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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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now we are returning to astana again. please. dear mr. chairman,
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dear friend, dear chinese colleagues, friends, we are all glad to see you again, to welcome you this time on the sidelines of the summit. sco, let me begin our meeting with how our previous meeting ended. i remember with what warmth you received us all in china, i want, on my own behalf and on behalf of all my colleagues, to thank you for this hospitality. we held very
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detailed negotiations, signed a joint program statement and launched cross years of culture, and then during a visit to harbin, we were all able to once again see how close the historical ties are between russia and the people's republic of china, the republic our countries stood at the origins of, if we return to today. to the historians of the creation of shanghai tomorrow, i want to remind you that our country of the organization of cooperation in the first year 200 with the expansion of the circle of participants, and tomorrow belarus will become another full member of the organization, the organization has strengthened its role one of the key pillars of a fair multipolar world order. we will certainly support the chairmanship. china to the sco in
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2024-25 have repeatedly stated with good reason that russian-chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are experiencing the best period in their history; they are built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty. our cooperation. is not directed against anyone, we do not create any blocs or alliances, we simply act in interests of our peoples. a series of events dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, celebrated this year, continues, trade is growing, we noted this during my visit to the people's republic of china, and today we can once again state this for... for the first half of this year we
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we are observing positive dynamics; currently joint efforts are aimed at the consistent implementation of what was approved following the results of: your visit to moscow, dear, mr. chairman, in march of the twenty- third year of the development plan for key areas of russian-chinese economic cooperation until 2030. it is noteworthy that humanitarian exchanges are expanding in all directions and the mutual tourist flow is growing. last year it amounted to over one and 2 million trips, in january-may of this year only through the visa-free channel. more than 260,000 people used this channel; russian and chinese interaction in world affairs is one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena and we continue to strengthen our interaction in this
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area, this year we are chairing brix, also an organization created on our initiative, initiative. we hope for the participation of our colleagues and for your participation at the summit in kazan this october, thank you, mr. president putin, my dear friend. i am very happy about our new meeting.
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so, vladimir putin, on the sidelines of the sco summit in ostan, holds a meeting with the president of the people's republic of china, sidin pina. the head of roscosmos yuri borisov
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today in the state duma told deputies about prospects for the development of domestic cosmonautics, after which our colleague varvara nevskaya spoke with him. yuri ivanovich, hello, hello. please tell us how you evaluate the dialogue that took place today, in my opinion, such a very long dialogue, you talked with parliamentarians for almost 3 hours, how useful and important was it? well, today we really held a report to the deputies of the state duma, but this is not only the last three hours, we have been working very actively with factions for the last 2 weeks, almost from one and a half to 2 hours, devoted them to our pressing problems, looked for solutions, worked with specialized committees, therefore...
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here is one of the main trends in modern cosmonautics - multi-satellite constellations, what does roscosmos offer in this area, do we have any answer to elon a mask? indeed, today there is a colossal demand for space services, which today are provided through the creation of multi-satellite constellations for various purposes, telecommunications, remote sensing of the earth, navigation and others. indeed, according to the plans for the world cosmonautics in terms of creating satellite constellations by the year 1930, it will probably consist of from 60 to 100,000 satellites, this is a huge number of devices that provide...
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the required amount of space services. yesterday, as far as i know, a schedule was approved for the creation of a russian orbital station, such a very modern one, the first, if i’m not mistaken, in history, yes, a national space station, that’s what this project will give to our country, that is, why russia needs it and the entire russian cosmonautics as a whole? indeed, today the entire manned program is russian, it is associated with the operation of the international space station. "we have a government order, we can extend work until the twenty-eighth year, after the twenty
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-eighth year, based on the technical state of the iss, everything does not last forever, it will most likely be, so to speak, already at the finish line of its life cycle, and in order not to have break in the implementation of the manned program, we need to create during this period to put the russian orbital station into operation, but at the same time it is still necessary to take into account that the experience that we have gained. from the creation of this kind of stations, from salyut to the iss, we have accumulated an enormous amount of competence and experience, and today manned programs must include the staging of effective, popular experiments that will produce practical results in various sectors of the economy. well, you can list it, this is the creation of new materials, this is the creation of new medicines using unique. the possibility of weightlessness in airless space, this is the development of technological
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solutions for various kinds of sensors, optical, infrared, radar, this is certainly observation of russian territory, and i just want to remind you that the inclination orbit of the new russian orbital station is 98°, it will allow 100% to see the territory of russia 16 once a day, this and...
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from russia, belarus , a concrete pillar crashed at speed. our own correspondent in turkey has all the details alnazarova, she is now in direct contact, hello. what is known at this moment, what do the doctors say about the condition of the victims? natalya, georgiy, greetings, seven russians have been hospitalized in the antalya hospital after a serious accident in the turkish province. according to the consulate general of russia in antalya, the victims were diagnosed with varying degrees of injuries, and one
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of them is in intensive care, he has a complicated fracture of the limbs, the rest are in satisfactory condition. may be discharged in the coming days, it is also reported that three tourists did not seek help, 10, after receiving primary medical care , refused hospitalization, five of them have already flown to russia, the rest are accommodated in hotels and are awaiting departure to their homeland. ingustrakh agent remet assistance provides assistance. the consulate general is in contact with the tour operator. uh with an insurance company in turkey, all tourists who did not receive serious injuries will be accommodated in a hotel - a tour operator, the rest will receive medical care uh in the future - sent to russia. only five tourists received fractures, but doctors assess these
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injuries as minor. as a result. this terrible accident killed one person, the bus driver; in total, 24 tourists were injured, four from belarus and 20 russians, including children. the fact that a tourist bus got into an accident became known this morning, this happened in the turkish province of antalya, as reported by the local news agency ikhlas, a minibus that was carrying tourists from alanya hotels to antalya airport got into an accident at the entrance to the intersection of the democracy bridge roundabout roads. too bad, on the way the car crashed into a concrete pillar, at the time of the accident it was caught on roadside cameras. the footage shows that the bus veered towards the fence at high speed, and after the collision it almost overturned. turkish media suggest that the cause of the accident could have been a vehicle malfunction or driver error. turkish law enforcement officers are already conducting
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an investigation into the accident. accidents involving turkish tourist buses are not uncommon.
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russia, according to him, about 7 million russians have already visited turkey this year, well the peak of the tourist season is ahead. yes, leila, thank you, our correspondent, leila alnazarova, was in direct communication from turkey. well, now a message from sochi, a message with a video, let's see, so, katya. exploded in the port of sochi, it is known that there were two people on the ship at that moment, this is the explosion. the probable cause is fuel overload followed by a gasoline leak. yes, you can see how people are trying to transfer something to the boat, at that moment an explosion occurs, but fortunately there are already details of this incident, no one was hurt after this explosion.
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the polar world should be the goal of the future un summit, russian deputy foreign minister sergei ribkov stated at the brix civil forum. its participants gathered to discuss the fight against neo-colonialism and the equality of peoples, as well as cooperation in various fields. we pay special attention to cooperation in the field of advanced technologies and innovations. in an age of accelerated technological development, they also provide new broad ones. opportunities and challenges that we may not even suspect yet, so more than ever, the task of developing common approaches to...
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sustainable development seems urgent. well, now about black pr and american politics, former us secretary of state hillary clinton is ready to accept incriminating evidence on donald trump from ukraine on the economy, security, and achievements in order to prevent his victory in the presidential election. clinton herself talks about this. to give biden a chance to win the november elections, ukraine must urgently go on the offensive, former us secretary of state hillary clinton said in a telephone conversation with peter poroshenko, or rather she thought she was talking to the former president of ukraine, was actually talking to russian pranksters. i'm doing everything i can to... re-elect president biden, i really hope that this is the result in november, but obviously it's a very difficult time in our country right now, but i really think it
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's important for ukraine to continue to do everything that you are doing, try not only to hold the line, but also to go on the offensive, then, obviously, many in our country will do everything possible to re-elect president biden. four more.
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usa v. in response to a promise to promote ukraine into nato, clinton was ready to accept poroshenko’s help in collecting dirt on trump. thus, violate us laws and
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allow direct interference of foreign politicians in american elections. although previously it was she who blamed russia for this most of all. by the way, the us prosecutor's office admitted that the clinton campaign used deliberate lies to accuse moscow. but hillary is ready to do anything to frame trump. and i think we can attack it from different angles before the elections. okay, but anything that can be done to oppose him? i'm all for it because he's a very dangerous person. if, of course, this were some kind of conversation between trump and pseudo poroshenko or someone else, then of course the democrats would definitely start howling that everything there needs to be a new investigation into trump and so on and so on, but i think that. .. the democrats will do everything possible not to notice, as they say, these materials, i think that even if they offer some kind of
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magic ritual against trump, then hillary agree. after the disastrous debate with trump for the us president, more and more democrats are calling on joe biden not to run for office, but other candidates could do even worse, hillary clinton believes, and if supporting biden means breaking laws, so be it. this. the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank. for
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name is. cashboy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, a subboard condo for 14,990 rubles with 30% cashback. vladimir putin is on a working visit to kazakhstan in astana, the sco summit is taking place, the main program is planned for tomorrow, but this day is entirely devoted to bilateral meet. the russian leader has a very busy schedule. today the president is holding negotiations, during which he discusses with his colleagues trade and economic cooperation, trade turnover and strengthening friendly ties. vladimir putin has already spoken with the president of azerbaijan ilham
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aliyev. the leaders discussed the development of the north-south transport corridor, the growth of mutual settlements in national currencies , and the interaction of the economies of the two countries. in particular, vladimir putin drew attention to the fact that the countries’ trade turnover amounts to four more than a billion dollars, russian direct investments in the azerbaijani economy up to 4.5 billion. also on the sidelines of the summit, the head of state held negotiations with the prime minister of pakistan shahbaz sharif. the russian leader noted that relations. the two states are developing in a businesslike and friendly manner, the countries are cooperating in the fields of energy and agro-industrial business. recently, supplies of russian oil began in pakistan. sharif, in turn, thanked putin for energy resources and added that the state should continue to follow this path. on at another meeting, vladimir putin and president of mongolia ukhnaigin khurelsuk discussed expanding cooperation in the energy sector, which was.


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