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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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spoke with the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev, the leaders discussed the development of the north-south transport corridor, the growth of mutual settlements in national currencies , the interaction of the economies of the two countries, in particular, vladimir putin drew attention to the fact that the countries’ trade turnover amounts to more than four billion dollars, russia’s direct investment in the azerbaijani economy is up to 4.5 billion. also on the sidelines of the summit, the head of state held talks with prime minister of pakistan shahbaz sharif. the russian leader noted that relations between the two states develop in a business and friendly manner. the countries cooperate in the areas of energy and agro-industrial business. recently, supplies of russian oil began in pakistan. sharif, in turn, thanked putin for energy resources and added that the state should continue to follow this path. at another meeting, vladimir putin and the president of mongolia ukhnaigin, khurelsuk discussed expanding cooperation in the energy sector, which was. remains one of the main
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areas of work between the two countries. the russian president noted that if mongolia will face problems associated with climate change, our country will try to help it free of charge, including energy and grain. in addition, russia is ready to increase the quota for training mongolian students. on the sidelines of the summit, a meeting between the presidents of russia and turkey took place. vladimir putin and recep erdogan noted that the countries will continue to develop closely. interactions. the turkish leader said that ankara wants to establish trade turnover with russia in the amount of $100 billion and further develop cooperation in tourism sector. despite all the difficulties of the current moment in the world, nevertheless, relations between russia and turkey are developing progressively. we have noted a slight decline in trade turnover over the past few months. it remains at a fairly high
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level, $55 billion, if we count it in dollar equivalent, we are implementing all our major projects, in this sense, everything is going on schedule, according to plan, there are no glitches, i would like to note that we are over the past year observed and, probably, a record number of our tourists in turkey, 6.3 million people, tourists from... russia shone on turkey. our meeting here is an important step. together with you, we are building the akyuya nuclear power plant and we want to put it into operation as soon as possible. we also have contacts for the construction of a second nuclear power plant in the city of sinop. about 7 million russian tourists will visit our country. we attach great importance to this and are sincere about this issue. work in this direction will continue. i'll be waiting for you in the shortest possible time, mr. president, in my country. but now let's turn to the messages. which are reported from the office
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of the turkish leader, erdogan and putin, during negotiations in the camp, discussed the situation in ukraine, israel and syria. in particular , erdogan told putin that turkey will continue to make efforts to establish peace in ukraine. well, according to statements from the turkish and russian sides, recep erdogan told vladimir putin that a just peace in ukraine that would satisfy both sides is possible, the office reports.
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the achievements are now being fully implemented agreements between us, our multifaceted cooperation is steadily moving along the planned course in conditions that are far from just the sco in 23 and 24. there are plans to sign a package of 24 joint documents for the final declaration. the program of events will be continued by the sco-plus meeting with the participation of interested partners and guests. in addition, one of
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the key outcomes of the meeting will be the signing of a decision on belarus’ membership in the organization. thus, after the republic joins , the number of sco member countries will increase to ten. neighborhood, ensuring peace, security and stability in the region, combating terrorism, separatism and extremism. at the moment , as is known, the sco includes nine states - russia, india, iran, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, china, pakistan, tajikistan and uzbekistan. earlier,
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the organization’s secretary general, dzhan min, said that belarus would also join the organization at the ostana summit. now she has observer status. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses, than before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and receive cashback up to 70%.
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can become something more than just provocation. ukrainian troops attacked enrgod with drones, hit the raduga substation, eight people were injured, rosatom head alexei likhachev said. the substation supplies the city itself and also belongs to the infrastructure of the zaporozhye npp. the timing was despicable, it was at this time that a team of our guys was working, workers of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant at the raduga substation were restoring the lost power supply, eight people were injured, thank god, everyone is alive, all of them received assistance within the framework of the fmba, fmba specialists are extremely promptly connected, they have their own unit, but this is, perhaps, the first attack where... employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant were deliberately brought under attack, this is not just a compromise
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of the magat security principles, this is a demonstrative violation of them, and we, of course , really want this was assessed. as the station itself was informed, after the apu strike, the normal operation of zaes facilities was disrupted, and both transformers at the raduga substation were damaged. today, the ukrainian armed forces were attacked by three drones. to the raduga substation, where work was carried out to optimize the power supply scheme of the energy dar. eight employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant were injured, all of them were promptly taken to the medical and sanitary unit of the city of energodar. they are under constant medical supervision; the condition of one is assessed as moderate, and the rest are in a state of mild severity. both transformers at the substation were damaged; as a result of the attack , the city’s regular power supply scheme was disrupted, and the regular power supply was also disrupted. most of the energy gift
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was left without electricity and water as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on the raduga substation, creating a threat to the life support of the city. the head of energodar, eduard senoos, reported on the situation. now work is being carried out to eliminate the consequences of the strike, but nevertheless there are problems with... there are problems with the supply of electricity, because the substation, which is the main one that supplied the city with electricity, has been practically removed, so at the moment it is difficult to make forecasts, especially no less, we make every effort to ensure that the city completely powered by electricity, if it doesn’t work out, the correct response will be made, recently the strikes have been systemic in nature, despite what they are doing... strikes are aimed specifically at the city infrastructure in order to deprive it of the supply
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of electricity and water, which is naturally of a theoretical nature, just today , when the energy workers were carrying out the work, it is most likely that intelligence officers saw all this, so they struck precisely at the moment when a large number of people were involved in carrying out such work, well, now it is essential. about temperature records, about the weather, which of course sets interesting records in russia, dozens, if not hundreds of temperature records have been recorded throughout the country, the historical maximum was recorded the day before in the russian capital in moscow, well, it’s a real heat in the south of the country, there’s almost the temperature has reached +40, that’s the south, that’s why the south, how many more days will such extreme heat last, let’s ask vadim zavodchenko, he’s joining us, yes vadim, as far as i understand... today is a record officially confirmed in moscow, right? and not quite,
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reports about this have already appeared on news agency feeds, but the data from instrumental observations entering the international exchange do not yet give reason to confirm this: at 15:00 at the vdnkh reference weather station it was +31.9, 3° below the daily record, here in many other cities of european russia, the statistics have indeed been updated, the air became hottest in lugansk, here the thermometers showed + 38.2, and the northernmost point was unprecedented. kirov turned out to be hot, almost +33. as a result , the previous extreme value of 1959 has already been exceeded by almost a degree and a half, but the air on the russian plain will continue to warm up for an hour and a half, so these numbers are not the limit. of course, such heat poses a serious threat to health,
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people are afraid, they try to escape the heat as best they can, some even try. refresh yourself in a fountain in the very center of moscow, however, you should not do this, firstly, in principle it is forbidden to swim in them, and secondly, despite the fact that the fountains are regularly cleaned, the water birds and dogs come in, and hot weather promotes the proliferation of microorganisms that can cause infectious diseases. it should be noted that literally in the last hours , thunderclouds have reached the capital region, fresh... are observed not only in the european part of the country, in the trans-baikal territory and yakutia, intense heat complicates the fight against natural fires. two helicopters were sent to extinguish
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fires near the villages of chara and novaya chara in the northeast. transbaikalia, the day before the fire spread to the top, local residents they posted terrible footage of the smoke of the flame on social networks, the front of the fire turned away from populated areas, but the fire is still active, forests are burning, mountains are burning, in general everything is in smoke, nothing is visible, neither mountains nor forests, trouble, trouble, nothing to do. the satellite image shows that vast areas of the trans-baikal territory, the amur region and the sakha republic are covered in smoke from forest fires. the acrid smell of grief can be felt in many cities and villages. people complain that it is difficult to breathe outside. due to a combination of hot and dry weather, high
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fire danger is observed in russian plain. there will still be major patches of rain clouds tomorrow. along the western border of the country in the strip from the balkans to the coast of the barintsevo and white seas, in most of european russia, thanks to the anticyclone, sunny weather will linger. in the area of ​​this source , scattered masses of thunderclouds can only appear here and there. the highest probability in the coming day is in the east of the central region and the black earth region, but they will not have a noticeable effect on the temperature regime. in the middle zone there are still record highs of + 30-35 during the day, extreme heat will make its way even beyond the urals into the middle ob region, southern russia will still remain at the epicenter of daytime overheating, the thermometers here at noon will rise to +33-38. we will receive reliable data about today's heat record only
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in the evening. at night the air in the capital will only be able to cool to +23, and tomorrow afternoon the temperature will rise to +34, which means that another heat record from 1938, which is +33.7°, can be updated. the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get double. more bonuses than before, choose up to five top categories every month with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a subscription with berprime. on avito khvatamba,
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another cashback up to 70% in the megamarket, in sberbank it’s more profitable with prime. now we are returning to astana for the sco summit, where today. today a number of bilateral meetings are planned between the russian president and state leaders, here are the details of the negotiations between vladimir putin and xidzenpin. negotiations ended with the chinese leader; they lasted about 50 minutes. vladimir putin emphasized that russian-chinese relations are experiencing the best period in their history, while cooperation between moscow and beijing is not directed against anyone. leaders also discussed the growth of trade, the development of tourism, cooperation in international organizations. including, of course, sco and brix. another important topic: the ukrainian armed forces’ strike on the energy dar showed that kiev does not intend to comply with magat and
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un norms. this was stated by the head of rusatom alexei likhachev in an interview with the author, host of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. again, an attempt to bomb the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, well, in fact, the infrastructure is connected to it. well, in general, according to all our canons, energy. infrastructure around the station and the city of nuclear workers is always included in the concept of a nuclear facility and its safety inextricably, because not only the moral, but also the physical condition of the workers keyly determines the safety of the plant itself, and if any element of this infrastructure is hit, then the overall safety suffers and the risks increase manifold, there were three drone strikes here, this cannot be an accident, this is clearly a well-thought-out action, and it was... carried out precisely at the moment when the station workers were on rainbow, with an interval of 7-8 minutes, three strikes, this is rainbow - this is an electrical substation,
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rainbow is an electrical substation that partly powers the city of nuclear scientists, and of course it is closed into a single power supply system for this entire bush, understanding the current means of reconnaissance, it was obvious , that the brigade is working, uh, that more people will come to the aid of this brigade, on purpose... once every 7-8 minutes three strikes occurred, eight people were injured, well, thanks to a happy accident, everyone is alive, but this is such a direct challenge, i i think this is a challenge daring, demonstrating that the ukrainian military is not going to comply with any canons proclaimed by either the magate or the united nations organization. now economic news, briefly. supplies of russian oil eurols to india reached a record 1,600 thousand barrels. day in june, volumes increased by 13%. this is data from the kepler platform. together with other varieties espo and sokol, exports have
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already exceeded 2 million barrels per day. this. the second result in history after shipments in may last year. overall, russian oil took the structure of indian imports is 45%. the ministry of finance will increase purchases of foreign currency and gold by one and a half times in july. within the framework of the budget rule , 5.400 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes. per day, the ministry reports. in total, by the beginning of august, the department will purchase gold and foreign exchange assets worth almost 124 billion. the amount was made up of july oil revenues. income and lost funds for the month before. fewer perfumes began to be shipped to russia in may , deliveries immediately fell by a third. a total of 3,800 bottles were put on the market. this is honest data sign. volumes are falling amid declining consumer demand. rising prices and poor assortment are having an impact. according to market participants, retailers failed to offer customers adequate analogues of outdated
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popular brands. and the european union imposes import duties on goods from chinese e-commerce platforms, such as aliexpress, tema shein and others, writes the financial times. all goods will be subject to the tax, including those costing less than 150 euros. previously, they could be imported duty free. such measures are related to the influx into the eu a large number of cheap goods, more than 2 billion last year alone. this was economic news, briefly.
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cross-border payments are the main problem that the financial sector is currently facing, as stated by the head of vtbm andrey kostin. in an interview at the banking congress in st. petersburg, he spoke about possible ways to decide what the optimal interest rate level should be. andrey leonidovich, good afternoon. so,


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