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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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now to the news of the special operation, the russian military destroyed the mi-24 combat helicopter and vehicles of the ukrainian aviation engineering service. the equipment was located at the poltava airfield, which is located in the ukrainian city of the same name. footage of the operation is published by the russian ministry of defense. the strike on the military facility was carried out by a crew of the iskander operational-tactical missile system. a column
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of armored vehicles and an attack drone of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed by fighters of the dnepr group of troops in the zaporozhye direction of the front. the targets were hit using a kamikaze drone. how it was our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, will tell you. scouts of the dnepr group go on a combat mission. the unit's goal is to identify and destroy enemy positions in the orekhovsk direction. now this is one of the hottest spots on the zaporozhye front. ukrainian nationals the forces make daily attempts to attack populated areas in the front-line region, using mortars, rocket artillery and kamikaze drones, and a domestic drone called the hall takes off into the air to search for targets. the advantage is that the long range application, good communication, well , it stays in the middle air for 3 hours, 3 hours 10 minutes, and this drone can also serve as a communications relay for the lancet complex. the drone operator is located at a great
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distance from the drone itself, in remote mode he inspects the line of combat contact, the russian operating range is 50 km, enemy electronic warfare radio stations are not capable of harming the aerial reconnaissance aircraft. the drone operator detected the enemy, all information was transferred to the operational headquarters, now they are taking to the sky our birds are moving towards the ukrainian militants, each of them is equipped with armor-piercing ammunition. the first goal of the military route... from the enemy, the infantry fighting vehicles are in a hurry to deliver fresh forces and ammunition to the front line, with precise strikes the attempt at rotation is stopped, the convoy is destroyed, and the strongholds and observation posts of the armed forces of ukraine are also destroyed in beer-drones of russian fighters. during the course of reconnaissance , the enemy's bgg spotted such a sensational quadrocopter, they shot it down, one was shot down with small arms, the second was shot down by dropping a layer, that is, they hovered over it and destroyed it her. combat work does not stop at night . the enemy decided that
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he was not visible under the cover of darkness, reinforcements and attack aircraft were rushed to the position, drones neutralize the enemy detachment, the russian military says that on the opposite side of the front there are militants of the ukrainian nationalist battalions, foreign mercenaries, our special forces are resisting the enemy thanks to courage and professionalism, they are gaining experience during regular training exercises, there is a movement, work of personnel, crews, everyone is preparing and performing assigned tasks. they already go into combat with knowledge of the matter and with a complete approach to everything. units of the ministry of defense are increasing pressure at the front. our fighters are gradually squeezing the enemy out of their occupied positions and stopping attacks on populated areas. everyone understands each insignificant unit of enemy military equipment and artillery. these are dozens of lives saved. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. and now we return to the first topic of this issue: accidents with russian, belarusian tourists. in turkey
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, a video appeared on telegram channels, which captured the very moment of the accident, you can see how the bus loses control at a fairly high speed and crashes into a roadside fence. according to the latest data, the bus driver was killed, 16 russian citizens and four belarusian citizens were injured. minsk celebrates independence day today. during the great patriotic war, the republic survived almost 3 years of occupation in... about how it took place and how the union state preserves the memory of the feat of the people in a special report by georgy podgorny.
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on the night of june 22, 1941, violating the non-attack treaty, hitler’s troops invaded the territory of the soviet union, one of... russia began a fierce battle for the dnieper, which began in september 1943, since it was from this battle that we began to liberate gradually the territory along the dnieper, that is , the first populated area of ​​belarus was liberated back in the fall of 1943, this is
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the urban village of komarin. heavy fighting took place for the loyev bridgehead, this is october 1943, the weather conditions are absolutely correct. how many partisan detachments were there, in what places were operations organized against german punitive detachments, where explosions were carried out on communications; on the eve of the belarusian strategic offensive operation, the partisans were able
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to organize 10,000 explosions. viktor dmitrievich tsimbal, a participant in the bagration liberation operation, his combat journey began in 1943, then he... was trained at the school of pilots and attack aircraft in molotov, now the city of perm, his studies did not last long, the school was disbanded and he was sent 960 air defense fighter aviation regiment smolinsk. the regiment carried out the task of protecting the city of smolensk and the smolensk railway junction, mainly through which supplies were supplied, from german air raids.
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4.5 is direct russian investment in the economy of azerbaijan, and the trend is good, in the first half of the year, in my opinion, there is already 13% growth, in general, everything is developing positively, i would like to note our, our plans in
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the field of infrastructure, and of course, the well-known north-south route now comes first here, i hope we do too... words about let’s say that there are opportunities in other areas, including in the energy sector, industrial cooperation, we are acting on the basis of an agreement that we signed with you at the end of 2022, this is a good basis for developing relations, in all areas i will note humanitarian component, in my opinion, the days of russian culture have just ended, attention to supporting the russian language, 300 s i always note yours, your personal special extra schools in azerbaijan work with the russian language, teach young people, children russian
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language, this creates such a good basis, a prospect for maintaining and developing our relations for the future, i’m very glad to see you, thank you, vladimirevich, very... glad to see you again, as you noted, there are a lot of questions, but in principle this is how we meet , almost once a month, the last time i visited moscow in... as for azerbaijani exports to russia, this is already more than 70%, and for russian exports to
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azerbaijan about 50%, so what we talked about several times years ago are already being successfully implemented. humanitarian cooperation has always formed the basis of our interaction, and i am grateful to you that you always note and appreciate that attitude towards the russian language. second, that is, this suggests that future generations of our citizens will also
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actively interact and speak the same way as you and i do in russian. regarding the north-south project, we discussed it last time in moscow, since then positive events have occurred, we will talk about it, we are determined to expand the infrastructure of the corridor on the azerbaijani territory, although it...
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this was footage of vladimir putin’s meeting with azerbaijani president ilham aliyev. now watch the continuation of the report by georgy podgorny. the belarusian fronts attack from the north towards minsk, and accordingly the first and second belarusian fronts, they bypass minsk from the south. the german command believed that the red army would continue to advance in ukraine to try to cut off army groups. center and north, so it was there that the wehrmacht transferred significant forces, the reconnaissance worked
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at the same time, the german was read brilliantly. in belarus, the germans did not have strategic reserves; until the very beginning of the operation, they did not know whether the strategic offensive of the soviet troops would begin directly in this direction, and where the main blow would be delivered, especially since they did not assume that there would be two of them. the standing committee of the union state is carrying out large-scale work to preserve history and suppress attempts to rewrite it. so, on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, there was the book operation bagretion, partisans of the belarusian land is presented. and this is a reason for us to once again think about what we must do, we must do today, so that all those attempts at pressure to cross out the truth about the war.
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war, i keep this memory. this is the third publication in the series library of the union state, defending the fatherland. the project that is being implemented by the union state today is a publishing one. the project will remain in libraries, will remain in memory, children will study it in schools, this year we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of liberation belarus, on july 3, the day of independence of our state, every citizen of our republic perfectly understands at the cost of what sacrifices, at the cost of what efforts, at the cost of what dedication our
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country was liberated so that today we can have peace on this earth. operation bagration lasted 68 days, during which time. troops of three belarusian and one baltic fronts completely destroyed 17 enemy divisions and three brigades. another 50 divisions lost more than half of their personnel. brest and brestskaya the fortress was liberated by soviet troops on july 28 , 1944. during the offensive operation, which was called lublin of bressa, it was part of bagration. in less than 2 weeks. the red army covered about 100 km through swampy terrain. western belarus, breaking through the german defenses and opening their way straight to warsaw. operation bagartyon was inventive from a military point of view. the red army went where the germans thought it was impossible to pass, destroying supply chains. aviation figured out how to use glowing bombs to defeat the german hordes, recalls veteran viktor dmitrievich. to
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do this, it was necessary to upgrade the fighters so that they could carry subs. it's not just a bomb that gets thrown. the parachute opens and she slowly descends by parachute, illuminating everything until she falls. so our subs hung and illuminated this space between our german subs, in which the bombers would go, they had nowhere to go, they went, our fighters from the darkness... where they were attacked underneath, and we the first night they shot down 25 bombers, 25, they were still shooting down, well, 7-8, here 25. the operation did not end with the borders of belarus, then no one could have thought that it was possible to stop within the union, this would mean giving
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the fascist forces the opportunity to regroup and prepare a counteroffensive. the nazis had to be strangled. to the end, thanks to the soviet soldier, all of europe, half the earth was cleared of the fascist game, it would seem that we need to remember this and convey to all descendants that there should not be such a tragedy in everything in the large world, unfortunately, the current world is fragile, and we see that the fascist ideology, which has brought so much trouble and pain.
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organized a counterattack of such force that they could be thrown into the sea, and churchill turned to stalin with a request to launch an offensive somewhere in order to delay the german troops. rakosovsky agreed, being unprepared for the offensive, thereby saving the allies, this is not the allies,
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and the president of russia, vladimir vladimirovich putin, repeatedly talks about this. we know how much the head of the russian state is reverent about the memory of the war, the feat of the soviet soldier. and we see how attentive alexander grigorevich lukashenko is to the feat that was accomplished on belarusian soil, this is very important. the commemoration event is
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part of the regular work of the presidents of the two countries. in this footage, the heads of state participate in the opening of a memorial to civilians of the ussr, victims of the nazi genocide during the great patriotic war. of the total number of losses suffered by the soviet union during the great patriotic war, more... half were civilians, and this is convincing evidence that the nazis and their satellites did not fight against a political regime or ideology, no, their goal was the richest natural resources, the territories of our country and the physical destruction of the majority of citizens, each monument is irrefutable evidence.
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in parliaments, it was they who started the war on graves and monuments in poland, the baltic states, and ukraine. bagartion's triumph took place in moscow; by july 17, 1944, more than 57,000 captured germans from belarus were taken to capital, they were transported in trains, and in secrecy; not all the command knew about this operation, which was called “big walz”. all in order to carry out a march of the vanquished. show people who was defeated by the red army. the captured germans were collected at the moscow dynamo stadium at the hippodrome on the running track and formed
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groups of about 600 people from them, so they were accompanied by 12.00 nkvd officers, 4.500 soldiers of the internal troops, cavalrymen and soldiers of the second motorized rifle division. they were led, of course, along the leningradskoye highway, then along tverskaya street. then it was called gorkovo, straight up. to mayakovskaya, where the procession was already divided. the largest group, more than 42,000 people, including all the captured generals, continued to march along the garden ring clockwise, the rest counterclockwise. the movement of this march was followed by field vehicles that washed the asphalt. it is symbolic, as well as the fact that these germans were from the nazi group of the center army, who dreamed of taking moscow and stood on the guards of the city back in the winter of 1941. the main nazi the criminals were tried at the nuremberg
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trials, those events were restored in documentaries and feature films, as well as in the victory train project, this is a unique immersive installation that was placed in a moving train, more than 10 cars, each with its own story. as you know, a lot of cameramen and a psychologist were present at the nyberg trial.
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at least 20 victims were russians and belarusians, in turkey, a bus that was taking
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tourists to antalya airport. vladimir putin is in kazakhstan, where the highway summit is taking place, the president’s program is scheduled minute by minute, he i’ve already talked to my mongolian colleague, there are still several meetings ahead that are being discussed, in central russia there is abnormal heat, they promise up to 36, in moscow it’s already 33, during the entire observation period on this day this has never happened before , in the southern... when will it end heat. the ssu is again shelling donetsk with western equipment under fire in the kiev petrovsky districts. the russian military destroyed enemy unmanned boats in the black sea. where were they going? celebrations on the occasion of independence day in belarus. congratulations on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders.
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hooray! more than 6,000 people take part in the parade, plus 300 pieces of equipment; exactly 80 years ago minsk was liberated from the nazis. putin sent congratulations to lukashenko, as stated there. and we have just received new footage from the capital of kazakhstan at these moments in astana on the sidelines of the sco summit, the russian president.


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