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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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russia and head of the working group on tax culture and literacy. ilya, hello. larisa, good afternoon. ilya, what does your working group do? and such a group exists only under the public council of the federal tax service, that is, the central office, or under the public councils of regional departments , too. how do you coordinate your work? our working group is called to improve tax culture and literacy. and this is what we do, there is no catch or secret here, our projects, they are educational, we work in mainly with schoolchildren, 2 years ago we published a textbook for tenth and eleventh grades, which went through the stamping procedure and was included in the federal list of textbooks, and which very simply but deeply talks about taxes, we have a cabin boy’s project, where employees use a standard set of materials tax authorities go... schools and uh tell
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in simple language what tax is, why it is important and how it happens, today it is the fifth, sixth grade, next year it will be the seventh, eighth and tenth, eleventh grades, this is a presence in sixteen regions, now, every year it is slowly expanding to other areas, in the past school year the topic of taxes was included in the program of conversations about important things. in january, we had lessons in schools all over the country, in all age categories, that is, every schoolchild has heard about what taxes are and why it is important for the country. regarding interaction with the regions, i don’t know if there are such working groups in the regional offices, but we work with the regions, we work a lot with regions. ilya, it’s understandable with adults, but why are you telling children about the analogy? isn’t it too early to start? we don’t start early,
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because the child begins to interact with the country from a very early age, and since for us culture is probably more important than knowledge, culture is even more important than literacy, then it is important for us to plant this cultural code, when i was at school, this there was also the soviet union, i had only two notebooks, one with a line, one with a box, and everyone had such notebooks, on a notebook in...
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deals with culture and literacy? well , first of all, the public council is a large structure, we have completely different people , and why is there even a public council under the federal tax service of professions, this is surprising, we have people from the academic environment, we have people from the creative environment, we have people from business, we have human rights activists completely, completely... different composition, it is important that this work is not carried out by the ministry itself or the federal agency or the federal tax service, these are the organizations that build the business process, they build logic, they deal with protocol, but culture is a more subtle matter, only absolutely independent people who do not receive a salary, who cannot be deprived of bonuses or... deprived of promotion,
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so they must deal with contact with end users, taxpayers , in our case, we can absolutely openly, calmly say any feedback in person, we don’t care, well, that is, no one will scold us, so the role of the public council in this work is , well, it’s hardly better than the public council someone can do it. ilya, well, when tax officials come to school, it doesn’t scare the children at all, a person comes. in a uniform with shoulder straps, and you know, it’s difficult to scare modern children, they live in the information age, and it’s much more difficult to capture their attention, and not only tax officials, everyone who goes to school, it’s really not easy for them to keep children’s attention on their topic, in general, uh, 10 years ago, when someone watched a video, it was believed that 15 seconds were needed to hold his attention, if in 15 seconds... it didn’t work out, that’s it, man
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i went to watch another video, 5 years ago it was 3 seconds, now, when there are short formats, it’s generally half a second, that is, you didn’t get interested in the benefits in half a second. therefore, the task is difficult, but the tax authorities are coping with it. ilya, do you yourself think that it is more correct when a person knows what he is paying for, he calculates it all himself, and he understands what he is paying for, or when the state has calculated everything for him, and the money is simply written off.
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for a long time there was no clear answer to this question. there was such a hypothesis, and many developed countries went in the direction that the insolent person should know where every penny of his money went. and it seemed that this was the right direction, but technology burst into our lives so much that they began to dictate their own rules, and the truth turned out to be different, now it turns out that user convenience is the most important thing, in this regard, by the way, the federal tax service behaves in in the best traditions of digital companies, the largest, she really cares about what is important to the user, she tries to quality service to this user. give , but give an example of yandex taxi, yes i ordered a trip, in fact, the money that i pay for transportation goes to gasoline, to the driver’s salary, to the application commission, to taxes, but for the user it doesn’t matter,
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it’s more convenient for the user, that in order for the entire amount to be debited from his card once, that’s all over, so technology puts everything in its place, in this regard... the federal tax service of russia is far ahead of other countries, because it’s such a client-centric approach, it turns out to be well here is the most user-friendly. what’s the easiest way to talk about taxes today? have you come up with any formats that are suitable for the new generation? here it seems to me that there is a certain misconception that a new generation needs a new special format, and often this reaches the point of absurdity, since we are dealing with this topic, we see stories like this when... gray-haired men and women try something in the form of rap there to convey, trying to come up with some kind of hype story, they watch that some video or song young people began to perceive that this is the only way
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to communicate with young people, but most likely this is just an unsuccessful example of a particular person who could not establish communication with his grown-up children, and the child... well , at least starting from school , from the first grade, he is already ready for very deep topics, you can’t be afraid to immerse him in quite serious conversations, these can be the laws of the universe, the laws of being, these are issues of justice that children feel very subtly, these are issues of communication with people, communication in society, we shouldn’t be afraid of this, we should, on the contrary, raise the bar, a child is for me... this is the highest standard of intelligence, the highest standard of reason, so we shouldn’t be afraid to do this , only by raising the bar, we will have the same bye bye, our children will become better than us. ilya, in general, the public council under a government body should control the work of this
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government body, that is, you should control the work of the federal tax service, and you are promoting this work, are you doing the right work? i have two thoughts on this account, and the first - we can see how this happens, once a year all members of the public council go to the tax office, see how the work is organized, the reception of citizens, but again the heads of these departments, they know that respected people will come, they are preparing for this, the third way, it is the most effective, this is...
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in general, the world is like this, the world state, it has always been like this at all times, and the federal tax service of russia is distinguished by the fact that tax officers, they are trying to understand what people need. that is, they are trying to figure it out and are moving towards this side, and the public council is a bridge that connects, on the one hand , end users, taxpayers, and on the other hand, those who provide them with this service, the federal tax service. thank you very much, ilya kosykh, member of the public council at the federal tax service of russia and head of the working group on tax culture and literacy, was in touch with the tax program, where we discuss tax legislation, tax practice, but... tax culture. see you. astana these days has become the center of
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world politics. the sco summit opens there. vladimir putin arrived in the capital of kazakhstan to participate in the meeting. the main program is scheduled for tomorrow, but in addition to the general meeting, the russian leader also has a number of bilateral meetings, many of which have already taken place. we will learn more from my colleague anastasia efimova. she's on direct communication with the studio. so, nastya, good afternoon, who has the russian president already met with, what statements have been made. hello, the negotiation marathon is really in full swing. russia and mongolia can expand cooperation, including in the energy sector. vladimir putin made this statement at a meeting with ukhnagiin kharalsukh. the leaders met in astana, where the russian head of state arrived this morning to attend the sco summit, and ulan batter is the capital of one of the organization's observer countries. relations between our countries are based on a very positive and strong foundation of interaction and friendship
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over the course of decades. it should be noted that last year we noted a slight decrease in trade turnover, but this year we see significant growth, a good pace has been achieved in the first half of this year. relations in the humanitarian sphere continue to develop. i would like to note that the quota of mongolian students to study in russia is one of the largest, 620 people, we are ready to further work on this and increase it. the head of mongolia called russia's policy the quote "correct" and the proof of this: the support of citizens. ukhnagiin khurylsukh congratulated vladimir putin on his victory in the march elections. reminded of the rich history of relations our countries and invited russia. i would like
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to congratulate you on your re-election as president of the russian federation, this is proof that the russian people provide you with worldwide support and support the development policy of your country. this year our cooperation is rich in various events, the eightieth anniversary of the victory at halkingol, as well as the flagship of our bilateral cooperation, the joint stock company. ubzhd society celebrates the seventy-fifth anniversary of its establishment. and we hope that as part of the celebration of these anniversaries, you will visit our country. expeditionary work was also carried out to identify the graves of red army soldiers who died on the territory of our country. vladimir putin proposed discussing the development of the north-south corridor at a meeting with ilham aliyev, who supported the initiative, noting that baku was determined to develop the infrastructure of the project . as for the economy, trade and economic cooperation between the two countries is developing positively, trade turnover
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is growing and the trends are good. on the key issue, namely the issue of trade and economic interaction, our relations are developing positively, with a turnover of more than four billion and 4.3 in my opinion, and 4.5 is direct investment from russia in the economy of azerbaijan. well, the trend is good in the first half of the year, already, in my opinion, 13% growth, in general everything is developing positively, i would like to note our plans in the field of infrastructure, and of course , the well-known north-south route is now in first place, i hope we too let’s say a few words about this; there is opportunity in other areas.
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dear mr. prime minister, it is working everything, very much. i am glad of our new meeting, we met 2 years ago, also on the sidelines of the shanghai cooperation organization in samarkand, then we discussed bilateral relations, our interaction in the external, international arena, i should note that during this time relations between our countries
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are developing and develop in a businesslike, friendly manner. russia is trying to make its contribution and ensure pakistan’s food security, we are increasing the supply of grain to the pakistani market, ours are cooperating the ministry of foreign affairs in international organizations, on international platforms, as
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i already said, including on the platform of the uo. dear mr. prime minister, our...
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i am convinced that the russian federation will achieve greater progress thanks to your skillful leadership. mr. president, i am very pleased to tell you that as far as our bilateral relations are concerned, they are growing. we have seen this happen over the past many years. i would like to work closely with you to further strengthen our relationship. us there is a lot to do and we can benefit
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from your experience. we have received oil supplies from your great country, we are very grateful for this, we must continue on this path, your excellency. our relationship is self-sufficient.
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that in the fifties, sixties, seventies we had trade turnover according to bar conditions. we imported a lot of equipment and products,
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from the soviet union, we exported textiles and leather to your country, and this was all done on barter terms, and it seems to me that now the time has come to overcome financial, banking problems. islamic republic of pakistan. now to new
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data on the progress of special operations, according to the ministry of defense, fighters of the group of russian troops south knocked out the enemy from the novy area in the city of chasovyar. a subdivision of the west group of troops occupied more advantageous positions near two settlements in the kharkov region, three in the territory. in four areas at once, the forces of the black sea fleet destroyed three unmanned boats of ukraine in one day, three missiles from the american hymers system were shot down by air defense systems and about 40 ukrainian armed forces drones. now a short advertisement, then even more news. magnet, wafer candies, tsar maiden, 29.99. magnet, price, what you need, on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from
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good afternoon, finance minister anton seluanov spoke about the main parameters for the execution of the federal budget in the federation council. so, last year revenues were at the level of 29 trillion rubles. expenses amounted to approximately 32 trillion rubles. thus, the federal budget deficit was at the level of 3 trillion rubles. this is 1.9% of gdp. it is worth noting, that according to the plan it was supposed to be at a level of approximately 2% of gdp, that is, it turns out that this indicator is in...
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production, economic growth was 3.6%, and accordingly, we see that employment was maintained, we have the lowest level unemployment, but the most important indicator is, of course, the growth of the incomes of our people, families with children were supported, social payments were indexed, maternity capital, the family budget alone amounted to almost 3 trillion rubles. in macroeconomic indicators , gdp increased by 3.6% last year. main the objectives of economic policy for 2023 were the reorientation of foreign trade, the building of new supply chains, and, in addition, the formation of technological sovereignty. gdp grew by 3.6%, which not only fully compensated for the decline of 2022, but also
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exceeded the level of gdp. in the real sector , there was a strong growth in industry by 3.5%, manufacturing by 7.5% and construction by 7.9%. investments in fixed capital grew at a record pace at 9.8%. federal execution. budget reached a record level in recent years years, this is 98% and 1/ such a high level was achieved thanks to the simplification and acceleration of procurement budget procedures, prompt redistribution of budget allocations , constant monitoring and control of the execution of the federal budget. it is right that the ministry of finance pays great attention to development, we cannot eat everything up, we must definitely build new infrastructure projects and
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provide for it. another important topic was discussed today. the federation council adopted a statement on the suspension of the participation of the delegation of the federal meetings in the work of the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe. immediately send telegrams to the osce parliamentary assembly, which is now taking place in romania, so that if they have at least some remnants of diplomacy
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, their conscience remains. something else for them to voice.


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