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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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well, now there are fresh shots from behind the groan. saygıdeğer cumhurbaşkanı, saygıdeğer mevkidaşlarım, dostlarım, sizleri gördüğümü çok seviniyorum.
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to be accepted in our country, we attach great importance to this and are sincere about this ; there are russian tourists, we will address them, we are decisive about this issue and i also want to note that we... so, a meeting is taking place between vladimir putin and turkish president recep tayyip erdogan, now live broadcast from st. petersburg. there have been many shocks in our country, in our economy, a rich history, unfortunately, in response to this in 2008, in 2014 and after the pandemic, well, an event took place,
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anti-crisis measures were introduced, we used reserves, which we accumulated and then seemed to return to their original state. but now everything is different, the fact is that serious changes are taking place in the world , if we talk about the world, then we have fragmentation, we are rebuilding to new markets, new logistics, difficulties in cross-border payments, and of course, this creates a new situation , plus the labor market, labor shortage, they complain about it already 3/4 of enterprises, so in our opinion... it is important to change the approach from putting out fires to how we respond to long-term challenges, how we work with restrictions on long-term development, and this kind of permanent structural change in the economy
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cannot be responded to simply with anti-crisis measures measures, the use of reserves, this is a rethinking of priorities, in my opinion, and a redistribution of resources, well , including...
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how this problem needs to be solved, the economy solves this problem, in general, through an unconventional method, such as in our history there was nothing new, i mean growth, a sharp increase in income, in almost all sectors
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of the economy, when they say that we are experiencing growth in the defense sector, then this is not at all entirely accurate, if... it ’s not at all accurate to say , because mechanical engineering really began, today the drivers are completely different sectors of the economy, in general... there is an increase in consumption, an increase in creditworthiness and, in fact , exceeding all plans of the central bank and banks, in fact, for attracting loans, therefore, traditional measures of regulation of the central bank also do not work, because at this rate the crisis capacity of the population has never, i don’t remember, ever increased, in this sense we are in an unconventional picture and... in my opinion, we just need it rethink and extract a large number
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of potential advantages from it, and we just need to talk about a new model, probably including a new management model, well now let’s try and somehow find this model, these advantages, after all, well, the blitz broke down for us, oleg vladimirovich, what do you say, too, the top three challenges, point by point, and the cost of capital debt, calculations, logistics and institutions, thank you very much, thank you, andrey lionevich, then let us continue the conversation with you, you’re not you know firsthand a large number
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of businesses, not only banking, but recently also shipbuilding, which is called borrowing, and that is, the problem of personnel is not key for you, it really is, that is, you do not see it as one of the most significant or what, or maybe you have a recipe for how to deal with these restrictions for colleagues, since for you it’s not significant, there is a definite problem, i don’t... don’t put it forward as a priority, and in general, if there is a machine at the shipyard 1932, then, probably, great skills are not particularly required, but, strangely enough, nevertheless, 110,000 workers work at the usc, and of course, the most problematic is the segment of qualified personnel, and working personnel, i mean, workers personnel, here, for example, in the country of welders... according to titan there are only 30 to 40 people left in our entire country, so the training of personnel and their
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involvement in this particular industry is, of course, a problem, but it is somehow solvable, and the same thing, for example, regarding the engineering staff, we are now returning in some issues to the soviet union, they resumed the format of the plant in tus, we already have such a system working in severdvinsk. in collaboration with the arctic maritime university, we are now launching the same thing in the fall in st. petersburg, on the basis of the state marine technical universities, we have three shipyards, as you know, in severdvinsk there are two, when you study for 6 months, work for 6 months, that is , focus on specific training of specialized specialists, starting from special secondary with higher education, but this is one of the solutions . which we see for solving personnel issues, but this is one of the problems, but i
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will not talk about all the problems of shipbuilding, this needs a separate conference, and this, i think, is multi-year, so we better not delve into this topic, the problem is solvable on me for me does not represent number one today. thank you, thank you, oleg vladimirovich, well, in addition to being a well-known public figure, you are also an industrialist, organizer, and creator of a number of large industrial organizations. and also at the same time they did not name the problem of personnel as one of the key ones, although i know that in a number of siberian, ural enterprises and so on, there is a complex, complex situation with industrial personnel, why not, or maybe you are inside the established enterprises once you learned how to solve this issue, share, well, it seemed to me that we came to the banking congress, we have such a meeting with us, we have a macroeconomic session,
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our task as managers is to teach them to be more productive, that’s why you probably called me, to look at the banks that will help me to finance it all, well, everyone else is the same...
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we will have almost a billion people born there, that is, how to get there, how to quickly change the infrastructure, how to establish logistics, well, the speed of travel by rail is less 40 km/h when driving to the east, everything stops here from the urals to irkutsk, it’s just a traffic jam.
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business, and companies do this, yes, if my colleagues, from whom i constantly study, and my senior colleagues, who constantly and learn a lot, continue to lend me money, then they see that i am effective, that’s the question of making government decisions, and these are institutions , that is, once upon a time i came here specifically, read the reports at the mert board in 2005-2006, when you adapted, everyone here on the panel, when you adapted the economy,
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let's take it, well, everyone else who is competitive, thank you, well, not everyone thinks so, german oskarovich would like to come to you, the 2005 collegiums were held in your presence, as far as i remember, yes, but you also talked about a new model, according to how you see it, well, the word productivity was mentioned, i can’t help but ask you here about technological solutions that could potentially increase productivity in industrial enterprises, in the non-financial sector, or in the financial sector in the near future there is no...
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and here the work of institutions is key, first of all, of course, the basic one is the judicial system, the protection of property rights, today this topic is very acute, due to the fact that, unfortunately, sometimes they are questioned, such basic
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institutions, such as acquisitive prescription, the institution of bona fide acquisition. probably, then it was relevant, now, perhaps, it is even more relevant, the effective work of institutions with a clear understanding of how these institutions will
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work, they will protect the rights of everyone owner in the country, or will they be focused only on state property, now it seems to me that we are at such a fork in the road, we need to go through it, this is the first, second everything that concerns these... that is, efficiency and effectiveness, because you can do things very effectively meaningless work without achieving results and will be very far from your goal if
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you work very effectively in the wrong direction, as government bodies, government institutions, including government agencies, often work investments, now we are accumulating more funds into the state budget, redistributing funds, investments through the state. budget, traditionally we see a difference in efficiency in terms of the final result for gdp growth, private investments are about one and a half times more effective in our country than public ones. in this sense, we are now at this stage of awareness, and i am confident that we have a good chance to build uh. such a correct new investment policy growth policy only subject to the solution of these basic exogenous factors in relation to business,
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the efficiency of institutions. thank you, thank you, germanskarovich, vladimir yacheslavovich, we have a paradoxical situation, you are the only private bank in our panel in its pure form, but in our country alek vladimovich is also related to the banking sector, he was involved in the private banking business, at least it’s only you who talks about the personnel, you agree that it’s not just you.
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i think that sberbank and vtb have a situation similar, such banking specifics, but here’s how you can share your experience, and we’re not even talking about the notorious it specialists, this problem has not been on my agenda for 2-3 years, yes, for which everyone was fighting, we are systematically working on the employer brand, motivation systems , office space, our culture is entrepreneurial. such a flat organizational structure is attractive, we’re not even talking about moscow specialists, but about regional ones. the central bank recently gathered us for a strategic session about
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adapting the higher education system, and i i told you there, i can only repeat here, we went to the regions, we cooperate with regional universities, 150 universities have already signed agreements with us, another 150 will sign, now in alfabank, out of 7,000 employees, 50,000 are regional employees, and this share is only growing, including it specialists there is also a back office, creditors, there is customer service, we are opening our new fidgetel branches, since the last congress we have opened 350 units, and by the end of the year we will open 100 more, that is, this is one new branch of this format per day, we have no problems with with these personnel, because we went to regional universities, and frankly, we were stunned by the quality of the guys there, we provide modern education. legal technologies allow departments, master's degrees, there are co-working spaces, scholarships, grants, and from there came such an unexpected pull, because we approached this project as, well, such a personal or something...
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almost a charitable image initiative, in the end we received a flow from there there’s just no end to student applications, and my advice or hint to any enterprise is: large or medium-sized, if you don’t have enough personnel, go to universities, andrei lenich also spoke about his example today, yes, go to universities, in six months there won’t be any problems, that is, you can solve this problem yourself and it’s not very difficult, honestly speaking solve, thank you very much, many.
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application, who in china, who in arab countries are starting to invest, so i think that our task is, first of all, to catch this money today and somehow stimulate our industrialists to invest in the country, for this there is a set funds, we have always said, this is the so -called investment climate, nothing should be taken away from us, nothing should be nationalized unnecessarily. it is necessary to give certain conditions, as it were, to create such conditions, it doesn’t even matter that taxes have increased, it is important that the owners feel that they can reliably invest their funds , that their state will protect them, besides this, of course, the stock market, the stock market, and he suffered greatly today, of course, because western money left, it was significant, well, relatively speaking
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played a significant role, anyway... the main source was russian investors, but russian investors also suffered, and i think that restoring confidence in the stock market plays a very important role, and here a positive role of the central bank is big, well, with the support of banks we and before commercial banks, i think that we have made a number of serious efforts in order to restore the confidence of our citizens in this, the task formulated by the president was to include... increasing the share of the stock market capitalization to gdp, it generally provides for tripling the market capitalization, well, where can you get funds? well, today we have about 100 non-public companies with profits of 30 billion rubles or more, which are potentially objects for an ippo, and in general over the last 2 years, despite for this whole new situation,
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