literally get worse, well, with such a picture at any moment, yes,
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and if he gets worse, well, that is, there is still more risk before the elections, so and then even before the inauguration tesley between elections inauguration, yes yes kamala, komalo and so on. just, yes, the poll just came in, what i was talking about, and you kept arguing with me, and cnn reported after the debate that former president donald trump is six points ahead of biden, talking about how trump can stand up to other candidates from democracy, if biden drops out of the race, trump 49, biden 43, trump 47, kamala haris 45, and this is the best result of all, yes, i said, but this is cnn, this too.
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the only working option, well, that would be considered logically, technologically and
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politically, the worst thing is the elimination of trump, no, so now, it’s the professor who said, i’m talking about... but you have to remove all four, all four, it’s difficult, but the elimination of trump changes everything, yes, the elimination of trump changes everything, indeed, but i kind of, we discussed this a long time ago, yes, in principle, but for now this scenario, according to the logic of a detective, he should kill, all the more so his chances of doing this increased after the court decision, in general, biden was wonderful here, of course , he said, the king is returning, this is the greatest fear of deep america.
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there are virtually no restrictions on what the president can do. this is a completely new principle, this is a dangerous precedent, because the powers of the administration will no longer be limited by law. the only restrictions will be set by the president himself. now the american people must do what the courts should have done but did not. the american people must judge donald trump's behavior. perhaps most importantly, the american people must decide whether they want to entrust the presidency to donald trump again. now he knows that he will be even more courageous to do whatever god decides to do when he wants it.
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“calm down, comrades, here is the program, you all know it, we have been doing this for a long time, i must tell you now so that you understand, we...”
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and there the scheme is simple, america is not going anywhere, america, on the contrary, is advancing, is included in the maximum there are a large number of situations in the world, this is said directly, we must be involved in every situation, we must be in every situation, america cannot miss a single situation that exists on the planet, and there we must use useful idiots, we must buy them, intimidate them, blackmail them, well...
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this organization was created in order to solve the difficult problems of fixing the state border between china and four new states of the former soviet union, almost all of them except tajikistan the problems were resolved according to the formula , the disputed territory is 2/3 received by china and a third by the other side, including the russian federation, roughly divided into a large
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suriya island, but ultimately by the end the nineties, the shanghai five still...
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the russian federation initially saw this organization as a version of the osce for eurasia, and by the way, in recent years, this has been the argument that the sco should be included in the architecture of international organizations, where the brit is global, the sco is regional, and the eu. and such a sub-regional, this argumentation has now been fully adopted, and russia believed that the main theme was security, that economic issues, and until now the organization, in principle, is in such an intermediate state, and this is very it can be seen, by the way, from the chairmanship of kazakhstan, which in its agenda
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of the annual chairmanship in the documents that the leaders will discuss tomorrow is 50/50, half is terrorism, economic security related to migration, weapons, traffic or anti-terrorism exercises, the other half is these are transport corridors, economic security. food security and so on, and in this sense , tomorrow there will be another round of discussion regarding where to develop in this area, but still difficulties for the russian diplomacy will probably be with one of the invited states, i mean turkey, yesterday on your program we already started discussing the problems of turkey, raised questions about how it is that turkey has been unstable for years, but at the same time... it still exists, and it is developing quite well. at least such macroeconomic indicators, but now, and the tour, by the way, for myself, in our diplomacy, 2022 was called the year of turkey,
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because the turks were the first who, after the start of the svo, on purely commercial terms, but they quite boldly announced that they would help russia redirect commodity flows there from st. petersburg to the black sea to novorossiysk, they made payments easily, with bank cards. these dates were cancelled, now it is becoming generally clear, the key areas of controversy, which, as far as i understand, will be discussed tomorrow, the main one is the story with
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the gas hub, when the european market was closed to russian gas, the idea of ​​sending russian gas bypassing the black sea, it arose objectively, and the russian president and our government expressed it in the middle of twenty -two, in general, turkey picked up this idea, and then turkey, apparently under pressure from the united states and europe, announced that they see the hub a little differently than we planned, and firstly, there is no free gas market in turkey, so it won’t be a hub in the sense that the russians understand it, they are ready to receive gas, buy it, and then, interestingly, not transport it to europe, as we wanted, but build the world’s largest plants according to liquid natural gas, produce your own lng, sell. all over the world, russia was not happy with this prospect, now the story with the gas hub is slowing down our relations, because we would like to get clarity on
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this issue, while i am not there, and the second question regarding the nuclear power plant is the second, but the turks have been playing for a long time with various competing groups regarding who will build it now, judging by the statement of the head of rossam likhachev, there are chances that this nuclear power plant...
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for hollywood trump, the king of diamonds or trif, on the other hand, a knight's move, poker against chess, but with a knight's move, a knight.
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this is still not an application for a new foreign policy of the united states of america, this is not kisinger, this is not george shultz and no one else, and not baker, he is internally contradictory and from there these phrases that america’s power still remains, but we are no longer capable , we need the help of others and so on, there is a lot of very contradiction, and in
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many ways it is reality. benroths writes almost the same things that trump says that we need to stop to concentrate on europe, we must stop paying attention with such energy to the conflict in eastern europe, this is written by a democrat, the already mentioned brittge colby, grandson of the cia director, ulima colby, this is confirmation that trump is not alone in his proposals. change
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the course of the united states of america, these are already young wolves who graduated from harvard, eton, these are blue blood, as they write and say there, because well, grandfather is like that, dad and so on, well, grandfather, though in the nineties he mysteriously fell off a boat , like he became ill and died as a result of heart failure. although some in america associate this with the information that he disclosed during numerous scandals, when nixon was in office, he cleaned up, well , yes, he officially gave sensitive information to the congress and the senate to the ministry of justice, so accidents happen and are not accidental, but the fact is, that carlson and bridget colby have also
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said more than once, they even had... an interview, direct, he said: “i wish you could be the us secretary of state.” you say such things that indeed, in his book about the strategy of the united states of america, he wrote that for america it is not ukraine that is important, for america it is not europe that is important, but for america the priority is china. and the middle east is also not a priority for the united states of america. something will change and something is already changing, no matter who wins this election, but if the democrats don’t change biden, then they will make a serious mistake, they are afraid to take risks now, but if they don’t change biden for someone else, then in my opinion it's a mistake it will be even more serious in the middle east, as in other regions they are waiting to see how this fuss ends, but not everyone wants to wait.
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