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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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got into a major accident in turkey in the province of antalya. there were also citizens of belarus there. 20 people with various injuries were taken to hospitals. what caused the accident? well, in france they are preparing for the second round of elections. and what the macronists are playing at resembles thimbles to many. how strong is the position of the right? and parliamentary elections in great britain. for the first time in 14 years, the labor party can get a majority. but does this mean a change in the kingdom's foreign policy? an appeal to the international community to begin an honest and open global dialogue, this is how the participants of the sco summit see one of the main tasks of the sco summit; they gathered today in astana. the main day of the summit will be thursday. today in ostana there is a whole marathon of bilateral meetings, vladimir putin, who arrived in ostana this morning.
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held negotiations with the leaders of mongolia, azerbaijan, pakistan and turkey, well, we’ll find out the details from our colleague anastasia, anastasia, she’s joining us. yes, nastya, welcome, tell us what the main topics were at these meetings. yes, i'll try focus specifically on the main topics of these meetings. they exchange views on the situation in the world, in the region and on the bilateral agenda in constant contact. this is how vladimir putin described the dialogue between russia and turkey at a meeting with ricep tayyip erdogan. as the russian president noted, the difficulties of the current moment in the global context are obvious, and yet, relations between moscow and ankara are developing. despite all the difficulties of the current moment in the world, nevertheless, relations between russia and turkey are developing progressively, we note the previous for several months there has been a slight decline in trade turnover, but it... remains at a fairly
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high level, $55 billion, if we count it in dollar equivalent, we are implementing all our major projects, in this sense, everything is going on schedule, according to plan, no failures no, i would like to point out that last year we saw, probably, a record number of our tourists in turkey, 6.3 million people, tourists from russia. the countries continue their new diplomacy, ricep tayyip erdogan also stated this. however, there have been no face-to-face meetings recently; the last one took place in september last year in sochi, and the turkish leader today emphasized that he was waiting for the russian head of state to visit his country. on the agenda today is the development of cooperation in the nuclear industry. ankara wants to put aesakuyu into operation as soon as possible , if possible. the second
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dialogue is taking place in sinop. our meeting here is an important step. together with you, we are building the akyuya nuclear power plant and we want to put it into operation as soon as possible. we also have contacts for the construction of a second nuclear power plant in the city of sinop. about 7 million russian tourists will visit our country. we attach great importance to this and are sincere about this issue. work in this direction will continue. i am waiting for you, mr. president, in my country in the shortest possible time. the development of the north-south corridor is one of the important topics proposed by vladimir putin for discussion at the meeting with ilham aliyev. the russian president also met with the azerbaijani leader today in astana on the eve of a meeting of the council of heads of state of the shanghai cooperation organization. shaw has the status of a dialogue partner with baku, and this dialogue, including in bilateral relations with moscow, is proceeding very intensively and also has a practical dimension. trade turnover is growing and...
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13% growth, in general everything is developing positively, i would like to note our plans in the field of infrastructure, of course, the well-known north-south route is now in first place, i hope we will also say a few words about this , there is opportunity in other areas, including in the field of energy and industrial cooperation. at the same time, ilham
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aliyev, in addition to the interaction between the two countries, also emphasized the growth of mutual settlements in national currencies, another very important trend for strengthening the partnership, within the framework of which. there are new ideas and our relevant structures are in constant contact, and today we will also talk about this, well, in all other areas, as you noted, in the twenty-second year we signed an allied declaration, which is being successfully
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implemented, all points of the declaration are reflected in real life , we have been working together for more than 2 years now as allies and we demonstrate good results. relations between russia and mongolia are ready to demonstrate good results, the heads of state spoke about this at a bilateral meeting today, and, as vladimir putin emphasized, there is a readiness to expand cooperation, including in the energy sector. increasing energy supplies was discussed during bilateral negotiations with the prime minister of pakistan, who thanked him for the supply of russian oil today. moscow, at the request of islamabad , increases grain exports to pakistan market, and this, of course, is a significant contribution to the food security of the islamic republic. the negotiation marathon of this day will continue. vladimir putin will meet with the president of the people's republic of china today. the intensity
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of the dialogue between moscow and beijing, including at the highest level, today is perhaps at a historical maximum; cooperation is developing in all areas, including sensitive ones; the volume of goods is very large. turnover is over $200 billion, so political-economic ties are strengthening in a variety of areas. official city ​​tourist portal visit st. petersburg invites you to st. petersburg. a city of history and romance, architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services. creative space. the unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can feel like a st. petersburger. it's all a unique journey of experiences with family and friends. welcome to st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born. well, now on to the essentials, about
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temperature records, about the weather, which... well, not quite, reports about this have already appeared on news agency feeds, but the data from instrumental observations entering the international exchange do not yet give reason to confirm this; at 15:00 at the vdnkh reference weather station it was +31.9, 3° below
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the daily record, in many other cities of european russia, meteorological statistics have indeed been updated, the air became hottest in lugansk, here the thermometers showed +38.2, the northernmost point of unprecedented heat was kirov, almost +33, resulting in the previous extreme the 1959 value has already been exceeded by almost one and a half degrees, but the air on the russian plain will continue to warm up for an hour and a half, so these figures are not the limit, of course. such heat poses a serious threat to health, people are afraid, they are fleeing the heat, as best they can, some even they are trying to cool off in a fountain in the very center of moscow, however, this should not be done, firstly, it is basically forbidden to swim in them, and secondly, despite
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the fact that the fountains are regularly cleaned, birds and dogs enter the water, and it is hot weather promotes the proliferation of microorganisms that can... infectious diseases, it should be noted that literally in the last hours thunderclouds reached the capital region , refreshing showers occurred in some areas of moscow. the ministry of emergency situations warns of wind speed up to 17 m/s. therefore you need to be careful. abnormally high temperatures are observed not only in the european part of the country. in the trans-baikal territory and yakutia, extreme heat complicates the fight against wildfires. two helicopters were sent to extinguish the outbreaks fires near the villages of chara and novaya chara in the northeast of transbaikalia. the day before the fire passed.
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the image shows that vast territories of the trans-baikal territory, the amur region and the sakha republic are covered in smoke from forest fires. the acrid smell of grief can be felt in many cities and villages. people complain that it is difficult to breathe outside. due to a combination of hot and dry weather, high fire danger is observed on the russian plain. tomorrow the main fields of rain clouds will continue to move along the western border of the country in the strip. from the balkans to the coast of the barintsevo and white seas, in most of european
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russia, thanks to the anticyclone, sunny weather will linger; in the area of ​​this focus , only scattered arrays of thunderclouds may appear here and there. the highest probability in the coming day is in the east of the central region and the black earth region, but they will not have a noticeable effect on the temperature regime. in the middle zone there is still a record day. + 30-35, extreme heat will make its way even beyond the urals into the middle ob region, at the epicenter of the day overheating, southern russia will still remain, the thermometers here at noon will rise to +33.38. we will receive reliable data about today's heat record only in the evening; at night the air in the capital will only be able to cool to +23, and tomorrow afternoon the temperature will rise to... +34, which means that another heat record from 1938 can be updated,
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which is +33.7°. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all. but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue! alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. thank you sber loyalty program has been updated. pay with any card from bera and get twice as many bonuses. than before, choose up to five top categories every month with cashback up to 10%.
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control of one of the districts of the city of chasov yar in the dpr. repelled four counterattacks, and today they also reported the destruction of a mi-24 combat helicopter and vehicles of the ukrainian aviation engineering service. the equipment was located at the airfield in poltava, which was hit by a crew of the iskander complex. we will learn more about the progress of the special operation from our correspondent denis alekseev. he joins the facts live. denis, what else is known about the defeat of the military infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces? yes, hello, there ’s a paradox here, this year alone our military carried out a targeted strike at least three times on the dnepropetrovsk yuzhmash plant, where the ukrainian armed forces set up drone assembly and missile production workshops, and at least three times vysushniki lamented the damage caused, each time it was impressive, it’s just no use, it’s like it’s smeared with honey,
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continue to use the capacity of the already targeted plant, at a loss. this time, as always. arrived in a big way, the footage filled ukrainian internet publics, apparently, the consequence of the strikes was also the detonation of ammunition that was stored there . our military knows where to hit, that if it’s not the plant, it’s a reason to once again become convinced of the total corruption of the zelensky regime and the collapse of ukrainian industry. yuzhmash in its best years was one of the largest manufacturers of rocket and space technology, rocket engines. but all this happened a long time ago in close cooperation. with russia, and after 2014 they are still fighting over little things, either drones, or missiles, if they have time. today , footage appeared of another iskander attack on ukrainian aviation equipment at a helicopter airfield in poltava, where the eighteenth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces is based, at least one mi-24 combat helicopter and
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engineering service vehicles were destroyed. operational-tactical aviation. pilot aircraft, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation on at the base airfield, a mi-24 helicopter of the ukrainian air force was destroyed, as well as a workshop for the production of tank guns with large-caliber ammunition, as well as a concentration of enemy manpower in 125 areas. according to unofficial statistics so far, military personnel of the group. the center chalked up the maximum number of destroyed abrams, it just so happened that their area of ​​responsibility coincided, the avdeysk direction, and there, when the armed forces of ukraine tried to hold avdievka, kiev sent most of these american tanks, and since then it has remained the same retreating with the infantry to the west, ours catch them either in positions in camouflage, unsuccessful, most often, or right in the open
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field, there were so many examples, the first abram was eliminated on february 26, because it seems like yesterday, today...
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the conditional enemy is clear who do they have in such a paradox? another one turns out to have never been defeated, and if they can’t defeat a fictitious russia in exercises, what can we say about the real front? ukrainian. they connected extremely quickly, they have
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their own unit, but this is perhaps the first the attack, where the employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant were deliberately exposed, is not just a compromise of the magat security principles, it is a demonstrative violation of them, and we, of course , really want this to be reported. as the station itself was informed, after the gift from the armed forces of ukraine , the normal operation of zas facilities was disrupted. at the rainbow substation, both transformers were damaged. today , the armed forces of ukraine attacked the raduga substation with three kamerika drones, where work was being done to optimize the power supply scheme of energodar. were injured eight employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, all of them were quickly taken to the medical unit. of the city of energodar, they are under the constant supervision of doctors, the condition of one is assessed as moderate, and the rest are in a state of mild severity, both transformers at the substation were damaged, as
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a result of the attack, the standard power supply scheme of the city was disrupted, and the normal functioning of the station facility, which is located outside its perimeter, while measures to ensure nuclear safety are carried out in full. most of the energy gift. was left without power supply and water as a result of an attack by the armed forces of ukraine on the raduga substation, creating a threat to the life support of the city, the head of energodar eduard sinevoz reported the situation. now work is being carried out to eliminate the consequences of the impact, but nevertheless there are problems with the supply of electricity, because the substation, which is the main one that supplied power, has practically been withdrawn. electricity, it is difficult to make forecasts at the moment, however we are making every effort to ensure that the city is fully supplied with electricity;
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if this does not work, the correct response will be made; recently the attacks have been systemic in nature, despite the fact that they are striking specifically at the city infrastructure in order to deprive it of the supply of electricity and water, which is natural wears -
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has not yet completely cleared, in fact, in this fog there was an obvious candidate for victory in these elections, this is the opposition libarist party, i want to say right away that in relation to russia, the leadership of this party does not intend to change its policy, or rather the policy that great britain has pursued so far, at least this is what both party leader kirstarmer and the person who is expected to be responsible for the foreign office in the new cabinet say. deputy david lemmy, who recently spoke with representatives of the foreign press, said that no changes in relation to russia are yet envisaged, both of them are going to
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be sent next week. to the anniversary nato summit in the united states of america. today the election campaign continued here, this is the last day when you can attract the maximum number of votes to your side. the leader of the labor party, preparing to take the reins of government in great britain, once again addressed voters and once again uttered , in fact, the phrases he had repeated many times that the conservatives, who ruled the country for 14 years, had actually destroyed great britain, having destroyed it before.
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arrests by about 20%, this means a crushing defeat for them, nevertheless, the leader party, the prime minister, reshunok tried once again to appeal to voters with an appeal to support the conservative party, and also called for one of the last rallies in central london, the conservative party, where all the leaders, or rather all the representatives of the top of the conservative party gathered, called on the former prime minister minister boris johnson, who at one time was kicked out of big politics by a storm, nevertheless... attracted him to his side, both of them, in fact, frightened voters with what the laborites could get in parliament the so-called super majority, but they also talked about the threat from the radical right led by nigel forage, whose reform party is also rated, at least now in third place in the overall count, let's listen to fragments of their speeches: too many good, kind
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tories, apparently in this election... to stop him and his party. well, all the so-called leading british parties attacked the leader of the reform party , nigel farage, who said that the west provoked the conflict in ukraine. after that, they all unanimously signed up faraji as an agent of the kremlin, however, in the camp of the leader of the reform party himself, they desperately resist this and urge people to naturally vote for them. let's listen to
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the performance. those who defend farage , in fact, himself. it's quite cynical to portray najal farage as an agent of the kremlin. this is just slander, but political opponents are in despair. we are almost there, you want real change because we are the only party that speaks for the majority. we will stop the illegal migration, we have a clear vision of the future, help us take the first step. if candidates. nigel farage's reform parties will enter the british parliament, this will mean that the political landscape in england is gradually, at least, changing, colleagues, yes, thank you, our own correspondent in the uk, alexander khabarov, was in direct communication from london, talking about the balance of political forces ahead of the national vote in the parliamentary elections.
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