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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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the state of the environment is the most important function of the state, these are the words of mikhail mishustin, the prime minister today met with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana rodionova, recalled the importance of forming a responsible attitude of business to this topic , and asked how the work on implementing federal projects, including new ones, is going.
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the russian parliament voted to suspend russia's participation in the osce parliamentary assembly. this decision is primarily due to the lack of conditions for constructive dialogue between members organizations. the statement says that...
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regarding their activities, try to do this in the most expeditious manner, as we agreed. also, among the good reasons for the suspension is the non-admission of the delegation from russia to participate in the plenary sessions, for far-fetched reasons. this has happened multiple times already. in the summer of twenty-two
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, great britain refused visas to russian parliamentarians, and in the fall poland. the latest point was romania's demonstrative refusal to issue visas to participate in the annual session of the assembly in bucharest this year. in the statement emphasizes that our delegation was repeatedly deprived of the opportunity to participate in the work of the plenary meeting of the assembly and its governing bodies. last year, senators and deputies were deprived of the right to vote. who did not allow us to participate in decision-making procedures, including those of an openly anti-russian nature, the discriminatory decisions made by the parliamentary assembly, the unpreparedness for a substantive discussion on security issues, undoubtedly strikes a blow to the authority of the organization itself and indicates its extreme degradation. the osce has existed since 1973, a parliamentary...
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organization is a kind of platform for discussions, its participants develop and propose mechanisms for resolving international conflicts, security issues of participating states, by decision of the assembly members , osce missions are sent to resolve crisis situations. since 2014 , a special osce monitoring mission has been operating in donbass, and even then the russian foreign ministry had questions about its work. in particular, they opened facts of cooperation with foreign intelligence services. meanwhile, russian parliamentarians noted that they would be ready to return to work in the osce parliamentary assembly subject to a revision of russophobic approaches to solving pressing problems of european security, but for now, senators and deputies considered that it would be logical to suspend all contributions to the organization, which is about 250 thousand euros per year. roscosmos intends to increase the production of satellites within several years, the head of the corporation, yuri borisov, spoke about this at government hour in the state duma. it is important for us
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that the head of roscosmos leaves here with the understanding that he has questions that will find our support when discussing the budget, so that the goals are achieved, our space remains for future generations, our space, conquered by gagarin, terezhkova, soviet, so take responsibility yourself and suggest what we should consider. and make a decision, according to yuri borisov, russia maintains a solid third place in the world ranking of space powers. over the past 5 years our the country conducted 125 accident-free rocket launches, which is the best figure in the world, the head of ruscosmos spoke about other major projects.
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the creation of a russian orbital station is necessary not only because of the objective physical obsolescence and wear and tear of the iss modules. the head of the us federal reserve announced the impossibility of maintaining the level of national debt. this year, its maintenance costs amounted to $61 billion. that's more than the government spent on health care, four times what it spent on education. kristima kuruma knows the details. the united states must urgently
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take action to reduce its national debt. this was stated by federal reserve chairman jerome powell. according to him. the current financial course of the country is unstable and requires changes. it's not that our national debt levels are unsustainable. the problem is that the path we are following is unsustainable, and there is no doubt about it. and in the future this should be the focus of our attention, how can we return to the path of sustainable development, because we cannot maintain this level of shortage. the us congressional budget office estimates that the national debt will rise to 99% of gdp. this year to 122% of gdp by 2034. the international monetary fund believes that by 2032 the ratio of american public debt to gdp will exceed 140%. one of the key factors influencing the growth of government debt is the budget deficit. the topic has become especially
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relevant amid the election race. the budget deficit could reach nearly $2 trillion this year, according to projections from the congressional budget office . will amount to almost 24% of gdp by 2034 the national debt will increase to almost 51 trillion dollars, and the budget deficit to almost 3 trillion. budget expenditures will increase to 25% of gdp. to stabilize this situation, both candidates need to consider raising a number of taxes, the imf is talking about this. tax cuts made it possible to create the most powerful economy that... we 've generated more revenue with low taxation, and companies have brought trillions of dollars back into the country. under trump , the national debt was the largest in
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us presidential history. moreover, he came the $2 trillion tax cut, which benefited the rich. i plan to get my taxes in order. for example, we have a thousand billionaires in america, if they paid 24 or 25%, then income would increase by 500 million, that is, billions of dollars over a ten-year period, then we would be able to completely pay off the debt created under trump. both candidates approved large amounts of new borrowing in their first terms: president trump about $9 trillion and president biden more than $6 trillion. trillion. donald trump has a relationship with the heads of the reserve.
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china is still in second place, but in recent years they have been actively getting rid of us government bonds. this does not mean that investor interest in treasuries is declining. property is taking place, but i would not connect this directly with the presidential race, it will begin to affect the investor at the moment when sovereign ratings are looked at in a negative direction by rating agencies, at this moment it will begin to affect them behavior, they will reduce and positions in treasury securities will thus reduce their investments in american government securities as a whole, according to agency estimates. s&p global, the usa, italy and france will not be able to stop the growth of public debt in the next 3 years. to
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stabilize it, the primary balance must improve by more than 2% of gdp, analysts say. electrification of transport, electrochemistry and molecular electronics, as well as hydrogen and fuel cells. new developments in these areas are today recognized as the most relevant and promising, according to international experts of the global energy prize. today in volgograd the names of the laureates of this prestigious award, which has been awarded for more than 20 years for breakthrough discoveries in the field of energy, were announced. among the winners, professor of chinese tsinghua university minggao ouyaya, a native of china, dzangzhu, who now works in england, became a laureate in the new energy methods nomination. and the first latin american scientist in the history of the award, hector arbruña, became the winner in unconventional energy; he now lives and works in the usa.
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russia was represented by the governor of the volgograd region andrey bochirov and the president of global energy. tv presenter sergei brilev. watch the full version of sergei brilev’s documentary special project about events in the volgograd region on our channel on friday. seven russians who were injured in an accident in turkish antalya remain in hospitals. one of them is in serious condition, this was reported by the russian consulate general in turkey. yes, what is known at this moment: a bus carrying tourists from hotels to the airport got into an accident. in the end, only three flew home scheduled. our own correspondent in turkey, leyla alnazarova, has all the details. this is footage of a terrible accident with russian and belarusian people. crashed into a pole.
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the footage shows that the car was driven to the side by a fence at high speed, and after the collision it was almost overturned. turkish media suggest that the cause of the accident could have been a vehicle malfunction or driver error. turkish law enforcement officers are already conducting an investigation into the accident. as a result of the accident, one person, the bus driver, died, 24 tourists were injured, there are four of them citizens. and 20 russians , seven russian tourists continue to be in hospitals, a tourist who received serious injuries, he underwent surgery, it’s too early to talk about prospects, and four more are expected to be discharged today or tomorrow, which means nine russians have already been discharged by this time, of which six russians plan to return.
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those involved in the accident in antalya were able to independently get to the airport and fly to russia on their own flight, another 10 people after receiving primary medical care assistance refused hospitalization, five of them have already gone home, the rest are placed in hotels awaiting return to their homeland. leila alnazarova, inna loschonova, host turkey. a strike group of the russian northern fleet has arrived in venezuela, and frigates have entered the port of laguira.
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the moscow region. today the best canine handlers of the russian guard and four-legged helpers were awarded began to be recruited for service in the law enforcement forces 115 years ago, well, what tasks have they been performing here now for more than a century and what are they doing, semenyuk will tell you. from the first days of the partnership with the owner alexey, the canine handler of the russian guard protects the fighters, and the homeland, where the attention was discovered, the fighters landed an enemy drone in the lnpr.
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it is not there, we are starting to look for it with sappers with a unit of fully maneuverable groups with inspection groups. we inspect everything, we inspect everything, we rummage around, we can’t find anything, but he indicated, everything we dug, we went through everything, we couldn’t find it, then we opened the fabric near the stairs, and there
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was a weapon, that is, we already thought that everything, he was mistaken, yes, that’s it, everyone expected that he was alive, he’s alive, and he can to make a mistake, he tells us, there was more than one such case, there were probably seven such cases, look for, loyal to the owner and homeland. the kitchen and training center have all the conditions for service dogs; here they are born, kept and undergo general and special training courses, and while they are very small, hidden from the sun, they sleep carefree. this
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the younger generation of service dogs of the kenological center of the derzhinsky division of the russian guard. these babies are only 2.5 months old, but they begin training almost from birth. at 10 months they undergo appropriate certification, that is, they pass tests in their areas after. replenish the ranks of canine units of the national guard troops. pets are carefully monitored by veterinarians throughout their lives. once a year, service dogs undergo medical examination, vaccination, and receive the necessary treatment and nutrition. eat animals that eat three times a day, but this is either, well, these are those who are on extra nutrition, that is, for health reasons, pregnant women are fed in thickets, naturally fed according to the physiological norm, each there after 3 hours, that is, that’s all depends on the condition. depending on age and health, yes. on the occasion of the professional holiday, dog handlers and service pets of the russian guard were awarded medals and distinctive badges for performing service and combat tasks.
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the employees were awarded by deputy director of the russian guard alexey vorobyov. big a number of our specialists are participating in a special military operation. with their help , 328 militants of the ukrainian armed forces and their accomplices were detained. more than 1,000 units discovered. weapons, 90,000 explosions of dangerous objects, about 2 tons of explosives over one and a half million rounds of various calibers, on behalf of the commander-in-chief of the national guard troops, army general viktor vasilyevich zolotov, i congratulate you on the 115th anniversary of the formation of canine units. troops of the national guard of the russian federation. no medals received only officers, but their four-legged comrades. the chests of loyal and devoted canine companions are now decorated with
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badges of honor, tokens for faithful service and distinction in service. but the main gift today is a treat and rest before the next duty. margarita semenyuk, alexander dvornikov, sergey zabarov, conduct the moscow region. now to the self-described news of the last two weeks. after tasting the same debate between biden and trump, for example, every third democrat believes that the us president should stop his fight for re-election after such a disastrous performance, which took place a few days ago, this is reported by polling data from reuters and the company ipus. at the same time, not a single politician showed himself better than biden in a hypothetical confrontation with the republicans.
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with the right there are 130 representatives of the left alliance, the new popular front, 82 candidates of the presidential coalition together for the republic , three politicians from the liberal republican party. everything so that even after winning the elections, the far-right national unification did not receive a majority of seats in the lower house of parliament. france also canceled debates between the two rounds of elections. right-wing leader jordan bardela said he was not interested in discussing with anyone other than the leader.
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despite the fact that the second round will be of decisive importance, we can already say that the foreign policy course of official paris does not suit citizens. macron's failure is recognized in europe. german chancellor olaf scholz, for example, noted that the election situation in france is depressing, to support his colleague, scholz, as he himself stated, sends macron sms messages every day...
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with support, and this week is a week of very active internal political maneuvers - in france, and maneuvers - in general, but objectively pushing macron’s supporters and the left, uh, to some kind of common position against the right, because with the rights...
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the victories of the right forces are somehow offset, you know, after all, the so-called west, he understands that in this configuration comes for him as a force , the end, in fact, let me remind you, the first round of early the elections to the national assembly were held on june 30, the right-wing party marine lepen expectedly won, the national association scored more than 33. votes, in second place is the left bloc of the new popular front, it gained almost 28%, the presidential coalition together for the republic, following the results of the first round of parliamentary elections, was only in third place, slightly more than 20%. the turnout at the elections broke all records over the past 40- plus years and amounted to almost 70%.
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slavana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, just a moment and according to you, the scammers would have had access to the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. and she hung up, whatever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
8:00 pm
this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. they demolished the enemy's support post with direct fire. there are no obstacles for them, neither drones nor mines. what a dashing professional tank crew is capable of. precision strikes against legitimate targets. arrival in dnepropetrovsk via yuzhmash. what is the company known for? and why are the locals not afraid to film the consequences of the work of our armed forces? in ukraine, the sale of the homeland is in full swing. already now 52%.


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