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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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it's 10 in moscow and we continue our morning broadcast.
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member of the shanghai cooperation organization, they are expected to make a call on the world community to enter into a global dialogue and accept a new paradigm of international security. and here it is important to note that the sco does not propose itself as a new hegemon in this newest international security architecture. rather, the shanghai cooperation organization offers a new format, a new format of interaction, based on... the key principle is equal, mutually respectful attitude towards the interests of all participants in the geopolitical process and it must be said that this approach resonates, which is why the sco summit in astana for the first time is so representative, it is held in the shows+ format, in addition to the permanent members of the organization, everyone who is broadly interested in dialogue also participates in it with the shanghai cooperation organization. these include
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azerbaijan, turkey, mongolia, qatar, the united arab emirates, turkmenistan, indeed, the maximum number of participants is expanded, so we have the right to expect a very interesting negotiations, it is precisely such bilateral negotiations that today is dedicated to, the official opening, the summit ceremony is planned for tomorrow, and today the state leaders are holding just such tet-tet meetings, this is another great opportunity.
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already before the informal dinner, to which all summit participants are invited, vladimir putin will hold negotiations with the host party, the president of kazakhstan kasym zhamart takayev. the negotiation program will continue in a bilateral format tomorrow, vladimir putin is scheduled to hold talks with the acting president of iran tomorrow, and after that the summit will begin in full format. by the way, this will happen somewhat unusually, as the presidential administration said. for russia , this is due to the entry of belarus into the shanghai cooperation organization. minsk will become a full member of the sco, this process will be organized in such a way that alexander lukashenko can take part in all tomorrow’s events as full member of the association. in total , it is expected that the summit will consider 24 documents, including special attention to the initiative for world unity for a just world. in addition, leaders can also
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consider proposals for a comprehensive modernization of the sco, which are related precisely to the expansion of the organization. in addition, the participants will consider the issue of further strengthening the organization, building closer contacts, closer interaction in such areas as political interaction, economics, security, of course, cultural ties. so the program is really intense, but also... i will also note that during the days of the summit, increased security measures in the capital of kazakhstan were introduced to a yellow level of terrorist danger, armed representatives of security forces are cruising around the city, checkpoints at the entrances and exits of the city, so there is indeed increased attention, including to security, but you you yourself understand how representative this summit is. alexandra, thank you, the chief of the central asian bureau was on direct communication from astana.
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a reliable basis for the development of strategic partnerships and alliances between countries. moscow and minsk effectively coordinate efforts in countering external threats and challenges. the president wished his belarusian colleague good health , success, and happiness and prosperity to all citizens of belarus. now let’s switch to a short advertisement and continue talking about the main topics of this environment.
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we continue broadcasting. french citizen laurent venatier, detained in june. let me remind you that he was recognized in russia as a foreign agent and collected information about the military activities of our country during communication with experts and government officials.
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the fsb reported this. this information can be used by foreign intelligence services to the detriment of russia's security, the department clarified. venote was arrested in june and admitted his guilt. we will definitely return to this topic during the broadcast. now about the consequences of the morning strike of the ukrainian armed forces on donetsk. according to information jointly with the control center , two districts were under fire at once; in kievsky, the supermarket building was heavily damaged. according to eyewitnesses, the fragments scattered into dozens meters. no casualties were reported. the topic will be continued by daniil zaretsky. since the very morning , peaceful neighborhoods of the donetsk people's people have been under fire from ukrainian formations. in the morning , neo-nazis shelled the kiev district of donetsk. missiles from the rszz made direct hits
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on a supermarket. at the time of the shelling , no one was on site, so there were no casualties, but the building received serious damage. also, in addition... in the petrovsky district of donetsk and the nikitovsky district of gorlovka, the enemy has been striking in the morning. military researchers of the investigative committee recorded all the facts of firing on the territory of the republic during the past trial. over the past 24 hours, the armed formation of ukraine carried out shelling of the central city, nikitovsky districts of gorlovka, as well as the petrovsky and kirovsky districts of donetsk, using 155mm caliber artillery, including with a cluster warhead. in total , two live buildings, one car and two civilian objects were damaged from shelling in the donetsk people's republic. infrastructure. every day , the enemy uses western -made cannon and rocket artillery, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, for terrorist purposes. devices, it is with the help of these weapons that neo-nazis wage war
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against the civilian population of the region. daniil zaretsky, oleg bondarenko, lead donetsk. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. house, resale or new building. find a property, apply for domclick. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. hello, this is l1, my principle is to give your best both in sports and in music. even if everything doesn’t go according to plan, flash-up will charge you with energy to move on, flashup energy is always charged. your business needs acceleration, urgently. use instant transfers for business from. vtb and money will immediately go to any bank. open a current account at and your business will gain
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10:15 am
so, today new ones have become known details of the case of the frenchman laurent venatier. let me remind you that in russia he is recognized as a foreign agent. so, he was arrested in early june. according to the investigation, the french citizen collected military information that could be
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used to the detriment of russia's security. vinatier admitted his guilt. elizaveta khramtsova has all the details. seven witnesses were interviewed, the suspect’s gadgets were examined, and audio recordings of his conversations with alleged informants were examined. the investigative committee has revealed details of the case of frenchman laurent venatier, who was arrested in early june. in russia, he presented himself as an employee of a swiss company that was interested in ending the ukrainian conflict. but the information collected by employees of the investigative committee and the fsb suggests that in russia the french citizen was not registered as a foreign agent. moreover, it is known that the suspect purposefully collected information about the russian army and the military-industrial complex. for several years, the defendant did not fulfill the obligations established by the legislation of the russian federation to submit to the authorized body
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documents required for inclusion in the register of foreign agents, carried out illegal collection of information in the field of military and...
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we are a private organization that only offers its services so that both sides hear each other and try to find ways to solve the problem. i was in syria, libya, afghanistan and everywhere we made progress and came to a solution. if venatier had been a person not associated with western intelligence agencies, it is unlikely that his story would have received such a reaction at home in france. discussions on the topic aired on national television channels the perfidy of the russian regime, president macron said that the accused never worked for the government. his detention. has existed for 25 years with contributions from international organizations and government agencies and specializes in private diplomacy around the world, that is , essentially lobbying the interests of its sponsors in the country where agents of influence come,
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under the guise of humanitarian and educational programs. arrested in russia, venote, a writer and political scientist, answers at the center. under the guise of public figures penetrates territory of our country and work here to collect information aggregation, then they compile this information and send it in the form of reports to their curator. lawyers expect to appeal venatier's arrest. the accused fully admitted his guilt, promised to assist in the investigation and stated that he does not plan to influence the course of the case. the defense
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is asking that her client be placed under house arrest. the moscow city court will consider this appeal on thursday, and... the development of the country is possible only if such a harmonious balance is maintained interests, economic growth, well-being of society, but on the other hand, which is very important - environmental safety,
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and here rosprirodnadzor has a special role, it is primarily about protecting the environment, for this a number of very important federal projects are being implemented, these are national projects, this our government programs, socio-economic initiatives, i would like you to tell us in more detail. about how this implementation is going, please, thank you very much, for the congratulations from the entire team, we are very pleased, because for us, of course, we are the youngest supervisory service in the country, we are only 20 years old, today we are 31 territorial bodies, 13 local institutions and 87 accredited testing laboratories, over the past 3 years we have been funded six times more, than ever before, and we purchased 4,700 units of equipment, vehicles, this allowed us to multiply... increase the number of laboratory tests, analyzes and increase the effectiveness of preventive measures, since all our work is still aimed and within the framework moratorium, as part of business support for
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preventive measures, today we carry out about 8,500 of them, we have reduced the number of scheduled inspections, this is about 2,000 inspections, and we have a little more unscheduled inspections, mostly unscheduled inspections are carried out based on citizens’ requests for the most resonant in such situations, at the moment we can... say that interaction with business is clear, business fulfills its obligations, all payments that must be made for negative impacts on the environment and annual payments, this is 21 billion received by the constituent entities of the russian federation, business redirects, in a timely manner we receive, within the framework of electronic interaction, 1.220 thousand reports of payments that businesses make, but i want to say that we are accompanying the federal ecology project, for us, of course, such national ones are very important , as if tasks like general cleaning and how to improve the health of water bodies, a people's map was drawn up for general cleaning, 63 objects will be liquidated this year and 121
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objects were liquidated before that, we are within during general cleaning, we are doing a lot of work, the entire population showed in each region those objects that are most important, we put them on the map, out of 200 objects we have already examined 700 objects, after that a priority will be chosen... clean air, there were 12 cities, 470 residential properties, now these are 43 cities, a large number of cities want to join this project, of course, we understand that they
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want to join because they see its success, at the moment about 12% of total emissions have already been reduced, and this a significant part, as soon as stove heating is switched to other types of fuel, the business will complete the modernization of its serious facilities, we are in big cities. we will see this, it’s already so noticeable, we are waiting for chita this year, we are waiting for krasnoyarsk to catch up this year, we are waiting for naelsk, of course, with the serenity project, we control all this, i can talk about it for a long time, because it’s clear that we we live by this, for us this is daily work and what makes us most happy is that this pace is not slowing down, because we are moving forward and fully implementing this interaction between business, constituent entities of the russian federation and, of course, our population.
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year, you had an active experiment in environmental consulting for businesses and entrepreneurs, i know that businesses had a lot of questions, but first of all, how to check, including investment projects , for compliance with the norms and requirements of the law, in order to, in principle, free business from fines and various requirements, a lot has been done, replaced, as you already said, the relevant control... an event with preventive visits, and how do you evaluate the progress of the experiment, namely, interaction with the environmental consulting business today, environmental consulting, we
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believe that this would be. successful experiment on may 30, we signed a resolution, we received an extension, because the business was very worried and asked for it. mostly , of course, large companies came for environmental consulting. 50 of the largest companies came to us during this entire period, now all of them , seeing that the resolution had been issued, wrote appeal that they want to continue across all their facilities, numerous enterprises, what we do as part of environmental consulting, we look at the documents before they come to us for permitting procedures, long. quite, well, clearly regulated, we look at investment projects, as you already said, until the decision is made and the budget for them is determined, and we help to save where possible, we pay attention to those difficulties where it will not be possible to save, and we see more the full picture, because let’s say two or three large enterprises come to one region, we understand how the region will develop, how the load on the water body will be, and we hold such large consultations, gather working groups and
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in fact... behind each of these the appeal assigned a responsible person to rosprorodnadzor, created such a small headquarters, such a commission, which includes a territorial body, testing laboratories, the central office and the most complex issues we are in cooperation we are discussing, including we involve the ministry of construction, often these are the heads of state expertise, which goes through an environmental assessment with us, and this is the most popular mechanism that has allowed us to prevent a fairly large number of problems for business in the future, but
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otherwise they can, well, let’s say so, to influence the environment, including, of course, such projects are being carried out in the lugansk and donetsk people’s republics in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, i know that you have your divisions open there, how are things going there, yes, we practically have two divisions there, because one division, and this is a land division, and one division that controls the sea area, we have a special department under our black sea and azov administration, we talk with the captains on... we see the issues of the ships, that need to be moved or sunken, we see pollution issues, we consult all our new territories, we have signed an agreement, at the moment we will inspect 19 objects next year as part of a general cleaning there, and this is also a large volume, and these are serious objects, which i hope will also be included in the priority list and will also be liquidated, at the moment we are trying to harmonize the tasks
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that... face the business operating there and those requirements russian legislation that will now be applied to them, we provide a large number of consultations, we are conducting a very large training program, both for government officials and for those officials who will, including regional supervision carry out, and for the business itself. at the moment, we conduct, well , such consultations and seminars on a regular basis and support them with everyone, we do not extend penalties there, because we believe that...
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we support, and i also want to say, we have a children's bonus, and we have been running it for the fifth year, next year will be the fifth anniversary, this year we sent a record number of children to the sea on vacation, from the kursk region, from the belgorod region, from here i have specially recorded from lugansk and donetsk republic, there are winners, five children from the lugansk and donetsk republics, 14 from belgorod and ikutsk, and even two families separately won from belgorod, they will go to the black sea, to sochi to relax, we are very proud of this, because we...


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