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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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they love their region very much, and of course, we support them, and i also want to say, we have a children’s prize, and we have been running it for the fifth year, next year will be the fifth anniversary, this year we sent a record number of children to the sea vacation, we have from the kursk region, from the belgorod region, from here i have specially written down here from the lugansk and donetsk republics, there are winners, five children from the lugansk and donetsk republics, 14 from belgorod and kursk, and even two families separately won from belgorod, will go on black.
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extended for 6 years, i am absolutely sure that the role of rosprirodnadzor is very significant, i wish you all the best, once again, may our homeland be cleaner, more beautiful, may it have more fresh air and clean water. this was footage of the meeting between the prime minister and the head of rosprirodnadzor.
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in the regions of russia, another 63 natural fires were extinguished in 14 regions during the day, such data is provided by the air forest protection service. a total of 320 outbreaks were recorded. the most difficult situation is still in transbaikalia and
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yakutia, where a total of more than 140 fires are being extinguished. fires. in chukotka, the fire covered almost 40,000 hectares; in total , almost 6,000 people are involved in the work across the country, as well as dozens of pieces of equipment, including aircraft. they also monitor the situation using airplanes and helicopters. let me note that the state of emergency is in effect in eight regions, more than fifty have declared a special fire regime. and now there is an advertisement on air, and after. program fifth studio, with this i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, see you and good news, pain in the knee, pain in the back, maybe in the neck, pentalgin extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain, pentalgin extragel is on screen for the first time, meet on avito, on avito.
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potkovenko. discussing the international agenda in particular, that a number of senior officials of nato and the united states, including. jens stoltenberg, the already resigning secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, they demanded that all restrictions on ukrainian armed forces strikes on russian territory be lifted. this formulation is given by the international portal defense news. we are joined by konstantin gavrilov, head of the russian delegation in vienna on military security and arms control. konstantin yurievich, i greet you. hello. so let's discuss here this is a statement, as they say. information, and at least it is ambiguous, yes, because now it has long been clear, even to non -specialists, that targets are assigned, at least approved, with the participation of nato, with the most direct nato intelligence, and that same, relatively speaking, the launch button for the same
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atak ms missiles is also pressed, well, hardly by the vssu officers, there are a huge number of western instructors and there are even nato military personnel in one form or another, veiled or not. now they've started again this talk about lifting all restrictions on strikes, they seem to be talking to themselves, or something, and in general, are there any restrictions? here’s another thing, what does it look like in this context...
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air defense of ten missiles, there out of six missiles, five are intercepted, but you see what consequences
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these barbaric cluster munitions lead to when they break through the defense, but we are doing everything possible, because there were attacks on the crimean bridge, there were 10 ms attacks, they were shot down, that is, our air defense is improving , and i think nato is all who are doing magic over with these calls, they are aware of what this can lead to, well, all this in the political sense certainly has the most direct relation to the debate about unipolarity and multipolarity of the modern world, this is exactly what the russian delegation was talking about at the negotiations in vienna, that’s actually we have materials, here are photographs, and on military security issues we held a round table, a round table, that’s what the formation of a multipolar world order, global and regional challenges sounded like, a meeting with the participation of other countries and the osce, the un,
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our main speaker was a representative of mgimo, the markedon institute at mgemo,
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belozerov, a professor from the linguistic university, head of the department, a representative of the public, well, there was a lot of interesting things, the main conclusion from this conference is that the americans will not stop, that is, they will not stop their efforts to anti-creation. efforts will be made towards alternative security, eurasian security, everyone has been talking about this, but we will be firm.
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viktor orban's visit to kyiv to ukraine and kiev ignored hungary’s initiative for a ceasefire and in general, as many media, including western ones, report , the visit was quite cold, that’s what they say in
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vienna, what they say in the west in general about this visit, about politics. in hungary, after all, he is orban - the head of the eu council, the next six months, yes, hungary, six months, yes, you know, i closely followed the progress of the visit, the expression on the faces of zelensky and mr. orban was clear that these are very friendly relations, in quotes, naturally, i think there will be a lot of positive things from his chairmanship, knowing his principled position on european affairs. affairs in relations with russia, regarding the special military operation and the relationship between orban and hungary with brussels, i personally expect some positive changes, but we must never forget, our leadership has said this more than once, that mr. orban is not pro-american , not a pro-brussels, not
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a pro-russian politician, he is a pro-hungarian politician, and he will always be guided by this, probably this... here in germany, the far-right alternative for germany took second place in the elections to the european parliament, a significant achievement for this party, but scholz’s party failed, on the contrary, in france, macron’s party was ahead.
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of course, coming to power will seriously change the agenda, the agenda in nato, in the eu, maybe not as significantly as we would like, but a certain influence, including in the context of the ukrainian conflict, and so on, in a positive direction ,
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it seems to me, but i am absolutely convinced that everything, every possible effort, will be made, so that... or the current ones, as some current leaders do, in particular in the united states of america, because actually, i want to talk about the supply of weapons to ukraine, and a new batch is being prepared. the dynamics are as follows: the united states
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announced a new package, in particular, there are missiles for air defense, that is, for patriots, and new shells, that’s how you can comment on this, they continue this escalation, well, right, well, what to expect from biden when does he have a bet? they come in little pieces, but they will still be there send these funds to ukraine, these 2-3 billion. then the european union, again from our own money
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earned from frozen assets, is trying to give ukraine two and a half, in my opinion, billion, and so on, and these pieces will go on until then until everything is clear with ukraine, the issue will be resolved, and it has been said. i’ll cut off a leg, but i won’t go to negotiations, let him chop it, here’s something else right away, in the context of the possibility of dialogue with the west, i’d like to discuss this news, the federation council recommended accepting today is july 3rd statement. on the suspension of russia's participation in the parliamentary assembly of the osce, the organization for security and cooperation in europe. the senators supported the document, and the wording is such that
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a constructive dialogue on the platform of this very osce parliamentary assembly is no longer possible, this dialogue and this platform have exhausted themselves, that’s why they have exhausted themselves, as they say? you know, well, we don’t do this directly, we did.
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trump may change the agenda, but there is no need to create huge illusions, because the entire american military-industrial complex is already involved, they have now enriched themselves with contracts for many
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years, orders, so... the germans are also building capacities for the production of ammunition and so on, which they clearly lack, but now they are slowly giving from their arsenals, until there is nothing to fill them with, anyway, ukraine has not reached the level of satisfaction with shells and ammunition that they had before, now all this is still weak, however, they are concentrated in certain areas. so, of course, trump is afraid, experts here are afraid that he will really start games with nato, but nevertheless they say that he will go to the extent of leaving above, of course, he is unlikely to do it, and he is unlikely to be allowed, well, that’s it, if we talk about experts and about your conversations with them including, yes, trump and europe, military interaction, is it possible? will
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some course change, so to speak, here, or will the same thing continue? the european union is constantly trying to create for itself a military fist, some kind of mechanism, but it hasn’t really succeeded for many years, then the forces of fast response, then their armed forces, that is, there is nothing here and the commander here in europe, at the moment, in western europe, in nato in the eu, these are the americans, and this is clear to everyone, and it seems to me that they will not allow any of these reinforcements. now everyone is very actively looking into the mouths of the americans, they can’t even make any independent movements yet, what will happen next, we’ll see, it depends on the development of the situation in the field. thank you, thank you very much for your detailed answers. konstantin gavrilov was in touch with the fifth studio, the head of the russian delegation in vienna issues of military security and arms control, discussed current
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international issues. agendas and military balance of power in europe, the states, in the context of russia and the world. this was the fifth studio. see you. the president of russia has a busy agenda in kazakhstan, a series of bilateral meetings are planned today in astana on the sidelines
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of the shows summit, with whom will the negotiations be about what? donetsk is under fire and this morning ukrainian troops fired rockets into the kiev and petrovsky districts. about the consequences in the report of our correspondent in the region. i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. over 6.00 people and more than 300 units of military equipment. a large-scale parade in honor of the day. independence took place in belarus, exactly 80 years ago, minsk was liberated from the nazi invaders. damaged lawns, leaking stadium roofs and safety problems on the field. why euro 2024 is called one of the most disorganized championships in history. and
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let's start the release with breaking news from turkey. bus with russian and belarusian tourists got into an accident. it is reported that he crashed into a concrete pillar while transporting passengers from alanya hotels to antalya airport. the accident occurred in the manowata area. and judging by the photographs that the turkish media are now publishing, the accident is quite serious, the entire front part is crushed. bus, according to them, as a result of the incident quite a lot of wounded, the exact number is still unknown. emergency services quickly transported all the victims to the hospital, as reported by the local press. we will monitor the development of the situation and further let's return to this topic. strengthening multilateral dialogue, striving for sustainable peace and development. under this motto, the summit of the shanghai organization opens in astana today.


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