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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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hello, what is the situation now and are there any casualties among civilians? alexandra, hello, since the very morning , peaceful neighborhoods of the donetsk people's republic have been under fire from ukrainian forces, the enemy is deliberately striking at civilian infrastructure in order to take as many lives as possible. according to military investigators of the investigative committee of russia, at half past five in the morning, neo-nazis fired at the kiev district of donetsk. rockets. from rszzo got a direct hit on the supermarket. no one was at the scene at the time of the shelling, therefore, there were no casualties, but the building received serious damage. also, in addition, the enemy has been striking in the petrovsky district of donetsk and the nikitovsky district of gorlovka since the morning. military researchers of the investigative committee recorded all the facts. the introduction of fire across the territory of the republic over the past 24 hours. i suggest you listen to their commentary.
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for this purpose, the enemy uses western-made cannon and rocket artillery, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles. it is with the help of these weapons that neo-nazis wage war against the civilian population of the region. studio. thank you, daniil zaressky was on direct communication with a story about the consequences of the morning strike of the ukrainian armed forces on donetsk. vladimir putin has already arrived in ostana, where he will take part in the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. basic. on the day tomorrow,
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the russian president has bilateral meetings scheduled for today. vladimir putin will talk with the heads of at least seven states. and now the head of the central asian news bureau, robert frantsov, joins the broadcast from astana. robert, greetings, what specific meetings will there be today? hello, alexandra. the great shanghai dialogue began in the capital of kazakhstan, a concept that has already become an established political term at its core. which mutually respectful, equal communication as the main tool for finding solutions to the most pressing and pressing issues, as expected, the participants of the shanghai cooperation organization summit in astana will appeal to the world community with a call to establish a global dialogue, to build a new paradigm of international security, which is this the very paradigm of world security that the shanghai organization sees? it is no secret that the sco
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consistently advocates equal multipolarity, and it is very significant that for the first time the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization will be held in an expanded format, and dialogue partners are participating in the broadest sense, including azerbaijan, turkey, mongolia, qatar, and the united arab emirates , turkmenistan, and such an expanded composition, of course, allows. expect new formulations regarding promotion this idea of ​​a new global security is where, of course, the main attention is focused on the summit. official events begin tomorrow, with the opening ceremony, which will not be held quite normally, we were told about this in the russian presidential administration, this is connected with belarus’s entry into the shanghai cooperation organization, so the process itself will be organized so that the belarusian leader alexander lukashenko. could take part in
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official events already as a full member of the organization, but that’s all will be tomorrow, and today is devoted to bilateral negotiations, of course, such a representative meeting of leaders of several states at once, this is an excellent opportunity for meetings of heads of state to discuss not only bilateral relations, but global issues, vladimir putin has a busy program planned for today, which opens with negotiations with... mongolian president kharylsukh, followed by a conversation with azerbaijani president aliyev, then a conversation with the pakistani leader, then negotiations with the turkish leader erdogan, then a meeting with the chairman of the people's republic of china xidzenping, and after that, before an informal dinner for all summit participants, vladimir putin will hold negotiations with the president of kazakhstan kassym jamart tokayev. the bilateral negotiation program will continue. and tomorrow on this day
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, vladimir putin is scheduled to meet with the acting president of iran, and after that the summit will begin work in a multilateral format, as participation is expected. summit will sign a total of 24 documents, among which the initiative on world unity for a just world stands out. in addition, participants will consider issues of further strengthening the organization, building even closer relations in matters of security, politics, economics, and humanitarian ties. in general, the program is as intense as possible, we are waiting for the first applications. alexandra. thank you. we are waiting with you, i will remind you that the head of the central asian news bureau, robert frantsov, was on direct communication from astana. and then, to the urgent messages, they are now coming from the kremlin. vladimir putin sent congratulations to alexander lukashenko on the occasion of the independence day of belarus. the message
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says: the bonds of friendship and mutual assistance today remain a reliable basis for the development of relations of strategic partnership and alliance between countries. moscow and minsk interact fruitfully. the president expressed confidence that further expansion of the complex of bilateral ties meets the interests of the fraternal peoples. i also wished my belarusian colleague good health , success and happiness to all citizens of the country. well-being. well, as noted, today in belarus they remember the events of the great patriotic war, exactly 80 years ago, in july of 1944, minsk was liberated from the invaders. during the occupation, which... lasted 3 years, a ghetto was organized in the city, approximately 400,000 people died from genocide, almost all enterprises, scientific and cultural institutions, and 80% of the housing stock were destroyed. belarusians chose this historical date in a referendum to celebrate independence day. in honor of the national
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holiday, a military parade will traditionally be held, it will take place at the stela, minsk, hero city. it is expected that 6.00 military personnel will march in the parade on foot, plus mechanized columns. the program also includes concerts, photo exhibitions, patriotic events and a fair. now to the situation in the northern military district zone, another american abrams was destroyed in the avzeevsky direction. where are the fires? according to the ministry of defense , the artillery group of russian troops struck the center from the msta s installation, used a high-precision guided projectile, and fired. from a closed position, then immediately changed the point and camouflaged the combat car. the target arrives at krasnopol, which means we hit either a tank, a tank, or a strong point that our infantrymen capture,
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or equipment that works against our infantry, that we must work very quickly, work quickly, everyone already understands that if we come to krasnopol we must do everything as quickly as possible... and now to the economic news: the financial congress of the bank of russia is starting in st. petersburg. participants will discuss how the market is developing in the context of economic transformation. meanwhile, banking sector profits are growing faster than expected. we learn about the reasons from alexander gnazarov, she joins me. sasha, good morning. the security council is now talking about what has already been done, what remains to be done, what changes have occurred directly in lending? sasha, good morning, in particular , the preferential mortgage has been cancelled. this year , the russian banking sector will receive almost a trillion more profits than previously expected. the regulator raised the forecast taking into account business growth, as well as historically low contributions to reserves. the figure could reach 3.600 billion. profitable banks in the country
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more than 70%. their total share in the sector’s assets is 98%. the banking sector is one of those sectors of the economy that... in recent years, we have been presented with positive surprises, on a constant basis, we probably should n’t be surprised anymore, the profits of the banking sector are higher than expected, while the client receives the opportunity to save, for example, to use a wide range of financial products, which are market ones, which offer high rates, again still record highs for some products, but in may the net profit of russian banks decreased by compared to april by 16% per month. managed to receive more than 250 billion rubles. the central bank explained this by some increase in expenses and reserves. at the same time, in conditions of attractive deposit rates, household funds in banks increased by trillion 300 billion. although in may there is usually a decrease due to expenses for vacations and holidays. if you look from the beginning
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of the year, the increase was 4 trillion, almost four times more than for the same period in 2023. growth forecast for the entire current year by the central bank. still very wages are growing significantly, they allow you to save money in deposit accounts and also spend. despite the tight monetary policy, mortgages showed growth in may. the portfolio increased by 1.7% and exceeded rub 19 trillion. the main drivers were programs with government support. the issuance of preferential mortgages increased by 20%, and for family ones - 24%. borrowers sought to take out loans before the conditions changed; starting from july
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, families with children under 6 years old can receive the previous preferential rate of 6%, but now, regardless of the age of the children, it will be is available to residents of small towns, regions with a low level of construction, as well as russians who want to build their own housing, and the preferential mortgage program at 8% ended in july; over the entire period, more than one and a half million loans were issued under it, amounting to more than six. russia took out a mortgage in reserve and for 3 years collected such a conditional mortgage in reserve, and accordingly this will affect demand not only there in july, but also in the coming years, so we are waiting for such a landing in the mortgage market at a growth rate that has lasted 3 years exceeded 20%, with the overheat blowing off, but we cannot yet judge how hard or soft this landing will be, because we have not yet found ourselves in such a situation. in the field of lending, this is not the only change; in particular, since july, a ban has been introduced on
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increasing the mortgage rate if the borrower refuses insurance. the order of repayment of debt on consumer loans has also changed. first, they will write off overdue and current debts based on interest, then on the principal debt, and lastly, penalties and other debts. payments. the central bank also established more stringent insurance requirements and increased premiums on the risk coefficients of consumption. for the first time, they made money for car loans and affected borrowers with a debt burden above 50%. now it has become more difficult for them to find a good deal. despite the tightening of monetary policy, lending volumes continue to grow, which means that after all, the rate is probably not so prohibitive for businesses and for individuals, so in this regard... the central bank decided to tighten the screws on the other hand through the banking sector, tightening
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regulatory requirements. consumer lending is growing one and a half times faster than a year earlier. since january it has added almost 8%, and in may 2%. the corporate portfolio increased by 1.7% in may. compared to march and april, there is a slight slowdown in this segment. in addition to the traditional... lending, again, there is a public market for corporate debt, which is developing and developing at a fairly rapid pace, issuers are entering it not only now large, but medium and even small companies, in in the future, just with the development of this segment of the public capital market , there will be a certain redistribution of resources between bank loans and investments in bonds, the central bank says...
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the project on tax changes is proposed to convert the resort fee into a tourist tax, the department also proposes automatically exempt from paying vat for taxpayers who work on a simplified taxation system with incomes of less than 60 million rubles. well, in addition, the ministry of finance also proposes to adjust the tax parameters for the extraction of mineral resources in relation to coal and ore, which are used in the production of mineral fertilizers , it is also necessary to clarify according to the opinion. ministry parameters of the excise tax on gas, which is used in the production of ammonia, and it is also needed for
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the production, of course, of fertilizers. now let's start with a short advertisement, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this day. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets. and this alpha friday , july 5, we are giving 30% cashback on flights to sochi. not it’s just profitable, alpha is profitable. connect to sberm subscription, more categories of cashback to choose from, access to films and tv series in vokko and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket, in sber it is more profitable with prime, for the first time on screens, meet on avita, on avita, khvatamba has arrived and discounts to people from
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we continue broadcasting. the united states stated that it is ready to provide kiev with a new package of military assistance amounting to over $2 billion. but there can be no talk of ukraine joining nato. the reason is the corruption of the ukrainian authorities. they are talking about this in washington itself. all. maria skorodilka has details. ilyas, let's go, dad will show you something. look, there are some climate activists and other nonsense here. they block roads, fight for mythical nonsense on the planet, never be the same, never, you hear, these are not cases from german fathers and sons, this is the fatigue of those who
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live in germany from what is happening in the country, climate activists seem to be untouchable, the green party, responsible for the energy crisis, showers germans with creative ideas, from today it will be even easier for public energy cooperatives to build. turbines we cover planning costs of up to 300,000 euros, and if these projects are implemented, then of course they will pay for themselves. this is how minister of economy khabyk doesn’t want to hear, fantasizing on the road. electricity prices in germany about 2.0 euros per megawatt per hour. due to the crisis in the industry, about eighty mercedes dealerships in germany are up for sale. tens of thousands of people could be left without work. there is only one way out, protest. “it’s not in vain that we work in this company, we love our job, and now we are simply afraid of the future, what working conditions we will all get and whether there will be work at all, but scholz is busy with ukraine, all the forces
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are there. germany and poland are among the largest supporters of ukraine in political and military relations, we will help our ally, whatever the cost. and it costs so much, so much so that the german military has already stated that berlin could not. we are talking only about germany and german interests. and in russia’s actions now more and more german experts see the same national interests, the defense of their country,
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the son of the famous peacemaker of the fourth chancellor of the federal republic of germany, vile brant, states directly. the prehistory of the war in ukraine is much more complicated. the idea that if the russians win they will go further is incredibly stupid. i don't think putin is that irrational. u it has its own logic, its own. rationality, irrationality now rather comes from western europe. however, there are hundreds of questions, why is this happening and what is happening in general among ukraine’s main allies? there are usually no answers. americans laugh at whoever is in the white house. and it seems that only kiev takes it seriously. to biden. the ukrainian authorities are going to washington to bow down and ask for money for the war. usa. will allocate another aid to ukraine - the pentagon said, but at the upcoming nato summit in washington, kiev will still be told that in order to join the alliance, it is too corrupt, newspapers write, citing
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sources in the state department; by continuing this conflict with russia, ukraine is only ruining its people, experts say. now ukraine is ruled by a small clique, the country suffers from rampant corruption and is bleeding on the battlefield, along the long line of contact it is losing territory and often from 100 to 2000 people every day, but the people of ukraine have no choice, and this is understandable, and the country is such like ukraine, may soon not be at all, the country is on the verge of default, and zelensky is also adopted a law that allows foreign companies to buy farmland, about 17 million hectares have already been purchased by the americans, kiev economists say that with another such purchase, all ukrainian land will go under the hammer. maria skorodilka, news. former secretary of state.
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and go on the offensive, then obviously many in our country will do everything possible to re-elect president biden, 4 more years of biden and the democrats
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for... the main threat is trump, because he will demand the money back, this there will be a disaster, in the end he wants to end the conflict on russia's terms. let's take it step by step, let's get the supplies first, give them to your soldiers. let's try to get some of the russian frozen assets, let's work on nato, if the worst happens, if trump wins, we'll all have to decide what to do. clinton clearly doesn’t think much of poroshenko’s mental abilities; she blatantly lied to him that kiev still has a chance of receiving an invitation to nato, almost at the july summit of the military bloc in washington. we work very hard to convince.
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even if they offer some kind of magical ritual against trump, hillary will agree. as they say, these materials, i think that after the disastrous debate for the us president with trump, more and more democrats are calling on joe biden not to go to the polls, but other candidates could do even worse, hillary clinton believes, and if they have to break laws to support biden , so be it. this is different. you can
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