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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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but infrastructure projects will ensure the development of growth points in the regions, this approach is correct, it must be preserved for the next three years, when the situation is difficult, we can mobilize, i must say that budget discipline has become better following the results of last year, our ministry is like this, i would she said anti-stress, resistant to stressful situations, and it seems to me that this even gives us, in some ways... more opportunities and advantages. another important topic was discussed today. the federation council adopted a statement on the suspension of the participation of the delegation of the federal assembly in the work of the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe. immediately send telegrams to the osce parliamentary assembly, which is now taking place in romania, so that if they have any remnants. conscience and
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something else, so that they voice a statement from the federal assembly regarding their activities, try to do this in the most expeditious manner, as we agreed . this statement is accepted from both chambers of the federal assembly, it is worth it should be noted that the state duma also supported this document on july 3, colleagues, yes, alena, thank you, in the federation council. belarusians, in turkey, a bus that was carrying tourists to antalya airport crashed into a concrete pillar, the driver died, doctors are helping the wounded, what is the information about their condition? vladimir putin is in kazakhstan, where the sco summit is taking place, the head of state’s program is scheduled minute by minute, he has already talked with the presidents of mongolia and azerbaijan, and there are several more to come. what are they discussing?
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there is abnormal heat in central russia, they promise up to 36, in moscow is already 33, during the entire period of observations this day has never happened before, in the southern latitudes will it reach 38, when will the heat end? the ssu is again shelling donetsk with western equipment under fire in the kiev and petrovsky regions. the russian military destroyed enemy unmanned boats in the black sea. where were they going? and in belarus there are celebrations on the occasion of independence day. i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. more than 6.00 people take part in the parade, plus 300 units of equipment. exactly 80 years ago minsk was liberated from the nazis. putin sent congratulations to lukashenko. what does it say?
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so, energy is one of the main areas of interaction between russia and mongolia, vladimir putin said at a meeting with his mongolian counterpart. the negotiations took place on the sidelines of the sco summit, which opens in the capital of kazakhstan. vladimir putin held another bilateral negotiations with the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev, they also talked about trade and economic cooperation. we act on the basis.
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this is confirmed once again, we have about a million, which means that students are taught in russian, 150,000 are in russian schools, and 800 thousand are studying russian as a second language, economic relations between russia and pakistan are developing, trade turnover is growing, vladimir putin noted at a meeting with the prime minister of pakistan shahbaz sharif, he said that moscow is also ready. to expand
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energy supplies to islamabad, relations between our countries are developing and developing in a business-friendly manner. i note the growth in trade turnover and the prospects here are very good people would pay special attention to two areas, first of all, this is cooperation in the field of energy and agro-industrial business, supplies of our energy resources to pakistan have begun and we are ready to increase them, at your request, russia is trying to make its contribution,
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vladimir putin has meetings scheduled for this day with leaders of six countries, it is expected that the russian president will also communicate with the leaders of china, turkey and kazakhstan. now for road accidents in turkey, tourists who were injured as a result of the incident, in mostly not serious injuries, these are the conclusions of the doctors, which the russian consul general in antalya spoke about. let me remind you that this morning a bus with vacationers from russia and belarus crashed into a pole and spun around. a total of 20 people were injured, including the driver. died. more details leila alnazarova. seven russians were hospitalized in a hospital in antalya after a serious accident with a tourist bus. we managed to contact the russian consulate general in antalya. according to their information, six people were diagnosed with fractures of varying degrees, of which one person
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is now in intensive care. another one needs a consultation with a neurosurgeon. it is also reported that some tourists refused to go to the hospital after receiving the initial diagnosis. in turkey, assistance is provided by the ingosstrakh agent remet assistance, the consulate general is in contact with the tour operator, with the insurance company in turkey, all tourists who have not received serious injuries will be accommodated in the tour operator’s hotel. the rest will receive medical care and will be sent to russia in the future; only five tourists received fractures, but doctors assess these injuries as minor. as a result of the accident
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, the bus driver died, he was locked in his seat, the rescuer pulled him out, but medical personnel were later unable to save him. in total, according to preliminary data, there were 25 people on the bus . it became known this morning that a tourist bus got into an accident; this happened in the turkish province of antalya, as reported by the local news agency ikhlas, a minibus that was carrying russian and belarusian tourists from hotels in alanya, to antalya airport is in accident at the exit to the intersection of the democracy bridge. manowata ring road. on the way, the car crashed into a concrete pillar, for unknown reasons. as a result , half of the car's body was completely destroyed. the footage published from the scene of the emergency shows that several ambulances are working at the scene of the accident. and the police and law enforcement officers of turkey are already conducting an investigation
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into the accident with the bus. i note that we also contacted the tour operator pan. san, who sent the russians on a search to turkey. as you know, the guide company was also there. v bus during an accident, but the representative of the tour operator refused to comment on the situation; we also do not have information from the guide at the moment. leila nazarova, olga belotserkovskaya. türkiye. the head of the russian military department, andrei belousov, was elected chairman of the council of defense ministers of the cis countries. this decision was made at a meeting in minsk. speaking to his colleagues, the russian minister noted: the priority remains the improvement of joint mechanisms to counter new challenges. and our correspondent maria is in direct communication from minsk temnikova. so, maria, greetings, what other statements were made today, what are we talking about? colleagues, greetings. so, the council of defense ministers met today in minsk immediately after the festive parade dedicated
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to independence day. let me remind you that exactly 80 years ago the republic of belarus was liberated from the nazi invaders. before arriving at this building, in which the council of defense ministers was held, the ministers laid tributes. holy to the eternal flame on victory square. this time the russian minister of defense is present at the event, belarus, tajikistan, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan and kyrgyzstan. the agenda is quite dense, but we started, so to speak, with the formal ones. and the memory of them today serves as an important, unifying factor in
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the vastness of the commonwealth. today, the united states and its allies are seeking to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in ukraine. i would like to repeat again that it was the west that prepared and provoked the ukrainian crisis and is now deliberately prolonging it. at the same time , western countries are in every possible way condoning the provisional government of ukraine in ubiquitous. the inculcation of nazism, in its most acute manifestations, makes every effort to distort the historical truth. we value the solidarity of the cis countries in the fight against the glorification of nazism and the falsification of history. already behind closed doors, the defense ministers discussed joint military activities, and of course strategic cooperation. well, the end of the meeting.
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ukrainian militants today again hit
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civilian targets of the dpr; they fired rocket artillery at the kiev district of donetsk, and one of the attacks hit buildings. there was no one in its vicinity, so fortunately there were no casualties, but the building itself received serious damage, goods, glass and various structures were scattered everywhere. the shelling was carried out from mlrs. the neo-nazis at the republic defense headquarters fired two missiles. as a result of the inspection , fragments of waste from a projectile , presumably from a hammer rsz, were found; all fragments and fragments will be seized and sent for further examination to clarify the specific type and type of projectile. there is a children's clinic near the arrival point. the walls of the building were cut by fragments and the windows were broken. according to the head of the facility , repair work was being carried out at the institution. and
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it was already planned to open in the near future. here, guys, you see, the doors and the ceiling are broken. the weight is broken, the glass, the frames are completely knocked out. it is difficult to calculate the damage caused; the outpatient clinic staff will have to clear the rubble and close the windows for many days. my task, first of all, is to close access so that no one can enter the building, well, we’ll talk further, decide on the destruction, that’s all document, record. together with the firefighters, utility workers quickly arrived on the scene, despite the ongoing fire. shelling, they are trying to maintain cleanliness in the city, we believe this is our front line, here it is, among the scattered goods , baby food stands out, once again the criminal kiev regime proves that their goal is not military facilities, but civilian infrastructure. daniil saretsky, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead donetsk.
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hour. and my colleague varvara nevskaya works on the okhotnaya row. she joins us. varvara. welcome to what the director of roscosmos spoke about today. alexey, good afternoon. but the general director of roscosmos is still continues to communicate with parliamentarians within the framework of the government hour, which is passing at these minutes. within the walls of the state duma. the main topic of this more than two-hour dialogue was the modernization and development of the space industry. and, as the head of the state corporation stated, russia remains in the top four countries in terms of the composition of the orbital group, as well as in the top three in terms of the growth dynamics of its composition. another important achievement: over the past 5 years, russia has conducted 125 accident-free missile launches. and this is the best indicator in the whole world. also, despite the sanctions, significant pressure from unfriendly countries, yuri borisov assesses the general state of the industry as
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stable. the total production capacity of the organization of space technology manufacturers is up to 30 launch vehicles of various classes and up to 40 spacecraft for various purposes per year. total revenue in the twenty-third year amounted to about 413. increased by 7%, in the current 2024 it is planned to increase revenue by 19% to 492 billion rubles roscosmos creates and develops
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the most important projects for the country, one of them is the russian orbital station, the deployment of which is planned to begin with the launch of the scientific and energy module in 2027. the creation of a russian orbital station is necessary not only for... russia needs its own orbital station. another important, key project is the russian orbital
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communications and distance constellation. by 2036 it should increase to 2.6 thousand devices, that is , 35% of which, more than a third, will be private satellites, but at the moment yuri borisov is answering questions from parliamentarians, the dialogue is indeed very lively, very rich, and before the start of the government hour, the state duma managed to consider an extremely... important document, given the current geopolitical situation, the deputies unanimously adopted the draft joint statements by the state duma and the federation council on the suspension of the participation of the russian parliamentary delegation in the osce pa. i would like to remind you that the russian delegation was repeatedly deprived of the opportunity to to have equal rights and, most importantly, to fully participate in the work of not only plenary sessions, but also the governing bodies of the assembly. and often this happened under contrived, without...
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thank you varvara, varvara nevskaya was in direct communication from the state duma.
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so, we will discuss the visit of hungarian prime minister viktor orban to kiev and other current topics with the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security, vladimir chuzhov. vladimir alekseevich, good afternoon, well, let’s first of all.


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