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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. vladimir putin will today hold a number of meetings in kazakhstan with colleagues from other countries; in particular, conversations with the heads of china and turkey are planned. the russian leader arrived in estana to participate in a meeting of the council of heads of state of the shanghai cooperation organization. brix's share of global gdp reached a record 35.7%. these are the data of the world bank. an economic alliance with russia's participation at a historic low over
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the past 30 years. supporters are rapidly turning away from biden, they admit western change, democrats notice, his constant embarrassments and mistakes are becoming more noticeable. it became known that 25 congressmen, fellow members, and heads of the white house are going to call on biden to leave. presidential hill. in the regions of the country there is a fight against forest fires, and in transbaikalia there is a fire near two villages. in yakutia, 14 large fires were extinguished with soup; in chukotka, the area of ​​forest fires was reduced by a third in a week. vladimir putin arrived in kazakhstan today for a meeting council of leaders of member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization. the main day of the summit is tomorrow. in addition, they will exchange
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views on current international and regional issues, and as a result they will sign the ostanino declaration and other joint documents. today, the russian president has a number of separate meetings planned with his colleagues, in particular, conversations with the heads of the people's republic of china and turkey. negotiations with the leaders of kazakhstan, azerbaijan, mongolia and pakistan may also take place. and today in belarus they remember the events of the great domestic. exactly 80 years ago, in july 1944, minsk was liberated from the invaders. during the occupation, which lasted 3 years, a ghetto was organized in the city. approximately 4,000 people died from the genocide. almost all enterprises, scientific and cultural institutions, and 80% of the housing stock were destroyed. belarusians chose this historical date in a referendum to celebrate independence day.
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our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, will tell you. scouts of the dnepr group go on a combat mission. the purpose of the unit is identify and destroy enemy positions in the orekhovsk direction. now this is one of the hottest points of the zaporozhye front. ukrainian nationalists make daily attempts to attack populated areas in the front-line region, using mortars, rocket artillery and kamikaze drones. to search for targets , a domestic drone called . the advantage of the hall is that
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it has a long range of use, good communication, it stays in medium air for 3 hours, 3 hours 10 minutes, and also this drone... can serve as a translator when providing communications for the lancet complex. the drone operator is located at a great distance from the drone itself. in remote mode, he examines the line of combat contact. the operating range of the russian uav is 50 km. enemy electronic warfare radio stations are not capable of harming an air reconnaissance aircraft. the drone operator detected the enemy. all information has been transferred to the operational headquarters. now our birds are rising into the sky and heading towards the ukrainian militants. each of them equipped with armor-piercing ammunition. the first target is the enemy's military transport. bmps and armored cars are in a hurry to deliver fresh forces and ammunition to the front line. the rotation attempt was thwarted with precision strikes and the convoy was destroyed. also, in the pividrons of russian fighters, strongholds and observation
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posts of the ukrainian armed forces are destroyed. during reconnaissance , an enemy bbiga was spotted and the sensational quadcopter shot it down. one was shot down with small arms, the other was shot down by dropping a syllable, that is. hovered over it and destroyed it. combat work does not stop at night, the enemy decided that he could not be seen under the cover of darkness. replenishment of attack aircraft also reached the position. drones neutralize the enemy squad. the russian military says that on the opposite side of the front there are militants from ukrainian nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries. our special forces resist the enemy thanks to their courage and professionalism. experience is gained during regular exercise training. nomination is taking place. everyone prepares, completes the assigned tasks, and then goes into combat with knowledge of the matter and a complete approach to everything. units of the ministry of defense are increasing pressure at the front, our fighters are gradually squeezing out the enemy and the positions they occupied, and stopping attacks
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on populated areas. everyone understands that every destroyed unit of enemy military equipment and artillery means dozens of lives saved. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. the russian aerospace forces use ammunition that can change the situation on the battlefield, a business insider reported. we are talking about fap-300 m-54 bombs. the press acknowledges that the high range provides destructive power, even with inaccurate bombings. in addition, the journalist notes that the ammunition is beyond the reach of ukrainian air defenses. the american democrat is not against the victory of the republican trump, these are the words of representative jared golden. they are cited by a local maine newspaper. goldon is confident that biden will lose, and the outcome of the election is obvious. the embarrassment of the heads of the white house and politics, however, does not bother them. the
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democratic representative stressed that he does not plan to vote for donald trump. the united states plans to announce a new package of military assistance to kiev for...
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habok doesn’t want to hear, electricity prices in germany are about 2,000 euros per megawatt per hour due to the crisis in the industry , about 80 mercedes dealerships in germany are put up for sale , tens of thousands of people may be left without work, there is only one way out, protest. but scholz is busy with ukraine, all his strength is there. germany and poland are among the largest supporters of ukraine in political and military relations,
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we will help our ally, no matter the cost. and it is expensive, so much so that the german military has already declared that berlin will not can even protect. itself in ground combat , the army is running out of weapons, because of ukraine the bundeswehr is not able to supply its soldiers with an ordinary assault rifle, they don’t have them, or the weapons are old, scholz’s coalition is a disgrace to the country. germany chooses the image of a peace party and wants to distance itself from the united states. we are talking only about germany and german interests. and in russia’s actions now more and more german experts see the same national interests, the defense of their country, the son of a famous peacemaker.
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americans laugh at whoever is in the white house. and it seems that only kiev takes biden seriously. the ukrainian authorities are going to washington to bow down and ask for money for the war. the united states will allocate another aid to ukraine, the pentagon said, but at the upcoming nato summit in washington, kiev will still be told to join the alliance, it is too corrupt, newspapers write, citing sources in the state children's department, continuing this conflict. with russia, ukraine is only destroying the people, experts say. now ukraine is ruled
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by a small clique, the country suffers from rampant corruption and is bleeding on the battlefield, along the long line of contact loses territory and often 100 to 200 people every day. the people of ukraine have no choice, and this is understandable. and a country like ukraine may soon not exist at all, the country is on the verge of default, and zelensky also passed a law that allows foreign companies. kiev economists say that one more such purchase, all ukrainian land will go under the hammer. maria skorodilko, lead. and now alexandro's economic news, the protocol on electronic commerce within the eurasian economic union sent for ratification. tell us, what changes are expected? tatyana, special customs regulation will be established, we’ll tell you now. read more. vladimir putin submitted to the state duma the ratification of the protocol
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on electronic commerce in the eu. the document provides for the separation of goods purchased in this way into a separate category. for them , special customs regulations are established, including declarations of a new type, as well as features of the use of warehouses and the application of customs duties. besides, the institution of e- commerce operator is being introduced. one of the most important components of the safety system was delivered to the site of the eldaa nuclear power plant in egypt. this was reported by rosatom. we are talking about a melt trap, which prevents the release of radioactive substances into the environment in the event of a severe accident. delivery of long-cycle equipment is certainly an important stage on the path to the construction of the safest nuclear power plant and the result of the confident and rhythmic work of the specialists involved in the first construction project egypt. npp. with the support of the egyptian nuclear power plant authority, our customer, we
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delivered the melt containment device to the site ahead of schedule. and already in october we are faced with the task of implementing the next key event of its installation at power unit number three. sberbank intends to launch qr code payments in new countries. this was stated by the first deputy chairman of the company’s board, kirill tsarev. from last year this. the service has become available in turkey in some hotels, shops and restaurants. we are already negotiating with foreign banks and financial partners from other countries about purchasing such a service so that tourists can pay for purchases. russians still face difficulties when trying to buy something abroad. this solution should help them. kirill tsarev also noted that sberbank clients can transfer money to more than 30 countries. moreover, over the last year alone, about ten new directions have been connected. the company plans to continue
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working to expand the geography of translations. in the donetsk people's republic , almost 2 billion 300 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget for the restructuring of coal mines. 878 million of this amount will be used for compensation to former employees of liquidated mines, including payments for unused vacations for severance pay.
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the ukrainian armed forces are suffering heavy losses in the kharkov direction, so the ukrainian media declared an entire motorized infantry brigade that fought near volchansk missing. and this happens regularly in the ranks of the ukrainian army. this will be confirmed by evgeniy niput. by according to the documents, they are not dead. here are ukrainian public pages that specialize in searching for missing persons and are filled with advertisements, and the name is fifty- seventh. motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine is constantly encountered, dozens of fighters of different ages are everywhere, the number is 57 among those not found, but more often among those liquidated. these are images published by kiev propagandists, pictures of how militants act in volchansk, trying to slow down the advance of the northern group of troops, and as a result suffering
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huge losses. these formations were transferred to the most dangerous sectors of the front in the kharkov region or.
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in the post-maidan period, these shots show militants practicing actions with the support of polish armored personnel carriers. in the year since filming, the situation with the use of armored vehicles has changed dramatically. in conditions where dozens of pyevrons are constantly in the sky, and the formation of the kiev regime can use armor very limitedly, personnel delivery vehicles are armored. the front line of armored units, and accordingly, the main the load falls on the infantry, on the people, now - the fifty-seventh - this is not the first brigade that has lost its combat capability, and which was actually destroyed in the battles for volchansk. as the authors of the northern
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wind report, the command of the ukrainian armed forces abandoned part of the fifty-seventh unit on the right bank of the volchie river, where the militants... found themselves cut off from supplies, that’s actually volchansk itself, where fighting continues and now this very river will appear, it is reported that part the fifty-seventh battalion was also hastily transferred to subordination commanders of a completely different brigade. the thirty-sixth, so-called marine brigade, of the ukrainian armed forces has always considered itself privileged, and they were simply used by the seventh motorized infantry, to put it mildly, from russian aviation, and here are the lists of missing dead that have been updated daily for months now: dozens from only one brigade, ukrainians, whom the kiev command threw to slaughter, trying to patch up the cracks in the kharkov
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defense, because of such attempts they almost completely disappeared in the area of ​​​​the populated area glubokoe, batal of the 42nd brigade and such formations sent to the region in an attempt to stop the advance of the northern group of troops about a dozen, and we are not only talking about those subordinate to the armed forces of ukraine, there are, for example, gurovtsy and radicals of the national battalion. tsirsky is a toxic person for, first of all , the commanders of nationalist brigades for the simple reason that he simply does not have the resource and he is forced, without even asking, to centralize the leadership to some extent. inside the armed forces of ukraine in order to direct the hottest areas to the front these nationalists. the military command of the square continues to grind down the most prepared formations, simply not being able to give them the opportunity to recover these... let alone find a replacement for them, and under russian factories, drones, artillery, there will be more and more missing ukrainians, and we are not just talking about the 57th brigade, now a short advertisement, then
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we will talk about the fight against floods and forest fires in the regions, does your business need acceleration, urgently? use instant transfers for business from vtb and the money will immediately go to any bank. open your account account on and your business will gain momentum. vtb we help business. for the first time on screens, welcome. on avita, on avita. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba has so much to offer. from cabinets to auto products on avito. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong,
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traveling with avito, cashback bonuses for your next trip, avito travel, everything will go as planned, with cashback, bonuses, business needs acceleration, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb helps with action. and now about how they fight forest fires in russian regions? thus, according to the forest protection agency, the largest number of fires is still in the trans-baikal territory (85), in yakutia almost fifty fires are being extinguished, and more than 185 have been burned. hectares of forest. three fires covering an area of ​​almost 40,000 hectares have been recorded in chakotka. in total , 5 people are involved in the fire extinguishing efforts across the country
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. the water level in the rivers is gradually returning to normal, 150 houses and almost half a thousand plots remain flooded, and farmland has been damaged. in ugra, a high alert regime was introduced in seven regions, mainly high water. the garden community was affected and almost 900 country houses were flooded. rescuers are evacuating people from the flood zone and monitoring the situation from drones. and a unique operation in yakutia. based on the laboratory of the malonta museum, scientists took a sample of the internal organs of an ancient wolf, an animal more than 40,000 years old. inna udovkina found out what they plan to learn about the life of a predator in this way. under sterile conditions in the museum laboratory. scientists are taking samples of the predator’s internal organs from the mammoth; the wolf ’s stomach turned out to be intact; scientists are examining its contents; this gives them the opportunity to find out: what did this
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predator eat, what did it eat there, what animals, this discovery will help shed light on life on earth, when mammoths walked on it, according to experts, the find has no analogues in the world, it is a new find, it is absolutely over 44 years old, and this is such a new predator that is complete when we have the opportunity to work. ruts. previously , paleontologists found the remains of wolves on the territory of yakutia, but this fossil was the first among adult individuals. scientists from st. petersburg joined the study. the main goal is to understand what this wolf ate, who he was and how he relates to those ancient wolves who inhabited the northeastern northeastern part eurasia and yakutia in particular. the discoverers of the unique find were
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local residents. fine. the preserved mummy of a wolf was discovered in the oby region at a depth of 40 m in the thickness of permafrost. the base of these pillars is our wood, the hotel, and how our permafrost has still preserved them for decades. each find donated by permafrost is a huge value, behind which many answers about the life of the past are stored. we are located at the institute of permafrost science on depth of 12 m, where there are constant negative temperatures. under such conditions, all bi... are preserved in ideal condition, imprisoned in permafrost, living organisms, as a rule, are preserved down to the soft tissues, this makes it possible for paleontologists to continue to make great discoveries for many years, well, in permafrost, you can say, there is such a very good property to preserve everything that is in it, this is the absence of air access, these bacteria are in hibernation, that is, they do not decompose, and so on processes, they always have a slower pace
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at low temperatures. during the study, it was possible to find out the biological age of the animal, 10 years, the remains had no external damage, and what the predator died from remains to be found out, as well as whether the ancient wolf is the ancestor of its contemporaries. inna udovkina, sergey zaborovsky, leading yakutia.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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briefly about the main thing for this moment. vladimir putin will hold a number of meetings in kazakhstan today with colleagues from other countries, so in particular, conversations with the heads of china and turkey are planned. the russian leader arrived in
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istana to participate in a council meeting. from member countries of shanghai.


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